538 research outputs found

    Hogyan ellenőrzi az immunrendszer a daganatok kialakulásának és növekedésének folyamatát?

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    Absztrakt Az immunrendszer feladata a szervezet integritásának megőrzése. Az immunrendszer elemei egy sokrétű, a legkülönbözőbb módon összekapcsolódó hálózatot képeznek. Ennek működése biztosítja a külső és a belső környezetből származó információk alapján a legmegfelelőbb immunválaszt a fertőzések és a daganatképződés ellen. Az immunválasz diszfunkciója számos betegséghez vezet, beleértve a daganatképződést és a krónikus gyulladásos betegségeket. Az immunhálózati csomópontok immunbiológiai befolyásolása új terápiás lehetőségeket nyitott mind a reumatológiai, mind a daganatos betegségek kezelésében. A gyulladásgátlás mellett fokozni lehet az immunrendszer daganatellenes aktivitását. Ezáltal olyan malignus betegségek kezelésében javultak az eredmények, amelyek korábban nem voltak sikeresen gyógyíthatók. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(Szuppl. 2), 3–8


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    Kölcsönható Fermi- és Bose-rendszerek matematikai vizsgálata = Mathematical investigation of interacting Fermi- and Bose-systems

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    Csapdába zárt Bose részecskék kondenzációját vizsgáltam kölcsönhatás jelenlétében. Megmutattam, hogy viszonylag gyenge, de realisztikus külcsönhatás mellett a szabad gáz alapállapota minden hőmérsékleten makroszkopikusan betöltött. Valamivel erősebb kölcsönhatásra valamivel gyengébb eredményt - 100 %-os általánosított kondenzációt -bizonyítottam egydimenziós Bose gázban. Korrelációs egyenlőtlenségeket vezettem le a betöltési számokra szabad Bose rendszerekben. Bizonyítást adtam arra, hogy homogén Bose rendszerben a mértékinvariancia spontán sérülése ekvivalens a Bose kondenzációval. Kristályos alapállapot létezését igazoltam klasszikus részecskék rendszerében a párkölcsönhatások egy osztályára. Egydimenziós diszkrét Schrödinger operátorok egy osztályára társszerzőimmel alsó becslést adtunk egy hullámcsomag szétterülési sebességére. Oszlányi Gáborral kidolgoztunk egy ab initio eljárást röntgendiffrakciós mérési adatokból kiinduló szerkezetmeghatározásra. | Condensation of trapped bosons in the presence of interaction was studied. It was shown that for weak but realistic interactions the ground state of the free Bose gas is still macroscopically occupied at any temperature. Somewhat stronger interactions were shown to lead, in one dimension, to a somewhat weaker result: a 100 % generalized condensation. Correlation inequalities for occupation numbers in free Bose gases were derived. In homogenous Bose systems Bose condensation was proven to be equivalent to the spontaneous breakdown of the gauge symmetry. Existence of crystalline ground states was shown for a class of classical pair interactions. In a collaboration, for a family of one dimensional discrete Schrödinger operators a lower bound was derived for the decay rate of a wave packet. With Gábor Oszlányi, we elaborated an ab initio method for structure solution, starting with X-ray diffraction data

    A controlling alkalmazásának lehetőségei a kis- és középvállalkozások versenyképességének a növelésében

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    In Hungary, 99.9% of all operating enterprises are small- and medium sized enterprises. Within the corporate sector, the micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises have significant weight independently of the economic development and management culture, having regard also to their employment headcount rate and financial performance. The livelihood and welfare of large sections of society depend on the survival and performance of the enterprises belonging to the sector. In order to overcome this obstacle and to be able to meet the demands created by the globalization, international competition and the society, the small- and medium-sized enterprises should align their strategy with their environment. The most effective tool of it is the controlling that the SMEs can use as a support in order to increase the efficiency of their managerial decisions. In my treatise, I examine the opportunities to measure the performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises

    Cyclic exchange, isolated states and spinon deconfinement in an XXZ Heisenberg model on the checkerboard lattice

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    The antiferromagnetic Ising model on a checkerboard lattice has an ice-like ground state manifold with extensive degeneracy. and, to leading order in J_xy, deconfined spinon excitations. We explore the role of cyclic exchange arising at order J^2_xy/J_z on the ice states and their associated spinon excitations. By mapping the original problem onto an equivalent quantum six--vertex model, we identify three different phases as a function of the chemical potential for flippable plaquettes - a phase with long range Neel order and confined spinon excitations, a non-magnetic state of resonating square plaquettes, and a quasi-collinear phase with gapped but deconfined spinon excitations. The relevance of the results to the square--lattice quantum dimer model is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    On improving financial literacy

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    A new occurrence of a classic "Árpád-type" mollusc fauna from the Upper Miocene of Kozármisleny, southern Hungary

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    A classic but very rare “Árpád-type”mollusc assemblage, representing the endemic fauna of the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene Lake Pannon, was discovered in Kozármisleny (near Pécs, southern Hungary). The fossils were collected from silt layers deposited in the shallow sublittoral zone of Lake Pannon, exposed in an 8–10 m high road cut. The assemblage contained some very rare species, including the type species of the genus Lymnocardium, L. haueri (M. HÖRNES). Palynological investigations from the same layers failed to yield age-diagnostic dinofl agellates, and pointed to a brackish – freshwater depositional environment and warm temperate climate

    Variational wave functions for homogenous Bose systems

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    We study variational wave functions of the product form, factorizing according to the wave vectors k, for the ground state of a system of bosons interacting via positive pair interactions with a positive Fourier transform. Our trial functions are members of different orthonormal bases in Fock space. Each basis contains a quasiparticle vacuum state and states with an arbitrary finite number of quasiparticles. One of the bases is that of Valatin and Butler (VB), introduced fifty years ago and parametrized by an infinite set of variables determining Bogoliubov's canonical transformation for each k. In another case, inspired by Nozi\`eres and Saint James the canonical transformation for k=0 is replaced by a shift in the creation/annihilation operators. For the VB basis we prove that the lowest energy is obtained in a state with ~sqrt{volume} quasiparticles in the zero mode. The number of k=0 physical particles is of the order of the volume and its fluctuation is anomalously large, resulting in an excess energy. The same fluctuation is normal in the second type of optimized bases, the minimum energy is smaller and is attained in a vacuum state. Associated quasiparticle theories and questions about the gap in their spectrum are also discussed

    Equivalence of Bose-Einstein condensation and symmetry breaking

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    Based on a classic paper by Ginibre [Commun. Math. Phys. {\bf 8} 26 (1968)] it is shown that whenever Bogoliubov's approximation, that is, the replacement of a_0 and a_0^* by complex numbers in the Hamiltonian, asymptotically yields the right pressure, it also implies the asymptotic equality of ||^2/V and /V in symmetry breaking fields, irrespective of the existence or absence of Bose-Einstein condensation. Because the former was proved by Ginibre to hold for absolutely integrable superstable pair interactions, the latter is equally valid in this case. Apart from Ginibre's work, our proof uses only a simple convexity inequality due to Griffiths.Comment: An error in my summary of previous results (the definition of F') is corrected. The correction is to be done also in the PR