1,585 research outputs found

    Upgrades of beam diagnostics in support of emittance-exchange experiments at the Fermilab A0 photoinjector

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    The possibility of using electron beam phase space manipulations to support a free-electron laser accelerator design optimization has motivated our research. An on-going program demonstrating the exchange of transverse horizontal and longitudinal emittances at the Fermilab A0 photoinjector has benefited recently from the upgrade of several of the key diagnostics stations. Accurate measurements of these properties upstream and downstream of the exchanger beamline are needed. Improvements in the screen resolution term and reduced impact of the optical system's depth-of-focus by using YAG:Ce single crystals normal to the beam direction will be described. The requirement to measure small energy spreads (<10 keV) in the spectrometer and the exchange process which resulted in bunch lengths less than 500 fs led to other diagnostics performance adjustments and upgrades as well. A longitudinal to transverse exchange example is also reported.Comment: 16 p

    DSMC Simulations of Disturbance Torque to ISS During Airlock Depressurization

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    The primary attitude control system on the International Space Station (ISS) is part of the United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) and uses Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMG). The secondary system is part of the Russian On orbit Segment (RSOS) and uses a combination of gyroscopes and thrusters. Historically, events with significant disturbances such as the airlock depressurizations associated with extra-vehicular activity (EVA) have been performed using the RSOS attitude control system. This avoids excessive propulsive "de-saturations" of the CMGs. However, transfer of attitude control is labor intensive and requires significant propellant. Predictions employing NASA's DSMC Analysis Code (DAC) of the disturbance torque to the ISS for depressurization of the Pirs airlock on the RSOS will be presented [1]. These predictions were performed to assess the feasibility of using USOS control during these events. The ISS Pirs airlock is vented using a device known as a "T-vent" as shown in the inset in figure 1. By orienting two equal streams of gas in opposite directions, this device is intended to have no propulsive effect. However, disturbance force and torque to the ISS do occur due to plume impingement. The disturbance torque resulting from the Pirs depressurization during EVAs is estimated by using a loosely coupled CFD/DSMC technique [2]. CFD is used to simulate the flow field in the nozzle and the near field plume. DSMC is used to simulate the remaining flow field using the CFD results to create an in flow boundary to the DSMC simulation. Due to the highly continuum nature of flow field near the T-vent, two loosely coupled DSMC domains are employed. An 88.2 cubic meter inner domain contains the Pirs airlock and the T-vent. Inner domain results are used to create an in flow boundary for an outer domain containing the remaining portions of the ISS. Several orientations of the ISS solar arrays and radiators have been investigated to find cases that result in minimal disturbance torque. Figure 1 shows surface pressure contours on the ISS and a plane of number density contours for a particular case

    Site-specific identification and quantitation of endogenous SUMO modifications under native conditions.

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    Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) modification regulates numerous cellular processes. Unlike ubiquitin, detection of endogenous SUMOylated proteins is limited by the lack of naturally occurring protease sites in the C-terminal tail of SUMO proteins. Proteome-wide detection of SUMOylation sites on target proteins typically requires ectopic expression of mutant SUMOs with introduced tryptic sites. Here, we report a method for proteome-wide, site-level detection of endogenous SUMOylation that uses α-lytic protease, WaLP. WaLP digestion of SUMOylated proteins generates peptides containing SUMO-remnant diglycyl-lysine (KGG) at the site of SUMO modification. Using previously developed immuno-affinity isolation of KGG-containing peptides followed by mass spectrometry, we identified 1209 unique endogenous SUMO modification sites. We also demonstrate the impact of proteasome inhibition on ubiquitin and SUMO-modified proteomes using parallel quantitation of ubiquitylated and SUMOylated peptides. This methodological advancement enables determination of endogenous SUMOylated proteins under completely native conditions

    Is Strategy Different for Very Small and New Firms?

