65 research outputs found

    Resistance status of Anopheles gambiae s.l. to insecticides following the 2011 mass distribution campaign of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in the Plateau Department, south-eastern Benin

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    Abstract Background In 2011, Benin’s National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) organized a nationwide mass distribution campaign of LLINs throughout the country. Following this intervention, it was important to assess whether the level of susceptibility of malaria vectors to insecticides had remained the same as compared to the pre-intervention period. The current study investigated this. Methods Larval collections were conducted in Ifangni, Sakété, Pobè and Kétou districts located in Plateau department, Southeastern Benin before (2009) and after (2012–2013) LLIN distribution. Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) larvae from the 4 study districts were reared to adulthood and WHO susceptibility tests were conducted. The insecticides tested were deltamethrin (0.05%), permethrin (0.75%), bendiocarb (0.1%) and DDT (4%). Molecular species identification as well as, the characterization of the kdr L1014F mutation were also performed in the An. gambiae s.l. complex using PCR method. Results Overall, a significant decrease in mortality rates of An. gambiae s.l. to deltamethrin (0.05%), permethrin (0.75%) and DDT (4%) was observed post-LLIN distribution, respectively: (100% vs 80.9%, p &lt; 0.0001), (77.5% vs 70%, p = 0.01) and, (47.8% vs 4.4%, p &lt; 0.0001). By contrast, susceptibility of vectors to bendiocarb (0.1%) remained the same (100% mortality in the WHO susceptibility tube tests) pre- and post-intervention. An increase in the kdr L1014F frequency was observed post-LLIN distribution [F(kdr) = 0.91)] compared to the pre-intervention period [F(kdr) = 0.56], p &lt; 0.0001. Anopheles coluzzii and An. gambiae were the two molecular species identified in the study area. Conclusion The decrease susceptibility to pyrethroids and DDT as well as, the increase in the frequency of the kdr L1014F mutation after the intervention stressed at the time, the need for the development and implementation of effective insecticide resistance management strategies. At present, an update of the vectors resistance status in the area is also necessary for decision-making. </jats:sec

    The impact of the expansion of urban vegetable farming on malaria transmission in major cities of Benin

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    BACKGROUND: Urban agricultural practices are expanding in several cities of the Republic of Benin. This study aims to assess the impact of such practices on transmission of the malaria parasite in major cities of Benin. METHOD: A cross sectional entomological study was carried out from January to December 2009 in two vegetable farming sites in southern Benin (Houeyiho and Acron) and one in the northern area (Azèrèkè). The study was based on sampling of mosquitoes by Human Landing Catches (HLC) in households close to the vegetable farms and in others located far from the farms. RESULTS: During the year of study, 71,678 female mosquitoes were caught by HLC of which 25% (17,920/71,678) were Anopheles species. In the areas surveyed, the main malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum was transmitted in the south by Anopheles gambiae s.s. Transmission was high during the two rainy seasons (April to July and October to November) but declined in the two dry seasons (December to March and August to September). In the north, transmission occurred from June to October during the rainy season and was vehicled by two members of the An. gambiae complex: Anopheles gambiae s.s. (98%) and Anopheles arabiensis (2%).At Houeyiho, Acron and Azèrèkè, the Entomological Inoculation Rates (EIRs) and the Human Biting Rates (HBRs) were significantly higher during the dry season in Households Close to Vegetable Farms (HCVF) than in those located far from the vegetable areas (HFVF) (p 0.05).The knock-down resistance (kdr) mutation was the main resistance mechanism detected at high frequency (0.86 to 0.91) in An. gambiae s.l. at all sites. The ace-1R mutation was also found but at a very low frequency (< 0.1). CONCLUSION: These findings showed that communities living close to vegetable farms are permanently exposed to malaria throughout the year, whereas the risk in those living far from such agricultural practices is limited and only critical during the rainy seasons. Measures must be taken by African governments to create awareness among farmers and ultimately decentralize farming activities from urban to rural areas where human-vector contact is limited

    Diversity of yam bean ( Pachyrhizus spp. Fabaceae) based on morphoagronomic traits in the Brazilian Amazon

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    ABSTRACT Yam bean is a non-conventional horticultural crop adapted to the Amazon region. It presents edible roots, yet, its seeds contain cytotoxic components such as rotenone and pachyrhizin. The Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia has 64 yam bean genotypes in its germplasm bank, however, their diversity is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the diversity of these genotypes using 10 morphoagronomic traits, plant height, number of secondary branches, shoot biomass, stem diameter, root biomass, number, length, diameter, length/diameter ratio (L/D), and shape. The accessions were planted on non-flooded land, Manaus, Amazonas (02º 59'48.2''S and 60º 01' 22.4''W) in completely randomized design with three replicates and three plants per plot spaced 0.5 x 1 m. The results showed significant diversity for all characters except for stem diameter and visual assessment of root shape. Biplot graphic explained 60% of the total variation, which identified that genotypes P44, P22 and P18 have high values for root yield (80-108 t ha-1), number of secondary branches (15-31) and shoot biomass (0.5-0.8 kg plant-1). Cluster analysis, considering 50% of relative Euclidean distance, revealed 15 major groups. We conclude that the genotypes assessed have wide diversity and some of them high root yield potential. This suggests that a yam bean breeding program can be successful for the yield of roots and seeds in the Amazonian region

    Expérience béninoise de la prise en charge des hernies de l’aine chez l’adulte en milieu hospitalo-universitaire.

