409 research outputs found

    Foreign trade and marketing processes in the context of sustainable development

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    Purpose: The article aims to study foreign economic and trade relations between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the CIS and the Western European countries. In addition, the study improves forms of foreign economic cooperation between the countries and suggests the stages of its implementation in the integration group. Design/Methodology/Approach: Central and Eastern European countries are experiencing the increase and acceleration of the labour migration to Western European countries, which has a negative impact on their medium-and long-term development. As a theoretical and methodological basis, the article uses historical-logical, dialectical principles and contradictions, the method of the scientific abstraction. The process-system approach, which was used in the study of foreign economic relations between the partner countries, gained special importance in the argument of the need to implement stages. Findings: Authors presented the form of the foreign economic cooperation between the countries as the geostrategic economic block and the stages of its implementation. As the study shows, these stages will help to smooth out the economic inequality between the Central and Eastern regions of Europe and Western European countries. Practical implications: In practice, authors investigate the phased implementation of the geostrategic economic bloc form, which will reduce inequality between the partner countries of the European Union. Originality/Value: The economic inequality between developed and developing countries of the European Union is increasing every year, which can lead to the transformation of the integration group, so it is necessary to develop new forms and mechanisms of foreign economic relations between the partner countries.peer-reviewe


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    One of the promising raw materials types for alcoholic beverages production, which have a peculiar aroma and taste, is the ashberry (red), widespread throughout the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to develop an innovative technology for alcoholic beverages from the red ashberry based on the study of the raw materials biochemical composition transformation during its processing, maceration, fermentation, distillation, as well as its effect on the volatile components composition of distillate and the processing conditions of the finished alcoholic beverage. Fermented pulp of red ashberry, distillates and alcoholic beverage blends from ashberry were used as objects of the study. To determine the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators in the work, standardized analysis methods and certified methods were used. The effect of various yeast races and fermentation conditions on the change in biochemical composition of the red ashberry pulp was studied. For this raw material type fermentation, recommended Siha 3 yeast race. The positive effect of the Vitamon Combi fermentation activator on the fermentation efficiency and the formation of qualitative characteristics of the fermented pulp, including its amino acid composition, is shown. It was established that the optimal conditions for fermentation is the anaerobic regimen at a temperature of no higher than 22 ºС. The effect of fractional distillation operating parameters in a direct distillation unit on the volatile components’ composition and concentration in ashberry distillate is studied. It is recommended to obtain a high-quality distillate to carry out the selection of the head fraction in the amount of 2.5% of the distilled pulp volume, and the selection of the tail fraction to start when the strength in distillate reaches 45% vol. It is shown that within 30 days of exposure in the distillate, a certain chemical equilibrium is achieved and its taste and aromatic characteristics are harmonized. The blending conditions of the alcoholic beverage are determined and the technological processing modes are established to ensure its high consumer properties. The conducted studies have allowed to develop innovative technology for a new alcoholic beverage from red ashberry.One of the promising raw materials types for alcoholic beverages production, which have a peculiar aroma and taste, is the ashberry (red), widespread throughout the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to develop an innovative technology for alcoholic beverages from the red ashberry based on the study of the raw materials biochemical composition transformation during its processing, maceration, fermentation, distillation, as well as its effect on the volatile components composition of distillate and the processing conditions of the finished alcoholic beverage. Fermented pulp of red ashberry, distillates and alcoholic beverage blends from ashberry were used as objects of the study. To determine the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators in the work, standardized analysis methods and certified methods were used. The effect of various yeast races and fermentation conditions on the change in biochemical composition of the red ashberry pulp was studied. For this raw material type fermentation, recommended Siha 3 yeast race. The positive effect of the Vitamon Combi fermentation activator on the fermentation efficiency and the formation of qualitative characteristics of the fermented pulp, including its amino acid composition, is shown. It was established that the optimal conditions for fermentation is the anaerobic regimen at a temperature of no higher than 22 ºС. The effect of fractional distillation operating parameters in a direct distillation unit on the volatile components’ composition and concentration in ashberry distillate is studied. It is recommended to obtain a high-quality distillate to carry out the selection of the head fraction in the amount of 2.5% of the distilled pulp volume, and the selection of the tail fraction to start when the strength in distillate reaches 45% vol. It is shown that within 30 days of exposure in the distillate, a certain chemical equilibrium is achieved and its taste and aromatic characteristics are harmonized. The blending conditions of the alcoholic beverage are determined and the technological processing modes are established to ensure its high consumer properties. The conducted studies have allowed to develop innovative technology for a new alcoholic beverage from red ashberry

