125 research outputs found

    Los insectos comestibles: un recurso para el desarrollo local en el centro de México

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    Los insectos comestibles forman parte de los hábitos tradicionales de alimentación de México y el mundo, su preparación y consumo ha permanecido prácticamente igual durante siglos, pero en la actualidad, se observan cambios radicales debido, entre otras cosas a que se piensa que lo que cuenta es la cosmética de los alimentos de una manera predominante por lo cual se ha dejado de lado, además, con estos recursos naturales silvestres se tiene la posibilidad de iniciar grandes negocios al ser clasificados según el punto de vista occidental como “Alimentos exóticos”. La modificación de la apariencia y a la vez la conservación del valor cultural y el reconocimiento de la territorialidad de un producto, son factores de peso que permitirán la subsistencia y posterior aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales de las regiones. Tal es el caso del Escamol (huevos de hormiga- Liometopum apiculatum), insecto endémico de las inmediaciones de la cuenca de México, con el cual se pretende establecer las bases de reproducción -no en cautiverio- de una especie con gran demanda en el mercado gastronómico y que al paso del tiempo impulsará el desarrollo local de las regiones donde se produzca.Insectos comestibles, Teotihuacán, México, desarrollo local, tradiciones, escamoles., Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Labor and Human Capital,

    Toksičnost talija u humanoj populaciji

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    Thallium is a naturally occurring trace element, widely distributed in the earth’s crust, but at very low concentrations. It does not have a known biological use and does not appear to be an essential element for life. It has been considered one of the most toxic heavy metals. Occasionally, there are reports on thallium poisoning as results of suicide or murder attempt or accident. The main threat to humans is through occupational exposure, environmental contamination, and accumulation in food, mainly in vegetables grown on contaminated soil. Increasing use in emerging new technologies and demanding high-tech industry constantly raise concern about exposure risk to all living organisms. Thallium is considered a cumulative poison that can cause adverse health effects and degenerative changes in many organs. The effects are the most severe in the nervous system. The exact mechanism of thallium toxicity still remains unknown, although impaired glutathione metabolism, oxidative stress, and disruption of potassium-regulated homeostasis may play a role. The lack of data about mutagenic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic effects of thallium compounds in humans calls for further research.Talij je u prirodi široko rasprostranjen teški metal, prisutan u vrlo niskim koncentracijama pa ga stoga ubrajamo u elemente u tragovima. Budući da organizmima nije potreban ni u jednoj razvojnoj fazi, ne ubrajamo ga u grupu esencijalnih elemenata. Talij zbog njegovih svojstava ubrajamo među najtoksičnije teške metale. Povremeno se još uvijek pojavljuju slučajevi u kojima je talij upotrijebljen kao sredstvo za pokušaj ubojstva, odnosno samoubojstva, ali i slučajevi nenamjernog, slučajnog trovanja talijem. U današnje vrijeme potencijalna o asnost od trovanja talijem postoji zbog profesionalne izloženosti, izbijanja ekološke katastrofe ili zbog akumulacije u hranidbenim lancima, uglavnom zbog uzgoja hrane na onečišćenom tlu. Sve češća uporaba talija u visokotehnološkoj industriji kao odgovor na zahtjeve moderne tehnologije neprestano povećava rizik od izloženosti svih živih organizama štetnim utjecajima talija u okolišu. Talij ima izuzetno negativan učinak na različite organske sustave, a osobito na živčani sustav. Mehanizmi toksičnosti talija još uvijek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni, premda važnu ulogu imaju poremećaji metabolizma glutationa, oksidativni stres i narušavanje homeostaze posredovane ionima kalija. Nedostatak podataka o mutagenim, kancerogenim ili teratogenim učincima talija i njegovih spojeva u ljudi opravdava buduća istraživanja ovog vrlo toksičnog metala

