80 research outputs found

    Design of an inclusive & interactive educational textile toy

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    The market for educational toys is scarce in products specifically developed for blind and low sighted children, aiming not only at their motor and cognitive development as well as to the non-stigmatization of these children. Considering the development of educational toys, and based in previous research work [1], we found that textile materials offer an enormous application capability in this regard due not only to their flexibility in use and maintenance of properties, but also because of our familiarity with these materials.The main goal of this project is the study of the emotional response to an interactive educational textile toy by children with visual impairments - blind or partially sighted. In this way the project is based on four main axes: knowing the user, identifying his specific needs; knowing the product-user relationship with a special focus on tactile and emotional perception; study textile structures to best fit the design; and, finally, evaluate the user's response to the developed product by evaluating the product experience.- This work is supported by FEDER funding on the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade-COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136 and UID/CTM/00264.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Beyond traditional surveillance: applying syndromic surveillance to developing settings – opportunities and challenges

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>All countries need effective disease surveillance systems for early detection of outbreaks. The revised International Health Regulations [IHR], which entered into force for all 194 World Health Organization member states in 2007, have expanded traditional infectious disease notification to include surveillance for public health events of potential international importance, even if the causative agent is not yet known. However, there are no clearly established guidelines for how countries should conduct this surveillance, which types of emerging disease syndromes should be reported, nor any means for enforcement.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The commonly established concept of syndromic surveillance in developed regions encompasses the use of pre-diagnostic information in a near real time fashion for further investigation for public health action. Syndromic surveillance is widely used in North America and Europe, and is typically thought of as a highly complex, technology driven automated tool for early detection of outbreaks. Nonetheless, low technology applications of syndromic surveillance are being used worldwide to augment traditional surveillance.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>In this paper, we review examples of these novel applications in the detection of vector-borne diseases, foodborne illness, and sexually transmitted infections. We hope to demonstrate that syndromic surveillance in its basic version is a feasible and effective tool for surveillance in developing countries and may facilitate compliance with the new IHR guidelines.</p

    Construção de instrumento para avaliação de cursos de pós-graduação

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo propor um método para avaliar cursos de pós-graduação em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). O método busca identificar, através de um questionário, critérios inibidores da qualidade e promotores da qualidade em cursos de pós-graduação. Critérios significativos nos dois blocos são identificados através de uma Análise Fatorial. Em um segundo passo, esses critérios são contemplados através de ações que atendem as demandas identificadas. O método proposto é ilustrado através de um estudo de caso. Ao final do estudo pode-se constatar a eficiência da Análise Fatorial como técnica auxiliar à tomada de decisão por parte da IES.This paper presents a method to evaluate graduate programs in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The method aims at identifying criteria that inhibit and promote the quality of graduate programs. Significant criteria in both cases are indentified through a Factor Analysis. In a second step such criteria are converted into actions addressing the demands identified. The method is illustrated through a case study. We eventually conclude for the efficiency of Factor Analysis as technique to support the decision making processes in HEIs

    Caracterização morfológica de nanocristais de celulose por microscopia de força atômica

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    RESUMO O isolamento de nanocristais de celulose (CNCs) de fibras vegetais é uma alternativa promissora para sua aplicação como reforço em matrizes poliméricas. A caracterização dos CNCs é fundamental para a confiabilidade da técnica, além de determinar as aplicações possíveis a partir de cada tipo de fibra. A partir da técnica de microscopia de força atômica, um estudo da morfologia e distribuição dos CNCs de semente de manga, vagem de algaroba, pseudocaule da bananeira e fibra do mesocarpo de dendê foi realizado neste trabalho. Os CNCs foram obtidos via reação hidrolítica com ácido sulfúrico em concentrações que variaram de acordo com a fonte da fibra. Os resultados obtidos revelaram dimensões variando de 300 a 500 nm em comprimento e 4 a 16 nm em diâmetro. A apresentação morfológica em forma de agulha demonstrou que o isolamento das fibras de celulose em CNCs foi efetiva. A razão de aspecto associada à formação cilíndrica em agulha dos CNCs isolados evidenciou o alto potencial das fontes de dendê e de vagem de algaroba para o reforço de bionanocompósitos

    Identity management and selfrepresentation among young mulattos in Luanda, Angola

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    I have studied the self-representations and identity-management of young mulattos in Luanda, the capital of Angola, a Portuguese colony until 1975. By "mulattos" I refer to Angolans of mixed racial descent, i.e., Angolans of black Angolan and white Portuguese origins. My primary informants consisted of young people, between 20 and 35 years old, part of the socio-cultural elite in the capital. I have examined their socio-cultural discourse, i.e., a more or less common way of looking at the world, that I argue is based on their common historic cultural, political and socio-economic position, as an intermediary group during the colonial regime, and later as a national socio-cultural elite after Independence, which has experienced itself as increasingly marginalized politically by a black hegemony. I have examined the material sides to the discourse, where the experiences of the "assimilation"-policies of the Portuguese colonial history have created internal cleavages in the African population, between the so-called "assimilated", i.e., the few that succeeded in acquiring the status as a Portuguese citizen, and the rest of the population (C. Neto 2000 b), where the mulattos experienced themselves as in an intermediary position, as the "stranger" of Simmel (1981). I look upon how this has contributed to the production and maintainance of the stereotypes on the racially mixed as the "privileged", and how the mulattos have developed a moral, cultural and socio-economic boundary-making, often seen as an elitist attitude by the black population. I describe how this illustrate the conflict between an old, racially and culturally mixed, elite with a certain socio-cultural capital, and a new black elite with rural origins, where my informants identify themselves with the former and concentrate much of their discourse on criticising and distancing themselves from the latter