2,034 research outputs found

    Wittgenstein og tradisjonell Kunstfilosofi

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    Artiklen undersøger, hvordan Ludwig Wittgenstein behandler begrebet om skønhed og der kortlægges logiske særtræk ved den æstetiske diskurs, og inden hans kritiske opgør med den kunstfilosofiske tradition udfoldes, foretages der en betydningsafklarende manøvre vedrørende brugen af betegnelserne ’æstetik’ og ’æstetisk’

    Extended x-ray absorption fine structure study of porous GaSb formed by ion implantation

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    Porous GaSb has been formed by Ga ion implantation into crystalline GaSb substrates at either room temperature or −180 °C. The morphology has been characterized using scanning electron microscopy and the atomic structure was determined using extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Room-temperature implantation at low fluences leads to the formation of ∼20-nm voids though the material remains crystalline. Higher fluences cause the microstructure to evolve into a network of amorphous GaSb rods ∼15 nm in diameter. In contrast, implantation at −180 °C generates large, elongated voids but no rods. Upon exposure to air, the surface of the porous material is readily oxidized yielding Ga₂O₃ and metallic Sb precipitates, the latter resulting from the reduction of unstable Sb₂O₃. We consider and discuss the atomic-scale mechanisms potentially operative during the concurrent crystalline-to-amorphous and continuous-to-porous transformations

    Direct observation of substitutional Ga after ion implantation in Ge by means of extended x-ray absorption fine structure

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    We present an experimental lattice location study of Ga atoms in Ge after ion implantation at elevated temperature (250°C). Using extended x-rayabsorption fine structure (EXAFS) experiments and a dedicated sample preparation method, we have studied the lattice location of Ga atoms in Ge with a concentration ranging from 0.5 at. % down to 0.005 at. %. At Ga concentrations ≤0.05 at.%, all Ga dopants are substitutional directly after ion implantation, without the need for post-implantation thermal annealing. At higher Ga concentrations, a reduction in the EXAFS amplitude is observed, indicating that a fraction of the Ga atoms is located in a defective environment. The local strain induced by the Ga atoms in the Ge matrix is independent of the Ga concentration and extends only to the first nearest neighbor Ge shell, where a 1% contraction in bond length has been measured, in agreement with density functional theory calculations.We acknowledge the support from the Research Foundation Flanders, the epi-team from imec, the KU Leuven GOA 09/06 project, the IUAP program P6/42 and the Australian Research Council. S.C. acknowledges support from OCAS NV by an OCAS-endowed chair at Ghent University

    Risk factors for Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Campylobacter occurrence in primary production of leafy greens and strawberries

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    The microbiological sanitary quality and safety of leafy greens and strawberries were assessed in the primary production in Belgium, Brazil, Egypt, Norway and Spain by enumeration of Escherichia coli and detection of Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and Campylobacter. Water samples were more prone to containing pathogens (54 positives out of 950 analyses) than soil (16/1186) and produce on the field (18/977 for leafy greens and 5/402 for strawberries). The prevalence of pathogens also varied markedly according to the sampling region. Flooding of fields increased the risk considerably, with odds ratio (OR) 10.9 for Salmonella and 7.0 for STEC. A significant association between elevated numbers of generic E. coli and detection of pathogens (OR of 2.3 for STEC and 2.7 for Salmonella) was established. Generic E. coli was found to be a suitable index organism for Salmonella and STEC, but to a lesser extent for Campylobacter. Guidelines on frequency of sampling and threshold values for E. coli in irrigation water may differ from region to region

    The relation between sea ice thickness and freeboard in the Arctic

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    Retrieval of Arctic sea ice thickness from CryoSat-2 radar altimeter freeboard data requires observational data to verify the relation between these two variables. In this study in-situ ice and snow data from 689 observation sites, obtained during the Sever expeditions in the 1980s, have been used to establish an empirical relation between thickness and freeboard of FY ice in late winter. Estimates of mean and variability of snow depth, snow density and ice density were produced on the basis of many field observations. These estimates have been used in the hydrostatic equilibrium equation to retrieve ice thickness as a function of ice freeboard, snow depth and snow/ice density. The accuracy of the ice thickness retrieval has been calculated from the estimated variability in ice and snow parameters and error of ice freeboard measurements. It is found that uncertainties of ice density and freeboard are the major sources of error in ice thickness calculation. For FY ice, retrieval of ≈ 1.0 m (2.0 m) thickness has an uncertainty of 46% (37%), and for MY ice, retrieval of 2.4 m (3.0 m) thickness has an uncertainty of 20% (18%), assuming that the freeboard error is ± 0.03 m for both ice types. For MY ice the main uncertainty is ice density error, since the freeboard error is relatively smaller than that for FY ice. If the freeboard error can be reduced to 0.01 m by averaging measurements from CryoSat-2, the error in thickness retrieval is reduced to about 32% for a 1.0 m thick FY floe and to about 18% for a 2.4 m thick MY floe. The remaining error is dominated by uncertainty in ice density. Provision of improved ice density data is therefore important for accurate retrieval of ice thickness from CryoSat-2 data

    Synthesizing skin lesion images using CycleGANs – a case study

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have seen some success as a way to synthesize training data for supervised machine learning models. In this work, we design two novel approaches for synthetic image generation based on CycleGANs, aimed at generating realistic-looking, class-specific dermoscopic skin lesion images. We evaluate the images’ usefulness as additional training data for a convolutional neural network trained to perform a difficult lesion classification task. We are able to generate visually striking images, but their value for augmenting the classifier’s training data set is low. This is in-line with other researcher’s investigations into similar GAN models, indicating the need for further research into forcing GAN models to produce samples further from the training data distribution, and to find ways of guiding the image generation using feedback from the ultimate classification objective

    Anal incontinence after vaginal delivery or cesarean section.

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    INTRODUCTION: Uncertainties remain as to whether cesarean section is protective for short and long term development of anal incontinence. Our aim was to explore whether women who had only delivered vaginally were at greater risk of anal incontinence compared to nulliparous women and women who had undergone caesarean sections only. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Background information, medical history and data on anal incontinence (defined as fecal or flatus incontinence weekly or more) reported by women participating in a large population-based health survey in Norway (HUNT 3) during the period October 2006-June 2008, was collected and linked to data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Anal incontinence prevalence was calculated and multivariable logistic regression analyses were applied. RESULTS: Mean age amongst the 12.567 women was 49.9 years. Age and educational level were similar in women with caesarean sections only and those with vaginal delivery and obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS). Nulliparas and women with vaginal delivery and no OASIS were older and had higher educational achievements. One in four women with OASIS reported anal incontinence compared to one in six amongst the other women(p<.001). Age, educational level, diarrhea, constipation, birthweight and OASIS increased the risk of anal incontinence in all women. Parity was associated with anal incontinence in parous women only. No differences were found for fecal urgency. CONCLUSIONS: Women with vaginal deliveries complicated by OASIS were at increased risk of anal incontinence. However, no increased risk of anal incontinence was found in nulliparous women or women with cesarean sections only or vaginal deliveries not complicated by OASIS
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