296 research outputs found

    Step aerobics as a means of modern sports and recreation technologies in zdorovesberezheniya students of USURT

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    In this paper, we considered the possibility of using the tools and techniques of step aerobics in the educational life of students, in particular students of the Ural state University of Railways. The structure, the impact on the human body and the relation of students to the sportВ данной статье мы рассмотрели возможность использования средств и методов степ-аэробики в образовательной жизни студентов, в частности, студентов Уральского государственного университета путей сообщения. Рассмотрены структура, влияние на организм человека и отношение студентов к данному виду спорт

    Саморегуляція як професійно важлива якість працівника ОВС

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    Potapova, S.M. and Zemlyanskaya, E.V. (2015), “Self-regulation as professionally important quality of a police officer” [“Samorehuliatsiia yak profesiino vazhlyva yakist pratsivnyka OVS”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 150–154Потапова, С. М. Саморегуляція як професійно важлива якість працівника ОВС / С. М. Потапова, О. В. Землянська // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 3 (58). - С. 150–154.Висвітлено психологічні аспекти діяльності працівника ОВС на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства. Підкреслено особливості професійної діяльності працівників у підрозділі правоохоронної системи. Проаналізовано поняття саморегуляції, її зміст та функції. Саморегуляцію розглянуто як професійно важливу якість особистості.The psychological aspects of the police officers’ activity at the modern stage of the development of the society are highlighted. It is emphasized that the professional activities of the officers in a law enforcement unit has its own characteristics that require not only professional competency, but also some personal qualities, which guarantee the effectiveness of the professional activities. Self-regulation is considered as professionally important quality that guarantees the success of professional activity; in difficult, extreme conditions of performing official tasks it is of great importance. The main functions of self-regulation and self-control within the activity are: 1) address or retention of processes, actions and deeds; 2) switching mental activity; 3) the acceleration or deceleration of mental activity; 4) increase or decrease of the activity; 5) coordination of intentions; 6) control over the activities by the way of comparing its program with the ongoing actions; 7) coordination of actions. In managing the mental states the functions of self-regulation and self-control are as follows: 1) awareness of the content and level of own emotions; 2) self-assessment of physical and mental resources; 3) reflection of the causes of a certain emotional state; 4) overcoming negative state by using willpower; 5) use of measures of psychological discharge. It is concluded that internal reserves of a man that provide him the relative freedom from the circumstances and the possibility of updating even in the most difficult conditions are revealed in the process of self-regulation. An obligatory requirement for effectiveness of the personnel’s actions is its thorough psychological preparation.Освещены психологические аспекты деятельности работника ОВД на современном этапе развития общества. Подчёркнуты особенности профессиональной деятельности в подразделении правоохранительной системы. Проанализированы понятие саморегуляции, её содержание и функции. Саморегуляция рассмотрена как профессионально важное качество личности

    Characteristic of economic indicators of reproduction of fixed capital

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    © Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd. Economic indicators of the enterprise, its measurement system, forms of material and production base and a comprehensive use of resource potential for the formation of the product and its production. Application of methods of planning and analysis of production activities and the organization of labor, the state of the art, the use of fixed and current assets, labor than dictated by the relevance of the chosen research topic, the consideration of the plan of the enterprise, as well as the study of progressive technical-economic forms and regulations. One of the most urgent problems of modern enterprises is the issue of reproduction of fixed assets, as well as maintaining levels of economic growth. Particularly acute problem is relative to the real economy, namely the "quality" of growth funds: are not converted form of production and not growth efficiency, rather weak component of modernized production activities, there is no growth of technical level of production. If will continue this trend, Russia still long time will remain in the raw materials of the shadow of their Western counterparts. Existing indicators of production (land, labor, capital) are essential factors, the main of which has recently become the capital, and is becoming increasingly popular. It is a measure of value of fixed assets, as well as the involvement of tools, technical content, production facilities and infrastructure

    Склеродерма-панникулит: взгляд ревматолога

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    Difficulties in diagnosis and therapy of scleroderma-panniculitis (S-PN), one of the variants of the septal PN, are discussed. Feasibility of ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging of soft tissues and histological examination of the lesions in order to set the diagnosis of PN in time is considered. The clinical case of S-PN combined with antiphospholipid syndrome is presented.В статье обсуждаются трудности диагностики и терапии склеродермы-панникулита (С-Пн), одного из вариантов септального Пн. Рассматривается целесообразность использования УЗИ, магнитно-резонансной томографии мягких тканей и гистологического исследования уплотнений с целью своевременного выявления Пн. Представлено клиническое наблюдение сочетания С-Пн и антифосфолипидного синдрома

