235 research outputs found

    Optimization of carbon nanotube properties by controlled amount oxidizers

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Physics, Izmir, 2011Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 58-61)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 61 leavesFinally, all data were subjected through a statistical analysis. From this study we have seen that the majority of the samples had Log-Normal diameter distributions by adjusting oxidizer amount and pretreatment timing. We were able to control CNT diameters within very narrow diameter ranges.This thesis work focuses on growing high quality carbon nanotubes using ethylene as hydrocarbon gas in thermal chemical vapor deposition method in presence of weak oxidizers. We carried out experiments to study the ratio of amount of CO2, O2 and H2O in pretreatment to growth and the timing of the metal-oxide to metal conversion in presence of the oxidizers.Firstly, the effects of CO2 addition were investigated on a variety of growth conditions to study the controlled diameter growth of CNTs. The main growth parameters controlled in this work in the CNT growth were CO2 level, pretreatment time and temperature. Pretreatment times of 15, 10, 5, 2 minutes were studied. CO2 flow rates were send in system during both pretreatment time and growth time at 10:1, 10:2, 5:1, 5:2, 2:1 and 2:2 sccm ratios, respectively. We also studied two different growth temperatures at 740 oC and 760 oC.Secondly, the influence of O2 for effective CNT growth was investigated by utilizing different pretreatment times and O2 levels. Pretreatment times of 15, 10, 5, 2 minutes were studied. O2 gas flow rates during pretreatment time and growth time were studied as 5:1, 5:2, 2:2, 2:1, 2:0.5, respectively. As a result, we obtained small diameters with the pretreatment time of 15 min. in the presence of O2.Thirdly, the effects of H2O vapor for effective CNT growth on Fe/Al2O3/SiO2 were examined. During the experiments, pretreatment time was kept at a constant value of 15 min. and H2O vapor content in Ar was varied. The results of examined analyses show that the best results were obtained at the growth 60 o C (A) / 60 o C (A)

    Campus Utopias: A visual re-reading

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    “Campus Utopias: A Visual Re-reading” describes a multidisciplinary graduate course conducted collaboratively by TU Delft and METU Ankara’s Architecture Departments in 2022. The research course focused on the key urban and architectural features of selected campus projects, examining how the modernist architects engaged in these designs were able to use them as a basis for the experimentation of new educational-residential models for living.This research paper explores the formal aspects of these campuses and their architectural significance. It recognizes the diverse geographies where the modern architectural movement took root and the active role played by political, economic, and cultural agents in shaping these projects. Working with local agents and situating modern architecture within its surrounding infrastructure and landscape helped master architects to integrate local architectural values and new building technologies.The article presents three case studies: Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria, the University of Baghdad in Iraq, and the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas. These campuses were designed and built after World War II, representing the aspirations of newly installed governments. The article highlights the architectural approaches that incorporated environmental considerations and cultural inspirations and the socio-economic considerations in each project.The research methodology involves a comparative analysis of the campuses, focusing on their formal qualities and in-between spaces. The students involved in the graduate research course utilized various media and techniques of representation, including 3D digital drawings, models, collages, and physical reliefs. The work results were presented in the form of an exhibition titled “Campus Utopias” at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment in April 2022. The student projects in this photo essay show the diversity of scale and make visible the similarities and differences in the overall campus design approaches of the three projects. The major focus is on the in-between spaces and the outcomes of the multidisciplinary work of architects, engineers, landscape architects, and artists

    Din Perspektifinden Obsesif-Kompulsif Bozukluklar: Modern Yaklaşımlar ve Ebû Zeyd El-Belhî’nin Katkıları

