273 research outputs found

    Macrobenthic community characterisation of an estuary from the western coast of Portugal (Sado estuary) prior to dredging operations

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    The present work is part of an environmental assessment undertaken in the Sado estuary (Southern Channel and Mitrena Peninsula), western coast of Portugal, on February 1999 prior to maintenance dredging works. The macrofauna communities in the study area are generally rich and abundant. A single exception was found: a sampling site in the Mitrena area, with extreme impoverishment, probably related to sediment characteristics, i.e., fluid mud, unfavourable to the establishment of individuals. A comparative analysis of these macrofauna results to previous data from 1986 showed that this biological component had suffered no significant changes, especially as far as the most characteristic species. Although the Southern Channel had been dredged in 1995, no clear signs of such operation were apparent in the present survey. The main differences between both periods (1986-1999) was an increase in the abundance and presence of some common species of organic enriched areas, such as Tharyx sp., Corbula gibba, Spiochaetopterus costarum and Ampelisca spp., which might be related to organic enrichment in the Southern Channel. The joint consideration of our results on benthic macrofauna and those regarding sediment contamination and sediment bioassays, performed at the same time by other researchers, does not indicate the necessity of any particular constraints on the dredging operations.El presente trabajo forma parte de un estudio de impacto ambiental que fue llevado a cabo en el estuario del río Sado (canal sur y península de Mitrena), costa oeste de Portugal, en febrero de 1999, previa a la realización de operaciones de dragados. Los resultados de las comunidades macrobentónicas obtenidos muestran que, en general, el área estudiada es rica en especies y abundante en individuos excepto una estación de la zona del Mitrena, cuya pobreza biológica puede estar asociada con las características del sedimento, fango fluido, que no posibilita el establecimiento de los individuos. La comparación entre los datos biológicos recolectados en 1986 y 1999 ha revelado la semejanza entre las comunidades de macrofauna bentónica de los dos periodos, especialmente en relación con las especies características, y que el canal sur (dragado en 1995) no presenta señales del efecto de dragado. Las principales diferencias entre los dos periodos son un incremento en la abundancia y presencia de determinadas especies asociadas con áreas orgánicamente enriquecidas, como Tharyx sp., Corbula gibba (prácticamente ausentes del canal sur en 1986), Spiochaetopterus costarum y Ampelisca spp., que pueden estar relacionados con el incremento de la materia orgánica en el área estudiada. El conjunto de la información obtenida en el presente trabajo (comunidades macrobentónicas) y en otros estudios -contaminación de zona y bioensayos- hechos al mismo tiempo por otros investigadores, no evidencian inconveniente para el dragado del área seleccionada.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Trachyderini: New state and country records from South America

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    Based on the revision of the collections of the Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro andthe National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, the current work provides new localities for 32 speciesand two subspecies of Trachyderini from South America. Thirteen new country records from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,Ecuador, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela and 35 new state records from Brazil are registered

    A Experiência de Um Ano na Monitorização de Estenose Intracraniana nas Crianças com Anemia de Células Falciformes (Depranocitose) por Ecodoppler Transcraniano

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    O Laboratório de Neurossonologia do Hospital de S. José do CHLC, EPE propôs-se avaliar os registos velocimétricos obtidos na realização de Ecodoppler Transcraniano aos doentes em idade pediátrica portadores de Drepanocitose, durante o ano de 2010, verificando-se uma baixa incidência de estenose intracraniana

    Um Homem, um AVC, um Protocolo e a Neurossonologia

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    Sr-Nd isotope signatures of surficial sediments from the Portuguese continental shelf

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    This study focus on the Sr-Nd isotope signatures of detrital and carbonate fractions of seven samples from surficial sediments deposited in the Portuguese continental shelf. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotope compositions of the lithic component are used to constrain potential endmember contributions and determine sediment provenance. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured in the acid leachates of the seven sediment samples (carbonate fraction) lie within the range 0.7088 – 0.7092, close to the value for modern seawater (0.7091 – 0.7092), suggesting a dominant biogenic origin for this component. In contrast, the Sr isotope signatures for acid-leached silicate residues (lithic fraction) from the same samples are widely variable (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7179 to 0.7346) reflecting the input of terrigenous particles from three distinct sources (northern Iberian Variscan crust, southern Iberian Variscan crust and North African aerosols). The narrow range of ƐNd(0) values displayed by these samples (-8.5 to -10.6) does not allow effective discrimination between the different endmembers

    Serotonin receptors are involved in the spinal mediation of descending facilitation of surgical incision-induced increase of Fos-like immunoreactivity in rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Descending pronociceptive pathways may be implicated in states of persistent pain. Paw skin incision is a well-established postoperative pain model that causes behavioral nociceptive responses and enhanced excitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons. The number of spinal c-Fos positive neurons of rats treated intrathecally with serotonin, noradrenaline or acetylcholine antagonists where evaluated to study the descending pathways activated by a surgical paw incision.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The number of c-Fos positive neurons in laminae I/II ipsilateral, lamina V bilateral to the incised paw, and in lamina X significantly increased after the incision. These changes: remained unchanged in phenoxybenzamine-treated rats; were increased in the contralateral lamina V of atropine-treated rats; were inhibited in the ipsilateral lamina I/II by 5-HT<sub>1/2B/2C </sub>(methysergide), 5-HT<sub>2A </sub>(ketanserin) or 5-HT<sub>1/2A/2C/5/6/7 </sub>(methiothepin) receptors antagonists, in the ipsilateral lamina V by methysergide or methiothepin, in the contralateral lamina V by all the serotonergic antagonists and in the lamina X by LY 278,584, ketanserin or methiothepin.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude: (1) muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms reduce incision-induced response of spinal neurons inputs from the contralateral paw; (2) 5-HT<sub>1/2A/2C/3 </sub>receptors-mediate mechanisms increase the activity of descending pathways that facilitates the response of spinal neurons to noxious inputs from the contralateral paw; (3) 5-HT<sub>1/2A/2C </sub>and 5-HT<sub>1/2C </sub>receptors increases the descending facilitation mechanisms induced by incision in the ipsilateral paw; (4) 5-HT<sub>2A/3 </sub>receptors contribute to descending pronociceptive pathways conveyed by lamina X spinal neurons; (5) α-adrenergic receptors are unlikely to participate in the incision-induced facilitation of the spinal neurons.</p

    Espécies de Meloidae (Coleoptera) Ocorrentes no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    A list of species of Meloidae that occurs in State of Rio de Janeiro is presented, based on literature and two entomological collections. Twenty-seven species of Meloidae are registered and information about geographical distribution and biology are added. A map with species distribution is provided.É apresentada uma lista das espécies de Meloidae que ocorrem no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, baseada em dados da literatura e duas coleções entomológicas. São registradas 27 espécies de Meloidae e informações sobre distribuição geográfica e biologia são adicionadas. Um mapa com a distribuição das espécies é fornecido