159 research outputs found

    Effect Of Non Dental Glass Fiber Orientation On Transverse Strength Of Dental Fiber Reinforced Composite

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    FRC is widely used in dentistry especially for dental bridges construction. E glass fiber is commonly used because it has good properties and good bonding with polymers. Its availability is limited and its price quite expensive in Indonesia. Non dental glass fiber is available in Indonesia with lower price. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of non dental glass fiber orientation on transverse strength of dental FRC. Non dental glass fiber (HJ, China) with two orientations (Roving and Woven roving), Flowable composite (CharmFil Flow, DenKist, Korea) , Silane coupling agent (Monobond S, Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein) and distilled water. 24 specimens of non dental glass FRC, divided into 2 groups. The specimens was immersed in water for 24 hours and 7 days. The data were analyzed by Independent sample T-test. T-test analysis showed that for transverse strength with 24 hours water immersion there was a significant difference between the two orientation groups (p 0.05). In conclusion: there was different transverse strength between roving and woven roving orientation in dental FRC

    Fatty acid-binding protein 5 (FABP5)-related signal transduction pathway in castration-resistant prostate cancer cells: a potential therapeutic target

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    In this short communication, a novel fatty acid-binding protein 5 (FABP5)-related signal transduction pathway in prostate cancer is reviewed. In castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) cells, the FABP5-related signal transduction pathway plays an important role during transformation of the cancer cells from androgen-dependent state to androgen-independent state. The detailed route of this signal transduction pathway can be described as follows: when FABP5 expression is increased as the increasing malignancy, excessive amounts of fatty acids from intra- and extra-cellular sources are transported into the nucleus of the cancer cells where they act as signalling molecules to stimulate their nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ). The phosphorylated or biologically activated PPARγ then modulates the expression of its downstream target regulatory genes to trigger a series of molecular events that eventually lead to enhanced tumour expansion and aggressiveness caused by an overgrowth of the cancer cells with a reduced apoptosis and an increased angiogenesis. Suppressing the FABP5-related pathway via RNA interference against FABP5 has produced a 63-fold reduction in the average size of the tumours developed from CRPC cells in nude mice, a seven-fold reduction of tumour incidence, and a 100% reduction of metastasis rate. Experimental treatments of CRPC with novel FABP5 inhibitors have successfully inhibited the malignant progression of CRPC cells both in vitro and in nude mouse. These studies suggest that FABP5-related signal transduction pathway is a novel target for therapeutic intervention of CRPC cells

    Kadar Kolesterol, Trigliserida, HDL dan LDL Darah Itik Peking Yang Diberi Tepung Temu Hitam (C.Aeruginosa roxb) dalam Ransum

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penambahan tepung temu hitam dalam ransum terhadap kadar lemak darah (kolesterol total, LDL, HDL dan trigliserida) dan tampilan produksinya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 31 desember 2015 – 1 febuari 2016 Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah itik peking berjumlah 120 ekor umur 2 hari dengan bobot 65±g. Ransum yang digunakan dengan kandungan nutrisi meliputi PK 17,54%, LK 4,26%, SK 5,82%, Ca 0,88%, P 0,37%, lisin 0,65%, dan metionin 0.30% dengan EM 3029,72 kkal/kg. Perlakuan berupa penambahan tepung temu hitam dengan level yang berbeda yaitu T0 (ransum buatan sendiri + 0% tepung temu hitam), T1 (ransum buatan sendiri + 0,75% tepung temu hitam), T2 (ransum buatan sendiri + 1 % tepung temu hitam) T3 (ransum buatan sendiri + 1,25% tepung temu hitam) dan T4 (ransum buatan sendiri + 1,5% tepung temu hitam). Sampel darah yang digunakan diambil pada hari ke 57 dan dianalsis di laboratorium sekolah vokasi kedokteran hewan UGM, Yogyakarta. Data diuji dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA), berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan 4 ulangan setiap ulangan terdiri dari 6 ekor itik jika berpengaruh menggunakan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung temu hitam berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap performa ternak. Berdasarkan uji Duncan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata-rata konsumi ransum pada perlakuan 0% pemberian tepung temu hitam tidak berbeda nyata terhadap pemberian 0,75%, 1%, 1,25% tepung temu hitam. Diketahui bahwa pertambahan bobot badan itik peking pada pemberian 1,5% tepung temu hitam tidak berbeda nyata dengan 1% dan 1,25%, tetapi berbeda dengan 0% dan 0,75% tepung temu hitam. Konversi ransum pada pemberian 0,75% tidak berbeda nyata dengan 0% tepung temu hitam, akan tetapi berbeda amat nyata dengan 1%, 1,25% dan 1,5% tepung temu hitam. Uji Duncan terhadap HDL menunjukan bahwa pemberian tepung temu hitam 0% tidak berbeda nyata terhadap pemberian 1,5% tepung temu hitam akan tetapi berbeda nyata dengan pemberian 0,75%, 1% dan 1,25 % tepung temu hitam dan tidak berpengaruh nyata pada kadar total kolesterol, LDL dan trigliserida. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pada taraf pemberian 1,25% tepung temu hitam mengubah kadar HDL menjadi lebih tinggi dan memperbaiki performa itik Peking