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    In this paper, we argue that much of the small business strategic management literature has drawn too heavily from work done on large, established firms. We build upon the notions of the liabilities of smallness and newness to discuss how microenterprises and very new firms are different in regards to their strategic analysis, strategic content, strategic resources, and strategic processes. We note that there are a number of important and non-obvious questions that need to be asked that have implications for the most common firms in the world, those that are very small

    Tunable subpicosecond electron bunch train generation using a transverse-to-longitudinal phase space exchange technique

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    We report on the experimental generation of a train of subpicosecond electron bunches. The bunch train generation is accomplished using a beamline capable of exchanging the coordinates between the horizontal and longitudinal degrees of freedom. An initial beam consisting of a set of horizontally-separated beamlets is converted into a train of bunches temporally separated with tunable bunch duration and separation. The experiment reported in this Letter unambiguously demonstrates the conversion process and its versatility.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in PR

    A new bond fluctuation method for a polymer undergoing gel electrophoresis

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    We present a new computational methodology for the investigation of gel electrophoresis of polyelectrolytes. We have developed the method initially to incorporate sliding motion of tight parts of a polymer pulled by an electric field into the bond fluctuation method (BFM). Such motion due to tensile force over distances much larger than the persistent length is realized by non-local movement of a slack monomer at an either end of the tight part. The latter movement is introduced stochastically. This new BFM overcomes the well-known difficulty in the conventional BFM that polymers are trapped by gel fibers in relatively large fields. At the same time it also reproduces properly equilibrium properties of a polymer in a vanishing filed limit. The new BFM thus turns out an efficient computational method to study gel electrophoresis in a wide range of the electric field strength.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Brazil Current volume transport variability during 2009-2015 from a longterm moored array at 34.5°S

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    The Brazil Current, the western limb of the subtropical gyre of the South Atlantic Ocean, is one of the major Western Boundary Currents of the global ocean. Here, we present the first multiyear continuous daily time series of Brazil Current absolute volume transport obtained using 6+ years of observations from a line of four pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (PIES) deployed at 34.5°S. The array was augmented in December 2012 with two current meter-equipped PIES and in December 2013 with a moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler on the upper continental slope. The Brazil Current is bounded by the sea surface and the neutral density interface separating South Atlantic Central Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water, which is on average at a reference pressure of 628 ± 46 dbar, and it is confined west of 49.5°W. The Brazil Current has a mean strength of −14.0 ± 2.8 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1; negative indicates southward flow) with a temporal standard deviation of 8.8 Sv and peak-to-peak range from −41.7 to +20 Sv. About 80% of the absolute transport variance is concentrated at periods shorter than 150 days with a prominent peak at 100 days. The baroclinic component accounts for 85% of the absolute transport variance, but the barotropic variance is not negligible. The baroclinic and barotropic transports are uncorrelated, demonstrating the need to measure both transport components independently. Given the energetic high frequency transport variations, statistically significant seasonal to interannual variability and trends have yet to be detected.Fil: Chidichimo, María Paz. Ministerio de Defensa. Armada Argentina. Servicio de Hidrografía Naval. Departamento Oceanografía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Franco-Argentino sobre Estudios del Clima y sus Impactos; Argentina. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement. Département Ecologie, Biodiversité et Fonctionnement des Ecosystèmes Continentaux; FranciaFil: Piola, Alberto Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Ministerio de Defensa. Armada Argentina. Servicio de Hidrografía Naval; Argentina. Instituto Franco-Argentino sobre Estudios del Clima y sus Impactos; Argentina. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement. Département Ecologie, Biodiversité et Fonctionnement des Ecosystèmes Continentaux; FranciaFil: Meinen, Christopher S.. Ministerio de Defensa. Armada Argentina. Servicio de Hidrografía Naval. Departamento Oceanografía; Argentina. National Ocean And Atmospheric Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Perez, Renellys. National Ocean And Atmospheric Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Campos, Edmo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. American University Of Sharjah.; Emiratos Árabes UnidosFil: Dong, Shenfu. National Ocean And Atmospheric Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Lumpkin, Rick. National Ocean And Atmospheric Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Garzoli, S. L.. National Ocean And Atmospheric Administration; Estados Unido

