157 research outputs found

    The Role Of Parents In Supporting The Use Of "Healthy Internet" In Early Childhood

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    Children find a wide range of information and entertainment on the internet to be highly engaging, but sadly not all of it is appropriate or good for them. Hence, it is crucial that parents play a proactive part in encouraging children to use the internet responsibly. In order to ensure that their children use the internet safely and sensibly, parents play an important role. Parents should take an active role by keeping an eye on online activities, educating children about safe and responsible internet use, establishing clear rules and boundaries, talking to their kids, and teaching them about morality and ethics online. Based on the literature review, this research aims to be able to provide a scientific point of view related to the role of parents in implementing a healthy internet for kids. By understanding the role, specific objectives related to the role of parents related to knowledge transfer to kids and things that can be done in supervising internet usage can be determined in order to maximize kids' potential in using technology from a young ag

    Implikasi Perjanjian Asean-korea Free Trade Area (Akfta) Terhadap Ekspor Minyak Dan Gas Brunei Darussalam Ke Korea Selatan Tahun 2007 – 2011

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    This research is an International relations research in economy politic studies which describes about the implications of ASEAN – KOREA FREE TRADE AREA (AKFTA) agreement on exports of oil and gas from Brunei Darussalam to South Korea in 2007 – 2011. The establishment of the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA) are to strengthen and develop economies, markets and investments in cooperation between ASEAN and Korean member countries which characterized by gradual liberalization and promote the market of transparent, liberal goods and services and provide facilities for investation.This is qualitative research which used descriptive methods, and collecting datas from some resources like books, journals, official publications and relevant websites. This paper used the neo – liberalism perspective and Free Trade Theory by David Ricardo which known as "comparative advantages" (comparative advantages). The object of this research is the export and import relationship between Brunei Darussalam and South Korea.The results of this research shows that ASEAN – KOREA FREE TRADE AREA (AKFTA) which creates agreements in various sectors like trade, economy, and politics. Including export and production, trade contracts, Free Trade, and the influence of AKFTA on the hegemony of Japan and the People\u27s Republic of China in ASEAN that involving Brunei Darussalam and South Korea in 2007 – 2011

    The Effectiveness of Spatial Agrarian Functions/National Land Agency in Resolving Land Disputes Through Mediation

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    The aims of this study are (i) to analyze and explain the effectiveness of the ATR/BPN function in resolving land disputes in Maros Regency, and (ii) to analyze and explain the factors that influence the effectiveness of the ATR/BPN function in resolving disputes through mediation. This research is an empirical research, namely legal research conducted with an approach to the legal reality in society. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative, that is, after the data has been collected it is then poured in the form of a logical and systematic description, then analyzed to obtain clarity of problem solving, then deductive conclusions are drawn, namely from general things to specific things. The results of this study indicate that as a mediator, the ATR/BPN Office of Maros Regency has the function of assisting the parties in understanding each other's views and helping to find things that are considered important to them. Mediation within the land agency environment, in this case the ATR/BPN Office of Maros Regency, actually makes it easier for the community to resolve land disputes because at this time mediation efforts already have a legal umbrella equipped with adequate technical guidelines and instructions so that there is no doubt for the implementing apparatus to carry it out

    Employee Discipline And Attitude To Job Satisfaction In Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa

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    The society requires the work of government apparatus who are able to give serious attention in optimalize public service well. Experience and observation of Indonesian bureaucracy history along this time is not showing prime condition as the society expectation.This condition is the main factor that the core problem of the unsuccesful inefficiency of the bureaucracy work in order to go to bureaucracy in good governance.The matter of work satisfaction in relation with discipline and working attitude becoming essential since at last all of that will influenced the institutions ability in reaching the goals. The purpose of this research is to analyze influence of employee discipline and attitude towards employee job satisfaction and to identify which factors that have the most significant influence to the employee job satisfaction. The research method that used in this research associative with multiple linear regression analysis technique, as sample of the research 58 respondent taken from employees at Sekretariat Daerah of Minahasa regency. The finding revealed that both employee discipline and employee attitude have significant effect to the job satisfaction of SEKDA Minahasa. They should apply the discipline sanction objectively and feel free in carrying on their aspiration. Keywords: employee discipline, employee attitude, job satisfaction

    Analysis and Simulation of Active Filters Using Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA)

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    As the transistors are continuously scaling down, it becomes necessary to reduce voltage supply and power requirements of the circuit to increase its performance and stability. Whereas, current- mode devices require less number of stages with high output impedance results in improved performance and large bandwidth as compared to voltage-mode techniques. OTA are current-mode device that takes voltage as input and produces current as output with high gain and large bandwidth. The frequency bands were parameters were determined such as the cutoff frequency (fc), the band width (BW), the quality factor (Q), and the angular frequency (Wo). In this paper the design and the simulation of the transfer function has been done by using (MATLAB) in order to obtain the frequency response for all types of filter (the low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass filter and band stop filter)