    Residents’ interest to form a “green” territory brand

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    The main aim of this article is to examine the residents’ interest of a region to form a territorial “green” brand. It refers to the region of Rostov where there is a continuous attempt to develop the territory based on sustainable green initiatives. The article reveals if the residents are aware on the authorities’ efforts and how the population supports the initiatives as well as how active the residents are to develop the territory. The results of this research allow to forecast the success of the “green” brand formation with certain correction of the priorities concerning the informational and communication work to explain the significance of the given process to the residents and possibly the improvement of the population’s standard of living.peer-reviewe

    Distribution and Peculiarities of Allometric Growth of Larval Illex in the Northwest Atlantic

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    The Illex larvae inhabit the epipelagial of the shelf waters, the continental slope and the Gulf Stream where the temperature and salinity range from 11.2 to 20.10°C and from 34.50 to 36.56%, respectively. The largest recorded aggregations were in the continental slope area of the Mid Atlantic Bight (MAB) between 35° and 38°N, and in the northern periphery of the Gulf Stream to 65°w. Illex illecebrosus spawn in the pelagial of the continentalslope between. the Florida Peninsula and 40°N. The spawning periodextends from September to May, with December-February as peak spawning months. Egg masses found in the spawning ground have a positive bouyancy

    Применение методов интеллектуального анализа данных к решению задач актуарного моделирования и оценивания финансовых рисков

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    Подано результати застосування методів інтелектуального аналізу даних до актуарного моделювання та оцінювання ризиків страхових компаній. Як математичний апарат використано узагальнені лінійні моделі, метод групового врахування аргументів та нечіткий метод групового врахування аргументів, а також байєсівський підхід до оцінювання невідомих параметрів моделей. На підставі фактичних статистичних даних з галузі страхування побудовано нові узагальнені лінійні моделі для подальшого застосування під час оцінювання ризику втрат страхових компаній, розроблено й апробовано мережу Байєса для оцінювання ризику банкрутства страхових компаній у разі настання страхового випадку. Прийнятною для подальшого використання виявилась модель з гамма-розподілом та логарифмічною функцією зв’язку, параметри якої отримано за чотири ітерації алгоритму оцінювання. Великий ризик банкрутства страхових компаній свідчить про відсутність ефективного механізму управління коштами як власного капіталу, так і надходжень, отриманих від страхових договорів. Застосування методів інтелектуального аналізу даних є ефективним підходом до розв’язання задач прогнозування та оцінювання ризиків актуарних процесів.Results of application of the data mining to solving the problem of actuarial processes modeling and risk estimation for insurance companies are presented. As a mathematical modeling tool the following approaches were used: generalized linear models, Bayesian networks, the group method for data handling, fuzzy GMDH, and Bayesian parameter estimation techniques. Using actual statistical data from the insurance industry, new generalized linear models were constructed that were used for estimation of a possible loss by an insurance company. Also, a model in the form of a Bayesian network was constructed that was applied to estimate the bankruptcy risk in a case of insurance losses. The best model constructed in this case turned out to be the gamma distribution based model and logarithmic link function whose parameters were estimated within four iterations of the estimation algorithm. A substantial computed value of the insurance company bankruptcy risk reflects the fact that the company under consideration does not possess an effective mechanism for managing its own capital and the payments from clients. Thus, an application of data mining is an effective approach to solving the problems of short-term forecasting financial processes and estimation of actuarial risks.Представлены результаты применения методов интеллектуального анализа данных к актуарному моделированию и оценивания рисков страховых компаний. В качестве математического аппарата использованы обобщенные линейные модели, метод группового учета аргументов и нечеткий метод группового учета аргументов, а также байесовский подход к оцениванию неизвестных параметров моделей. На основе фактических статистических данных из области страхования построены новые обобщенные линейные модели для их дальнейшего использования при оценивании рисков потерь страховых компаний, разработана и апробирована сеть Байеса для оценивания риска банкротства страховой компании при наступлении страхового случая. Приемлемой для дальнейшего использования оказалась модель с гамма-распределением данных и логарифмической функцией связи, параметры которой получены за четыре итерации алгоритма оценивания. Большой риск банкротства страховой компании свидетельствует об отсутствии эффективного механизма управления денежными средствами как собственного капитала, так и прибыли от страховых договоров. Применение методов интеллектуального анализа данных является эффективным подходом к решению задач прогнозирования и оценивания рисков актуарных процессов

