2,625 research outputs found

    Constructing ethanol-derived bioactive extracts using the brown seaweed Zonaria tournefortii (J.V.Lamouroux) Montagne performed with Timatic extractor by means of response surface methodology (RSM)

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    Understanding the biochemical and antioxidant composition and capacity of a target biomass is the first step to its selectivity as functional food which can enhance the ability to promote health by reducing the risk of chronic diseases. The main purpose of this work was to employ response surface methodology (RSM) to determine the effect of the independent variables, % of ethanol (50–96%), time of sonication (0–20 min), and number of extraction cycles (6–18 cycles) in the primary extract of brown seaweed Zonaria tournefortii, studying the yield variation of some bioactive compounds, assessing the potential of these bioextracts to integrate as a natural additives or supplements in the functional food industry. The extractions were performed employing “Green Chemistry” techniques executed with the Timatic extractor, which applied pressurized ethanol solution at a maximum pressure of 8.5 bar through milled dehydrated biomass in the extraction vessel. Several parameters were assessed in the primary bioactive extract which included extract yield (11.56–28.49 g (100 g)−1 dw), total chlorophyll content (0.14–1.42 g (100 g)−1 dw), total carotenoid content (0.35–0.80 g (100 g)−1 dw), total fucoxanthin content (0.04–0.13 g (100 g)−1 dw), total phenolic content (3.58–5.84 g (100 g)−1 dw), total flavonoid content (0.22–4.70 g (100 g)−1 dw), DPPH (56.05–76.45%), and reducing activity (3.83–6.04 g (100 g)−1 dw). A second objective was to determine the suitability of the residue for subsequent extraction of valuable compounds such as fucoidan (4.87 to 6.59 g (100 g)−1 dw) and cellulose (18.88 to 20.27 g (100 g)−1 dw), implementing the first step to a biorefinery strategy, using a cascade approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of a spectrophotometric methodology for a rapid iodine analysis in algae and seaweed casts

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    Iodine plays an important role in human metabolism and its deficiency is particularly harmful in pregnancy and childhood. It remains a major public health concern in many countries, especially in Portugal. The main purpose of this work was to develop a validated spectrophotometric analysis for a fast and reliable iodine quantification in algal samples. Absorbance was determined at 410 nm demonstrating a good linearity (R2 ≈ 1.0) in the range of 0–0.06 mg I/100 g. LOD and LOQ were 1.7 × 10−3 and 5.0 × 10−3 mg I/100 g, respectively. Accuracy was determined using recovery and varied between 101 and 118%. For precision analysis, an intra-day test performance (RSD = 8.7%) and a repeatability assay (RSD = 3.8%) were performed. Matrix effect assessment demonstrated that this had a negligible effect (3.2%) in the iodine quantification. The spectrophotometric method was externally validated, for iodine quantification in algal samples, by INSA certified laboratory. The correlation coefficient between external iodine quantification and our work was R2 ≈ 0.9, showing a good correlation. Applicability was assessed in 25 macroalgae species (5 green, 9 red and 11 brown), 12 seaweed casts, collected in Canary Islands and 1 microalga (Isochrysis galbana) provided by ITC (Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias).This work was financially supported by ISOPlexis, University of Madeira; DemoBlueAlgae “Desenvolvimento de metodologias e optimização dos processos de cultivo e processamento de macroalgas para a indústria e economia azul” PROCiência 2020 (M1420-01-0247- FEDER000002); MACBIOBLUE “Proyecto demostrativo y de transferencia tecnológica para ayudar a las empresas a desarrollar nuevos produtos y procesos en el ambito de la Biotecnología Azul de la Macaronesia” (MAC/1.1b/086), program Interreg MAC 2014–2020; ARDITI - Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation (M14-20-09-5369-FSE-000001) Doctorate in Business and UBQ II, Unidade de Bioquímica (UBQ II company). Also, the authors present their acknowledgment to DRCT (Azores Regional Government) for co-financing, the Portuguese National Funds, through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, and as applicable co-financed by the FEDER within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement by funding the cE3c centre (UID/BIA/00329/2013) and to DRCT for funding Azorean Biodiversity Group.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produção de óleo de copaíba na região do Tapajós.

