731 research outputs found

    Regularity of the stress-energy tensor for extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes

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    We calculate the expectation values of the stress-energy tensor for both a massless minimally-coupled and dilaton-coupled 2D field propagating on an extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole, showing its regularity on the horizon in contrast with previous claims in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; Talk given at QG05, Cala Gonone (Italy), September 200

    Arbitrary p-form Galileons

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    We show that scalar, 0-form, Galileon actions --models whose field equations contain only second derivatives-- can be generalized to arbitrary even p-forms. More generally, they need not even depend on a single form, but may involve mixed p combinations, including equal p multiplets, where odd p-fields are also permitted: We construct, for given dimension D, general actions depending on scalars, vectors and higher p-form field strengths, whose field equations are of exactly second derivative order. We also discuss and illustrate their curved-space generalizations, especially the delicate non-minimal couplings required to maintain this order. Concrete examples of pure and mixed actions, field equations and their curved space extensions are presented.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, RevTeX4 format, v2: minor editorial changes reflecting the published version in PRD Rapid Communication

    Hawking radiation from extremal and non-extremal black holes

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    The relationship between Hawking radiation emitted by non extremal and extremal Reissner Nordstrom black holes is critically analyzed. A careful study of a series of regular collapsing geometries reveals that the stress energy tensor stays regular in the extremal limit and is smoothly connected to that of non extremal black holes. The unexpected feature is that the late time transients which played little role in the non extremal case are necessary to preserve the well defined character of the flux in the extremal case. The known singular behavior of the static energy density of extremal black holes is recovered from our series by neglecting these transients, when performing what turns out to be an illegitimate late time limit. Although our results are derived in two dimensional settings, we explain why they should also apply to higher dimensional black holes.Comment: 18 pages, late

    Light scalar field constraints from gravitational-wave observations of compact binaries

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    Scalar-tensor theories are among the simplest extensions of general relativity. In theories with light scalars, deviations from Einstein's theory of gravity are determined by the scalar mass m_s and by a Brans-Dicke-like coupling parameter \omega_{BD}. We show that gravitational-wave observations of nonspinning neutron star-black hole binary inspirals can be used to set lower bounds on \omega_{BD} and upper bounds on the combination m_s/\sqrt{\omega_{BD}}$. We estimate via a Fisher matrix analysis that individual observations with signal-to-noise ratio \rho would yield (m_s/\sqrt{\omega_{BD}})(\rho/10)<10^{-15}, 10^{-16} and 10^{-19} eV for Advanced LIGO, ET and eLISA, respectively. A statistical combination of multiple observations may further improve these bounds.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Matches version accepted in Physical Review

    Semiclassical zero-temperature corrections to Schwarzschild spacetime and holography

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    Motivated by the quest for black holes in AdS braneworlds, and in particular by the holographic conjecture relating 5D classical bulk solutions with 4D quantum corrected ones, we numerically solve the semiclassical Einstein equations (backreaction equations) with matter fields in the (zero temperature) Boulware vacuum state. In the absence of an exact analytical expression for in four dimensions we work within the s-wave approximation. Our results show that the quantum corrected solution is very similar to Schwarzschild till very close to the horizon, but then a bouncing surface for the radial function appears which prevents the formation of an event horizon. We also analyze the behavior of the geometry beyond the bounce, where a curvature singularity arises. In the dual theory, this indicates that the corresponding 5D static classical braneworld solution is not a black hole but rather a naked singularity.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures; revised version (title changed, conclusions shortened), published as Phys. Rev. D73, 104023 (2006

    COMPASS: a 2.6m telescope for CMBR polarization studies

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    COMPASS (COsmic Microwave Polarization at Small Scale) is an experiment devoted to measuring the polarization of the CMBR. Its design and characteristics are presented

    Static quantum corrections to the Schwarzschild spacetime

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    We study static quantum corrections of the Schwarzschild metric in the Boulware vacuum state. Due to the absence of a complete analytic expression for the full semiclassical Einstein equations we approach the problem by considering the s-wave approximation and solve numerically the associated backreaction equations. The solution, including quantum effects due to pure vacuum polarization, is similar to the classical Schwarzschild solution up to the vicinity of the classical horizon. However, the radial function has a minimum at a time-like surface close to the location of the classical event horizon. There the g_{00} component of the metric reaches a very small but non-zero value. The analysis unravels how a curvature singularity emerges beyond this bouncing point. We briefly discuss the physical consequences of these results by extrapolating them to a dynamical collapsing scenario.Comment: 10 pages; Talk given at QG05, Cala Gonone (Italy), September 200

    Generalized Gravity and a Ghost

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    We show that generalized gravity theories involving the curvature invariants of the Ricci tensor and the Riemann tensor as well as the Ricci scalar are equivalent to multi- scalar-tensor gravities with four derivatives terms. By expanding the action around a vacuum spacetime, the action is reduced to that of the Einstein gravity with four derivative terms, and consequently there appears a massive spin-2 ghost in such generalized gravity theories in addition to a massive spin-0 field.Comment: 8 pages, a reference adde