    Proliferative activity in ovarian endometrrioma

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    Endometriosis shows features similar to neoplasia, which recently increased interest in the monoclonal antigen Ki-67. The aim of the study was to study the expression of Ki-67 in the operated ovarian endometriomas in women of reproductive age. Materials of the study were 32 patients with ovarian endometriomas and 30 patients with tubal infertility in the control group who underwent surgical treatment. Immunohistochemical study was performed by avidin-biotin-peroxidase method according to the standard method. Evaluated the number of positively colored cells using rabbit monoclonal antibodies to Ki-67. In 68.75% of patients with operated endometriomas, active proliferation in ovarian formations is observed, which is manifested by increased expression of oncoprotein Ki-67 in the glandular epithelium, in the cytogenic stroma of the endometrium and in surrounding vessels. There is a direct correlation between the level of Ki-67 expression and the prevalence of the endometriomas

    Advanced standard operating procedures for survey of buildings and structures of metallurgical production

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    This article presents modern methods for determination of the depth of various types of foundations at the metallurgical industry facilities. It was decided to use modern geophysical research methods, such as seismic exploration methods in order to solve the tasks for determination of depth of pile foundations and deep foundations under conditions of operating production metallurgical site. Geometric parameters of foundations can be measured using engineering seismic equipment, and three-component measurement data shall be processed by means of specific processing flow. The use of coherency procedures makes it possible to separate the dedicated phases of reflection from the foundation bottom in the wave pattern. Reproducibility of results of foundation bottom laying depth with actual depth was checked using engineering seismic recording systems by uncovering of foundation check pit-holes at the blast furnace complex facilities No. 7 of JSC EVRAZ NTMK. The measurement accuracy of pile foundations and spread foundations equal to 0.5 meters was achieved by means of seismic techniques as a result of the measurements conducted at the metallurgical production facilities. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Advanced standard operating procedures for survey of buildings and structures of metallurgical production

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    This article presents modern methods for determination of the depth of various types of foundations at the metallurgical industry facilities. It was decided to use modern geophysical research methods, such as seismic exploration methods in order to solve the tasks for determination of depth of pile foundations and deep foundations under conditions of operating production metallurgical site. Geometric parameters of foundations can be measured using engineering seismic equipment, and three-component measurement data shall be processed by means of specific processing flow. The use of coherency procedures makes it possible to separate the dedicated phases of reflection from the foundation bottom in the wave pattern. Reproducibility of results of foundation bottom laying depth with actual depth was checked using engineering seismic recording systems by uncovering of foundation check pit-holes at the blast furnace complex facilities No. 7 of JSC EVRAZ NTMK. The measurement accuracy of pile foundations and spread foundations equal to 0.5 meters was achieved by means of seismic techniques as a result of the measurements conducted at the metallurgical production facilities. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd