66 research outputs found

    Structural investigation of (111) oriented (BiFeO3)(1-x){\Lambda}/(LaFeO3)x{\Lambda} superlattices by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy

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    (BiFeO3)(1-x){\Lambda}/(LaFeO3)x{\Lambda} superlattices (SLs) with varying x have been grown by pulsed laser deposition on (111) oriented SrTiO3 substrates. In order to obtain good epitaxy and flat samples a conducting SrRuO3 buffer has been deposited prior to the superlattices to screen the polar mismatch for such (111) SrTiO3 orientation. X-ray diffraction reciprocal space mapping on different family of planes were collected and evidenced a room temperature structural change at x=0.5 from a rhombohedral/monoclinic structure for rich BiFeO3 to an orthorhombic symmetry for rich LaFeO3. This symmetry change has been confirmed by Raman spectroscopy and demonstrates the different phase stability compared to similar SLs grown on (100) SrTiO3. The strongly anisotropic strain and oxygen octahedral rotation/tilt system compatibility at the interfaces probably explain the orientation dependence of the phase stability in such superlattices.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Hybrid intelligent framework for automated medical learning

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    This paper investigates the automated medical learning and proposes hybrid intelligent framework, called Hybrid Automated Medical Learning (HAML). The goal is the efficient combination of several intelligent components in order to automatically learn the medical data. Multi agents system is proposed by using distributed deep learning, and knowledge graph for learning medical data. The distributed deep learning is used for efficient learning of the different agents in the system, where the knowledge graph is used for dealing with heterogeneous medical data. To demonstrate the usefulness and accuracy of the HAML framework, intensive simulations on medical data were conducted. A wide range of experiments were conducted to verify the efficiency of the proposed system. Three case studies are discussed in this research, the first case study is related to process mining, and more precisely on the ability of HAML to detect relevant patterns from event medical data. The second case study is related to smart building, and the ability of HAML to recognize the different activities of the patients. The third one is related to medical image retrieval, and the ability of HAML to find the most relevant medical images according to the image query. The results show that the developed HAML achieves good performance compared to the most up-to-date medical learning models regarding both the computational and cost the quality of returned solutionspublishedVersio

    Process improvement proposal for the reduction of machine setup time in a copper transformation company using lean manufacturing tools

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    This study aimed to identify the causes of significant problems existing in the metallurgical sector, and a solution is proposed for the setup process. We detail the theoretical background of the processes in the lean manufacturing methodology, which will be applied to a rolling machine. Further, we provide a brief description of the company and the sector’s problems. We describe success stories of companies that implemented various lean manufacturing tools. We also present some of the results achieved across sectors to gain an in-depth understanding of the technique and a practical support of the implemented model. Our proposal is based on the lean manufacturing methodology; tools such as Single Minute Exchanges of Dies, Kaizen, 5S, and value stream mapping (VSM) will be used to reduce setup times and to impact machine layout and productivity positively. We also show the implementation results of a pilot plan conducted in the company over a period of more than 3 months.Revisión por pare

    Mathematical modelling and optimization of surface quality and productivity in turning process of AISI 12L14 free-cutting Steel

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    In this study, several series of experiments on turning process of AISI 12L14 free cutting steel characterized by its self-lubrication and the high percentage of lead in its composition were performed to rate the influence of cutting conditions (Vc, f and ap) on the machining performance such as surface roughness, cutting force, cutting power and material removal rate. A computer generated optimal design of experiment based on the I-optimality criteria along with analysis of variance was created to study the characterizations in turning of this steel, and desirability function was utilized for the optimization. The global optimization, combined high surface quality and productivity with low cutting power consumption, gave 12 optimal setting points provided high desirability values. The obtained correlation for surface roughness, cutting force, material removal rate and cutting power were 99.4%, 95.5%, 99.7% and 94.3%, respectively

    Blockchain technology's impact on supply chain integration and sustainable supply chain performance: evidence from the automotive industry

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    The study investigates the relationship between the information and communication-enabled supply chain integration (SCI) and sustainable supply chain performance (SSCP). Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, there is no empirical evidence on the impact of blockchain technologies (BT) on the SSCP. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to assess the relationship between BT and SSCP. More specifically, the study was conducted to examine the direct influence of BT on SCI and SSCP and the interactive effect of BT and SCI on SSCP. Based on the dynamic capability theoretical lens, the present study conceptualizes the use of BT as a specific IT resource to collaborate and reconfigure the ties with the upstream and downstream supply chain members to achieve SSCP. The results of the study support the hypothesis stating that BT positively influences the SSCP. The results recognize the role of SCI as a significant mediating variable between the BT and SSCP. The result indicates the strong influence of SCI with full mediation effect on the relationship between the BT and SSCP

    SUBARU prime focus spectrograph: integration, testing and performance for the first spectrograph

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    The Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) of the Subaru Measurement of Images and Redshifts (SuMIRe) project for Subaru telescope consists in four identical spectrographs fed by 600 fibers each. Each spectrograph is composed by an optical entrance unit that creates a collimated beam and distributes the light to three channels, two visibles and one near infrared. This paper presents the on-going effort for the tests & integration process for the first spectrograph channel: we have developed a detailed Assembly Integration and Test (AIT) plan, as well as the methods, detailed processes and I&T tools. We describe the tools we designed to assemble the parts and to test the performance of the spectrograph. We also report on the thermal acceptance tests we performed on the first visible camera unit. We also report on and discuss the technical difficulties that did appear during this integration phase. Finally, we detail the important logistic process that is require to transport the components from other country to Marseille

    Endpoints for randomized controlled clinical trials for COVID-19 treatments

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    Background: Endpoint choice for randomized controlled trials of treatments for novel coronavirus-induced disease (COVID-19) is complex. Trials must start rapidly to identify treatments that can be used as part of the outbreak response, in the midst of considerable uncertainty and limited information. COVID-19 presentation is heterogeneous, ranging from mild disease that improves within days to critical disease that can last weeks to over a month and can end in death. While improvement in mortality would provide unquestionable evidence about the clinical significance of a treatment, sample sizes for a study evaluating mortality are large and may be impractical, particularly given a multitude of putative therapies to evaluate. Furthermore, patient states in between “cure” and “death” represent meaningful distinctions. Clinical severity scores have been proposed as an alternative. However, the appropriate summary measure for severity scores has been the subject of debate, particularly given the variable time course of COVID-19. Outcomes measured at fixed time points, such as a comparison of severity scores between treatment and control at day 14, may risk missing the time of clinical benefit. An endpoint such as time to improvement (or recovery) avoids the timing problem. However, some have argued that power losses will result from reducing the ordinal scale to a binary state of “recovered” versus “not recovered.” Methods: We evaluate statistical power for possible trial endpoints for COVID-19 treatment trials using simulation models and data from two recent COVID-19 treatment trials. Results: Power for fixed time-point methods depends heavily on the time selected for evaluation. Time-to-event approaches have reasonable statistical power, even when compared with a fixed time-point method evaluated at the optimal time. Discussion: Time-to-event analysis methods have advantages in the COVID-19 setting, unless the optimal time for evaluating treatment effect is known in advance. Even when the optimal time is known, a time-to-event approach may increase power for interim analyses. © The Author(s) 2020

    Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru telescope: Ongoing integration and future plans

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    PFS (Prime Focus Spectrograph), a next generation facility instrument on the 8.2-meter Subaru Telescope, is a very wide-field, massively multiplexed, optical and near-infrared spectrograph. Exploiting the Subaru prime focus, 2394 reconfigurable fibers will be distributed over the 1.3 deg field of view. The spectrograph has been designed with 3 arms of blue, red, and near-infrared cameras to simultaneously observe spectra from 380nm to 1260nm in one exposure at a resolution of ∌ 1.6-2.7Å. An international collaboration is developing this instrument under the initiative of Kavli IPMU. The project recently started undertaking the commissioning process of a subsystem at the Subaru Telescope side, with the integration and test processes of the other subsystems ongoing in parallel. We are aiming to start engineering night-sky operations in 2019, and observations for scientific use in 2021. This article gives an overview of the instrument, current project status and future paths forward


