78 research outputs found

    The two sides of cytokine signaling and glaucomatous optic neuropathy

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    The mechanistic study of glaucoma pathogenesis has shifted to seeking to understand the effects of immune responses on retinal ganglion cell damage and protection. Cytokines are the hormonal factors that mediate most of the biological effects in both the immune and nonimmune systems. CD4-expressing T helper cells are a major source of cytokine production and regulation. Type 1 helper T (Th1) cells are characterized by the production of proinflammatory cytokines such as interferon-gamma, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-12, IL-23, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha while type 2 helper T (Th2) cells are characterized by the production of IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-10. The balance of Th1/Th2 cytokine production influences many pathological processes and plays both causative and protective roles in neuron damages. Growing evidence indicates that imbalances of Th1/Th2 cytokine production are involved in neural damage or protection in many neurological diseases. In this review, we discuss the possible roles of Th1/Th2 cytokine production and imbalance of Th1/Th2 cytokines in retina, especially glaucomatous optic neuropathy

    Ocular neuroprotection by siRNA targeting caspase-2

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    Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss after optic nerve damage is a hallmark of certain human ophthalmic diseases including ischemic optic neuropathy (ION) and glaucoma. In a rat model of optic nerve transection, in which 80% of RGCs are eliminated within 14 days, caspase-2 was found to be expressed and cleaved (activated) predominantly in RGC. Inhibition of caspase-2 expression by a chemically modified synthetic short interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) delivered by intravitreal administration significantly enhanced RGC survival over a period of at least 30 days. This exogenously delivered siRNA could be found in RGC and other types of retinal cells, persisted inside the retina for at least 1 month and mediated sequence-specific RNA interference without inducing an interferon response. Our results indicate that RGC apoptosis induced by optic nerve injury involves activation of caspase-2, and that synthetic siRNAs designed to inhibit expression of caspase-2 represent potential neuroprotective agents for intervention in human diseases involving RGC loss

    The Axonal Guidance Receptor Neogenin Promotes Acute Inflammation

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    Neuronal guidance proteins (NGP) were originally described in the context of axonal growth and migration. Yet recent work has demonstrated that NGPs also serve as guidance cues for immune competent cells. A crucial target receptor for NGPs during embryonic development is the neogenin receptor, however its role during acute inflammation is unknown. We report here that neogenin is abundantly expressed outside the nervous system and that animals with endogenous repression of neogenin (Neo1−/−) demonstrate attenuated changes of acute inflammation. Studies using functional inhibition of neogenin resulted in a significant attenuation of inflammatory peritonitis. In studies employing bone marrow chimeric animals we found the hematopoietic presence of Neo1−/− to be responsible for the attenuated inflammatory response. Taken together our studies suggest that the guidance receptor neogenin holds crucial importance for the propagation of an acute inflammatory response and further define mechanisms shared between the nervous and the immune system

    The first widespread solar energetic particle event observed by Solar Orbiter on 2020 November 29

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    Context. On 2020 November 29, the first widespread solar energetic particle (SEP) event of solar cycle 25 was observed at four widely separated locations in the inner (. 1 AU) heliosphere. Relativistic electrons as well as protons with energies > 50 MeV were observed by Solar Orbiter (SolO), Parker Solar Probe (PSP), the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)-A and multiple near-Earth spacecraft. The SEP event was associated with an M4.4 class X-ray flare and accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME) and an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave as well as a type II radio burst and multiple type III radio bursts. Aims. We present multi-spacecraft particle observations and place them in context with source observations from remote sensing instruments and discuss how such observations may further our understanding of particle acceleration and transport in this widespread event. Methods. Velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) and time shift analysis (TSA) were used to infer the particle release times at the Sun. Solar wind plasma and magnetic field measurements were examined to identify structures that influence the properties of the energetic particles such as their intensity. Pitch angle distributions and first-order anisotropies were analyzed in order to characterize the particle propagation in the interplanetary medium. Results. We find that during the 2020 November 29 SEP event, particles spread over more than 230° in longitude close to 1 AU. The particle onset delays observed at the different spacecraft are larger as the flare–footpoint angle increases and are consistent with those from previous STEREO observations. Comparing the timing when the EUV wave intersects the estimated magnetic footpoints of each spacecraft with particle release times from TSA and VDA, we conclude that a simple scenario where the particle release is only determined by the EUV wave propagation is unlikely for this event. Observations of anisotropic particle distributions at SolO, Wind, and STEREO-A do not rule out that particles are injected over a wide longitudinal range close to the Sun. However, the low values of the first-order anisotropy observed by near-Earth spacecraft suggest that diffusive propagation processes are likely involve

    Skeletal muscle wasting and renewal: a pivotal role of myokine IL-6

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    Medicinal plants – prophylactic and therapeutic options for gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets? A systematic review

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    Evolution and pathology in Chagas disease: a review

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    From Vietnamese plants to a biflavonoid that relieves inflammation by triggering the lipid mediator class switch to resolution

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    Chronic inflammation results from excessive pro-inflammatory signaling and the failure to resolve the inflammatory reaction. Lipid mediators orchestrate both the initiation and resolution of inflammation. Switching from pro-inflammatory to pro-resolving lipid mediator biosynthesis is considered as efficient strategy to relieve chronic inflammation, though drug candidates exhibiting such features are unknown. Starting from a library of Vietnamese medical plant extracts, we identified isomers of the biflavanoid 8-methylsocotrin-4â€Č-ol from Dracaena cambodiana, which limit inflammation by targeting 5-lipoxygenase and switching the lipid mediator profile from leukotrienes to specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM). Elucidation of the absolute configurations of 8-methylsocotrin-4â€Č-ol revealed the 2S,ÎłS-isomer being most active, and molecular docking studies suggest that the compound binds to an allosteric site between the 5-lipoxygenase subdomains. We identified additional subordinate targets within lipid mediator biosynthesis, including microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1. Leukotriene production is efficiently suppressed in activated human neutrophils, macrophages, and blood, while the induction of SPM biosynthesis is restricted to M2 macrophages. The shift from leukotrienes to SPM was also evident in mouse peritonitis in vivo and accompanied by a substantial decrease in immune cell infiltration. In summary, we disclose a promising drug candidate that combines potent 5-lipoxygenase inhibition with the favorable reprogramming of lipid mediator profiles
