180 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Reality Group Counseling to Improve Discipline Behaviour Student Class VIII - G in State Junior High School 28 Surabaya

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    The background of this research starts from the results of interviews to teachers BK stating that as many as 20% of classVIII – G in state junior high school 28 Surabaya . Form of behavior that are found are come late,do not use attributes in full uniform, do not bring lesson book, and not attention the lesson. This research has a purpose to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of reality group counseling to improve discipline behaviour student. This research used with experimental design one group pre test post test design.The subjects of this research are 6 (six) students of VIII in state junior high school 28 Surabaya which are identified as students who have low discipline  which have been known from the result of questionnaire on the first measurement (pre-test). The data collection method of this research is questionnaire of discipline behavior student and the data analysis technique which is used in this research is non parametric statistic with Sign Test. After having conducted the analysis using the sign test, it was known that ρ = 0,016 less than the α of 5% = 0.05 , therefore it is decided that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means that the hypothesis of this research, “The students of experimental group’s discipline behaviour scores using reality group counseling increase and can be accepted. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that reality group counseling is effective to help students to improve discipline behaviour student class VIII - G in state junior high school 28 Surabaya .     Key words : Reality Group Counseling, discipline behaviour student. &nbsp

    Qualitative Descriptive Study on Verbal Communication of Indonesian Women in ‘Pengajian and Arisan’ Community in Brisbane, Australia

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    Indonesian women living in Australia have a different way in using their verbal communication than the Australians. They also perform activities that consist of cultural traditions of Indonesia, such as Pengajian (Quran reciting) and Arisan, but the fact that they live in Australia not in Indonesia can create a new blend of two cultures. The relationship between culture and communication is a mutual lone, both complete each other, neither can be separated because they both affect each other. What is communicated between them through symbolic interaction creates a culture, and the culture will influence back the way they communicate. This research problem focused on the following questions: How is the verbal communication process of Indonesian women in the Pengajian and Arisan Community in Brisbane, Australia? The research conducted a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data collection techniques included interviews, observation and documentation study. The results from this study shows that when the Indonesian women gathered, they established a new pattern language/paralinguistic among the Indonesian women, while the topics that were usually discussed were problems concerning: (1) food and Indonesian cuisine, (2) the problems that exist in Indonesia and (3) gossiping about others.   Keywords: verbal communication, women Indonesia, Australi

    Program Product Knowledge Sebagai Strategi Pemasaran Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Penjualan (Studi Kasus Produk S-tee PT. Sinar Sosro Kantor Penjualan Wilayah Jawa Timur)

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    This research was aimed to describe about product knowledge in PT. Sinar Sosro KPW Jawa Timur to promote S-tee. The companies competes competitively in marketing their products. Companies compete in terms of price, product packaging, product promotion, and others. In offering products to consumers, competing companies have marketing strategies. This strategy can be successful if there is a program that is realized by the company. The program will serve to achieve the company\u27s goals. One of the marketing programs used to introduce the company\u27s product is product knowledge. This program is an important part that should be communicated by marketers in providing product information offered to their customers. In this research, product knowledge program can be influenced by public relations activities, advertising, and personal selling by salespeople. Product knowledge S-tee is implemented to increase sales that had decreased for the packaging of 318 ml glass bottles. This research use descirptive kualitative method. The sample collected by indepth interview with five key informan. They are Marketing Support Manager, Marketing Support Staff, Retail Bussiness Development (RBD) Staff, and Sales Representative

    Etika Komunikasi dalam Media Sosial Bagi Ibu- Ibu Pkk di Desa Mekarmukti Kab.bandung Barat (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Etika Komunikasi dalam Media Sosial Bagi Ibu-ibu Pkk di Desa Mekarmukti Kab.bandung Barat)

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    . Humans as social beings, certainly put through the process of communication in everyday life. The communication process can be done by using the existing role of the media. The development of technology, the development of the media has become increasingly sophisticated. One of them is the existence of social media. Currently, the communication process becomes easier, so we also know mediated communication, which in this study is through social media. In using social media, of course, can not arbitrarily, but there is a communication ethics that need to be considered. Ethics of communication in social media is what will be studied by researchers. In this digital era, social media development had already entered into the lives of women in rural areas, one of which is the PKK in the village Mekarmukti, Kab. West Bandung. As for the focus of this study are: (1) determine the ethics of communication in social media for the PKK in the village Mekarmukti, Kab.Bandung West; (2) determine the type of social media used by the PKK in the village Mekarmukti, Kab.Bandung West. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Researchers used data collection techniques include: observation, interview and documentation study. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the ethics of communication in social media for the PKK include communication ethics in the context of time, the contents of the message, and the communicant; (2) the type of social media used is facebook, BBM, and WhatApp

    Sistem Informasi Inventory Alat Tulis Kantor (Atk) Menggunakan Metode Waterfall (Studi Kasus : Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Ojk))

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    Management Systems ATK (Stationery Office tools) in the Financial Services Authority ( FSA ) is currently still done manually , thus still frequent occurrence of error information . With this information errors , report creation has slowed plans for the use of goods budget submission next year. How the management of inventory data can be integrated with both the master data , transaction data and reports ? How to design a system that can give information about the classification code of the goods so as to facilitate the administration of the Head in managing data items ? How to design a system that can provide a warning when approaching the limit stock inventory minimum ? How Kasubag can obtain information in the form of a complete report as required in the master data and transaction data each period ? Intranet -based information systems that can provide information on the activities demand ATK (Stationery Office Tools) from each directorate or department . Creating a management information system design stationery that is expected to assist and speed up the reporting process and reduce errors ATK USAge information that will generate reports that can be accounted for

    Association Between Behavior Factors with Hepatitis a Incidences in Depok Subdistrick, Sleman Districk

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    Sleman District Health Department reported an increase of hepatitis A cases in Sleman District. Almost all of the patients were college students. This study aims to determine the relationship between behavior risk factors and hepatitis A incidence in Sleman. This study was conducted using the observational method with case control study design. The case consisted of hepatitis A patients who were diagnosed by doctors in February until May 2013 based on the patients' medical records and laboratory test. Samples were selected using consecutive sampling (non probability sampling). There were a total of 280 respondents (140 case and 140 control). Statistical tests that werecarried out were the chi quadrat (x2) and logistic regression. Behavioral factors namely history of contact with a hepatitis A patient (OR=3,42; 95%CI=1,97-5,95; p=0,00), not washing hands with soap (OR=2,19; 95%CI=1,323,65;p=0,00), not washing cutlery with soap (OR=2,88; 95%CI=1,03-9,25; p=0,02), frequently consumes raw vegetables/food (uncooked) (OR=3,82; 95%CI=1,94-7,81; p=0,00), sharing cutlery (OR=2,09;95%CI=1,263,48;p=0,00), eating at food stalls that only utilizes one bucket to wash dishes (OR=2,22; 95%CI=1,22-4,09;p=0,00) and have no attention regarding the cleanliness of food stalls (OR=3,74; 95%CI=2,19-6,41; p=0,00) were significantly associated with hepatitis A. Results of the multivariate analysis found that history of contact with a hepatitis A patient (OR=3,17; 95%CI=1,82-5,52; p=0,00; z=4,09), frequent consumption of raw vegetables/food (uncooked) (OR=3,43;95%CI=1,73-6,81; p=0,00; z=3,52), and no attention to the cleanliness of food stalls (OR=3,28;95%CI=1,92-5,60; p=0,00; z=4,35). In conclusion, the unhealthy and unhygienic behavior were risk factors of hepatitis A in Sleman

    Diversity of Orchids (Orchidaceae) in Bonjol Subdistrict, West Sumatra

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    Bonjol District, West Sumatra has a very high diversity of flora, one of the flora found in Bonjol District is orchids (Orchidaceae). However, there is no data that explains the diversity of orchid plants in Bonjol District, so researchers are interested in using this as research. This research aims to find out what types of orchids are found in Bonjol District, the diversity index of orchid plants (Orchidaceae) and the dominance index of the most dominant orchid plants in Bonjol District, West Sumatra. The research was carried out using an exploratory method with direct observation of orchid plants in the field. The sampling method used was purposive sampling, namely taking samples with certain considerations. Sampling was carried out at 2 stations, namely residential areas and forests. Data analysis used the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The research results showed that the diversity of orchid species (Orchidaceae) in Bonjol District, West Sumatra was classified as moderate, with a total Shannon-Wiener diversity index H' = 1.4117. In Bonjol District, West Sumatra, there are 31 types of orchids from 17 genera, the most frequently found species are Bulbophyllum gibbosum with 35 individuals, while the species found least frequently are Nervelia crociformis and Eria discolor, each with 2 individuals. Then, in the results of calculating the dominance index value for orchids (Orchidaceae) in Bonjol District, West Sumatra, the result was D= 0.044, which means that no species dominates

    Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan metode tutor sebaya (Peer Tutoring) sebagai upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus, siklus I dengan materi jurnal penyesuaian dan siklus II neraca lajur dan laporan keuangan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Keuangan 1 SMK Negeri 1 Pamekasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya (peer tutoring) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata diklat menyusun laporan keuangan pada siswa kelas XI Keuangan 1 SMK Negeri 1 Pamekasan


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    ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: dismenore adalah nyeri haid yang biasanya bersifat kram dan berpusat pada perutbagian bawah yang terasa sealama menstruasai, terkadang sampai parah sehingga menggangguaktivitas. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui Perbedaan Pengaruh Pemberian Stretching dan massageeffleurage terhadap penurunan nyeri haid. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini quasi experimental pre test and post test two group design, 22 mahasiswi menjadi sampel dengan simple random samplingSampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok I mendapatkan perlakuan stretching, kelompokII mendapatkan perlakuan massage effleurage. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur Visual Analog Scale. Hasil: Hasil Uji Paired sample t-test pada kelompok I dan kelompok II adalah p = 0,000(p<0,05), menunjukkan bahwa kedua intervensi berpengaruh terhadap penurunan nyeri haidmasing-masing kelompok. Dan hasil Independent sampels t-test diperoleh nilai p = 0,869 (p<0,05)menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan yang dilakukan pada kelompok I dan II tidak memiliki perbedaanpengaruh terhadap penurunan nyeri haid. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan pemberian stretching dan massage effleurage terhadap penurunan nyeri haid pada mahasiswi. Saran: Peneliti selanjutnyadisarankan untuk melakukan studi terhadap faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi penurunan nyerhaid seperti kejiwaan, kontitusi, endokrin, merokok, stress, belum menikah dan keturunan untuk hasil yang lebih baik, luas dan lengkap (komprehensif)
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