    Peculiarities of local blood microcirculation in patients with psoriasis

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    Local hemodynamic parameters were studied by means of laser Doppler flowmetry in 15 patients with psoriasis in the stationary stage, who have plaques on the inner surface of the forearm. LDF signals recorded at the site of psoriatic lesions of the tissue as well as in the intact tissue at a distance of 1-2 cm from the affected area were analysed. LDF signals were postprocessed by continuous wavelet transform using the Morlet wavelet

    Increasing Abrasive Wear Resistance of Instrumental Steels High–Temperature Hardening

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    An additional reserve for increasing the abrasive wear resistance of pearlite class steels (U12, 70KHGML, 150KHNML) is high-temperature hardening with the formation of metastable austenite in the structure. The maximum wear resistance during abrasive wear is achieved after high-temperature hardening (1150 °C) in oil, which forms a martensitic structure with metastable austenite, which, when wear out, turns into martensite with a high ability to frictional hardening.Дополнительным резервом повышения абразивной износостойкости сталей перлитного класса (У12,70ХГМЛ,150ХНМЛ) — служит высокотемпературная закалка с образованием в структуре метастабильного аустенита. Максимальная износостойкость при абразивном изнашивании достигается после высокотемпературной закалки (1150 °C) в масле, формирующей мартенситную структуру с метастабильным аустенитом, при изнашивании превращающимся в мартенсит с высокой способностью к фрикционному упрочнению

    The effects of tea extracts on proinflammatory signaling

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    BACKGROUND: Skin toxicity is a common side effect of radiotherapy for solid tumors. Its management can cause treatment gaps and thus can impair cancer treatment. At present, in many countries no standard recommendation for treatment of skin during radiotherapy exists. In this study, we explored the effect of topically-applied tea extracts on the duration of radiation-induced skin toxicity. We investigated the underlying molecular mechanisms and compared effects of tea extracts with the effects of epigallocatechin-gallate, the proposed most-active moiety of green tea. METHODS: Data from 60 patients with cancer of the head and neck or pelvic region topically treated with green or black tea extracts were analyzed retrospectively. Tea extracts were compared for their ability to modulate IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, TNFα and PGE(2 )release from human monocytes. Effects of tea extracts on 26S proteasome function were assessed. NF-κB activity was monitored by EMSAs. Viability and radiation response of macrophages after exposure to tea extracts was measured by MTT assays. RESULTS: Tea extracts supported the restitution of skin integrity. Tea extracts inhibited proteasome function and suppressed cytokine release. NF-κB activity was altered by tea extracts in a complex, caspase-dependent manner, which differed from the effects of epigallocatechin-gallate. Additionally, both tea extracts, as well as epigallocatechin-gallate, slightly protected macrophages from ionizing radiation CONCLUSION: Tea extracts are an efficient, broadly available treatment option for patients suffering from acute radiation-induced skin toxicity. The molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects are complex, and most likely not exclusively dependent on effects of tea polyphenols such as epigallocatechin-gallate

    Diagnostics case of tumorous stages of Kaposi's sarcoma in practice of the dermatovenerologist

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    The article is devoted to Kaposi's sarcoma, a system disease of vascular genesis, applied to tumors of mesenchyme tissue. Article provides frequency, prevalence, clinical manifestations, examples (occasions) of late - diagnosis. We describe a clinical case of this disease.Статья посвящена системному опухолевому заболеванию сосудистого генеза из числа новообразований дермы и подкожно-жировой клетчатки - саркоме Капоши. Рассмотрены вопросы частоты встречаемости заболевания, вариабельности клинической картины, своевременности постановки клинического диагноза. Описан клинический случай поздней диагностики данного заболевания

    Phase II study of continuous daily sunitinib dosing in patients with previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    Background:Sunitinib malate (SUTENT) has promising single-agent activity given on Schedule 4/2 (4 weeks on treatment followed by 2 weeks off treatment) in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).Methods:We examined the activity of sunitinib on a continuous daily dosing (CDD) schedule in an open-label, multicentre phase II study in patients with previously treated, advanced NSCLC. Patients ⩾18 years with stage IIIB/IV NSCLC after failure with platinum-based chemotherapy, received sunitinib 37.5 mg per day. The primary end point was objective response rate (ORR). Secondary end points included progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), 1-year survival rate, and safety.Results:Of 47 patients receiving sunitinib, one patient achieved a confirmed partial response (ORR 2.1% (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.1, 11.3)) and 11 (23.4%) had stable disease (SD) ⩾8 weeks. Five patients had SD>6 months. Median PFS was 11.9 weeks (95% CI 8.6, 14.1) and median OS was 37.1 weeks (95% CI 31.1, 69.7). The 1-year survival probability was 38.4% (95% CI 24.2, 52.5). Treatment was generally well tolerated.Conclusions:The safety profile and time-to-event analyses, albeit relatively low response rate of 2%, suggest single-agent sunitinib on a CDD schedule may be a potential therapeutic agent for patients with advanced, refractory NSCLC