    Toksičnost talija u humanoj populaciji

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    Thallium is a naturally occurring trace element, widely distributed in the earth’s crust, but at very low concentrations. It does not have a known biological use and does not appear to be an essential element for life. It has been considered one of the most toxic heavy metals. Occasionally, there are reports on thallium poisoning as results of suicide or murder attempt or accident. The main threat to humans is through occupational exposure, environmental contamination, and accumulation in food, mainly in vegetables grown on contaminated soil. Increasing use in emerging new technologies and demanding high-tech industry constantly raise concern about exposure risk to all living organisms. Thallium is considered a cumulative poison that can cause adverse health effects and degenerative changes in many organs. The effects are the most severe in the nervous system. The exact mechanism of thallium toxicity still remains unknown, although impaired glutathione metabolism, oxidative stress, and disruption of potassium-regulated homeostasis may play a role. The lack of data about mutagenic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic effects of thallium compounds in humans calls for further research.Talij je u prirodi široko rasprostranjen teški metal, prisutan u vrlo niskim koncentracijama pa ga stoga ubrajamo u elemente u tragovima. Budući da organizmima nije potreban ni u jednoj razvojnoj fazi, ne ubrajamo ga u grupu esencijalnih elemenata. Talij zbog njegovih svojstava ubrajamo među najtoksičnije teške metale. Povremeno se još uvijek pojavljuju slučajevi u kojima je talij upotrijebljen kao sredstvo za pokušaj ubojstva, odnosno samoubojstva, ali i slučajevi nenamjernog, slučajnog trovanja talijem. U današnje vrijeme potencijalna o asnost od trovanja talijem postoji zbog profesionalne izloženosti, izbijanja ekološke katastrofe ili zbog akumulacije u hranidbenim lancima, uglavnom zbog uzgoja hrane na onečišćenom tlu. Sve češća uporaba talija u visokotehnološkoj industriji kao odgovor na zahtjeve moderne tehnologije neprestano povećava rizik od izloženosti svih živih organizama štetnim utjecajima talija u okolišu. Talij ima izuzetno negativan učinak na različite organske sustave, a osobito na živčani sustav. Mehanizmi toksičnosti talija još uvijek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni, premda važnu ulogu imaju poremećaji metabolizma glutationa, oksidativni stres i narušavanje homeostaze posredovane ionima kalija. Nedostatak podataka o mutagenim, kancerogenim ili teratogenim učincima talija i njegovih spojeva u ljudi opravdava buduća istraživanja ovog vrlo toksičnog metala

    Empresa MASAME

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    En el siguiente documento se presenta el trabajo realizado en el Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional Consultoría para la Competitividad (PAP CC) en el cual se intervino a la empresa, basándonos en el diagnóstico que realizó el equipo de primavera 2022 nos dimos cuenta de que había 3 áreas de mejora importante, estrategia, gestión de mercado y sistemas de calidad. Por cuestiones de tiempo, decidimos enfocarnos en una sola área para entregar resultados completos y de calidad. Tras las visitas a la empresa y el análisis previo nos dimos cuenta de que la empresa no podría mejorar su gestión de mercado y los sistemas de calidad si no contaban con una estrategia bien definida, por lo que se tomó la decisión de definir y mejorar la estrategia de esta. Uno de los productos para la empresa fue la propuesta de un organigrama, con la finalidad de que puedan ver lo que ya tienen y también considerar que es lo que les falta para cubrir todas las necesidades de la empresa. La segunda propuesta realizada fue una visión y una misión más profunda y completa. Estos aspectos son los que le dan una razón de ser a la empresa y una razón de estar a los empleados por lo que tienen que inspirar y guiar. También se trabajó en desarrollar el Business Model Canvas el cual plasma de manera visual la idea, los componentes y los participantes fundamentales de la empresa. Por último, se realizó un formato financiero que proporciona indicadores para ayudar en la toma de decisiones.ITESO, A.C

    In-Line estimation of the standard colour index of citrus fruits using a computer vision system developed for a mobile platform