    Stress and Its Effects on Medical Students: A Cross-sectional Study at a College of Medicine in Saudi Arabia

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    Medical education is perceived as being stressful, and a high level of stress may have a negative effect on cognitive functioning and learning of students in a medical school. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of stress among medical students and to observe an association between the levels of stress and their academic performance, including the sources of their stress. All the medical students from year one to year five levels from the College of Medicine, King Saud University, were enrolled in the study. The study was conducted using Kessler10 psychological distress (K10) inventory, which measures the level of stress according to none, mild, moderate, and severe categories. The prevalence of stress was measured and compared with the five study variables, such as gender, academic year, academic grades, regularity to course attendance, and perceived physical problems. The response rate among the study subjects was 87% (n=892). The total prevalence of stress was 63%, and the prevalence of severe stress was 25%. The prevalence of stress was higher (p<0.5) among females (75.7%) than among males (57%) (odds ratio=2.3, χ2=27.2, p<0.0001). The stress significantly decreased as the year of study increased, except for the final year. The study variables, including being female (p<0.0001), year of study (p<0.001), and presence of perceived physical problems (p<0.0001), were found as independent significant risk factors for the outcome variables of stress. Students' grade point average (academic score) or regularity to attend classes was not significantly associated with the stress level. The prevalence of stress was higher during the initial three years of study and among the female students. Physical problems are associated with high stress levels. Preventive mental health services, therefore, could be made an integral part of routine clinical services for medical students, especially in the initial academic years, to prevent such occurrence

    Sedimentary fabrics and diagenetic features of the Late Triassic Kingriali Formation, Khisor-Marwat ranges, Pakistan

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    954-964The Triassic succession of Khisor-Marwat ranges exposed extensively in Pakistan is comprised of the Mianwali, Tredian and Kingriali formations, predominantly deposited in peritidal channels to superatidal zones of peritidal environment with influence of marine and meteoric water. The present research intends to present comprehensive studies on sedimentary fabrics of the upper most Kingriali Formation. Inclusive sedimentological and petrographical investigations were executed on the Late Triassic Kingriali Formation from the Chunda and Paniala area, where it is primarily composed of dolomite interbedded with sandstone. Field observation reveals that the light-grey to light-brown, sugary textured, crinoid dolomites sandy and marly at places whereas the sandstone is brownish at weathered surface, fine- to medium-grained, massive, friable and cross-bedded. The greenish to black colored dolomitic shale in the Chunda section is interbedded with dolomite. Based on lithological characteristics, the Kingriali Formation is classified into four units including; sandy dolomite, dolomitic limestone, thick-bedded dolomite with green shale, and thin-bedded dolomite with black shale. The whole rock analysis of Kingriali dolomite implies that the dolomite has been crystallized in mix water condition, however, re-crystallization and formation occurred in the mid-late diagenetic settings. The analyzed diagenetic features of the rock unit suggest Kingriali Formation as potential reservoir

    Bone Histomorphometry Revisited

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    Bone histomorphometry is defined as a quantitative evaluation of bone micro architecture, remodelling and metabolism. Bone metabolic assessment is based on a dynamic process, which provides data on bone matrix formation rate by incorporating a tetracycline compound. In the static evaluation, samples are stained and a semi-automatic technique is applied in order to obtain bone microarchitectural parameters such as trabecular area, perimeter and width. These parameters are in 2D, but they can be extrapolated into 3D, applying a stereological formula. Histomorphometry can be applied to different areas; however, in recent decades it has been a relevant tool in monitoring the effect of drug administration in bone. The main challenge for the future will be the development of noninvasive methods that can give similar information. In the herein review paper we will discuss the general principles and main applications of bone histomorphometry

    Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Local Extrema Quantized Haralick Features with Long Short-Term Memory Network

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    Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading diseases affecting eyes. Lack of early detection and treatment can lead to total blindness of the diseased eyes. Recently, numerous researchers have attempted producing automatic diabetic retinopathy detection techniques to supplement diagnosis and early treatment of diabetic retinopathy symptoms. In this manuscript, a new approach has been proposed. The proposed approach utilizes the feature extracted from the fundus image using a local extrema information with quantized Haralick features. The quantized features encode not only the textural Haralick features but also exploit the multiresolution information of numerous symptoms in diabetic retinopathy. Long Short-Term Memory network together with local extrema pattern provides a probabilistic approach to analyze each segment of the image with higher precision which helps to suppress false positive occurrences. The proposed approach analyzes the retina vasculature and hard-exudate symptoms of diabetic retinopathy on two different public datasets. The experimental results evaluated using performance matrices such as specificity, accuracy, and sensitivity reveal promising indices. Similarly, comparison with the related state-of-the-art researches highlights the validity of the proposed method. The proposed approach performs better than most of the researches used for comparison