    Оценка влияния курса терапии инъекционной формой хондроитина сульфата на длительность ремиссии и качество жизни у пациентов с остеоартритом

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    Ensuring a long-lasting effect of the therapy and its safety are important tasks in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis (OA). Parenteral forms of chondroitin sulfate (CS) used for the background therapy of OA are characterized by proven efficacy and safety and, compared to oral forms, have greater bioavailability, faster onset of symptom-modifying effect and maintenance of more stable remission, which can significantly improve patients' quality of life.Objective: to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of two-month therapy with injectable CS and the duration of positive dynamics after the end of treatment in patients with knee OA (KOA).Material and methods. The open prospective observational study involved 35 patients (mainly women) aged 50–75 years with stage II–III KOA. All patients were prescribed intramuscular therapy with a CS solution (Mucosat® solution), with the first three injections of 1 ml, followed by 2 ml every second day (25 injections in total). Standard indices and questionnaires were used to assess the main clinical indicators at baseline and over time (14, 30, 60 days, 5 and 8 months after the start of treatment), as well as the results of ultrasound examination of the knee at baseline and at the end of treatment.Results and discussion. 14 days after the start of therapy, a statistically significant decrease in pain was observed applying the visual analogue scale (VAS), and after 2 months, 94% of patients had a significant decrease in knee pain according to VAS, Lequesne index and WOMAC index (total score and components). The KOOS parameters and quality of life according to EQ-5D-3L improved significantly. There was no pain or only minor pain (VAS ≤40 mm) in 54% of patients. The number of patients who had to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) constantly fell threefold, while occasional use fell fivefold. The thickness of the synovial membrane of the knee joint and the number of patients with signs of synovitis decreased significantly. At 3 and 6 months after the end of therapy, most patients (60%) still had minor pain (≤40 mm according to VAS) and a significantly lower need for NSAIDs compared to baseline. The injectable CS was well tolerated and no adverse drug events were noted.Conclusion. We demonstrated both safety and efficacy and long-term maintenance of the clinical effect (6 months after the end of therapy) of injectable CS in the majority of OA patients, against the background of a low need for NSAIDs.Обеспечение пролонгированного эффекта терапии и ее безопасности – важные задачи ведения пациентов с остеоартритом (ОА). Парентеральные формы хондроитина сульфата (ХС), использующегося для базисной терапии ОА, характеризуются доказанной эффективностью и безопасностью и по сравнению с пероральными формами обладают большей биодоступностью, более быстрым наступлением симптом-модифицирующего эффекта и сохранением более стойкой ремиссии, что может значительно улучшать качество жизни пациентов.Цель исследования – оценить клиническую эффективность и безопасность двухмесячного курса терапии инъекционным ХС, а также продолжительность сохранения положительной динамики после окончания лечения у пациентов с ОА коленных суставов (КС).Материал и методы. В открытое проспективное наблюдательное исследование включено 35 больных (преимущественно женщины) 50–75 лет с ОА КС II–III стадии. Всем пациентам был назначен курс терапии раствором ХС (Мукосат® раствор) внутримышечно, первые 3 инъекции по 1 мл, далее по 2 мл через день (всего 25 инъекций). С помощью стандартных индексов и опросников оценивались основные клинические показатели исходно и в динамике (через 14, 30, 60 дней, 5 и 8 мес после начала лечения), а также результаты УЗИ КС исходно и при завершении терапии.Результаты и обсуждение. Статистически значимое уменьшение боли по визуальной аналоговой шкале (ВАШ) отмечено через 14 дней после начала терапии, а через 2 мес у 94% пациентов значимо уменьшились боль в КС по ВАШ, индекс Лекена, индекс WOMAC (общий счет и компоненты). Отмечено значимое улучшение параметров KOOS и качества жизни по EQ-5D-3L. Отсутствие или слабая выраженность боли (ВАШ ≤40 мм) зарегистрированы в 54% случаев. Количество пациентов, нуждавшихся в постоянном приеме нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП), сократилось в 3 раза, в эпизодическом их приеме – в 5 раз. Статистически значимо уменьшились толщина синовиальной оболочки КС, а также число пациентов с признаками синовита. Через 3 и 6 мес после окончания терапии у большинства пациентов (60%) сохранялись незначительная выраженность боли (≤40 мм по ВАШ) и существенно меньшая по сравнению с исходной потребность в НПВП. Переносимость инъекционного препарата ХС была хорошей, нежелательных лекарственных реакций не выявлено.Заключение. Показаны не только безопасность и эффективность инъекционного ХС при ОА, но и длительное сохранение клинического эффекта (6 мес после окончания терапии) у большинства пациентов на фоне низкой потребности в НПВП