666 research outputs found

    Vectors with autonomy: what distinguishes animal-mediated nutrient transport from abiotic vectors?

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    Animal movements are important drivers of nutrient redistribution that can affect primary productivity and biodiversity across various spatial scales. Recent work indicates that incorporating these movements into ecosystem models can enhance our ability to predict the spatio-temporal distribution of nutrients. However, the role of animal behaviour in animal-mediated nutrient transport (i.e. active subsidies) remains under-explored. Here we review the current literature on active subsidies to show how the behaviour of active subsidy agents makes them both ecologically important and qualitatively distinct from abiotic processes (i.e. passive subsidies). We first propose that animal movement patterns can create similar ecological effects (i.e. press and pulse disturbances) in recipient ecosystems, which can be equal in magnitude to or greater than those of passive subsidies. We then highlight three key behavioural features distinguishing active subsidies. First, organisms can transport nutrients counter-directionally to abiotic forces and potential energy gradients (e.g. upstream). Second, unlike passive subsidies, organisms respond to the patterns of nutrients that they generate. Third, animal agents interact with each other. The latter two features can form positive- or negative-feedback loops, creating patterns in space or time that can reinforce nutrient hotspots in places of mass aggregations and/or create lasting impacts within ecosystems. Because human-driven changes can affect both the space-use of active subsidy species and their composition at both population (i.e. individual variation) and community levels (i.e. species interactions), predicting patterns in nutrient flows under future modified environmental conditions depends on understanding the behavioural mechanisms that underlie active subsidies and variation among agents' contributions. We conclude by advocating for the integration of animal behaviour, animal movement data, and individual variation into future conservation efforts in order to provide more accurate and realistic assessments of changing ecosystem function

    Posterior Vitreous Detachment and the Posterior Hyaloid Membrane

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    PURPOSE: Despite posterior vitreous detachment being a common ocular event affecting most individuals in an aging population, there is little consensus regarding its precise anatomic definition. We investigated the morphologic appearance and molecular composition of the posterior hyaloid membrane to determine whether the structure clinically observed enveloping the posterior vitreous surface after posterior vitreous detachment is a true basement membrane and to postulate its origin. Understanding the relationship between the vitreous (in both its attached and detached state) and the internal limiting membrane of the retina is essential to understanding the cause of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and vitreoretinal interface disorders, as well as potential future prophylactic and treatment strategies. DESIGN: Clinicohistologic correlation study. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-six human donor globes. METHODS: Vitreous bodies identified to have posterior vitreous detachment were examined with phase-contrast microscopy and confocal microscopy after immunohistochemically staining for collagen IV basement membrane markers, in addition to extracellular proteins that characterize the vitreoretinal junction (fibronectin, laminin) and vitreous gel (opticin) markers. The posterior retina similarly was stained to evaluate the internal limiting membrane. Findings were correlated to the clinical appearance of the posterior hyaloid membrane observed during slit-lamp biomicroscopy after posterior vitreous detachment and compared with previously published studies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Morphologic appearance and molecular composition of the posterior hyaloid membrane. RESULTS: Phase-contrast microscopy consistently identified a creased and distinct glassy membranous sheet enveloping the posterior vitreous surface, correlating closely with the posterior hyaloid membrane observed during slit-lamp biomicroscopy in patients with posterior vitreous detachment. Immunofluorescent confocal micrographs demonstrated the enveloping membranous structure identified on phase-contrast microscopy to show positive stain results for type IV collagen. Immunofluorescence of the residual intact internal limiting membrane on the retinal surface also showed positive stain results for type IV collagen. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide immunohistochemical evidence that the posterior hyaloid membrane is a true basement membrane enveloping the posterior hyaloid surface. Because this membranous structure is observed only after posterior vitreous detachment, the results of this study indicate that it forms part of the internal limiting membrane when the vitreous is in its attached state

    Tests of cosmic ray radiography for power industry applications

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    In this report, we assess muon multiple scattering tomography as a non-destructive inspection technique in several typical areas of interest to the nuclear power industry, including monitoring concrete degradation, gate valve conditions, and pipe wall thickness. This work is motivated by the need for radiographic methods that do not require the licensing, training, and safety controls of x-rays, and by the need to be able to penetrate considerable overburden to examine internal details of components that are otherwise inaccessible, with minimum impact on industrial operations. In some scenarios, we find that muon tomography may be an attractive alternative to more typical measurements.Comment: LA-UR-15-2212

    Biogeochemical and microbial seasonal dynamics between water column and sediment processes in a productive mountain lake: Georgetown Lake, MT, USA

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    This manuscript details investigations of a productive, mountain freshwater lake and examines the dynamic relationship between the chemical and stable isotopes and microbial composition of lake bed sediments with the geochemistry of the lake water column. A multidisciplinary approach was used in order to better understand the lake water- sediment interactions including quantification and sequencing of microbial 16S rRNA genes in a sediment core as well as stable isotope analysis of C, S, and N. One visit included the use of a pore water sampler to gain insight into the composition of dissolved solutes within the sediment matrix. Sediment cores showed a general decrease in total C with depth which included a decrease in the fraction of organic C combined with an increase in the fraction of inorganic C. One sediment core showed a maximum concentration of dissolved organic C, dissolved inorganic C, and dissolved methane in pore water at 4 cm depth which corresponded with a sharp increase in the abundance of 16S rRNA templates as a proxy for the microbial population size as well as the peak abundance of a sequence affiliated with a putative methanotroph. The isotopic separation between dissolved inorganic and dissolved organic carbon is consistent with largely aerobic microbial processes dominating the upper water column, while anaerobic microbial activity dominates the sediment bed. Using sediment core carbon concentrations, predictions were made regarding the breakdown and return of stored carbon per year from this temperate climate lake with as much as 1.3 Gg C yr(-1) being released in the form of CO2 and CH4

