13 research outputs found

    Penelitian Penggunaan Minarex Sebagai Plasticizer Untuk Pembuatan Kompon Slang PVC

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    The objective of the research is to find out the maximum quantity of Minarex as plasticizer which can be added in making compound PVC hose which fulfills the requirements of JIS K. 6771-77 “Flexible Vinyl Tube. Materials used are PVC resin added by additives, i.e DOP, BaCdZn, Stearic Acid, dyes and Minarex as DOP substitution. They all must be mixed and feed to two roll mill homogenizing. Temperature of operational is within 50-800C, roll speed is approximately 10 and 8,6 rpm. Then the compound is moulded into slab form using hydraulic press machine at 1700C, pressure 150 kg/cm2for 10 minutes. The slab is tested its physical properties including tensile strength, elongation at break, tensile strength after accelerated aging, and also observed organoleptically. Based on the research, compound with Minarex substitution 10 parts still conform to JIS K. 6771-77 and the appearance is good. INTISARI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah maksimum minarex yang dapat ditambahkan pada pembuatan kompon slang PVC yang memenuhi persyaratan JIS K 6771-77 “Flexible Vinyl Tube”. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah resin PVC ditambah dengan bahan pembantu DOP, Ba Cd Zn, Asam Stearat, Zat warna dan minarex sebagai bahan substitusi DOP. Semua bahn dicampur dengan mixer kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mesin two roll mill, supaya bahan dapat tercampur homogen. Suhu operasi antara 50 – 800C, dan kecepatan roll masing-masing 10 rpm dan 8,6 rpm. Setelah itu kompon dicetak dengan hydraulic press pada suhu 1700C, tekanan 150 kg/cm2 dan waktu 10 menit. Hasilnya berupa slab yang kemudian diuji terhadap sifat fisikanya yang meliputi tegangan putus, perpanjangan putus, Perubahan tegangan putus setelah pengusangan, Perubahan perpanjangan putus setelah pengusangan dan juga dilakukan pengamatan secara organoleptis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompon dengan jumlah substitusi minarex sebesar 10 bagian masih memenuhi persyaratan JIS K 6771-77 dan kenampakan komponnya baik

    Flexural Strength of Interlocking Compressed Earth Brick (ICEB) Unit

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    This paper presents the flexural strength of the ICEB unit. The flexural strength is important in determining the strength of the masonry unit. About 260 units of ICEB consist three type of unit were tested on flatwise (bed direction) and inverted direction, with the different shape at the top and bottom of the ICEB. The unit was loaded at midspan through a steel bearing plate of 6.4 mm thickness and 38.1 mm width. Specimens were supported at both ends which are free to rotate in the longitudinal and transverse directions during the test. The highest flexural strength of ICEB is Wall Brick for both flatwise and inverted direction which is 2.36 N/mm2 and 2.15 N/mm2, respectively. For flatwise direction, Beam Brick has the lowest flexural strength which is 1.55 N/mm2, and in inverted direction Column Brick flexural strength is lower than Beam Brick which is 1.65 N/mm2. ICEB can be used in construction and has the equal properties as other common brick and block at the market nowadays

    Distribution of Soil Fertility of Smallholding Arabica Coffee Farms at Ijen-Raung Highland Areas Based on Altitude and Shade Trees

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    Soil fertility is one of the most important factors influencing plant growth and productivity and it depends on the availability and quantity of nutrients in the soil. To study soil fertility status of an area, a study on soil chemistry and physics has to be conducted. The aim of this study was to investigate soil fertility status of smallholding Arabica coffee farms based on altitude and shades trees utilization. This research was carried out in April-August 2012 at IjenRaung highland areas by field survey. The results showed that the soil contained high content of organic carbon, nitrogen total, and C/N ratio; low available phosphorus; moderate to high cation exchange capacity, and low base cation of calcium, magnesium, and potassium; as well as slightly low pH. Higher altitude tended to have higher C organic and N total content, C/N ratio as well as pH. In contrast, in lower altitude tended to have lower available P, base saturation, as well as Ca, Mg, and K content. The dominant shade trees for coffee farming at the Ijen-Raung highland areas were suren (Toona sureni) , dadap (Erythrina sp.), kayumanis (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), pinus (Pinus mercusii), and kayu putih (Eucalyptus globulus). Different shade tree species resulted in different of soil fertility. Shade trees tended to influence cation exchange capacity from moderate to high, pH slightly acid, high base saturation, and low P available. Suren tree influenced better base cation than that of other trees but dadap tree was better in increasing soil fertility


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    Abstract This paper compared mechanical properties of kenaf fibre (KF

    Simulation of Operational Conditions of Fassip-02 Natural Circulation Cooling System Experimental Loop

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    The natural circulation is considered in the design of emergency passive core cooling system in a nuclear power plant. In that context, in order to investigate the characteristics of the natural circulation, FASSIP-02 experimental loop is designed. This paper simulates the various operational conditions with different condition of the heater power, the pipe insulation and the expansion tank's valve using RELAP5 code. The objective is to obtain the best operational conditions of FASSIP-02 once it is built. The simulation results show that the until 50,000 s the steady state condition could not be achieved yet when the heater power greater than 10 kW. The pipe insulation reduced the heat loss to the environment and in turn it causes faster increase of the water temperature inside the pipe. While, if the expansion tank's valve is closed during the operation, the pressure inside the loop would increase, faster when the heater power is higher. It is concluded that in all cases to avoid the saturation condition, the heater power should be maintained lower than 10 kW, especially when the loop pipe is insulated

    A knowledge-driven GIS modeling technique for groundwater potential mapping at the Upper Langat Basin, Malaysia.