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    Introdu&ccedil;&atilde;o e objetivos: Os S-nitrosoti&oacute;is s&atilde;o compostos doadores de &oacute;xido n&iacute;trico1, e o interesse na detec&ccedil;&atilde;o e quantifica&ccedil;&atilde;o desses compostos em matrizes biol&oacute;gicas est&aacute; principalmente relacionada com suas fun&ccedil;&otilde;es fisiol&oacute;gicas importantes, vasodilata&ccedil;&atilde;o2, atividade antimicrobiana3 e fisiopatol&oacute;gicas (doen&ccedil;as neurodegenerativa como Alzheimer). O trabalho teve como objetivos a separa&ccedil;&atilde;o e quantifica&ccedil;&atilde;o de S-nitrosoglutationa, um S-nitrosotiol, de matrizes biol&oacute;gicas em dispositivos anal&iacute;ticos a base de papel com detec&ccedil;&atilde;o colorim&eacute;trica. Metodologia: A S-nitrosoglutationa foi sintetizada a partir de 0,96 g de glutationa reduzida em 5 mL de &aacute;cido clor&iacute;drico 0,626 M, com agita&ccedil;&atilde;o constante em banho de gelo. Ap&oacute;s a completa dissolu&ccedil;&atilde;o da glutationa reduzida, adicionou-se 0,215 g de nitrito de s&oacute;dio, mantendo-se a agita&ccedil;&atilde;o constante por mais 40 min, em banho de gelo. A S-nitrosoglutationa foi precipitada com adi&ccedil;&atilde;o de 5 mL de acetona, lavada com pequenas quantidades de acetona, acetona/&aacute;gua e &eacute;ter diet&iacute;lico e filtrada &agrave; v&aacute;cuo. A decomposi&ccedil;&atilde;o catal&iacute;tica da S-nitrosoglutationa foi realizada atrav&eacute;s do Cu2+ e glutationa reduzida e tamb&eacute;m por irradia&ccedil;&atilde;o UV. Foi preparada uma solu&ccedil;&atilde;o de S-nitrosoglutationa 50 &mu;M em tamp&atilde;o fosfato (0,1 M, pH 7,4) e foi usado o reagente de Griess (Sulfanilamida 300 mM em &aacute;cido c&iacute;trico 330 mM e N-(1-cloreto de naftil-etilenodiamina) 10 mM). Resultados e discuss&otilde;es: A forma&ccedil;&atilde;o da S-nitrosoglutationa foi comprovada pelo desenvolvimento de cor vermelha-alaranjada durante a s&iacute;ntese e tamb&eacute;m pelo s&oacute;lido rosa obtido ap&oacute;s a precipita&ccedil;&atilde;o. Ao adicionar-se o reagente de Griess na solu&ccedil;&atilde;o de S-nitrosoglutationa houve a forma&ccedil;&atilde;o de colora&ccedil;&atilde;o rosa intenso, confirmando a presen&ccedil;a de nitrito. Conclus&otilde;es: A partir da completa decomposi&ccedil;&atilde;o da S-nitrosoglutationa atrav&eacute;s de iradia&ccedil;&atilde;o UV ou Cu2+ e glutationa reduzida &eacute; poss&iacute;vel detectar nitrito, fato este que foi confirmado pelo m&eacute;todo colorim&eacute;trico. Agradecimentos: CNPq, INCTBio, IQ-UFG

    Stress and Its Effects on Medical Students: A Cross-sectional Study at a College of Medicine in Saudi Arabia

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    Medical education is perceived as being stressful, and a high level of stress may have a negative effect on cognitive functioning and learning of students in a medical school. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of stress among medical students and to observe an association between the levels of stress and their academic performance, including the sources of their stress. All the medical students from year one to year five levels from the College of Medicine, King Saud University, were enrolled in the study. The study was conducted using Kessler10 psychological distress (K10) inventory, which measures the level of stress according to none, mild, moderate, and severe categories. The prevalence of stress was measured and compared with the five study variables, such as gender, academic year, academic grades, regularity to course attendance, and perceived physical problems. The response rate among the study subjects was 87% (n=892). The total prevalence of stress was 63%, and the prevalence of severe stress was 25%. The prevalence of stress was higher (p&lt;0.5) among females (75.7%) than among males (57%) (odds ratio=2.3, \u3c72=27.2, p&lt;0.0001). The stress significantly decreased as the year of study increased, except for the final year. The study variables, including being female (p&lt;0.0001), year of study (p&lt;0.001), and presence of perceived physical problems (p&lt;0.0001), were found as independent significant risk factors for the outcome variables of stress. Students\u2019 grade point average (academic score) or regularity to attend classes was not significantly associated with the stress level. The prevalence of stress was higher during the initial three years of study and among the female students. Physical problems are associated with high stress levels. Preventive mental health services, therefore, could be made an integral part of routine clinical services for medical students, especially in the initial academic years, to prevent such occurrence