69 research outputs found

    Building a Neighborhood Resource Map for IoT and Cyber-Physical systems in Resource-Constrained Environments

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    Creating and maintaining a shared resource map between observation nodes that have a behavior where they are mostly sleeping, and have a wake up schedule that are determined at each node locally is challenging. This thesis looks at these challenges, and possible solutions have been proposed to overcome them. Previous research on the topic of constrained IoT networks have looked at the network, energy, and human constraints separately. But no one has looked at what is needed when all the limitations have to be accounted for simultaneously. Three methods for exchanging resource descriptions are created in this paper. To evaluate the different exchange methods with different node behaviors, a custom simulator is made. The simulator will simulate communication and resource description exchanges between nodes. The results show that different node behavior has a drastic affect on when each of the exchange methods work best. The main contribution of this paper is to guide designers of IoT and sensor networks, when they are choosing how the nodes will behave in resource constrained environments. And the main conclusion are that when there are complete overlap of node behavior, the best method to spread resource descriptions is; to have everyone just sharing description for its own resource. When the nodes are not guaranteed to overlap, some other techniques for exchanging information must be used, like SLM or SLMV that are presented in this paper. Also when there is no overlap, the node behavior becomes even more important. Structuring the wakeup schedules even a bit can help improve overall time to create the resource map

    Motivation for learning statistics: An example from fishery and aquaculture science

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    Teaching statistics to generalist students oriented toward a profession, rather than academic merits, may be challenging. As statistics courses also tend to have a low student appeal, tailoring a course toward this type of audience is demanding. Framed within the theory of statistical thinking and literacy, this article shows how an investigative process, using domain data and real-life examples, may facilitate meaningful learning and motivate students. Describing and reflecting upon the methods used, both in teaching and assessment, the article contributes to the practice of teaching statistics

    Influencer Marketing: The effect on consumers’ purchase intentions and perceived value

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    Despite the growing interest in social media influencers and influencer marketing in recent years, there still exists elements to be explored to better understand how consumers are affected by the relatively new marketing strategy. Existing research has examined how consumers are affected when exposed to influencer marketing. However, there are contradicting results as to how consumers’ purchase intentions are affected. Further, to our knowledge, there exists scarce research on how influencer marketing affects consumers’ perceived value. Thus, this master thesis aims to examine whether influencer marketing has a positive effect on consumers’ purchase intentions and consumer perceived value. The thesis is based on theory concerning influencer marketing, consumer behavior, and persuasion knowledge. To examine the effects of influencer marketing, a quantitative research strategy with an experimental research has been used. The experiment conducted involved manipulation of Instagram advertisements, distributed to our own social media community. The results from a sample of 156 respondents was unexpected whereas none of our findings were significant. We have not received support for influencer marketing having a positive effect on consumer purchase intention and perceived value. Furthermore, did persuasion knowledge have a moderating effect, however in contrast to what we expected, did persuasion knowledge have a weakening effect. Hence, all of our hypotheses were rejected. Alternative explanations discussed involve various perspectives consisting of the influencer’s audience, authenticity, and trustworthiness. As well as negative brand resemblance, commercial content and profit-motivated appearance. For both hypotheses, it is relevant to highlight that the findings could be due in part to respondents not deliberately seeking the influencers. By other means, this study chose influencers and brands on behalf of respondents. Despite both hypotheses being rejected and inability to prove a positive effect, the effect still may exist. We thus encourage additional research into the field of influencer marketing to further examine these results

    Vurdering av sammensatte tekster i norskfaget?

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    I denne masteroppgaven har jeg gjennomført en studie i om det finnes kriterier for vurdering av sammensatte elevtekster innenfor norskfaget på tre videregående skoler. Mine grunner for å undersøke dette var basert på egen erfaring fra videregående skoler, der jeg opplevde at det fantes lite systematisk vurdering av sammensatte elevtekster. Læreplanen i norsk legger opp til at elever både skal produsere og analysere sammensatte tekster, noe som forutsetter en bred forståelse og kompetanse. Vurdering for læring vil ha en sentral plass i et slikt arbeid med et utvidet tekstbegrep. Derfor har det vært interessant å undersøke norsklæreres vurderingspraksis når det kommer til sammensatte tekster. Forskningsspørsmålene for denne studien var følgende: Hvilke sammensatte tekster får elevene mulighet til å produsere i norskundervisningen? På hvilket grunnlag foregår vurderingen av sammensatte elevtekster? Hvilke kunnskaper har lærerne om sammensatte tekster? Hvilken betydning har læreplanen og eksamensordningene i norskfaget for lærernes vurdering av sammensatte elevtekster? For å svare på disse spørsmålene har jeg foretatt tre kvalitative forskningsintervjuer med totalt åtte lærere, fordelt på tre videregående skoler i Oslo og Akershus. Mine funn tyder på at det er lite konsekvent/ planmessig utførelse når det gjelder vurdering av sammensatte elevtekster i norskfaget på de tre skolene. Jeg har sett at de viktigste grunnene til dette er manglende kompetanse om vurdering av multimodale tekster, og manglende begreper, eller kriterier for vurdering av en sammensatt tekst. Det er også lite lokalt samarbeid om vurdering av sammensatte tekster på skolene, noe som kanskje kunne ha styrket lærernes individuelle praksis. Til slutt har jeg sett at både læreplanen og eksamensordningene for norskfaget kan ha en effekt på hvordan lærerne praktiserer undervisningen. Sammenlagt tyder mine funn på at det er behov for en styrkning av lærernes multimodale kompetanse for at en vurdering skal kunne bli gjort skikkelig. I et stadig mer multimodalt samfunn vil det være behov for at også norskfaget endrer seg i tråd med samfunnsutviklingen

