119 research outputs found


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    IstraĆŸivanje i vrjednovanje tala Splitsko-dalmatinske ĆŸupanije jedno je od brojnih u drĆŸavnoj strategiji izrade planova natapanja. Sve veća suĆĄa u razvoju poljoprivrede utječe na proizvodnost poljoprivredne proizvodnje u tom mediteranskom okruĆŸju. Temeljni cilj u ovom radu je bio sagledati zemljiĆĄne resurse pogodne za natapanje i izdvojiti oranične povrĆĄine gdje bi ta hidrotehnička mjera dala najveće rezultate. Osnovna metoda vrjednovanja je procjena pogodnosti tala za potrebe natapanja (FAO, 1976; Vidaček, 1981). Analiza je izvrĆĄena pomoću GIS tehnologije, program ArcView. Na temelju analize pedoloĆĄkih istraĆŸivanja semidetaljnog karaktera utvrdili smo sljedeće: Splitsko-dalmatinska ĆŸupanija ima povrĆĄinu od 4.539 km2. Od toga na poljoprivredne povrĆĄine otpada 2.177 km2 ili 48%. Ć ume su po povrĆĄini najzastupljenije i zauzimaju 2.244 km2 ili 49,4%. Naselja i okućnice zauzimaju 90 km2 ili 2,0%. Vodene povrĆĄine zauzimaju 29 km2 ili 0,6%. Najzastupljenija tla ĆŸupanije su smeđa tla na vapnencu ili dolomitu s 52.485 ha i vapneno dolomitna crnica s 42.027 ha, koja zbog stjenovitosti i nagiba spadaju u trajno nepogodna tla za natapanje. Od pogodnih tala najzastupljenija su antropogena tla u raznim oblicima krĆĄa (42.258 ha). Najbolja tla za oranice i vrtove su hidromeliorirana (3.649 ha) i aluvijalna (3.068 ha), a tla koja u tom kraju potencijalno najviĆĄe vrijede su močvarno glejna tla (3.337 ha). Pogodnih tala prvog prioriteta za natapanje s potrebnim većim ili manjim mjerama agromelioracija ima 92.003 ha, a drugog prioriteta za hidro i/ili agromelioracije u primjeni natapanja 6.001 ha. Trajno nepogodnih tala za natapanje u okviru poljoprivrednih povrĆĄina (prvenstveno paĆĄnjaci i livade) ima 119.663 ha.Investigation and evaluation of soils in Split-Dalmatia County are among numerous such investigations in the national strategy for planning irrigation. Increasingly frequent droughts affect agricultural production in this Mediterranean region. The principal aim of this work was to review the land resources suitable for irrigation and separate cropping areas where this hydrotechnical measure would render optimal results. The basic evaluation method is assessment of soil suitability for irrigation (FAO, 1976; Vidaček, 1981). Analysis was done using the GIS technology, program ArcView. Pedological investigations of semi-detailed character provided the following data: Split-Dalmatia County has an area of 4,539 km2. In this number, agricultural areas account for 2,177 km2 or 48%. Forests cover the largest area of 2,244 km2 or 49.4%. Settlements and house lots occupy 90 km2 or 2.0%. Water areas cover 29 km2 or 0.6%. The most wide-spread soils in this county are calcocambisols with 52,485 ha and calcomelanosols with 42,027 ha, which due to their rockiness and slope are permanently not suitable for irrigation. The most frequent suitable soils are anthropogenic soils in various karst forms (42,258 ha). Best soils for plough-fields and gardens are hydroameliorated (3,649 ha) and alluvial (3,068 ha) soils, while the potentially most valuable soils in the region are gley amphigley soils (3,337 ha). There are 92,003 ha of suitable soils of the first priority for irrigation requiring larger or smaller agroamelioration measures, and 6,001 ha of the second priority for hydro and/or agroamelioration when applying irrigation. There are 119,663 ha of permanently not suitable soils for irrigation within agricultural areas (primarily pastures and meadows)

