704 research outputs found

    Matrix Index of Income Varieties of Indonesian Labor Force and Its Application in Indonesa

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    Matrix Index of Income Varieties (MIVP) is an index, which is developed from the variety co efficiency and statistic χ2 so that it will produce output totally as shown by Index of Williamson/Theil, as regionally as Index of Theil, sectorally as Index of Gini.Besides, Matrix Index of Income Varieties (MIIV) is able to identify which individual/ sector/region influence the draw of income inequalities above or below the average. In application, MIIV will produce a maximal outcome if it is combined with Labor Force Productivity Index.The outcome of MIIV/MIVP in Indonesia shows that the high-income inequalities in Indonesia are influenced by the contribution of regional economy, regional labor force contribution, the characteristic of regional economic sector, and regional potentials of each province


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    Coyotes (Canis latrans) and pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) have co-existed for thousands of years, but in today\u27s production-oriented society the Pronghorn may need some help periodically. Although pronghorn numbers have rebounded dramatically since the early 20th century, continued management of this species is necessary and may include management of its primarily predator, the coyote. Pronghorn defense mechanisms offer protection from predators, but the coyote\u27s hunting strategies overcome these mechanisms The Trans-Pecos region of Texas holds the greatest numbers of pronghorn In the state. Ranchers in the Trans-Pecos can use predators, such as rainfall; strategies, such as proper livestock stocking rates and pasture deferment; and tools, such as predator control, to help manage pronghorn populations in the presence of coyotes


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    Coyotes (Canis latrans) and pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) have co-existed for thousands of years, but in today\u27s production-oriented society the Pronghorn may need some help periodically. Although pronghorn numbers have rebounded dramatically since the early 20th century, continued management of this species is necessary and may include management of its primarily predator, the coyote. Pronghorn defense mechanisms offer protection from predators, but the coyote\u27s hunting strategies overcome these mechanisms The Trans-Pecos region of Texas holds the greatest numbers of pronghorn In the state. Ranchers in the Trans-Pecos can use predators, such as rainfall; strategies, such as proper livestock stocking rates and pasture deferment; and tools, such as predator control, to help manage pronghorn populations in the presence of coyotes


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    Information regarding mountain lion (Felis concolor) food habits is relatively scarce overall, and this is particularly true in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas. Most information currently available is from Big Bend National Park where livestock are excluded and game animals are not actively managed. This study involved the analysis of 32 mountain lion stomachs collected throughout the Trans-Pecos over a 14 month period. Deer (Odocoileus spp.) and javelina (Tayassu tajacu) were the predominate prey species, each occurring in 39% of the stomachs analyzed. Domestic livestock was found in 9% of the total stomachs and non-game wildlife in 13%. Samples taken from areas with and without livestock differed significantly (P\u3c0.05). Samples from areas with livestock contained deer (50%), javelina (19%), small game (19%), and livestock (12%). Samples from areas without livestock contained javelina (86%) and deer (14%). No differences (P\u3e0.05) in food habits were found between sexes or among seasons of the year


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    Information regarding mountain lion (Felis concolor) food habits is relatively scarce overall, and this is particularly true in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas. Most information currently available is from Big Bend National Park where livestock are excluded and game animals are not actively managed. This study involved the analysis of 32 mountain lion stomachs collected throughout the Trans-Pecos over a 14 month period. Deer (Odocoileus spp.) and javelina (Tayassu tajacu) were the predominate prey species, each occurring in 39% of the stomachs analyzed. Domestic livestock was found in 9% of the total stomachs and non-game wildlife in 13%. Samples taken from areas with and without livestock differed significantly (P\u3c0.05). Samples from areas with livestock contained deer (50%), javelina (19%), small game (19%), and livestock (12%). Samples from areas without livestock contained javelina (86%) and deer (14%). No differences (P\u3e0.05) in food habits were found between sexes or among seasons of the year

    Analisis Pusat Pertumbuhan Tingkat Kecamatan Di Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kecamatan yang berperan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan dan wilayah hinterland. Metode pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Lokasi di kabupeten Gorontalo dengan 19 wilayah administratif. Variabel meliputi data fasilitas ekonomi, pendidikan dan kesehatan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah skalogram dan indeks sentralitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dari 19 kecamatan hanya terdapat satu kecamatan yang merupakan pusat pertumbuhan yaitu kecamatan limboto kecamatan lainnya merupakan daerah hinterland. Simpulan terdapat satu kecamatan yang berada di hierarki I yaitu kecamatan Limboto. Pada hierarki II terdapar kecamatan Tibawa, Telaga Biru, Limboto Barat, Boliyohuto, dan Telaga.  III terdapat Kecamatan Tolongohula, Batudaa, Pulubala, Bongomeme, Batudaa Pantai, Dungaliyo, Tabongo, Asparaga, Telaga Jaya, Bilato, Tilango, Biluhu dan Mootilango. Hasil nilai interaksi Kecamatan Limboto sebagai pusat pertumbuhan memiliki interaksi tertinggi dengan kecamatan Limboto Barat, Kecamatan Telaga Biru, Kecamatan Tibawa dan Kecamatan Telaga