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    Ruhsal hastalıkların geçmişi insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. Tarihsel süreç içinde değişen toplumsal, kültürel pek çok faktörden etkilenen ruhsal bozukluklar, kavramsal olarak sürekli yeniden yapılandırılarak tanımları ve sınıflandırmaları değişikliğe uğramıştır. Kökleri insanlık tarihi kadar eski bir geçmişe uzanan obsesif kompulsif bozuklukların (OKB) modern kavramlarına evrilmesi 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşmiştir. OKB’nin ruhsal kökeni hakkındaki ilk bilimsel görüşler S. Freud’a aittir. Freud, OKB’deki ruhsal nedenlerin diğer ruhsal bozukluklardan farklı olduğunu gözlemleyerek obsesyonu, ayrı ve özgün bir bozukluk olarak incelemiştir. Zamanla OKB’nin oldukça yaygın bir rahatsızlık olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği (APA) yayımladığı Ruhsal Bozuklukların Tanısal ve İstatiksel El Kitabı’nın son sürümü (DSM-5)’de OKB’yi anksiyete bozuklukları kategorisi içinden çıkartarak bağımsız bir başlık altında tasnif etmiştir. OKB, takıntılı fikir ve düşünce gibi zihinsel eylemler (obsesyon) ve/veya yineleyici ve zorlantılı davranışlardan (kompulsiyon) meydana gelen ruhsal bir bozukluktur. Hasta çoğu kez bu türlü düşünce ve davranışlarının mantıksız ve saçma olduğunun bilincindedir. Bu nedenle inançlarına, görüşlerine, ahlaki değerlerine ve mantığına ters bulduğu obsesif düşünceleri zihinden uzaklaştırılmaya çalışır. Fakat o çabaladıkça obsesif düşünceler daha da çoğalır, sıklaşır ve kişide büyük bir bunaltı meydana getirir. Hasta hissettiği bunaltıyı hafifletmek veya ondan tamamen kurtulmak için bu kez kompulsiyonlara başvurur. Kompulsiyonları tekrar ettikçe de bunaltısı artar ve kısır bir döngü içine girer. Bireyin yaşam kalitesini ciddi şekilde düşüren OKB’nin pek çok semptom alt grubu bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan birisi ve hatta en bunaltıcı olanı dini obsesyonlardır. Psikoloji literatüründe din ve OKB arasında uzun zamandır bir ilişki olduğu düşünülmüş ve bu ilişkiyi açıklığa kavuşturmayı amaçlayan bazı dikkat çekici çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bireyin ruhsal sağlık bütünlüğünün korunmasında dinin vazgeçilmez bir unsur olduğunu gösteren pek çok araştırma bulgusu bulunmakla birlikte bazı dini anlayış biçimleri ve dini deneyimler sonucu edinilen kimi tecrübeler OKB ile ilgili kaygıları etkileyebilmektedir. Dindarlığın bu aşaması, OKB’nin bazı alt semptom gruplarıyla yakından ilişkilidir. Psikanaliz yönteminin kurucusu Freud ve takipçilerinin açıklamaları, OKB’nin anlaşılmasına büyük katkı sağlamıştır. Ancak psikanalitik yöntemin kuramsal açıdan dine karşı indirgemeci bir yaklaşım sergilemesi nedeniyle kişinin dine olan bağlılığının daha başlangıçta bir patoloji ya da en azından önemli bir içgörü engeli olarak değerlendirilmesi söz konusudur. Günümüzde bilişsel davranışçı psikoterapiler, OKB üzerinde en etkili psikolojik tedavi yöntemi olarak kabul edilir fakat onların da dini OKB’lerin tedavisinde başarı oranları düşüktür. Dini OKB kaygıları, genellikle somut tekrarlanabilir durumlar yerine manevi konuları içerdiğinden davranışçı yöntemlerin dini OKB tedavisinde uygulanması oldukça zor olabilir. Dolayısıyla geleneksel psikoterapi yaklaşımları, açıkça dine karşı olmasalar bile genellikle dini boyutu ihmal ettiklerinden dini obsesyonları bulunan bireylerin hayatlarındaki ıztırabı dindirmede yetersiz kalmaktadırlar. Ruhsal tedavilerin seküler yaklaşımlarla sınırlı tutulmasından doğan boşluk nedeniyle dindar hastalar, dini duyguları istismar eden kişilerin illegal uygulamalarının tehdidiyle karşı karşıyadırlar. Klinik anlamda dini obsesyonlar daha kaygı verici ve bunaltıcıdır. Dolayısıyla tedavileri de diğerlerinkinden daha zordur. OKB’nin tedavisinde farklı bilim disiplinlerin bir arada kullanıldığı, dini inanç ve değerler etrafında esneyebilecek, seçmeci yaklaşımlar daha etkili tedavi modelleri ortaya çıkartabilir. Böylece dini OKB’nin tedavisindeki başarı oranı tıp, psikoloji ve ilahiyat disiplinlerinin uygun işbirliği sayesinde üst düzeylere taşınabilir. İlahiyat disiplinleri açısından bu işbirliğini destekleyebilecek zengin bir dini kültürel miras bulunmaktadır. Bir örnek olarak Ebû Zeyd el-Belhî (322/934), Mesalihu’l-Ebdan ve’l-Enfüs adlı eserinde, Freud’dan yaklaşık on asır önce, nevrozlar ve psikozlar arasında muhtemelen ilk defa açık bir ayrım yapmış ve nevrotik bozuklukları sınıflandırmıştır. Ayrıca eserinde, bu bozuklukların her birinin tedavisi için rasyonel ve manevi bilişsel terapilerin nasıl kullanılacağını ayrıntılı bir şekilde göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada dini obsesyonlara hem psikolojik bir rahatsızlık hem de teolojik bir problem olarak bütüncül bir yöntemle yaklaşılmasının önemi vurgulanmaktadır. Bu nedenle dini OKB’nin tedavisinde psikiyatrik ve psikolojik yaklaşımların manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlikle işbirliği önerilmektedir. Dindar bir kişide görülen belirtilerin dini yaşantıya ait normal, tabii dini düşünce ve davranışlar mı yoksa dini kılıfa bürünmüş anormal görünümler mi olduğunun ayrıştırılmasındaki güçlük disiplinler arası bu işbirliğini zorunlu kılmaktadır

    Transit Stations: Sub-centers in Rotterdam Zuid

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    The City of Innovations Project ‘Walk-IN Stations’ is organized around speculating and projecting on future scenarios for the South of Rotterdam. Students are invited to reflect on the importance of transport networks within and extending from the city. In considering the way these networks have shaped the city through weaving the urbanities of the city center(s) and suburban areas and how they will further shape the future urban territories, this elective positions itself as a negotiation between architecture, network infrastructure, public realm, policy & governance and the territory. Stations are architectural objects which connect an area to the city’s territorial plane and have the potential to generate new urban dynamics. In the compact city the station no longer is simply the space to access mobility networks, in this informed by their dry pragmatism, but becomes an urban place of sociality and encounter - an extended public space beyond mobility itself. Furthermore, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has developed a vision on the future of Public Transport (towards 2040)1 based on new mobilities and Door-to-Door solutions. The vision was followed by the “Handelingsperspectief”, intended as an instrument to jointly map the current and future needs of PT nodes and their surroundings2. The stations of the future become hubs3, where you can transfer from one mode of transport to another. Hubs are also destinations in themselves, places to meet up, to work, to exercise, to eat. How are new mobility solutions integrated in the current system and take shape at public transport nodes, in the context of low car inner-cities (Autoluw) like in Rotterdam? Which relationships and cross-fertilizations can be significant for the design of the future urban stations in Rotterdam? How should these stations be developed in order to act as public places for collective action? How could one create an optimal mobility chain by decreasing transition friction, increasing quality of the space at station locations? This elective will attempt to answer those questions through research-by-design process, conducted by the students and tutors of Complex Projects in close collaboration with the City of Rotterdam, and enjoys the contribution of the University of Gustave Eiffel, Delta Metropool Association, De Zwarte Hond and PosadMaxwan experts on station developments. The elective course City of Innovations is scheduled in Q3, between MSc1 design studio and MSc2 research and design studio. It attracts students from different tracks, from architecture and landscape architecture to urban planning, urbanism and management. City of Innovations guides research-by-design projects focusing on mobility and public space challenges. Teachers and students work together exploring the increasingly complex world that demands increasingly complex projects, in design and also in the way of designing. The studio is organized with the method of charrette (period of intense design activity and short-term design project, usually developed in teams), focusing on 3 stations with different characters in Rotterdam Zuid. Research is done per station, in groups of 12 students; followed by a “stakeholder workshop”, students conclude the research result into spatial criteria and quality requirements. Departing from different priorities, the students split into smaller groups to develop different approaches for a more sustainable and inclusive station developed within the implementation of the new mobility method

    Proposing an International Standard Accident Number for Interconnecting Information and Communication Technology Systems of the Rescue Chain

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    Background  The rapid dissemination of smart devices within the internet of things (IoT) is developing toward automatic emergency alerts which are transmitted from machine to machine without human interaction. However, apart from individual projects concentrating on single types of accidents, there is no general methodology of connecting the standalone information and communication technology (ICT) systems involved in an accident: systems for alerting (e.g., smart home/car/wearable), systems in the responding stage (e.g., ambulance), and in the curing stage (e.g., hospital). Objectives  We define the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN) as a unique token for interconnecting these ICT systems and to provide embedded data describing the circumstances of an accident (time, position, and identifier of the alerting system). Materials and methods  Based on the characteristics of processes and ICT systems in emergency care, we derive technological, syntactic, and semantic requirements for the ISAN, and we analyze existing standards to be incorporated in the ISAN specification. Results  We choose a set of formats for describing the embedded data and give rules for their combination to generate an ISAN. It is a compact alphanumeric representation that is generated easily by the alerting system. We demonstrate generation, conversion, analysis, and visualization via representational state transfer (REST) services. Although ISAN targets machine-to-machine communication, we give examples of graphical user interfaces. Conclusion  Created either locally by the alerting IoT system or remotely using our RESTful service, the ISAN is a simple and flexible token that enables technological, syntactic, and semantic interoperability between all ICT systems in emergency care

    Automatic Information Exchange in the Early Rescue Chain Using the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN)

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    Thus far, emergency calls are answered by human operators who interview the calling person in order to obtain all relevant information. In the near future-based on the Internet of (Medical) Things (IoT, IoMT)-accidents, emergencies, or adverse health events will be reported automatically by smart homes, smart vehicles, or smart wearables, without any human in the loop. Several parties are involved in this communication: the alerting system, the rescue service (responding system), and the emergency department in the hospital (curing system). In many countries, these parties use isolated information and communication technology (ICT) systems. Previously, the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN) has been proposed to securely link the data in these systems. In this work, we propose an ISAN-based communication platform that allows semantically interoperable information exchange. Our aims are threefold: (i) to enable data exchange between the isolated systems, (ii) to avoid data misinterpretation, and (iii) to integrate additional data sources. The suggested platform is composed of an alerting, responding, and curing system manager, a workflow manager, and a communication manager. First, the ICT systems of all parties in the early rescue chain register with their according system manager, which tracks the keep-alive. In case of emergency, the alerting system sends an ISAN to the platform. The responsible rescue services and hospitals are determined and interconnected for platform-based communication. Next to the conceptual design of the platform, we evaluate a proof-of-concept implementation according to (1) the registration, (2) channel establishment, (3) data encryption, (4) event alert, and (5) information exchange. Our concept meets the requirements for scalability, error handling, and information security. In the future, it will be used to implement a virtual accident registry