    Timbre from Sound Synthesis and High-level Control Perspectives

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    International audienceExploring the many surprising facets of timbre through sound manipulations has been a common practice among composers and instrument makers of all times. The digital era radically changed the approach to sounds thanks to the unlimited possibilities offered by computers that made it possible to investigate sounds without physical constraints. In this chapter we describe investigations on timbre based on the analysis by synthesis approach that consists in using digital synthesis algorithms to reproduce sounds and further modify the parameters of the algorithms to investigate their perceptual relevance. In the first part of the chapter timbre is investigated in a musical context. An examination of the sound quality of different wood species for xylophone making is first presented. Then the influence of instrumental control on timbre is described in the case of clarinet and cello performances. In the second part of the chapter, we mainly focus on the identification of sound morphologies, so called invariant sound structures responsible for the evocations induced by environmental sounds by relating basic signal descriptors and timbre descriptors to evocations in the case of car door noises, motor noises, solid objects, and their interactions

    A digital waveguide-based approach for Clavinet modeling and synthesis

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    The Clavinet is an electromechanical musical instrument produced in the mid-twentieth century. As is the case for other vintage instruments, it is subject to aging and requires great effort to be maintained or restored. This paper reports analyses conducted on a Hohner Clavinet D6 and proposes a computational model to faithfully reproduce the Clavinet sound in real time, from tone generation to the emulation of the electronic components. The string excitation signal model is physically inspired and represents a cheap solution in terms of both computational resources and especially memory requirements (compared, e.g., to sample playback systems). Pickups and amplifier models have been implemented which enhance the natural character of the sound with respect to previous work. A model has been implemented on a real-time software platform, Pure Data, capable of a 10-voice polyphony with low latency on an embedded device. Finally, subjective listening tests conducted using the current model are compared to previous tests showing slightly improved results

    A Multicenter Retrospective Survey regarding Diabetic Ketoacidosis Management in Italian Children with Type 1 Diabetes

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    We conducted a retrospective survey in pediatric centers belonging to the Italian Society for Pediatric Diabetology and Endocrinology. The following data were collected for all new-onset diabetes patients aged 0-18 years: DKA (pH < 7.30), severe DKA (pH < 7.1), DKA in preschool children, DKA treatment according to ISPAD protocol, type of rehydrating solution used, bicarbonates use, and amount of insulin infused. Records (n = 2453) of children with newly diagnosed diabetes were collected from 68/77 centers (87%), 39 of which are tertiary referral centers, the majority of whom (n = 1536, 89.4%) were diagnosed in the tertiary referral centers. DKA was observed in 38.5% and severe DKA in 10.3%. Considering preschool children, DKA was observed in 72%, and severe DKA in 16.7%. Cerebral edema following DKA treatment was observed in 5 (0.5%). DKA treatment according to ISPAD guidelines was adopted in 68% of the centers. In the first 2 hours, rehydration was started with normal saline in all centers, but with different amount. Bicarbonate was quite never been used. Insulin was infused starting from third hour at the rate of 0.05-0.1 U/kg/h in 72% of centers. Despite prevention campaign, DKA is still observed in Italian children at onset, with significant variability in DKA treatment, underlying the need to share guidelines among centers

    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;2.05, 95%CI&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.39–3.02, p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.42, 95%CI&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.18–0.99, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon

    Staff compassion in acute mental health wards: a grounded theory investigation

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    Background: Staff working on acute inpatient mental health wards face unique challenges in terms of short admissions, acuity, complexity and exposure to violence, suicide and self-harm. They experience high levels of stress and burnout, which can impact compassion. Aim: To qualitatively explore staff’s understanding and conceptualisation of the development, loss and restoration of compassion within acute inpatient environments. Method: Eleven participants from a variety of professional backgrounds currently working on acute wards were interviewed. Using constructivist grounded theory, data were synthesised into theoretical categories and sub-categories. Results: A conceptual model of the facilitators and inhibitors of compassionate care was developed, based on five categories that emerged from the data: A compassionate stance; the challenges of acute wards; feeling under threat; restoring compassion; and a compassionate organisation. Conclusions: Findings outline the process whereby staff compassion can be challenged or depleted, leading to a negative appraisal of the patient. Colleague support, knowing and understanding patients, and accessing a reflective space all supported the restoration of compassion. Staff reported lack of organisational compassion influenced their ability to maintain a compassionate stance. The importance of appropriate training and support structures is discussed, alongside recommendations to support the development of compassionate acute mental health care
