393 research outputs found

    Mengefektifkan Peran Keluarga dalam Mendldlk Anak

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    Perkembangan dan Perubahan sosio kul tural secaratidak langsung mempengaruhi perkembangan dan pendidikananak. Di satu sisi anak dituntut untuk rnenyesuaikan dengankemajuan Hmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta padasisi lainanak harus berbenturan dengan aneka ragam nilai budayayang satu sarna lain berbeda. Kondisi ini secara bersamamenghantam anak yang pada hakikatnya mereka sedang mencari!igur yang akan dijadikan sebagai falsafah hidup mereka.SehinggaJ tak ayal lagi semua itu mernbawa dampak negatifterhadap pembentukan diri anak dan mempersulit keluargadalarn menjalankan kewajibannya mendidik anak.Namun dernikian, menyalahkan keluarga atas keterbelakangan,kenakalan dan kesesatan anak bukanlah merupakanpenyelesaian. Sikap yang lebih positif adalah menyiapkan kemampuankeluarga agar dapat mendidik secara efektif.Sebagai lembaga informal keluarga perlu dibina agar dapatmenciptakan keharmonisanJ memahami kependidikan, mampuberkomunikasi, menyampaikan p~san dengan b1aik dan marnpumengatasi konflik orang tua-anak

    Građa nukleona iz mjerenja elektrotvorbe piona u MAMIju

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    Recent pion electro-production experiments of the A1 Collaboration at MAMI are presented. The threshold data in the p(e,e′p)π 0 and d(e,e′d)π 0 channels reveal the chiral dynamics of the pion-nucleon system at low energies. Measurements of the neutral channel in the ∆ region address the issue of the pion cloud, while the p(e,e′π +)n channel gives access to the axial structure of the nucleon.Predstavljamo nedavna mjerenja elektrotvorbe piona Suradnje A1 u MAMIju. Podaci oko pragova kanala p(e, e′ p)π 0 i d(e, e′ d)π 0 otkrivaju kiralnu dinamiku sustava pion-nukleon na niskim energijama. Mjerenja neutralnog kanala u području ∆ rezonancije daju uvid u strukturu pionskog oblaka, a kanal p(e, e′π +)n u aksijalnu građu nukleona

    Non-ergodic transitions in many-body Langevin systems: a method of dynamical system reduction

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    We study a non-ergodic transition in a many-body Langevin system. We first derive an equation for the two-point time correlation function of density fluctuations, ignoring the contributions of the third- and fourth-order cumulants. For this equation, with the average density fixed, we find that there is a critical temperature at which the qualitative nature of the trajectories around the trivial solution changes. Using a method of dynamical system reduction around the critical temperature, we simplify the equation for the time correlation function into a two-dimensional ordinary differential equation. Analyzing this differential equation, we demonstrate that a non-ergodic transition occurs at some temperature slightly higher than the critical temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; ver.3: Calculation errors have been fixe

    Applying Bootstrap Robust Regression Method on Data with Outliers

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    Identification and assessment of outliers have a key role in Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis. This paper presents a robust two-stage procedure to identify outlying observations in regression analysis. The exploratory stage identifies leverage points and vertical outliers through a robust distance estimator based on Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD). After deletion of these points, the confirmatory stage carries out an OLS analysis on the remaining subset of data and investigates the effect of adding back in the previously deleted observations. Cut-off points pertinent to different diagnostics are generated by bootstrapping and the cases are definitely labeled as good-leverage, bad leverage, vertical outliers and typical cases. This procedure is applied to four examples taken from the literature and it is effective in rightly pinpointing outlying observations, even in the presence of substantial masking. This procedure is able to identify and correctly classify vertical outliers, good and bad leverage points, through the use of jackknife-after-bootstrap robust cut-off points. Moreover its two stage structure makes it interactive and this enables the user to reach a deeper understanding of the dataset main features than resorting to an automatic procedure

    Immune and bioinformatics identification of T cell and B cell epitopes in the protein structure of SARS-CoV-2: A systematic review

