61 research outputs found

    Establishment and dynamics of the balsam fir seedling bank in old forests of northeastern Quebec

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    This study examines balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) recruitment in old fir stands. Studying the regeneration of these stands is essential to understand the regeneration dynamic of the species in the absence of standdestroying disturbances. The objectives were (1) to obtain substrate-seedling associations for different age-classes and according to the presence or absence of adventitious roots; (2) to evaluate the contribution of the seed rain to seedling recruitment; (3) to re-examine age structures using the most appropriate method that minimizes estimation errors due to the presence of adventitious roots. A total of 90 quadrats (1 m2) were established along transects. In each quadrat, subtrates were characterized (type and topography) and their area was estimated. All balsam fir seedlings (<50 cm tall) present in the quadrats were located, harvested whole (root and shoot), and described (age, height, presence of adventitious roots, etc). Fir seedlings were strongly associated with woody mounds covered with thin mats of mixed mosses and Pleurozium shreberi (Bird.) Mitt. but negatively associated with flat topography particularly dominated by Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B.S.G. The presence of adventitious root is related to seedling age more than substrate type or topography. The age structure is in agreement with seed production and disturbance regime

    Expression of Androgen Receptor Splice Variants in Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases is Associated with Castration-Resistance and Short Survival

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    Background: Constitutively active androgen receptor variants (AR-V) lacking the ligand binding domain (LBD) may promote  the development of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). The expression of AR-Vs in the clinically most important metastatic site, the bone, has, however, not been well documented. Our aim was therefore to compare levels of AR-Vs in hormone-naive (HN) and CRPC bone metastases in comparison to primary PC and non-malignant prostate tissue, as well as in relation to AR protein expression, whole-genome transcription profiles and patient survival. Methodology/Principal Findings: Hormone-naı¨ve (n = 10) and CRPC bone metastases samples (n = 30) were obtained from  40 patients at metastasis surgery. Non-malignant and malignant prostate samples were acquired from 13 prostatectomized men. Levels of full length AR (ARfl) and AR-Vs termed AR-V1, AR-V7, and AR-V567es mRNA were measured with RT-PCR and whole-genome transcription profiles with an Illumina Beadchip array. Protein levels were examined by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Transcripts for ARfl, AR-V1, and AR-V7 were detected in most primary tumors and metastases, and levels were significantly increased in CRPC bone metastases. The AR-V567es transcript was detected in 23% of the CRPC bone metastases only. A sub-group of CRPC bone metastases expressed LBD-truncated AR proteins at levels comparable to the ARfl. Detectable AR-V567es and/or AR-V7 mRNA in the upper quartile, seen in 1/3 of all CRPC bone metastases, was associated with a high nuclear AR immunostaining score, disturbed cell cycle regulation and short survival. Conclusions/Significance: Expression of AR-Vs is increased in CRPC compared to HN bone metastases and associated with a particularly poor prognosis. Further studies are needed to test if patients expressing such AR-Vs in their bone metastases benefit more from drugs acting on or down-stream of these AR-Vs than from therapies inhibiting androgen synthesis

    Boom and bust of a moose population – a call for integrated forest management

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    This is the postprint version of the article. The published article can be located at www.springerlink.comThere is increasing pressure to manage forests for multiple objectives, including ecosystem services and biodiversity, alongside timber production. However, few forests are currently co-managed for timber and wildlife, despite potential economic and conservation benefits. We present empirical data from a commercial Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) production system in southern Norway in which moose ( Alces alces ) are an important secondary product. Combining long-term hunting and forestry records, we identified temporal vari- ation in clear-felling over the past five decades, peaking in the 1970s. Herbicide treatment of regenerating stands and a fivefold increase in moose harvest has lead to a reduction in availability of successional forest per moose of [ 90 % since the 1960s. Field estimates showed that spraying with the herbicide glyphosate reduced forage availability by 60 and 96 % in summer and winter, respectively, 4 years after treatment. It also reduced moose use and habitat selection of young spruce stands compared with unsprayed stands. Together these lines of evidence suggest that forest man- agement led to an increase in moose carrying capacity during the 1970s and a subsequent decline thereafter. This is likely to have contributed to observed reductions in moose population productivity in southern Norway and is counter to sustainable resource management. We therefore call for better integration and long-term planning between forestry and wildlife management to minimise forest damage and the development of large fluctuations in ungulate populations

    Effects of intensified forestry on the landscape-scale extinction risk of dead wood dependent species

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    In the future, a significant proportion of northern forests may become intensively managed through the planting of monospecific stands of native or introduced trees, and the use of multiple silvicultural treatments such as forest fertilization. Such an intensification of management in selected parts of the landscape is suggested by different zoning models, for example the Triad approach, which is under evaluation in some regions of North America. In this study, based on Fennoscandian conditions, we predicted landscape-scale extinction risks of five hypothetical model insect species dependent on fresh dead wood from Norway spruce (Picea abies), by simulating colonizations and local extinctions in forest stands. Intensified forestry applied to 50 % of the spruce stands led to strongly increased extinction risks of all species during the following 150 years. For one species – the sun-exposure specialist – there were strong effects already after 50 years. The negative effects of intensive plantation forestry could be compensated for by taking greater biodiversity conservation measures in other managed forests or by setting aside more forests. This is consistent with the Triad model, which is according to our analyses an effective way to decrease extinction risks, especially for the short-dispersing species and the species associated with closed forest. A zoning of forest land into intensive forestry, conventional forestry, and set asides may be better at combining increased timber production and maintenance of biodiversity in comparison to landscapes where all production forests are managed in the same way
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