    Pain Control: Opioid vs. Nonopioid Analgesia During the Immediate Postoperative Period

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    Background Opioid analgesia has become the mainstay for acute pain management in the postoperative setting. However, the use of opioid medications comes with significant risks and side effects. Due to increasing numbers of prescriptions to those with chronic pain, opioid medications have become more expensive while becoming less effective due to the buildup of patient tolerance. The idea of opioid-free analgesic techniques has rarely been breached in many hospitals. Emerging research has shown that opioid-sparing approaches have resulted in lower reported pain scores across the board, as well as significant cost reductions to hospitals and insurance agencies. In addition to providing adequate pain relief, the predicted cost burden of an opioid-free or opioid-sparing approach is significantly less than traditional methods. Methods The following groups were considered in our inclusion criteria: those who speak the English language, all races and ethnicities, male or female, home medications, those who are at least 18 years of age and able to provide written informed consent, those undergoing inpatient or same-day surgical procedures. In addition, our scoping review includes the following exclusion criteria: those who are non-English speaking, those who are less than 18 years of age, those who are not undergoing surgical procedures while admitted, those who are unable to provide numeric pain score due to clinical status, those who are unable to provide written informed consent, and those who decline participation in the study. Data was extracted by one reviewer and verified by the remaining two group members. Extraction was divided as equally as possible among the 11 listed references. Discrepancies in data extraction were discussed between the article reviewer, project editor, and group leader. Results We identified nine primary sources addressing the use of ketamine as an alternative to opioid analgesia and post-operative pain control. Our findings indicate a positive correlation between perioperative ketamine administration and postoperative pain control. While this information provides insight on opioid-free analgesia, it also revealed the limited amount of research conducted in this area of practice. The strategies for several of the clinical trials limited ketamine administration to a small niche of patients. The included studies provided evidence for lower pain scores, reductions in opioid consumption, and better patient outcomes. Implications for Nursing Practice Based on the results of the studies’ randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses, the effects of ketamine are shown as an adequate analgesic alternative to opioids postoperatively. The cited resources showed that ketamine can be used as a sole agent, or combined effectively with reduced doses of opioids for multimodal therapy. There were noted limitations in some of the research articles. Not all of the cited studies were able to include definitive evidence of proper blinding techniques or randomization methods. Small sample sizes and the inclusion of specific patient populations identified within several of the studies can skew data in one direction or another; therefore, significant clinical results cannot be generalized to patient populations across the board

    High-Brightness Beams from a Light Source Injector: The Advanced Photon Source Low-Energy Undulator Test Line Linac

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    The use of existing linacs, and in particular light source injectors, for free-electron laser (FEL) experiments is becoming more common due to the desire to test FELs at ever shorter wavelengths. The high-brightness, high-current beams required by high-gain FELs impose technical specifications that most existing linacs were not designed to meet. Moreover, the need for specialized diagnostics, especially shot-to-shot data acquisition, demands substantial modification and upgrade of conventional linacs. Improvements have been made to the Advanced Photon Source (APS) injector linac in order to produce and characterize high-brightness beams. Specifically, effort has been directed at generating beams suitable for use in the low-energy undulator test line (LEUTL) FEL in support of fourth-generation light source research. The enhancements to the linac technical and diagnostic capabilities that allowed for self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) operation of the FEL at 530 nm are described. Recent results, including details on technical systems improvements and electron beam measurement techniques, will be discussed. The linac is capable of accelerating beams to over 650 MeV. The nominal FEL beam parameters used are as follows: 217 MeV energy; 0.1-0.2% rms energy spread; 4-8 um normalized rms emittance; 80-120 A peak current from a 0.2-0.7 nC charge at a 2-7 ps FWHM bunch