133 research outputs found

    Serbest sütun:Merhum Salih Münir Paşa'ya dair...

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 62-Salih Münir Paş

    Some of the Weavings Used in Turkish Bath in the Context of Intangible Cultural Heritage

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    Hand weaving has a very old history in Anatolia. In addition to carpet and rugs, almost in every region it could be possible to see local weavings. Some of the weavings perished and others still continue to exist. These weavings which have to be evaluated as intangible cultural heritage have been protected by the geographical indication suspended license in order to protect them from losing their unique properties. Changes in the dynamics of tourism with the improvements in technology and the emergence of alternative forms of tourism, have increased the importance of local and touristic products. Turkish Bath has always been a topic of interest for tourists. Besides, hand crafted products such as copper bath bowl, clogs, soap, marble basin, and woven loincloth (peştamal) and sacare the other products complementing the tradition. In Turkish baths, both females and males uses loincloths for covering up and drying the body, sac is used to clean the skin. In some regions of Turkey, bath loincloth (peştamal) and sac weaving still continues. Nowadays with the increase of interest to baths, the interest to loincloths also rises. These weavings which have been found authentic by the domestic and foreign tourists, started to be used as daily clothing in rural areas and used as covering in the city centers. Besides, they are also used on beaches, saunas and SPAs in order to cover and dry the body. In this study, the current situation of traditional weavings such as loincloth and sacs were analyzed in terms of their properties and current situation. The analyzed loincloths chosen from the bath museums in Ankara, and some photographs that belong to these loincloths are presented in the study

    The use of silkworm cocoona as a decorative material in desing : the sample of Hatay

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    İpeğin iplik olarak kullanımının tarihsel gelişimi incelendiğinde çok eskilere dayanmakta, hatta ipek yolu diye kervan yolunun olması ipeğin önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Türkiye'de ipekböceği yetiştiriciliği 29 ilde yapılmasına rağmen koza üretiminin %80 Antalya, Ankara, Bursa,Bilecik, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Hatay,İzmir, Muğla veSakarya illerinden sağlanmaktadır.Üretilen kozalardan elde edilen ipekler dokumacılık alanında değerlendirilmektedir. Hatay ilinde üretilen kozalar ise geleneksel ve endüstriyel ipek dokumacılığında kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca günümüzde kozalardan hediyelik ve turistik eşya olarak dekoratif ürünler ve giyim aksesuarı da üretilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, ipekböceği kozasının tasarımlarda süsleme malzemesi olarak kullanımı belirlenerek ürünlerde kullanılan araç, gereç, kozaların kesim teknikleri, ürün yapım aşamaları ve ürün çeşitleri açıklanmıştır.When the historical development of the usage of silk as thread, it is discovered that it dates back a long time, moreover, the existence of a trade route named Silk Road exhibits the importance of silk. Despite sericulture is found in 29 cities across Turkey, 80% of cocoon production in the country comes from Antalya, Ankara, Bursa, Bilecik, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Hatay, İzmir, Muğla and Sakarya. Silk obtained from the cocoons produced is used in the field of weaving. Cocoons produced in the city of Hatay are used in traditional and industrial silk weaving. Moreover, nowadays cocoons are used in the production of decorative items and clothing accessories as souvenirs. In this study, uses of silkworm cocoons as a decorative material in desing, tools and equipment used in production, cocoon cutting techniques, production stages and product varieties are explained

    The geological and petrological properties of volcanic rocks in Çanakkale-Çan area in the northwest Anatolia and investigation of evolution of volcanism