    Imaging the inside of thick structures using cosmic rays

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    The authors present here a new method to image reinforcement elements inside thick structures and the results of a demonstration measurement performed on a mock-up wall built at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The method, referred to as "multiple scattering muon radiography", relies on the use of cosmic-ray muons as probes. The work described in this article was performed to prove the viability of the technique as a means to image the interior of the dome of Florence Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore, one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites and among the highest profile buildings in existence. Its result shows the effectiveness of the technique as a tool to radiograph thick structures and image denser object inside them

    Fluvial organic carbon composition regulated by seasonal variability in lowland river migration and water discharge

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    Identifying drivers of seasonal variations in fluvial particulate organic carbon (POC) composition can aid sediment provenance and biogeochemical cycling studies. We evaluate seasonal changes in POC composition in the RĂ­o Bermejo, Argentina, a lowland river running ∌1,270 km without tributaries. Weekly POC concentration and isotopic composition from 2016 to 2018 show that during the wet season, increased lateral channel migration generates an influx of 13C-enriched and 14C-enriched floodplain-sourced material, overprinting the 13C-depleted and 14C-depleted headwater signature that is observed during the dry season. These findings demonstrate how channel morphodynamics can drive variability of POC composition in lowland rivers, and may modulate the composition of POC preserved in sedimentary archives

    Large-scale synchrony of gap dynamics and the distribution of understory tree species in maple-beech forests

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    Large-scale synchronous variations in community dynamics are well documented for a vast array of organisms, but are considerably less understood for forest trees. Because of temporal variations in canopy gap dynamics, forest communities—even old-growth ones—are never at equilibrium at the stand scale. This paucity of equilibrium may also be true at the regional scale. Our objectives were to determine (1) if nonequilibrium dynamics caused by temporal variations in the formation of canopy gaps are regionally synchronized, and (2) if spatiotemporal variations in canopy gap formation aVect the relative abundance of tree species in the understory. We examined these questions by analyzing variations in the suppression and release history of Acer saccharum Marsh. and Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. from 481 growth series of understory saplings taken from 34 mature stands. We observed that (1) the proportion of stems in release as a function of time exhibited a U-shaped pattern over the last 35 years, with the lowest levels occurring during 1975–1985, and that (2) the response to this in terms of species composition was that A. saccharum became more abundant at sites that had the highest proportion of stems in release during 1975–1985. We concluded that the understory dynamics, typically thought of as a stand-scale process, may be regionally synchronized

    Seawater redox variations during the deposition of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, United Kingdom (Upper Jurassic): evidence from molybdenum isotopes and trace metal ratios

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    The Kimmeridge Clay Formation (KCF) and its equivalents worldwide represent one of the most prolonged periods of organic carbon accumulation of the Mesozoic. In this study, we use the molybdenum (Mo) stable isotope system in conjunction with a range of trace metal paleoredox proxies to assess how seawater redox varied both locally and globally during the deposition of the KCF. Facies with lower organic carbon contents (TOC 1–7 wt %) were deposited under mildly reducing (suboxic) conditions, while organic-rich facies (TOC >7 wt %) accumulated under more strongly reducing (anoxic or euxinic) local conditions. Trace metal abundances are closely linked to TOC content, suggesting that the intensity of reducing conditions varied repeatedly during the deposition of the KCF and may have been related to orbitally controlled climate changes. Long-term variations in ?98/95Mo are associated with the formation of organic-rich intervals and are related to third-order fluctuations in relative sea level. Differences in the mean ?98/95Mo composition of the organic-rich intervals suggest that the global distribution of reducing conditions was more extensive during the deposition of the Pectinatites wheatleyensis and lower Pectinatites hudlestoni zones than during the deposition of the upper Pectinatites hudlestoni and Pectinatites pectinatus zones. The global extent of reducing conditions during the Kimmerigidan was greater than today but was less widespread than during the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) oceanic anoxic event. This study also demonstrates that the Mo isotope system in Jurassic seawater responded to changes in redox conditions in a manner consistent with its behavior in present-day sedimentary environment

    Hypoxia significantly reduces aminolaevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX synthesis in EMT6 cells

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    We have studied the effects of hypoxia on aminolaevulinic acid (ALA)-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) synthesis in EMT6 monolayer cultures characterized by different cell densities and proliferation rates. Specifically, after ALA incubation under hypoxic or normoxic conditions, we detected spectrofluorometrically the PpIX content of the following populations: (a) low-density exponentially growing cells; (b) high-density fed-plateau cells; and (c) high-density unfed-plateau cells. These populations were selected either for the purpose of comparison with other in vitro studies (low-density exponentially growing cells) or as representatives of tumour regions adjacent to (high-density fed-plateau cells) and further away from (high-density unfed-plateau cells) capillaries. The amount of PpIX per cell produced by each one of these populations was higher after normoxic ALA incubation. The magnitude of the effect of hypoxia on PpIX synthesis was dependent on cell density and proliferation rate. A 42-fold decrease in PpIX fluorescence was observed for the high-density unfed-plateau cells. PpIX production by the low-density exponential cells was affected the least by ALA incubation under hypoxic conditions (1.4-fold decrease), whereas the effect on the high-density fed-plateau population was intermediate (20-fold decrease). © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