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    Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi diperoleh bahwa bangunan rektorat Institut Negeri Ambon belum menggunakan Display sebagai salah satu upaya memitigasi bahaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan lintasan terpendek berdasarkan pendekatan Alogoritma Djikstra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perthitungan jarak terpendek dengan menggunakan metode algortima djikstra diperoleh bahwa lintasan terpendek  Lama waktu yang dibutuhkan pegawai atau pejabat pada bangunan Rektorat IAIN menuju titik kumpul atau Assembly Point (AP) adalah 4,70 menit. Hasil simulasi pada gedung tanpa display dan menggunakan display untuk gedung lantai 1, pegawai atau pejabat 1,93 menit lebih cepat di titik kumpul (Assembly Point) daripada gedung tanpa penggunaan display. Pada lantai 2, pegawai atau pejabat 3,07 menit lebih cepat di titik kumpul dari pada gedung tanpa penggunaan display, dan pada lantai 3 pegawai atau pejabat 2,75 menit lebih cepat di titik kumpul daripada gedung tanpa display. &nbsp


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    The Base Transverse Station (BTS) is one of the main units in the mobile communication system task. It represents the connection chain between the mobile station and the server, and it plays a major role for the completion of the process of communication between users. The towers locations (BTS) and its distributions have negative or positive effect on the active coverage power which affects the communication system. In this paper, the real locations for twenty two towers had been taken and these towers were distributed in six regions in the southern west side of sulaimany city in Iraq. By drawing the pattern for these BTS with radius equal to 200m and 300m using the Geographic Information System (GIS) program, a remarkable difference had been noticed in the radius of these cells. There active coverage areas which are suitable for good communication. Also there are interference regions and weak regions, which are areas with a weak signal or hidden areas; thus both can cause some types of fading. The weakness of the signal at these areas appears because of the irregular distribution of the towers. Finally, this paper summarizes the re-distribution of the towers and as a result the number of the towers had been - eliminated and the - weak area and the - Interference region - had been reduced in order to ensure maximum access of the active coverage area


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    Penggunaan pupuk anorganik dalam jangka waktu yang panjang dapat menyebabkan degradasi lahan sehingga dapat menurunkan produksi tanaman, mengatasi hal tersebut diberikan pupuk organik yang ramah lingkungan.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui  pengaruh pertumbuhan tanaman kacang hijau pada pemberian beberapa jenis POC dan  untuk melihat POC yang sesuai pada pertumbuhan tanaman kacang hijau. Penelitiandilaksanakan di Dusun Topolo, DesaDatahu, KecamatanTibawa, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF) dengan 2 faktor yaitu faktor pertama jenis POC hewani terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu: tanpa POC, urin sapi dan  urin kelinci. Faktor kedua POC nabati: tanpa POC, bonggol pisang, limbah tahu. Analisis data menggunakan ANAVA dengan uji BNT 5%.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa POC hewani yang berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan kacang hijau adalah POC urin kelinci, ditunjukan oleh luas daun, laju pertumbuhan relative dan bobot 100 biji.POC nabati yang berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan kacang hijau adalah POC limbah tahu, ditunjukan oleh luas daun, bobot 100 biji, dan jumlah polong.Kata Kunci: Kacang Hijau, POC hewani, POC nabat


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    The Base Transverse Station (BTS) is one of the main units in the mobile communication system task. It represents the connection chain between the mobile station and the server, and it plays a major role for the completion of the process of communication between users. The towers locations (BTS) and its distributions have negative or positive effect on the active coverage power which affects the communication system. In this paper, the real locations for twenty two towers had been taken and these towers were distributed in six regions in the southern west side of sulaimany city in Iraq. By drawing the pattern for these BTS with radius equal to 200m and 300m using the Geographic Information System (GIS) program, a remarkable difference had been noticed in the radius of these cells. There active coverage areas which are suitable for good communication. Also there are interference regions and weak regions, which are areas with a weak signal or hidden areas; thus both can cause some types of fading. The weakness of the signal at these areas appears because of the irregular distribution of the towers. Finally, this paper summarizes the re-distribution of the towers and as a result the number of the towers had been - eliminated and the - weak area and the - Interference region - had been reduced in order to ensure maximum access of the active coverage area

    Analisis Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Psikologi Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Angkatan 2013/2014 Universitas Brawijaya Malang Yang Pernah Membeli Dan Menggunakan Smartphone Samsung)

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    This research aims to describe the factors influence the consumer\u27s psychological, describe the influence of the factors in consumer\u27s psychological, and to describe the dominant factor in consumer\u27s psychological toward buying decision. Research type used in this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The population is Faculty of Administration\u27s Student, University of Brawijaya Malang. The sample technique that is used is purposive sampling. The sample in this research is 121 respondent. Methods used in collecting data is spread questionnaires. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and partial regression analysis. The results obtained from analysis, there are six factors influence the consumer\u27s psychological, such as Attitude Factor, Learning Factor, Perception Factor, Believe Factor, Motivation Factor, And Communication is Needed Factor. These six factors are jointly having significant influence on Buying Decision with Adjusted R square of 0,442 and significance level of 0,000 (p≤0.05). These six factors are partially having significant influence on Buying Decision by the regression coefficient (B) respectively: 1.782, 0.683, 0.665, 0.466, 0.455, and 0.931 and significance of 0.000, 0.006, 0.005, 0.045, 0.050, 0.000 (p≤0.05). The dominant factor is the Attitude Factor can be seen from higher Beta value of 0,530
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