    'For this I was made': conflict and calling in the role of a woman priest

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    There has been an increasing focus on ‘work as calling’ in recent years, but relatively few empirical sociological accounts that shed light on the experience of performing calling work. Although callings have generally been referred to as positive and fulfilling to the individual and as beneficial to society, researchers have also suggested there is a ‘dark side’ to calling, and have drawn attention to the potential conflicts and tensions inherent in the pursuit of calling, especially for women. This article explores these themes through the first-hand experiences of one woman who felt called to work as a priest. Her narrative illustrates how callings draw the individual irresistibly towards a particular line of work. It also shows how calling work can be both satisfying individually and beneficial to the wider community but, at the same time, involves sacrifice, compromise and a willingness to defer personal rewards


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    Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan Data Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Kota Manado kasus DBD pada tahun 2015 tercatat sebanyak 446 kasus dan 6 kasus diantaranya meninggal dunia, tahun 2016 tercatat 567 kasus dan 6 kasus diantaranya meninggal dunia, tahun 2017 tercatat 139 kasus dan tidak ada yang meninggal dunia dan pada tahun 2018 tercatat 294 kasus (Dinkes Kota Manado, 2019). Metode :Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional study.Sampel penelitian ini Kejadian DBD 1.969 kasus kejadian DBD tahun 2014-2018 (Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado) dan jumlah kelembaban, dan curah hujan yang diambil dari tahun 2014-2018 (BMKG Kota Manado) Hasil :hasil uji korelasi (r) dengan p-value yang diperoleh nilai korelasir= -0.0341 tentang hubungan antara kejadian Demam berdarah dengue dengan kelembaban di kota manado tahun 2014-2018 dan hubungan yang cukup antara kejadian demam berdarah dengue dengan curah hujan di Kota Manado tahun 2014-2018 r= -0.0482. Kesimpulan:Dalam penelitian ini tidak terdapat hubungan antara kejadian Demam berdarah dengue dengan kelembaban di kota manado tahun 2014-2018 dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang cukup antara kejadian demam berdarah dengue dengan curah hujan di Kota Manado tahun 2014-2018.. Saran : Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan baik kota maupun provinsi agar dapat mengontrol wilayah-wilayah yang rentan kejadian DBD yang tinggi dan dapat memantau kesehatan lingkungan pada masyarakat secara berkala serta mengadakan pembinaan kepada masyarakat sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit DBD. Kata kunci : DBD, Curah Hujan dan Kelembaban ABSTRACTBackground: Based on Data of the Ministry of Health (Dinkes) Manado City DBD case in 2015 recorded as many as 446 cases and 6 cases were passed away, the year 2016 recorded 567 cases and 6 cases of which died, 2017 recorded in 139 Case and no one died and in 2018 recorded 294 cases (Dinkes Kota Manado, 2019). Method: This study uses analytical survey methods with cross sectional study draft research. Sample of this research event DBD 1,969 cases of DBD year 2014-2018 (Dinas Health Office of Manado) and the amount of humidity, and rainfall taken from the year 2014-2018 (BMKG of Manado City). Result: Correlation test result (R) with P-value obtained the correlation value R =-0.0341 about the relationship between the incidence of dengue fever with the humidity in the city of Manado in 2014-2018 and sufficient relationship between dengue fever incidence with The rainfall in Manado city in 2014-2018 r =-0.0482 Conclusion: In this research there is no connection between the incidence of dengue fever with the humidity in the city of Manado in 2014-2018 and there is no adequate relationship between dengue fever occurrence with rainfall in Manado city in 2014-2018. Advice: It is recommended to the health Department of both cities and provinces in order to control areas vulnerable to high DBD events and can monitor environmental health in the community periodically and to conduct coaching to the community As an effort to prevent DBD disease. Keywords: DBD, rainfall and humidit


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat  ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan yang terjadi di tujuh Pulau di Indonesia (Pulau Sumatera, Pulau Jawa-Bali, Pulau Nusa Tenggara, Pulau Kalimantan, Pulau Sulawesi, Pulau Maluku, Pulau Papua) dan menganalisis pengaruh dari  Pengeluaran Perkapita,  Pendidikan (Rata-rata lama sekolah  penduduk umur  ≄ 15 Tahun ), dan Kesehatan (Penduduk yang mempunyai keluhan kesehatan selama sebulan terakhir) terhadap Ketimpangan Distribusi Pendapatan  di Indonesia Tahun 2010-2019. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode awal yaitu metode analisis Indeks Williamson kemudian menggunakan Teknik analisis regresi berganda data panel melalui pendekatan Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Hasil Indeks Williamson menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tingkat ketimpangan yang terjadi di tujuh pulau di Indonesia sebesar 0,20 skala Indeks Williamson, yang berarti bahwa ke tujuh pulau di Indonesia berada di ketimpangan rendah. Dengan Pengeluaran Perkapita berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan di Indonesia, Pendidikan (Rata-rata lama sekolah penduduk umur ≄ 15 Tahun) berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan di Indonesia, dan Kesehatan (Penduduk yang mempunyai keluhan kesehatan selama sebulan terakhir) berpengaruh  positif dan signifikan terhadap ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan di Indonesia. Disimpulkan bahwa jika angka Indeks Williamson menunjukkan angka 1 maka ketimpangan berada dalam posisi tinggi, pada hasil analisis Indeks Williamson menunjukkan rata-rata sebesar 0,20 yang berarti ketimpangan antar tujuh pulau di Indonesia menujukkan ketimpangan yang rendah