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    The aim of this paper is to use a knowledge-driven expert-based geographical information system (GIS) model coupling with remote-sensing-derived parameters for groundwater potential mapping in an area of the Upper Langat Basin, Malaysia. In this study, nine groundwater storage controlling parameters that affect groundwater occurrences are derived from remotely sensed imagery, available maps, and associated databases. Those parameters are: lithology, slope, lineament, land use, soil, rainfall, drainage density, elevation, and geomorphology. Then the parameter layers were integrated and modeled using a knowledge-driven GIS of weighted linear combination. The weightage and score for each parameter and their classes are based on the Malaysian groundwater expert opinion survey. The predicted groundwater potential map was classified into four distinct zones based on the classification scheme designed by Department of Minerals and Geoscience Malaysia (JMG). The results showed that about 17% of the study area falls under low-potential zone, with 66% on moderate-potential zone, 15% with high-potential zone, and only 0.45% falls under very-high-potential zone. The results obtained in this study were validated with the groundwater borehole wells data compiled by the JMG and showed 76% of prediction accuracy. In addition statistical analysis indicated that hard rock dominant of the study area is controlled by secondary porosity such as distance from lineament and density of lineament. There are high correlations between area percentage of predicted groundwater potential zones and groundwater well yield. Results obtained from this study can be useful for future planning of groundwater exploration, planning and development by related agencies in Malaysia which provide a rapid method and reduce cost as well as less time consuming. The results may be also transferable to other areas of similar hydrological characteristics


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    This study aimed to determine and analyze the partial influence of product variables, price and service quality on consumer satisfaction in Indonesian government’s “Rice for the Poors” (“Beras Miskin”, abbreviated as “Raskin”) program, as well as the influence of product variable, price and service quality simultaneously to customer satisfaction in the program. The sampling method used is proportionate stratified random sampling. The research is conducted in West Bandung regency, Jawa Barat (West Java) Province with a population of 86.908 RTS-PM, and data collection was conducted on October 2015. The method of analysis used in this research is the analysis of correlation and linear regression. The results of the study conclude that the variable of product, price and quality of service simultaneously or partially possess positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction in Raskin program. The service quality is one of the strong variables that influence the consumer satisfaction, followed by price and product variables

    Study on different concentrations of nanoparticles as agent of oil recovery efficiency in high salinity reservoir

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    Most oil reservoirs around the world are experiencing their second half of life. Hence, the necessity of appropriate enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method as a more efficient technology gets further importance. Nanotechnology is an advanced technology that has proved its potential to enhance oil recovery. Innovative techniques are highly required in the oil and gas industry to meet the future demand of the hydrocarbon fuels; significant efforts have been exerted on the development of new innovative technologies to increase the oil recovery. Nanotechnology has provided new promising approaches to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques in matured and marginal fields. In this research, the different concentrations of TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles were formulated and their properties have been measured in terms of their application in enhancing oil recovery efficiency in high salinity reservoir conditions. It was observed that 3wt% SiO2 nanoparticles solution yielded the highest tertiary recovery of 26.67% compared to the 0.01wt% TiO2 nanoparticles solution that yielded 23.33%. SiO2 Nanoparticles solutions also showed significant reduction in IFT values and contact angle measurements compared to TiO2 nanoparticle solutions. 3wt% SiO2 concentration had the lowest IFT value of 5.26 dyne/cm and lowest contact angle of 12.09 ° compared to all the different nanoparticle concentrations used in this research. Thus, it was concluded that 3wt% SiO2 nanoparticles solution was the optimum concentration to be used in high salinity reservoir condition

    Mechanical and fracture toughness behavior of TPNR nanocomposites

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    Thermoplastic natural rubber (TPNR) nanocomposites containing organophilic layered silicates were prepared by melt blending method at 180 �C using internal mixer (Haake 600P). The aim of this study is to determine the influence of the organoclay filler on the mechanical and fracture properties. In this study, two mixing methods were employed to incorporate filler into matrix, namely the direct (DM) and indirect (IDM) method. The mechanical properties of TPNR nanocomposites were studied using tensile, flexural, and impact tests. The tensile and flexural tests revealed that the optimum loading of organoclay was at 4 wt% using the indirect method of mixing. Plane stress fracture toughness of thermoplastic natural rubber (TPNR) nanocomposite was determined by the essential work of fracture (EWF) concept using tensile-loaded deeply double-edge notched (DDEN-T) specimens. The EWF measurements indicated that the specific essential work of fracture (we ) decreased in the presence of nanoclay. Nevertheless, these TPNR nanocomposites met the basic requirement of the EWF concept of full ligament yielding, which was marked by a load drop in the force–displacement curves of the DDEN-T specimens

    Thermal Properties of PLA/Kenaf Green Nanocomposite: Effect of Chemi-Mechanical Treatment

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    This study was conducted to produce green composite from kenaf with better thermal properties. Kenaf fibre was successfully prepared by chemi-mechanical method. Kenaf fibre was firstly treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 6% w/w followed by acidic treatment with different concentrations (0.5M, 1.0M and 1.5M). The PLA/kenaf nanofibre composites were referred as KC0.5, KC1.0 and KC1.5 according to acid concentration used. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was done to investigate thermal properties of the composites. The glass transition, crystallization and melting temperature shows similar trend where 1.0M treated fibre composites gives better thermal properties than 0.5M and 1.5M treated fibre composites. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs suggested the nanofibre dispersion in mixed-pattern; exfoliation and small agglomeration