696 research outputs found

    Influencia de las diferentes alturas de tacón en la marcha. Estudio goniométrico

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    En este estudio se ha pretendido analizar las variaciones goniométricas en las articulaciones de la cadera, rodilla y tobillo, caminando descalzo y con tacón de 2 y 4 centímetros de altura, en dos grupos de mujeres sin patología y con edades comprendidas entre los 20 y 24 años: el primero acostumbradas a caminar con zapato de tacón alto (9 casos) y el segundo acostumbrado a caminar con calzado plano (21 casos). Para ello se ha utilizado un sistema telemétrico de medida: «Sistema Telemétrico Biológico de MIE Medical Rechearch LTD». Se ha comprobado que existen diferencias importantes en la forma individual de llevar zapato de tacón alto, que varían con la experiencia. La máxima flexión de cadera, que se produce en la fase de oscilación, disminuye conforme aumenta la altura del tacón en las personas acostumbradas al mismo, mientras que aumenta en las no acostumbradas. La extensión máxima de la rodilla disminuye conforme aumenta el tacón en todas las personas estudiadas, es decir, tanto si tienen experiencia como si no la tienen, mientras que la flexión máxima se mantiene. A nivel del tobillo, la adaptación al tacón se produce de forma muy dispar aunque llama la atención la exageración de la flexión del mismo, en las personas acostumbradas a llevar tacón, cuando caminan descalzas

    Surface and sub-surface thermal oxidation of thin ruthenium films

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    A mixed 2D (film) and 3D (nano-column) growth of ruthenium oxide has been experimentally observed for thermally oxidized polycrystalline ruthenium thin films. Furthermore, in situ x-ray reflectivity upon annealing allowed the detection of 2D film growth as two separate layers consisting of low density and high density oxides. Nano-columns grow at the surface of the low density oxide layer, with the growth rate being limited by diffusion of ruthenium through the formed oxide film. Simultaneously, with the growth of the columns, sub-surface high density oxide continues to grow limited by diffusion of oxygen or ruthenium through the oxide fil


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    Migration is a phenomenon that is increasing everyday; the search for better work opportunities and quality of life has lead to a massive movement of people from their homeland to new residences in different geographic regions. Both the politics of health care and the achievements of organizations dedicated to this phenomenon are still not well-known publicly. The objective of this article is to analyze the health consequences that are raised by this phenomenon and the ways in which nursing professionals must face these, in order to deliver effective and efficient health care to the migrant patient, who in turn, needs to feel welcome in an often unknown environment. In this article, some of Leininger´s affirmations concerning transculturality are highlighted and analyzed, leading to suggestions as to provide quality health attention to the migrant patient. The role of nursing towards the immigrant patient is also discussed, with special consideration placed on the relationship between the concepts of migration, culture, and health.La migración es un fenómeno social creciente. La búsqueda de mejores condiciones laborales y calidad de vida lleven a las personas a decidir movilizarse desde sus lugares de residencia habitual hacia zonas geográficas diferentes. Tanto las políticas de salud como los logros que han obtenido las organizaciones dedicadas a este fenómeno, son aún de poco conocimiento público. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las consecuencias para la salud que implica este fenómeno y las formas en que los profesionales de enfermería deben enfrentarlo, de manera de entregar un cuidado eficiente al paciente migrante, que necesita sentirse acogido en un ambiente muchas veces desconocido. En este artículo se enfatizan algunos enunciados de Leininger acerca de la transculturalidad, que dan lugar a ciertas sugerencias para brindar una atención de calidad al paciente migrante. Se hace referencia además al rol de la enfermería hacia este tipo de población, considerando especialmente la relación existente entre migración, cultura y salud

    Supercritical Fluid fractionation of mentha suaveolens: concentration of functional properties

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    Supercritial Antisolvent Fractionation process was optimiced for the concentration of Mentha suaveolens bioactives in two different fractions. Their composition was analysed with HPLC. The antimicrobial activity of these fractions was assayed. The SAF process fractionated M. suaveolens tincture in two enriched fractions in different bioactives concentrating those with antimicrobial activity in one of them.  El proceso de Fraccionamiento Supercrítico Antidisolvente  fue optimizado para la concentrar bioactivos de Mentha suaveolens en dos diferentes fracciones. Su composición fue analizada con HPLC. La actividad antimicrobiana de estas fracciones fue ensayada. El proceso supercrítico permitió fraccionar la tintura de esta planta en 2 fracciones enrriqueciendolas en diferentes bioactivos y concentrando en uno de ellos los compuestos con actividad antimicrobiana.  &nbsp