    Work environment and health in the fishing fleet: results from a survey amongst Norwegian fishers

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    Background: Fishery is an important industry in Norway. Compared to other industries the number of occupational accidents is high. Fishers are exposed to a range of unfavourable working conditions, but there is limited research-based knowledge about the interaction between working conditions and health. The aim of the article is to study fishers’ 1) work-related exposures and health complaints, 2) sickness absence, 3) subjective perception of health status and 3) level of job satisfaction. Materials and methods: Data was gathered through a telephone survey. The survey included questions about exposure, health complaints, health status and job satisfaction. Methods for analysis were descriptive statistics and relative risk (RR). Results: A total of 830 full-time fishers were interviewed. Coastal fishers are more exposed to factors such as climatic (RR = 1.546, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.311–1.823), ergonomic (RR = 1.539, 95% CI 1.293–1.833) and processing (RR = 2.119, 95% CI 1.847–2.431), compared to other groups of fishers. Coastal fishers are also more likely to experience musculoskeletal problems (RR = 1.623, 95% CI 1.139–2.314), sickness absence (RR = 1.337, 95% CI 1.081–1.655) and to perceive their own health as poor (RR = 2.155, 95% CI 1.119–4.152). Purse sein fishers are less exposed to climatic (RR = 0.777, 95% CI 0.633–0.953), ergonomic (RR = 0.617, 95% CI 0.487–0.783) and processing (RR = 0.292, 95% CI 0.221–0.385) factors and are less likely to experience sickness absence (RR = 0.635, 95% CI 0.479–0.840). In terms of job satisfaction, 99% if our respondents enjoy their work. Conclusions: Norwegian fishers have a high degree of job satisfaction and overall good health. Challenges regarding health complaints and exposures in the working environment were identified. This may be helpful for the industry, showing where measures should be implemented to prevent exposure, illness and sickness absence. Findings may also serve as a basis for future intervention studies aimed at promoting healthy working environments for fishers, especially how to improve vessels and develop user-friendly technology to reduce risk of injuries and strain

    Representasjon av samiske tema i et utvalg norskfaglige læreverk

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    På hvilke måter konstrueres virkelighetsforståelser om samiske tema i et utvalg norskfaglige læreverk for ungdomstrinnet, utformet i tilknytning til Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 2020? I dette masterprosjektet har vi ved bruk av kritisk diskursanalyse undersøkt representasjonen av samiske tema i lærebøker fra fire forlag. Utvalget består av totalt ti lærebøker fra Aschehoug, Cappelen Damm, Fagbokforlaget og Gyldendal. Problemstillingen er konkretisert gjennom fire forskningsspørsmål: (1) Hvordan representeres ulike samiske språk og den samiske språkhistorien i læreverkene? (2) Hvordan er utvalget av bilder i læreverkene med på å fremstille samiske tema? (3) Hva slags samiske verbaltekster blir inkludert i læreverkene? og (4) Hvilke typer oppgaver er tilknyttet tekstene med samiske tema, og hva slags formål gjenspeiles i oppgavenes utforming? Vår analyse viser at samiske tema tildeles en begrenset plass i alle fire læreverkene, både når det gjelder verbaltekster, bilder og oppgaver. Gyldendal skiller seg ut som det forlaget som vier mest plass til samisk innhold. En gjennomgående tendens er likevel at det samiske fremstilles som én del av mangfoldet i Norge, samtidig som kompleksiteten og nyansene innenfor samisk språk, identitet, kultur og samfunnsliv i liten grad tematiseres. Videre synliggjør analysen av læreverkene noen konkurrende diskurser tilknyttet samiske tema. Disse diskursene bærer preg av både indigenisering, fravær og inkludering, hvor sistnevnte står sterkest. Dermed har vi grunnlag for å si at læremiddelforlagene helt klart tillegger samiske tema verdi i opplæringen, men at det samiske innholdet som inkluderes i enkelte tilfeller har et potensial for forbedring. Disse funnene viser et behov for en mer nyansert og virkelighetsnær fremstilling av samisk språk, identitet, kultur og samfunnsliv i læreverkene, samt at de i større grad trekker samiske perspektiver inn i en bredere sammenheng. Samtidig blir det tydelig at lærere i skolen må ha kompetanse til å oppdage, nyansere og fylle kunnskapshull i det samiske innholdet som læreverkene formidler. Samlet sett er det et behov for kvalitets- og kompetanseløft når det gjelder opplæring om samiske tema