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    Amaç: Lakrimal drenaj sistemi travması olan hastaların tedavisinde kullanılan cerrahi tekniklerin sonuçlarını değerlendirmek. Gereç ve yöntem: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı'nda kanalikül kesisi nedeni ile tedavi edilen 3 hastanın kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelendi. İki vakada 24 ‘gauge' branül kullanılarak bikanaliküler anüler entübasyon, bir hastada ise bikanaliküler nazal entübasyon, mukozal anastomoz ve kapak rekonstrüksiyonu ile kombine olarak uygulandı. Bulgular: İki hastada üst kanalikül, bir hastada ise alt kanalikül kesisi mevcuttu. Hastaların hepsinde kanalikül kesisi direk travma nedeniyle oluşmuştu. Tüp geri alınma zamanı ortalama 5,3 ay (4-6 ay) idi. Hiçbir hastada epifora veya diğer komplikasyonlar görülmedi. Sonuç: Kanalikül kesilerinin cerrahi tedavisi teknik olarak dikkat gerektiren bir işlemdir. Tecrübeli cerrahlarca dikkatli bir şekilde yapıldığında, polivinil kloridle yapılan bikanaliküler anüler entübasyon ve silikon tüple yapılan bikanaliküler nazal entübasyon ile başarılı sonuçlar elde edilebilir. Objective: To assess the results of surgical technique for the treatment of patients with trauma of the lacrimal drainage system. Material and method: Medical records of three patients treated for canalicular laceration in the Department of Ophthalmology Dokuz Eylul University wereevaluated retrospectively. In two cases bicanalicular annular intubation by using 24 gauge branule, in one case bicanalicular nasal entubation were performed combined with mucosal anastomosis and lid reconstruction. Results: Two patients had inferior canalicular laceration and one had a superior canalicular laceration. lacerations of our patients were caused by direct trauma. The silicone tubes were removed after a mean period of 5.3 months (Range 4 to 6 months) There were no persistent epiphora or other complication. Conclusion: The surgical treatment of canalicular laceration is a technically demanding procedure. Entubation techniques including bicanalicular annular with polyvinyl chloride material and bicanalicular nasal with silicone can achieve successful results, when it is performed carefully by experienced surgeons

    Effect of potassium-chromate and sodium-nitrite on concrete steel-rebar degradation in sulphate and saline media

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    In this paper, effect of potassium-chromate (K2CrO4) and sodium-nitrite (NaNO2) on concrete steel-rebar degradation in sulphuric-acid and in sodium-chloride media were studied. Electrochemical monitoring of open circuit potential and compressive strength effect of the different concentrations of these admixtures in steel-reinforced concretes immersed in the acidic/marine-simulating environments were analysed for detailing admixture performance. Results subjected to ASTM C876 interpretations showed that concrete admixed with 0.145 M potassium-chromate exhibited optimum inhibition effectiveness with good compressive strength improvement in the acidic medium. In the saline medium, the concrete admixed with 0.679 M sodium-nitrite exhibited optimal inhibition performance, but with reduction in concrete compressive strength

    Significance of the concentration of chloride in the repair of concrete highway structures using surface applied corrosion inhibitors

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    Presented at the first International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR 2005), Cape Town, South Africa, 21-23 November, 2005Advances in surface-applied corrosion inhibitors suggest that they have the potential to prevent or significantly retard corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete structures. It is thought that the effectiveness of the inhibitor depends on both the chloride concentration at the steel reinforcement and the inhibitor concentration. This paper presents the preliminary findings of a laboratory study into this assumption. Concrete specimens were ponded with chloride solutions to initiate corrosion. Inhibitor was applied to one face and the influence on corrosion activity was monitored by linear polarisation resistance measurement. The preliminary results of this continuing study showed that the surface-applied inhibitors could reduce the corrosion rate and this reduction depends on the chloride concentration. The practical implication is that there exists a chloride concentration range within which inhibitor use is most effective.European Research CouncilPublisher's descriptionhttp://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415396561/Many Taylor & Francis and Routledge books are now available as eBookshttp://www.eBookstore.tandf.co.ukSAMARIS projectConference website n/a. Link to published proceedings - http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415396561/. Publisher requirements are as follows: "must include the links www.tandf.co.uk and to our eBookstore www.eBookstore.tandf.co.uk including the following phrase "many Taylor & Francis and Routledge books are now available as eBooks". Full acknowledgement must be given to the original source, with full details of figure/page numbers, title, author(s), publisher and year of publication."DG 07/07/10 ke - TS 22.07.1