8,291 research outputs found

    Vibration characteristics of Z-ring-stiffened 60 deg conical shell models of a planetary entry spacecraft

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    An experimental investigation of the vibration characteristics of a 60 deg conical shell model of a planetary entry vehicle is described and the results presented. Model configurations include the shell with or without one or two Z-ring stiffeners and with or without a simulated payload. Tests were conducted with the model clamped at the small diameter and with the model suspended at the simulated payload. Additionally, calculated results obtained from application of several analytical procedures reported in the literature are presented together with comparisons between experimental and calculated frequencies and meridional mode shapes. Generally, very good frequency agreement between experimental and calculated results was obtained for all model configurations. For small values of circumferential mode number, however, the frequency agreement decreased as the number of ring stiffeners increased. Overall agreement between experimental and calculated mode shapes was generally good. The calculated modes usually showed much larger curvatures in the vicinity of the rings than were observed in the experimentally measured mode shapes. Dual resonances associated with modal preference were noted for the shell without Z-ring stiffeners, whereas the addition of stiffeners produced resonances for which the model responded in two or more modes over different sections of the shell length

    Spinaler Infarkt

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    Zusammenfassung: Die durch einen Rückenmarkinfarkt verursachte Symptomatik kann aufgrund der komplexen Blutversorgung des Myelons zu unterschiedlichen neurologischen Ausfällen führen. Dabei steht häufig die durch eine arterielle Minderperfusion des Myelons bedingte Querschnittssymptomatik im Vordergrund. Venös induzierte Mikrozirkulationsstörungen sind anhand des neurologischen Befundes klinisch nicht immer von arteriellen Infarkten zu unterscheiden. Die moderne Bildgebung unter Einsatz der CT- (CTA) und MR-Angiographie (MRA) dient dem Ausschluss nichtvaskulärer Ursachen für die Symptomatik wie Entzündungen und Tumoren sowie der präoperativen Planung vor der Aortenchirurgie zum Nachweis der für die Myelondurchblutung entscheidenden A.Adamkiewicz. Im Gegensatz zur CT kann mittels MRT ein Infarkt im Myelon mit hoher Verlässlichkeit nachgewiesen werde

    Convergent evidence for validity of a performance-based ICT skills test

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    The goal of this study was to investigate sources of evidence of convergent validity supporting the construct interpretation of scores on a simulation-based ICT skills test. The construct definition understands ICT skills as reliant on ICT-specific knowledge as well as comprehension and problem-solving skills. On the basis of this, a validity argument comprising three claims was formulated and tested. (1) In line with the classical nomothetic span approach, all three predictor variables explained task success positively across all ICT skills items. As ICT tasks can vary in the extent to which they require construct-related knowledge and skills and in the way related items are designed and implemented, the effects of construct-related predictor variables were expected to vary across items. (2) A task-based analysis approach revealed that the item-level effects of the three predictor variables were in line with the targeted construct interpretation for most items. (3) Finally, item characteristics could significantly explain the random effect of problem-solving skills, but not comprehension skills. Taken together, the obtained results generally support the validity of the construct interpretation
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