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11947-012-1015-2A key aspect for the consumer when it comes to deciding on a particular product is the colour. In order to make fruit available to consumers as early as possible, the collection of oranges and mandarins begins before they ripen fully and reach their typical orange colour. As a result, they are therefore subjected to certain degreening treatments, depending on their standard colour citrus index at harvest. Recently, a mobile platform that incorporates a computer vision system capable of pre-sorting the fruit while it is being harvested has been developed as an aid in the harvesting task. However, due to the restrictions of working in the field, the computer vision system developed for this machine is limited in its technology and processing capacity compared to conventional systems. This work shows the optimised algorithms for estimating the colour of citrus in-line that were developed for this mobile platform and its performance is evaluated against that of a spectrophotometer used as a reference in the analysis of colour in food. The results obtained prove that our analysis system predicts the colour index of citrus with a good reliability (R2 = 0.925) working in real time. Findings also show that it is effective for classifying harvested fruits in the field according to their colour. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.This work was partially funded by the INIA through research project RTA2009-00118-C02-01 with the support of European FEDER funds, and by the project PAID-05-11-2745, Vicerectorat d'Investigacio, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Vidal, A.; Talens Oliag, P.; Prats-Montalbán, JM.; Cubero García, S.; Albert Gil, FE.; Blasco Ivars, J. (2013). In-Line estimation of the standard colour index of citrus fruits using a computer vision system developed for a mobile platform. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 6(12):3412-3419. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-012-1015-2S34123419612Arzate-Vázquez, I., Chanona-Pérez, J. J., Perea-Flores, M. J., Calderón-Domínguez, G., Moreno-Armendáriz, M. A., Calvo, H., Godoy-Calderón, S., Quevedo, R., & Gutiérrez-López, G. (2011). Image processing applied to classification of avocado variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) during the ripening process. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(7), 1307–1313.Blasco, J., Aleixos, N., Cubero, S., Gómez-Sanchis, J., & Moltó, E. (2009). Automatic sorting of satsuma (Citrus unshiu) segments using computer vision and morphological features. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 66, 1–8.Campbell, B. L., Nelson, R. G., Ebel, C. E., Dozier, W. A., Adrian, J. L., & Hockema, B. R. (2004). Fruit quality characteristics that affect consumer preferences for satsuma mandarins. HortScience, 39(7), 1664–1669.Cavazza, A., Corradini, C., Rinaldi, M., Salvadeo, P., Borromei, C., & Massini, R. (2012). Evaluation of pasta thermal treatment by determination of carbohydrates, furosine, and color indices. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-0906-6 . In-press.Cubero, S., Aleixos, N., Moltó, E., Gómez-Sanchis, J., & Blasco, J. (2011). Advances in machine vision applications for automatic inspection and quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(4), 487–504.Cubero, S., Moltó, E., Gutiérrez, A., Aleixos, N., García-Navarrete, O. L., Juste, F., & Blasco, J. (2010). Real-time inspection of fruit on a mobile harvesting platform in field conditions using computer vision. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Science, 6, 1–16.Díaz, R., Faus, G., Blasco, M., Blasco, J., & Moltó, E. (2000). The application of a fast algorithm for the classification of olives by machine vision. Food Research International, 33, 305–309.DOGV (2006) Diari Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana, 5346, 30321-30328.Gardner, J. L. (2007). Comparison of calibration methods for tristimulus colorimeters. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 112, 129–138.Hashim, N., Janius, R. B., Baranyai, L., Rahman, R. A., Osman, A., & Zude, M. (2011). Kinetic model for colour changes in bananas during the appearance of chilling injury symptoms. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(8), 2952–2963.HunterLab (2008): Applications note, 8(9), http://www.hunterlab.com/appnotes/an08_96a.pdf . Accessed September 2012.Hutchings, J. B., Luo, R., & Ji, W. (2002). Calibrated colour imaging analysis of food. In D. MacDougall (Ed.), Colour in Food (pp. 352–366). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Jiménez-Cuesta MJ, Cuquerella J & Martínez-Jávega JM (1981) Determination of a color index for citrus fruit degreening. In Proc. of the International Society of Citriculture, Vol. 2, 750-753Kang, S. P., East, A. R., & Trujillo, F. J. (2008). Colour vision system evaluation of bicolour fruit: A case study with ‘B74’ mango. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 49, 77–85.Lang, C., & Hübert, T. (2011). A colour ripeness indicator for apples. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(8), 3244–3249.López-Camelo, A. F., & Gómez, P. A. (2004). Comparison of color indexes for tomato ripening. Horticultura Brasileira, 22(3), 534–537. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-05362004000300006 .López-García, F., Andreu-García, A., Blasco, J., Aleixos, N., & Valiente, J. M. (2010). Automatic detection of skin defects in citrus fruits using a multivariate image analysis approach. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71, 189–197.Lorente, D., Aleixos, N., Gómez-Sanchis, J., Cubero, S., García-Navarrete, O. L., & Blasco, J. (2012). Recent advances and applications of hyperspectral imaging for fruit and vegetable quality assessment. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(4), 1121–1142.Mendoza, F., Dejmek, P., & Aguilera, J. M. (2006). Calibrated color measurements of agricultural foods using image analysis. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41, 285–295.Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Design and analysis of experiments, 6th ed. Tempe: Wiley.Noboru, O., & Robertson, A. R. (2005). Colorimetry. West Sussex: Wiley.Pathare, P. B., Opara, U. L., & Al-Said, F. A. (2012). Colour measurement and analysis in fresh and processed foods: a review. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-0867-9 . In-press.Quevedo, R. A., Aguilera, J. M., & Pedreschi, F. (2010). Colour of salmon fillets by computer vision and sensory panel. 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    Prácticas de física : laboratorio II

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    1 archivo PDF (86 páginas)Manual de laboratorio de prácticas de física

    Optical absorption spectroscopy of one-dimensional silicon nanostructures

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    a b s t r a c t During the last decade there has been a great development in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The technology of nanostructures synthesis and characterization has grown rapidly and optical spectroscopy has become a very useful characterization technique, since it provides information on the structural, electronic, optical and dynamical properties of materials. Nanostructures have unique physical properties that are different from bulk materials. A wealth of interesting and new phenomena are associated with nanometer-sized structures, such as size-dependent emission or excitation, metallic and semiconductor behavior, etc. Here we present an overview of the linear optical response of one-dimensional silicon nanostructures. In particular, we make a theoretical study of the effects of the size and shape of onedimensional silicon structures on the absorption spectrum, focusing on the calculation of the linear optical response of clean and hydrogen-adsorbed armchair (6,6) silicon nanotubes. We discuss the changes of the absorption spectrum of silicon nanowires with different diameters and analyze the behavior of the band gap as we go from bulk silicon to one-dimensional silicon nanostructures with nanometer-size diameters