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    La cure des hernies de l&rsquo;aine est fr&eacute;quente dans notre pratique. Notre but &eacute;tait de rapporter les aspects &eacute;pid&eacute;miologiques, diagnostiques et th&eacute;rapeutiques des hernies de l&rsquo;aine dans notre milieu. Une &eacute;tude r&eacute;trospective en chirurgie visc&eacute;rale au Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire-Hubert Koutoukou Maga de Cotonou &eacute;tait r&eacute;alis&eacute;e sur les dossiers de patients op&eacute;r&eacute;s pour hernies de l&rsquo;aine de janvier 2005 &agrave; mars 2010 ; elle a &eacute;t&eacute; compl&eacute;t&eacute;e par une &eacute;tude transversale du 15 juillet au 15 ao&ucirc;t 2010. La fr&eacute;quence &eacute;tait de 95,8 cas/an et l&rsquo;&acirc;ge moyen &eacute;tait de 49 ans. Le sexe pr&eacute;dominant &eacute;tait masculin (95,5% : 425/445). Il a &eacute;t&eacute; observ&eacute; 149 hernies compliqu&eacute;es (29,6%). Une herniorraphie &eacute;tait r&eacute;alis&eacute;e dans 98,4% des hernies (495/503), domin&eacute;e par l&rsquo;op&eacute;ration de Bassini (97,5%). La morbidit&eacute; &eacute;tait de 16,6% (74/445) et la mortalit&eacute; de 0,7% (3/445). Le taux de r&eacute;cidive apr&egrave;s Bassini &eacute;tait de 4,2% (15/353). Les herniorraphies restent la technique la plus utilis&eacute;e avec un taux de r&eacute;cidive acceptable.Mots-cl&eacute;s : Hernie inguinale-hernie f&eacute;moraleaine-herniorraphie

    Port Of Cotonou And Accessibility Of Landlocked ECOWAS Countries To The International Market

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    The port plays a key role in serving landlocked countries in general and those in the ECOWAS region. The port of Cotonou is a hub that serves as an interface between the northern countries and the ECOWAS hinterlands by facilitating the import of manufactured goods and the export of local and mining products. The overall objective of this study is to analyse the contribution of the port of Cotonou to the free trade area of the ECOWAS region.Documentary research, direct observation and field surveys are the techniques used to collect the data. The questionnaire addressed to economic operators, concessionary port operators, transporters, and drivers. Thus, two hundred and ninety-five (295) socio-professional actors in the field of transport, port and maritime were surveyed. The results showed that Benin’s economy is dependent on foreign trade (90%) which is carried out through port and maritime activities. The study reveals that, in terms of trade integration, almost all EU countries have an above-average score, except Benin (0.474), Niger (0.467) and Guinea-Bissau (0.307). Most maritime and port actors interviewed admitted that more than 71% of the flow of goods through the port of Cotonou is destined for the consumer and distribution markets of the Sahel countries, especially the Republic of Niger. Services have been put in place in several structures to improve and accelerate the fluidity and speed of transit. Certainly, efforts remain to be undertaken to make the port of Cotonou more competitive in the West African row to capture more customers from landlocked countries.Key words: Port of Cotonou, ECOWAS, Accessibility, Landlocked countries, International market.RésuméLe port joue un rôle primordial dans la desserte des pays enclavés en général et en particulier ceux de l’espace CEDEAO. Le port de Cotonou est une plate-forme tournante qui sert d’interface entre les pays du Nord et les hinterlands de la CEDEAO en facilitant l’importation des produits manufacturés et l’exportation des produits locaux et miniers. L’objectif global de ce travail est d’analyser la contribution du port de Cotonou dans la zone de libre-échange de l’espace CEDEAO.La recherche documentaire, l’observation directe et les enquêtes de terrain sont les techniques utilisées pour bien collecter les données. Le questionnaire adressé aux opérateurs économiques, opérateurs portuaires concessionnaires, transporteurs et conducteurs. Ainsi deux cent quatre-vingt-quinze (295) acteurs socio-professionnels du domaine des transports, portuaire et maritime ont été enquêtés. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que l’économie du Bénin est tributaire des échanges extérieurs (90 %) qui se font par les activités portuaires et maritimes. L’étude révèle qu’au niveau de l’intégration commerciale presque tous les pays de l’Union ont un score au-dessus de la moyenne, sauf le Bénin (0,474), le Niger (0,467) et la Guinée-Bissau (0,307).  La majorité des acteurs maritimes et portuaires interrogés ont avoués que plus de 71 % de la part des flux de marchandises passant par le port de Cotonou sont destinée aux marchés de consommation et de distribution des pays du Sahel surtout la république du Niger. Des services ont été mis en place dans plusieurs structures pour améliorer et accélérer la fluidité et la célérité du transit. Certes, des efforts restent à entreprendre pour rendre plus compétitif le port de Cotonou dans la rangé Ouest-africaine pour capter plus de clientèle des pays enclavés.Mots clés : Port de Cotonou, CEDEAO, Accessibilité, Pays-enclavés, Marché international