    Getting into Fishing: Recruitment and Social Resilience in North Norfolk's ‘Cromer Crab’ Fishery, UK

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    The intergenerational continuity of fishing communities is a growing concern for the sustainability of small-scale fisheries around Europe. This is exemplified through the case of an English crab fishery where young people are being encouraged into fishing through funded training programmes with limited success. Opportunities for work have declined, most notably through a reduction in crew size to save costs. Interviews with fishermen of different ages are explored using access theory to elucidate how the social reproduction of fishing has changed. This shows how the agency of young aspiring fishermen is increasingly constrained by regulatory and financial factors. Improved social and spatial mobility among fishing families mean that recruitment into the fishery through a father-to-son pathway is increasingly uncommon. Youngsters from non-fishing families face additional financial and relational barriers. Funded courses alone cannot provide a solution. A holistic approach to rural coastal development is required to build social resilience in fishing communities across Europe faced with similar problems

    Musculoskeletal symptoms among workers in the commercial fishing fleet of Norway

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    Background: Fishers exposed to unfavourable environmental conditions may suffer negative health ef- fects. This study aimed to identify musculoskeletal symptoms in professional fishers in Norway using data from several sources; register data, telephone survey and questionnaire. Materials and methods: Professional fishers (n = 25,971) registered in the period 2008–2013 were selected by Statistics Norway (SSB). An age- and gender-matched control population (n = 77,913) was also selected. Outpatient consultation and hospitalisation data were received from the Norwegian Patient Registry (NPR). To obtain information about self-reported symptoms, 832 registered fishers on board Norwegian fishing vessels were interviewed by telephone, and a questionnaire was distributed to the crews of 5 trawlers (n = 153).  Results: Data from NPR showed that fishers, compared to the control population, suffered significantly more acute incidents related to musculoskeletal disorders (5.4% vs. 4.8%, respectively), injuries to arms (11.3% vs. 9.8%), feet (8.4% vs. 8%), and back (0.9% vs. 0.7%). In the telephone survey, 61% and 43% reported that they performed monotonous work operations and heavy lifting often or very often, respec- tively. Thirty-three per cent had experienced pain in neck/shoulders/arms often or very often during the previous 12 months, and 93% believed this was fully or partly due to their work situation. The questionnaire among trawler crew members showed that 57% and 60% had experienced stiffness and/or pain in neck/ /shoulders and lower back/small of the back respectively during the previous 12 months.  Conclusions: Data from the register study, telephone survey and questionnaire all confirmed that musculo- skeletal problems are common among fishers and related to their work situation. However, 77% of the fishers in all vessel groups and on board the 5 trawlers reported their own health as being very good or good.

    Salmon farming in the North: How do we regulate growth?

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    Source at https://framsenteret.no/fram-forum/Aquaculture has become a major part of global food production, and according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, it is now the fastest growing animal food-producing industry. In the North, further growth in salmon farming is expected. What mechanisms are in place to regulate this growth

    Arbeidsmiljø og helse i fiskeflåten - utfordringer og helsefremmende faktorer

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    Fiskere kan være eksponert for en rekke ugunstige arbeidsforhold og har høyere risiko for å bli utsatt for skader enn andre yrkesgrupper. Rapporten oppsummerer funn fra prosjektet "Working environment and health in the Norwegian fishing fleet – challenges and health promoting factors". Målet har vært å se på sammenhenger mellom arbeidsmiljø og helse og bidra med kunnskap om både negative og helsefremmende faktorer. Prosjektet har gitt ny kunnskap om helseplager, sykefravær, termoregulatoriske responser og arbeidsbelastning, eksponering for bioaerosoler og støy for fiskere på fabrikktrålere, og sammenhenger mellom arbeid, arbeidsmiljø og helse i fiskeryrket generelt. Rapporten gir anbefalinger som kan legges til grunn for forebyggende arbeid fremover.Norges ForskningsrådpublishedVersio