    Supercritical Fluid fractionation of mentha suaveolens: concentration of functional properties

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    Supercritial Antisolvent Fractionation process was optimiced for the concentration of Mentha suaveolens bioactives in two different fractions. Their composition was analysed with HPLC. The antimicrobial activity of these fractions was assayed. The SAF process fractionated M. suaveolens tincture in two enriched fractions in different bioactives concentrating those with antimicrobial activity in one of them.  El proceso de Fraccionamiento Supercrítico Antidisolvente  fue optimizado para la concentrar bioactivos de Mentha suaveolens en dos diferentes fracciones. Su composición fue analizada con HPLC. La actividad antimicrobiana de estas fracciones fue ensayada. El proceso supercrítico permitió fraccionar la tintura de esta planta en 2 fracciones enrriqueciendolas en diferentes bioactivos y concentrando en uno de ellos los compuestos con actividad antimicrobiana.  &nbsp

    From Construction Workers to Architects: Developing Scientific Research Capacity in Low-Income Countries

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    Solving global health challenges in a sustainable manner depends on explicitly addressing scientific capacity-building needs, as well as establishing long-term, meaningful partnerships with colleagues in the developing world

    Comet Machholz (C/2004 Q2): morphological structures in the inner coma and rotation parameters

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    Extensive observations of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) were carried out between August 2004 and May 2005. The images obtained were used to investigate the comet's inner coma features at resolutions between 350 and 1500 km/pixel. A photometric analysis of the dust outflowing from the comet's nucleus and the study of the motion of the morphological structures in the inner coma indicated that the rotation period of the nucleus was most likely around 0.74 days. A thorough investigation of the inner coma morphology allowed us to observe two main active sources on the comet's nucleus, at a latitude of +85{\deg} \pm 5{\deg} and +45{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}, respectively. Further sources have been observed, but their activity ran out quite rapidly over time; the most relevant was at latcom. = 25{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}. Graphic simulations of the geometrical conditions of observation of the inner coma were compared with the images and used to determine a pole orientation at RA=95{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}, Dec=+35{\deg} \pm 5{\deg}. The comet's spin axis was lying nearly on the plane of the sky during the first decade of December 2004.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Precision on leptonic mixing parameters at future neutrino oscillation experiments

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    We perform a comparison of the different future neutrino oscillation experiments based on the achievable precision in the determination of the fundamental parameters theta_{13} and the CP phase, delta, assuming that theta_{13} is in the range indicated by the recent Daya Bay measurement. We study the non-trivial dependence of the error on delta on its true value. When matter effects are small, the largest error is found at the points where CP violation is maximal, and the smallest at the CP conserving points. The situation is different when matter effects are sizable. As a result of this effect, the comparison of the physics reach of different experiments on the basis of the CP discovery potential, as usually done, can be misleading. We have compared various proposed super-beam, beta-beam and neutrino factory setups on the basis of the relative precision of theta_{13} and the error on delta. Neutrino factories, both high-energy or low-energy, outperform alternative beam technologies. An ultimate precision on theta_{13} below 3% and an error on delta of < 7^{\circ} at 1 sigma (1 d.o.f.) can be obtained at a neutrino factory.Comment: Minor changes, matches version accepted in JHEP. 30 pages, 9 figure

    Color Octet Contribution to J/psi Photoproduction Asymmetries

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    We investigate J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction asymmetries in the framework of the NRQCD factorization approach. It is shown that the color octet contribution leads to large uncertainties in the predicted asymmetries which rules out the possibility to precisely measure the gluon polarization in the nucleon through this final state. For small values of the color octet parameters being compatible with J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction data it appears possible that a measurement of J/ψJ/\psi asymmetries could provide a new test for the NRQCD factorization approach, on one hand, or a measurement of the polarized gluon distribution from low inelasticity events (z<0.7)(z<0.7), on the otherComment: 12 pages, LaTeX, with 6 figs. Final version published in Phys.Rev.