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    Produção orgânica consorciada de tomate e plantas aromáticas ou repelentes.

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    Acervo de minerais e rochas: instrumento para o ensino de Geociências.

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    Litoteca é um acervo de minerais e rochas, o qual pode ser utilizado para diferentes fins. Contudo, no caso apresentado, subsidia o desenvolvimento de atividades de ensino e, posteriormente, de pesquisa e extensão.bitstream/item/144032/1/Doc-163-Acervo-Minerais-Rochas.pd

    Fatty acid composition, TLC screening, ATR-FTIR analysis, anti-cholinesterase activity, and in vitro cytotoxicity to A549 tumor cell line of extracts of 3 macroalgae collected in Madeira

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    Three macroalgae collected at Madeira Island were included in this study to determine their potential for drug, nutraceutical, food, or supplement application. Fatty acid content was higher in Zonaria tournefortii (12.32 mg g−1 dw) with 16.58% of PUFAs, eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5ω3), and arachidonic acid (20:4ω6) having concentrations of 2.59 and 1.17%, respectively. The anti-thrombogenic and anti-atherogenicity potential was higher for Z. tournefortii due to relevant fatty acids in the biochemical composition this macroalgae. Lipid classes were assessed in the lipid extract and neutral lipids (NL) were in higher yield in Asparagopsis taxiformis (51.16%) and lower in Z. tournefortii (26.96%). The glycolipids (GL) were between 36.03 and 16.11% in Z. tournefortii and Ulva lactuca. Phospholipids (PL) fraction varied from 35.91 and 31.60% in A. taxiformis and Z. tournefortii. TLC screening identified that U. lactuca contains phytol and cholesterol in its NL, digalactosyldiacylglycerol in its GL, and cardiolipin and L-α-phosphatidylcholine in its PL. Zonaria tournefortii contains phytol and cholesterol in its NL classes, and the PL classes contain L-α-phosphatidylethanolamine and 1-(3-sn-phosphatidyl)-rac-glycerol. The macroalgae A. taxiformis revealed cholesterol in its NL fraction and the same phospholipids as Z. tournefortii in its PL fraction. ATRFTIR analysis enabled a “fingerprint” spectra and important sulfation absorption bands were identified, revealing the functional polysaccharides within these macroalgae. Anti-cholinesterasic activity was assessed in A. taxiformis, with a low IC50 for AChE (8.92 ± 0.43 μg mL−1 ) and BuChE (13.96 ± 0.32 μg mL−1 ), demonstrating dual inhibitory activity, justifying the interest to identify the active principle which may be the scaffold of a novel drug.This work was financially supported by DemoBlueAlgae “Desenvolvimento de metodologias e optimização dos processos de cultivo e processamento de macroalgas para a indústria e economia azul” PROCiência 2020 (M1420-01-0247-FEDER000002);MACBIOBLUE “Proyecto demostrativo y de transferencia tecnológica para ayudar a las empresas a desarrollar nuevos produtos y procesos en el ambito de la Biotecnología Azul de la Macaronesia” (MAC/1.1b/ 086), program Interreg MAC 2014–2020; ARDITI - Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation (M14-20-09- 5369-FSE-000001-Doctorate in Business; Blue Iodine II “Boost Blue economy through market uptake an innovative seaweed bioextract for iodine fortification II”, grant agreement no. 733552, H2020-SMEInst2016-2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Imagética motora no tratamento da entorse lateral de tornozelo em atletas de futebol de campo: um estudo piloto

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    A entorse de tornozelo é uma lesão comum em atletas de futebol e apresenta um alto índice de recidivas. A imagética motora (IM) pode ser uma alternativa no tratamento para diminuir as consequências neuromusculares apresentadas pós-lesão. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo verificar os resultados preliminares da efetividade da IM na reabilitação de atletas de futebol com entorse aguda de tornozelo. Participaram 20 jovens atletas do sexo masculino, que foram divididos de forma aleatória em dois grupos: intervenção (GI) e controle (GC). Os participantes passaram por um processo de reabilitação convencional (crioterapia, eletroterapia e cinesioterapia) para entorse de tornozelo, porém apenas o GI realizava exercício de imagética ao tentar reconhecer as figuras do tornozelo-pé, projetados em um computador, em várias perspectivas e ângulos de orientação. Foram mensurados as amplitudes de movimento (ADM) de flexão dorsal e plantar, controle postural, edema e estabilidade funcional. Após o tratamento não foi observada nenhuma diferença entre os grupos quanto à ADM de flexão dorsal (p=0,23), ADM de flexão plantar (p=0,50), Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) na direção anterior (p=0,70), SEBT na direção póstero-lateral (p=0,29), SEBT na direção póstero-medial (p=0,79), perimetria em "8" (p=0,50) e questionário CAIT-P para instabilidade funcional (p=0,70). A IM não foi um método eficaz no tratamento de entorse de tornozelo em atletas de futebol de campo para melhora de ADM, equilíbrio dinâmico, edema e estabilidade funcional. Entretanto, este é um estudo piloto e maiores investigações são necessárias.El esguince de tobillo es una lesión común en los atletas de fútbol y presenta una alta tasa de recaídas. La imagética motora (IM) puede ser un tratamiento alternativo para disminuir las consecuencias neuromusculares presentadas post-lesión. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue verificar los resultados preliminares de la efectividad de la IM en la rehabilitación de atletas de fútbol con esguince agudo de tobillo. Participaron 20 atletas jóvenes del sexo masculino, divididos de manera aleatoria en dos grupos: intervención (GI) y control (GC). Los participantes experimentaron un proceso de rehabilitación convencional (crioterapia, electroterapia y cinesioterapia) para esguince de tobillo, sin embargo sólo el GI realizaba ejercicio de imagética al tratar de reconocer las figuras del tobillo-pie, proyectados en una computadora, en diferentes perspectivas y ángulos de orientación. Se midió las amplitudes de movimiento (ADM) de flexión dorsal y plantar, control postural, edema y estabilidad funcional. Después del tratamiento no se observó ninguna diferencia entre los grupos en relación a la ADM de flexión dorsal (p=0,23), ADM de flexión plantar (p=0,50), Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) en dirección anterior (p=0,70), SEBT en la dirección posterolateral (p=0,29), SEBT en la dirección posteromedial (p=0,79), perimetría en "8" (p=0,50) y cuestionario CAIT-P a la inestabilidad funcional (p=0,70). La IM no fue un método eficaz en el tratamiento de esguinces de tobillo en atletas de fútbol de campo para la mejora de ADM, equilibrio dinámico, edema y estabilidad funcional. Sin embargo este es un estudio piloto y mayores investigaciones son necesarias.Ankle sprain is a common injury in soccer athletes and has a high relapse rate. Motor imagery (MI) may be an alternative treatment to diminish the neuromuscular consequences after the injury. Thus, this study aimed to verify the preliminary results of the effectiveness of MI in the rehabilitation of soccer athletes with acute ankle sprain. Twenty young athletes of the male sex participated in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups: intervention (IG) and control (CG). Participants underwent conventional rehabilitation (cryotherapy, electrotherapy and kinesiotherapy) for ankle sprain, but only the IG performed imagery exercises to try to recognize the ankle-foot figures, projected by a computer, from various perspectives and angles. The ranges of motion (ROM) were measured for dorsiflexion and plantar postural control, edema and functional stability. After treatment, no difference between groups were observed regarding dorsiflexion ROM (p=0.23), plantar flexion ROM (p=0.50), Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) in the anterior direction (p=0.70), SEBT in the posterolateral direction (p=0.29), SEBT in the posteromedial direction (p=0.79), perimetry in "8" (p=0.50) and the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) questionnaire for functional instability (p = 0.70). The MI was not an effective method for ankle sprains treatment in field soccer athletes to improve ROM, dynamic balance, edema and functional stability. However, this is a pilot study and further investigations are required