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    The beginning of 2020 was marked as the emergence of a COVID-19 outbreak caused by a new coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Currently, there is no vaccine or approved treatment for this infectious virus so the invention of an efficient vaccine is certainly a high priority. Some studies have employed several techniques to facilitate the combination of the immunoinformatics approach and comparative genomic approach in order to determine the potential peptides for designing the T-cell epitope-based peptide vaccine using the 2019-nCoV envelope protein as a target. Via screening the bioimmunoinformatic SARS-CoV2 derived B-cell and T-cell epitopes within the basic immunogenic of SARS-CoV2 proteins, we presented a set of inferred B-cell and T-cell epitopes from the spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins with high antigenicity and without allergenic property or toxic effects. Our findings provide a screened set of epitopes that can be introduced as potential targets for developing peptide vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus

    Up-Regulation of Tmevpg1 and Rmrp LncRNA Levels in Splenocytes and Brain of Mouse with Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

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    Background: Two long noncoding (lnc) RNAs, which have been recognized as Tmevpg1/Ifng-AS1/NeST and Rmrp play indispensable roles in the differentiation of TH1 and TH17, respectively. The aim of the present scientific study was to analyze the expression levels of the aforementioned lncRNAs in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) as an animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS).Materials and Methods: Initially, EAE was induced in C57BL/6 mice via immunization by using MOG peptide. The leukocyte infiltration rate and demyelination of neuronal axons were determined. Secondly, the expression levels of Tmevpg1, Rmrp, Tbx21, and Rorc were analyzed in the cultured splenocytes and brain lysates, by using Real-Time PCR assay; eventually, the levels of interferon-gamma and interleukin-17 evaluated by ELISA.Results: Gene expression analysis revealed that Rorc expression in the splenocytes of EAE mice in comparison to the controls was elevated; however, Tbx21 expression did not show any significant difference. Tmevpg1 and Rmrp levels increased in the splenocytes of EAE mice (4.48 times and 39.70 times, respectively, p = 0.0001). Besides, in the brain lysate, the entire genes that have been mentioned were higher than the controls (Tmevpg1: 3.35 times p = 0.02 and Rmrp 11.21 times, p = 0.0001).Conclusion: The marked up-regulation in Tmevpg1 and Rmrp transcripts suggested the essential roles of lncRNAs in the pathogenesis of EAE and multiple sclerosis indeed. Further investigations are necessary to evaluate the values of these lncRNAs as the target for the therapy or molecular marker for disease monitoring

    FunMap: Efficient Execution of Functional Mappings for Knowledge Graph Creation

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    Data has exponentially grown in the last years, and knowledge graphs constitute powerful formalisms to integrate a myriad of existing data sources. Transformation functions -- specified with function-based mapping languages like FunUL and RML+FnO -- can be applied to overcome interoperability issues across heterogeneous data sources. However, the absence of engines to efficiently execute these mapping languages hinders their global adoption. We propose FunMap, an interpreter of function-based mapping languages; it relies on a set of lossless rewriting rules to push down and materialize the execution of functions in initial steps of knowledge graph creation. Although applicable to any function-based mapping language that supports joins between mapping rules, FunMap feasibility is shown on RML+FnO. FunMap reduces data redundancy, e.g., duplicates and unused attributes, and converts RML+FnO mappings into a set of equivalent rules executable on RML-compliant engines. We evaluate FunMap performance over real-world testbeds from the biomedical domain. The results indicate that FunMap reduces the execution time of RML-compliant engines by up to a factor of 18, furnishing, thus, a scalable solution for knowledge graph creation

    Dynamics of k-core percolation in a random graph

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    We study the edge deletion process of random graphs near a k-core percolation point. We find that the time-dependent number of edges in the process exhibits critically divergent fluctuations. We first show theoretically that the k-core percolation point is exactly given as the saddle-node bifurcation point in a dynamical system. We then determine all the exponents for the divergence based on a universal description of fluctuations near the saddle-node bifurcation.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Singular perturbation near mode-coupling transition

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    We study the simplest mode-coupling equation which describes the time correlation function of the spherical p-spin glass model. We formulate a systematic perturbation theory near the mode-coupling transition point by introducing multiple time scales. In this formulation, the invariance with respect to the dilatation of time in a late stage yields an arbitrary constant in a leading order expression of the solution. The value of this constant is determined by a solvability condition associated with a linear singular equation for perturbative corrections in the late stage. The solution thus constructed provides exactly the alpha-relaxation time.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure