28 research outputs found

    The Moderating Role of Self Efficacy Toward Multiple Role Conflict and Job Performance

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    The focus of this study is to provide empirical evidence of the moderating effect of self efficacy on the relation of multiple role conflict on employee performance. In addition, this study also examines the effect of multiple role conflict and self-efficacy on job performance. One hundred female employees from four commercial/government banks were sampled in this study. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with the criteria have been working for more than one year, married and already have children. Data were collected through questionnaires and processed using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The results showed that multiple role conflicts have a significant negative effect on job performance, self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on job performance. Meanwhile, self-efficacy is not able to weaken or strengthen the influence of multiple role conflicts on job performance, in other words, self-efficacy fails to become a moderating variable in this study

    The Effect of Multiple Role Conflict On Employees Performance Moderated by Self Efficacy

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    The research aims to analyze the effect of multiple role conflict on employee performance in banking moderated by self efficacy. The type of research is quantitative research. The population was all female employees who worked in banking. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire by taking 100 respondents who working for at least 1 year in banking and already married. The analytical tool uses Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The results obtained in the first model shows that the multiple role conflict variable has negatively and significantly affect the performance of the employee. The second model shows that self efficacy has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The third model shows that self efficacy is not a moderating variable between multiple role conflict and employee performance

    GC-MS analysis of metabolites from soxhlet extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction and supercritical fluid extraction of Salacca zalacca flesh and its alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity

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    ABSTRACT Different extraction processes were employed to extract bioactive metabolites from Salacca zalacca flesh by a range of aqueous and organic solvents. The highest extraction yield was obtained by 50% ethanol extract of SE (73.18 ±4.35%), whereas SFE_1 showed the lowest yield (0.42 ±0.08%). All extracts were evaluated for in vitro a-glucosidase inhibitory activity, measured by their IC50 values in comparison to that of quercetin, the positive control (IC50 ¼ 2.7 ±0.7 lg/mL). The lowest a-glucosidase inhibitory activity was indicated by water extract of SE (IC50 ¼ 724.3 ±42.9 lg/mL) and the highest activity was demonstrated by 60% ethanol extract by UAE (IC50 ¼ 16.2 ± 2.4 lg/mL). All extracts were analysed by GC-MS and identified metabolites like carbohydrates, fatty acids, organic acids, phenolic acids, sterols and alkane-based compounds etcetera that may possess the potential as a-glucosidase inhibitor and may attribute to the a-glucosidase inhibitory activity

    Lineage Plasticity in SCLC Generates Non-Neuroendocrine Cells Primed for Vasculogenic Mimicry

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    Introduction: Vasculogenic mimicry (VM), the process of tumor cell transdifferentiation to endow endothelial-like characteristics supporting de novo vessel formation, is associated with poor prognosis in several tumor types, including SCLC. In genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) of SCLC, NOTCH, and MYC co-operate to drive a neuroendocrine (NE) to non-NE phenotypic switch, and co-operation between NE and non-NE cells is required for metastasis. Here, we define the phenotype of VM-competent cells and molecular mechanisms underpinning SCLC VM using circulating tumor cell–derived explant (CDX) models and GEMMs. Methods: We analyzed perfusion within VM vessels and their association with NE and non-NE phenotypes using multiplex immunohistochemistry in CDX, GEMMs, and patient biopsies. We evaluated their three-dimensional structure and defined collagen-integrin interactions. Results: We found that VM vessels are present in 23/25 CDX models, 2 GEMMs, and in 20 patient biopsies of SCLC. Perfused VM vessels support tumor growth and only NOTCH-active non-NE cells are VM-competent in vivo and ex vivo, expressing pseudohypoxia, blood vessel development, and extracellular matrix organization signatures. On Matrigel, VM-primed non-NE cells remodel extracellular matrix into hollow tubules in an integrin β1–dependent process. Conclusions: We identified VM as an exemplar of functional heterogeneity and plasticity in SCLC and these findings take considerable steps toward understanding the molecular events that enable VM. These results support therapeutic co-targeting of both NE and non-NE cells to curtail SCLC progression and to improve the outcomes of patients with SCLC in the future

    Consumer susceptibility to the credit card misuse and indebtedness

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    Purpose – Prior research suggests that payment mechanisms are imbued with cues that affect purchase evaluation and future spending behavior. Credit cards are distinguished from other payment mechanisms as they elicit greater willingness to spend, prompt weaker recollections of past credit expenses and overvaluation of available funds – a phenomena the authors call as “credit card effect.” Little is known about the individuals’ differential exposure to the credit card effect. The purpose of this paper is to present a new concept and measure of susceptibility to the credit card misuse and indebtedness (SCCMI). Design/methodology/approach – The study focussed on young credit card users (aged 18-25) from Malaysia, Singapore, and the UK as they represent varying levels of credit card issuance and consumer protection regulations. The authors conducted confirmatory factor analysis and invariance tests to assess the validity, reliability and parsimony of the proposed scale in the three countries. Further, the authors examined the prediction power of SCCMI on consumer tendency to become a revolving credit card debtor. Findings – Results show that the SCCMI scale is valid, reliable and parsimonious across the multi-country context. The paper provided additional validity support through known-group comparison among various payers of credit card bills. Research limitations/implications – The convenience sampling used for the study is the main limitation. The findings bear important implications for more socially responsible marketing practice and better public policies in credit carder regulation for protecting young credit card users. Practical implications – The new concept and measurement scale can be used for identifying the vulnerable individuals in credit card use, assisting consumer knowledge training, improving policies for credit card regulation, and helping credit card providers in socially responsible marketing practice. Social implications – The cross-country validity of the SCCMI scale provides a unique contribution for monitoring and auditing consumer vulnerability in credit card misuse in Asian and European market conditions. Originality/value – SCCMI offers an original concept that is distinct from previous research in that SCCMI focusses solely on the state of likelihood to commit credit card abuse rather than the behavioral manifestations of credit card misuse. SCCMI provides a new tool for marketers and public policy makers for ethically responsible credit card marketing and regulation to protect youths’ benefits

    Verification of structures by simultaneously controlled loading processes

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    Materialism has an ugly face. The dominant view of materialism regards materialists as self-prioritizing individuals who oppose collective and prosocial goals in favor of a lifestyle led by money, possessions, and status. The present research argues that there is a side of materialism that is concerned with collective-oriented interests. We examine the nature and consequences of collective-oriented materialism - the belief system that ascribes importance to possessions for their symbolic and signaling capacities to construct desirable social attributes. Drawing from cultural and consumer theories, we find considerable support that materialists espouse a collective-oriented quality to an otherwise self-oriented interest towards possessions

    Modul Edukasi untuk Peningkatan Pengetahuan Orang Tua dalam Melatih Anak Cerebral Palsy di YOGYAKARTA

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    Di Indonesia anak dengan gangguan Cerebral Palsy (CP) digolongkan ke dalam kelompok Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) dengan prevalensi kejadian rendah. Dari prevalensi kejadian yang rendah bukan berarti tanpa masalah bagi orang tua dalam mengurus anak CP. Dukungan terhadap anak berkebutuhan khusus dibuktikan dengan ditetapkan Yogyakarta sebagai Kota Layak Anak (KLA) pada Tahun 2016. Tetapi, pada Kenyataannya pada studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan didapat masih jarangnya program latihan yang dilakukan kembali di rumah yang mendukung tercapainya program latihan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus, sehingga perlu adanya pemberian edukasi berupa modul yang bisa membantu orang tua dalam melatih anak mereka yang menderita Cerebral Palsy (CP). Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan one group pre and post test design. Penelitian dilakukan pada 40 orang tua yang mendampingi anak dengan gangguan CP saat terapi di Rehabilitasi Medik RSA UGM, RSUD Yogyakarta dan komunitas Wahana Keluarga Cerebral Palsy (WKCP). Analisa bivariabel menggunakan Paired T-Test untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbedaan pengaruh saat sebelum diberikan modul dan setelah diberikan modul edukasi. Analisa bivariabel menunjukan adanya pengaruh pemberian modul edukasi untuk peningkatan pengetahuan dengan selisih mean 1,6 (p <0,001). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan orang tua dari pemberian edukasi dalam melatih anak cerebral palsy di rumah

    Implementasi Model Waterfall pada Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penjualan Jasa Service Mobil

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    Berkembangnya teknologi di sekitar kita telah membawa manfaat bagi kemajuan kehidupan manusia khususnya teknologi informasi yang memudahkan dalam mengakses data dan informasi bagi Perusahaan sehingga memperlancar proses pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pelanggan. Dalam dunia otomotif, salah satu pelayanan yang penting bagi kendaraan adalah perawatan mobil yang sering disebut dengan bengkel mobil, salah satunya PT Bintang Sekata Mandiri Jakarta yang melayani jasa perbaikan cat mobil. Namun, seluruh proses bisnis di bengkel ini masih dilakukan secara manual, atau belum terkomputerisasi, mulai dari proses pengajuan service sampai pembuatan laporan dan penyimpanan dokumen yang berhubungan dengan proses penjualan jasa service, sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam pencatatan serta kehilangan ataupun kerusakan dokumen. Perancangan sistem informasi ini merupakan salah satu solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di bengkel ini. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem informasi penjualan ini adalah metode pengembangan perangkat lunak model air terjun (waterfall) yang menggunakan sistem database. Diharapkan dengan adanya sistem informasi penjualan ini dapat membantu dalam penyimpanan data sehingga dalam proses pencarian, pencatatan, pengolahan menjadi lebih mudah, efektif dan efisie

    Mechanism of bacterial adhesion on ultrafiltration membrane modified by natural antimicrobial polymers (chitosan) and combination with activated carbon (PAC)

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    Bacterial adhesion to surfaces is related to several factors, such as surface charge, surface energy, and substrate characteristics (leading to the formation of biofilms). Organisms are dominant in most environmental, industrial, and medical problems and processes that are of interest to microbiologists. Biofilm cells are at least 500 times more resistant to antibacterial agents compared to planktonic cells. The usage of ultrafiltration membranes is fast becoming popular for water treatment. Membrane lifetime and permeate flux are primarily affected by the phenomena of microbial accumulation and fouling at the membrane's surface. This review intends to understand the mechanism of membrane fouling by bacterial attachment on polymeric ultrafiltration membrane modified by natural antimicrobial polymers (chitosan) combined with powder activated carbon. Also, to guide future research on membrane water treatment processes, adhesion prediction using the extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory is discussed