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    [EN] Environmental variability of reproductive traits has been investigated on a pool of 51 does of different origin in a rabbit breeding unit in Tizi Ouzou region. The objective was to estimate the effects of different factors su ch as kindling season, parity, physiological state of does, and number born alive on characters such as acceptation rate, conception and kindling rate by female, total born alive, stillborn, litter size at weaning, pre-weaning and post-weaning mortality and weekly litter weights from birth to weaning. Mean bunny weight at birth, at weaning and 70 days of age, litter weight at 70 days of age and total litter gain during lactation have also been considered. Results show that kindling season affects only litter size at weaning with favourable effect of autumn and spring (7.8 vs 6.6). Highest mean weights at birth are recorded in autumn (16.2 g more than others) and highest litter weights at weaning during the three seasons other than summer (700 g more). The highest mean weight at 70 days is obtained in winter (1.9 Kg). For parity effect, we have recorded the greatest conception and kindling rates at !he beginning of reproductive life (98.7 and 96.03% respectively). Other performances did not vary according to this factor. Lactating females at mating had the same acceptation, conception and kindling rate and similar litter sizes as no lactating; however, superior values were obtained for non lactating does for litter size. Moreover, differences dueto effect of number born alive on weekly mean weights were significant. However, this effect fades down at 70 days of age.[FR] Une étude de la variabilité des caracteres de reproduction a été réalisée dans un élevage cunicol de la région de Tizi-ouzou (Algérie) sur un effectif de 51 femelles. L'objectif étant de mettre en évidence la variation due aux facteurs de l'environnement (saison de mise bas, ordre de portée, état physiologique de la femelle au moment de la saillie et le nombre de nés vivants). Les caracteres étudiés sont les taux de réceptivité, de fertilité et de mise bas par femelle, les nés totaux, nés vivants, nombre de sevrés et de vivants a 70 jours d'age, la mortinatalité, mortalité présevrage et post-sevrage, les différents poids de portées hebdomadaires de la naissance au sevrage ainsi que les poids moyens du lapereau a la naissance, au sevrage et å 70 jours d'age et le gain total de la portée en présevrage. Les résultats montrent que la saison de mise bas affecte la taille de portée au sevrage en faveur des naissances automnales et printanieres (7.8 vs 6.6). Aussi, en automne, on a enregistré les meilleurs poids moyens a la naissance (116.2 g de plus par rapport aux autres) et les poids des portées au sevrage les plus élevés pendant les trois saisons par rapport a l'été (700 g de plus). Le meilleur poids moyen å 70 jours d'age est obtenu en hiver (1.9 Kg). Pour l'ordre de portée, nous avons enregistré les meilleurs taux de fertilité et de mise bas en début de carriere (98.7 et 96.03% respectivement). Les autres performances ne varient pas selon le rang de mise bas. Les femelles allaitantes au moment de la saillie ont les memes taux de réceptivité, de fertilité et de mise bas et les memes tailles de portée que les non allaitantes; néanmoins des valeurs supérieures son! obtenues chez les non allaitantes pour la taille de portée. Aussi, des différences dues a l'effet du nombre de lapereaux nés vivants sur les différents poids moyens et hebdomadaires sont observées avec de meilleurs poids moyens au sevrage pour les portées inférieures a 4 par rapport surtout aux portées avec un effectif compris entre 8 et 13 lapereaux (183 g). Cet effet toutefois s'atténue a l'age de 70 jours.Belhadi, S.; Boukir, M.; Amriou, L. (2002). NON GENETIC FACTORS AFFECTING RABBIT REPRODUCTION IN ALGERIA. World Rabbit Science. 10(3):103-109. doi:10.4995/wrs.2002.482SWORD10310910

    Influence de la gĂ©omĂ©trie sur la durĂ©e de vie d’un outil de tour en acier rapide

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    Ce travail consiste Ă  Ă©tudier l’influence des paramĂštres gĂ©omĂ©triques (Îł, α, α1, χr, χr1 et λ de la partie active d’un outil de tour en acier rapide monobloc sur son comportement Ă  l’usure, respectivement sur sa durĂ©e de vie. Le suivi de l’évolution de la morphologie de l’usure, exprimĂ©e par ses diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments caractĂ©ristiques (VB, VBmax, VC, VN, VS, etc.) en fonction du temps effectif de travail a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©. La relation entre ces paramĂštres gĂ©omĂ©triques et la durĂ©e de vie a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux obtenus ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s et interprĂ©tĂ©s physiquement
