169 research outputs found

    Extended emission around GPS radio sources

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    Extended radio emission detected around a sample of GHz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources is discussed. Evidence for extended emission which is related to the GPS source is found in 6 objects out of 33. Three objects are associated with quasars with core-jet pc-scale morphology, and three are identified with galaxies with symmetric (CSO) radio morphology. We conclude that the core-jet GPS quasars are likely to be beamed objects with a continuous supply of energy from the core to the kpc scale. It is also possible that low surface brightness extended radio emission is present in other GPS quasars but the emission is below our detection limit due to the high redshifts of the objects. On the other hand, the CSO/galaxies with extended large scale emission may be rejuvenated sources where the extended emission is the relic of previous activity. In general, the presence of large scale emission associated with GPS galaxies is uncommon, suggesting that in the context of the recurrent activity model, the time scale between subsequent bursts is in general longer than the radiative lifetime of the radio emission from the earlier activity.Comment: 18 paged, 18 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Reaching out to early-career astrobiologists: AbGradE's actions and perspectives

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    Astrobiology Graduates in Europe (AbGradE, pronounced ab-grad-ee) is an association of early-career scientists working in fields relevant to astrobiological research. Conceptualized in 2013, it was initially designed as a mini-conference or workshop dedicated to early-career researchers, providing a friendly environment where early-career minds would be able to present their research without being intimidated by the possibility of facing a more traditional audience, composed mainly of senior scientists. Within the last couple of years, AbGradE became the first point of call for European, but also for an increasing number of non-European, early-career astrobiologists. This article aims to present how AbGradE has evolved over the years (in its structure and in its way of organizing events), how it has adapted with the COVID-19 pandemic, and what future developments are considered

    Características morfogênicas e estruturais de gramíneas com potencial de uso em Sistemas de Integração - Lavoura - Pecuária - Floresta em Rondônia.

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    Este trabalho apresenta as principais características morfogênicas e estruturais de gramíneas com potencial de uso em sistemas de integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (iLPF?s). Este sistema surge como alternativa promissora, por apresentarem várias vantagens quando comparados aos sistemas convencionais de produção. Nos iLPF's as pastagens além de servirem como a base alimentar dos rebanhos, oportunizando a geração de produtos de origem animal, passam a exercer importante papel na ciclagem de nutrientes.bitstream/item/46764/1/cot364-gramineas.pd

    Características morfogênicas e estruturais de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais.

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    Em experimento conduzido na Embrapa Rondônia em Porto Velho, foram determinadas e comparadas as características morfogênicas e estruturais de cinco gramíneas forrageiras (Brachiaria ruziziensis, B. brizantha cultivares-cvs. Marandu, Xaraés, e Piatã, e Panicum maximum x P. infestum cultivar-cv. Massai), estabelecidas em vasos contendo solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, mantidos em bancada sob condições ambientais. As cvs. de B. brizantha apresentaram características morfogênicas e estruturais semelhantes, à exceção do filocrono, duração de vida de folha e número de folhas por perfilho. As cvs. Xaraés e Marandu demandaram maior tempo para emitirem uma nova folha do que a Piatã, e essa a B. ruziziensis e ao Massai, as quais não diferiram entre si. As folhas da cv. Marandu persistiram mais em relação as das cvs. Xaraés e Piatã, com folhas mais longevas do que as da B. ruziziensis e essa as do Massai. A taxa de expansão de folhas foi semelhante para todas as gramíneas, mas quanto à de senescência, as cvs. de B. briz ntha senesceram à menores taxas do que as de B. ruziziensis e as do Massai. As cvs. de B. brizantha mantiveram menor quantidade de folhas por perfilho e perfilharam menos, mas em contrapartida, suas folhas e perfilhos foram maiores que os da B. ruziziensis e os do Massai. Com base nessas características as cvs. de B. brizantha devem ser submetidas a freqüência e intensidade de desfolha mais lenientes em relação ao Massai e a B. ruziziensis

    Antibiose in vitro de rizobactérias promotoras do crescimento de plantas autóctones de feijoeiro comum contra Thanatephorus cucumeris.

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    Neste trabalho, buscou-se selecionar in vitro, por teste de antibiose direta, 50 isolados de rizobactérias, obtidas por diluição seriada de solo de rizosfera advindos de plantios de feijão sadios, capazes de inibir o crescimento de T. cucumeris, na sua forma imperfeita (Rhizoctonia solani)

    Antibiose in vitro de procariotas residentes de filoplano autóctones de feijoeiro comum contra Thanatephorus cucumeris.

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    Neste trabalho, buscou-se selecionar in vitro, por teste de antibiose direta, 50 isolados de residentes de filoplano bacterianos, obtidos pelo método de ?imprinting? de folhas de plantios sadios, capazes de inibir o crescimento de T. cucumeris, na sua forma imperfeita (Rhizoctonia solani)

    Prediction of genetic gains by selection indices using mixed models in elephant grass for energy purposes.

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    Genetically improved cultivars of elephant grass need to be adapted to different ecosystems with a faster growth speed and lower seasonality of biomass production over the year. This study aimed to use selection indices using mixed models (REML/BLUP) for selecting families and progenies within full-sib families of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) for biomass production. One hundred and twenty full-sib progenies were assessed from 2014 to 2015 in a randomized block design with three replications. During this period, the traits dry matter production, the number of tillers, plant height, stem diameter, and neutral detergent fiber were assessed. Families 3 and 1were the best classified, being the most indicated for selection effect. Progenies 40, 45, 46, and 49 got the first positions in the three indices assessed in the first cut. The gain for individual 40 was 161.76% using Mulamba and Mock index. The use of selection indices using mixed models is advantageous in elephant grass since they provide high gains with the selection, which are distributed among all the assessed traits in the most appropriate situation to breeding programs