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    İnceleme alanı KB Anadolu’da, Çanakkale-Çan arasında KB Anadolu’nun metamorfik temel kayaçları, magmatik ve çökel kayaçların bir arada bulunduğu bir bölge konumundadır. Bölgedeki istifin temelini Üst Kretase-Alt Paleosen yaşlı Çamlıca metamorfikleri oluşturmaktadır. İnceleme alanında Üst Eosen-Alt Oligosenden itibaren kalkalkalen karakterli yaygın bir magmatik faaliyet Dededağ volkaniklerinin andezitik ve riyolitik karakterli lav ve bunların piroklastikleri ile başlayıp andezit, riyolit lav akıntılarıyla devam etmektedir. Dededağ formasyonu kalkalkalen ve metaluminus özellik göstermekte ve volkanik yay bileşeni ve tüketilen levha sınırı alanında yer almaktadır. Alt-Orta Miyosen, andezitik ve bazaltik kayaçlardan oluşan Kirazlı volkanikleri ve Çamyayla plütonu ile temsil edilir. Kirazlı formasyonun da yay bileşeni ve tüketilen levha sınırı volkanik kayaçları alanında yer aldığı görülür. Çamyayla plütonu sığ sokulumlu olup granit, granodiyorit, kuvars diyorit bileşimlidir. Çamyayla Plütonu çevresinde aktinolit hornfels ve kuvars-alkali feldspat hornfels fasiyesin de kontak metamorfizma zonu gelişmiştir. Plütonik kayaçlar kalkalkalen nitelikte olup, metaluminus özelliği göstermektedir. Ana ve iz elementlerin kullanıldığı diyagramların değerlendirilmesi sonucunda Çamyayla plütonunun yitim zonu bileşeni içerdiği belirlenmiştir. Üst Miyosen’de Caferler trakibazaltı gelişmiştir. Bu birim kırık zonları boyunca yerleşmiştir. Üst Miyosen dönemine kadarki süreçte gelişmiş olan magmatizma, Ege bölgesinin magmatizmasıyla uyumlu ve onun bir parçasını temsil ettiği kalkalkalen nitelikli, üst mantodan gelişen, kabukta kirlenen bu magmatizmadır. Dalma-batma kökenli olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Bölgede Geç Miyosen’den itibaren başlayan yeni tektonik rejim altında ise yeni bir magmatizmanın oluştuğu ve o dönemde de rift tipi bazaltların geliştiği belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: KB Anadolu, volkanik kayaçlar, plüton.The study area between Çanakkale and Çan is located in Northwest Anatolia where metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks all together crop out. The Çamlıca Metamorphics, form the basement. In the study area, magmatic activity began during late Eocene-Early Oligocene period and produced andesitic lavas and pyroclastic rocks (Dededağ volcanic). It was followed by andesitic and basaltic andesitic during the Early Miocene period (Kirazlı volcanic). Partly contemporaneously with the developments of these volcanic associations granitic intrusive rocks were emplaced to the subvolcanic depths (Çamyayla Pluton). A contact metamorphic aureole formed around the pluton displaying actinolite-hornfels mineral assemblage. During the late Miocene the tectonic regime charged; a N-S extension began. The present E-W trending grabens began to developed. Basaltic lavas were erupted (Caferler Basalt) along the graben-bounding faults. The early phases of volcanic products were generated. In the upper mantle and geochemically enriched by the crustal components during its ascent. These volcanic rocks are similar to the subduction-induced lavas. In upper Miocene the Caferler trahy-basalts developed and located along the fracture zone. Magmatism, calc-alkaline characteristics, developed from upper-mantle and contaminated by crust is originated from subduction zone. The study area, its location in Biga peninsula, located in the North of Sakarya continent and Ezine zone which are Turkey’s tectonic units. Sakarya continent along E-W, covered by Intra-Pontid zone in the North and Izmir-Ankara ofiyolit zone formed as a result of collision of Sakarya continent and Torid-Anatolid platform after Neo-Tethys ocean closed. There have been numerous studies related to geological events during Cretase-Oligocene in the NW Anatolia. As a result of these studies, it is known that Neo-Tethys ocean start to subducted towards North and closed, in the Cretase. N-S collision developed in the region continued between Upper Cretase and Miocene and continental crust shortened and thickened. In the study area Dededağ formation, investigated as lower volcanic unit, continued Upper Eocene-Oligocene. After Upper Eocene the region became terrestrial environment. Granitic intrusions associated with thickened and shortened continental crust located. In the study area Çamyayla pluton which formed with upper part of Dededağ volcanic as one inside the other, intruse into the Akpınar metamorphic rocks and cause contact metamorphism. Dededağ volcanic rocks resemble geochemical characteristics with Çamyayla pluton, showed calc-alkalen metaluminus features. However, two fresh ryholite samples, plotted into the peraluminus region, suggest that Lower Eocene-Upper Oligocene age volcanism’s later stage may have been contaminated by the continental crust. The data obtained from major and trace elements diagrams showed volcanic arc and consumed continental border. Kirazlı formation lied uncomfortable on the Dededağ formation form middle volcanic units. Lower-Middle Miocene age Kirazlı formation represents middle-basic characteristics. In the Dededağ volcanic Ta/Th-Ta diagram, it is seen that AFC could be important where as in the Kirazlı volcanic assimilation with volcanic crystallization could be important. Volcanism developed until late Eocene after Paleotectonics units collision and became unit (Late Cretase-Middle Eocene) in the Aegean subduction zone. During subduction, it moved to south and volcanic side also moved along with it. The study area, represent the subduction zone associated magmatism aged between late Oligocene-Early Miocene. In the study area upper volcanic units outcropped during Late Miocene. The unit made of ryholite lava and pyroclastics developed one inside the other with Çan formation. During upper Miocene the volcanism changed its characteristics due to N-S extension regime causing thinning the continental litospher and alkaline volcanism developed. Starting with late Miocene West Anatolia-Aegean continental crust which are shortened-thickened started to collapse and graben formed. During this time, volcanism originated in the subduction zone left their place to volcanism originated in the north-south extension system. This volcanism is alkalen in character and basalt is widespread. Caferler basalt is different from the other basaltic rocks in the study area and contains large and group olivine. Caferler basalts represent basaltic-traciandesitic, tracibasalt characteristics.  Keywords: NW Anatolia, volcanic rocks, pluton

    Granular Cell Tumor of The Inferior Rectus Muscle

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    A 53-year-old woman complaining of vertical diplopia, presented with a localized swelling in the right lower lid. Magnetic resonance imaging studies demonstrated a relatively well-defined mass in the inferior rectus with similar signal characteristics to the muscle. Excisional biopsy of the mass revealed granular cell tumor composed of S-100 positive cells with acidophilic granular cytoplasm and a peripheral lymphocytic infiltration. Granular cell tumor, which is very rare in the orbit, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of tumors adjacent to or within the extraocular muscles, particularly in the inferior orbit

    Simple sequence repeat-based assessment of genetic diversity in 'Dimrit' and 'Gemre' grapevine accessions from Turkey

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    It is widely believed that Turkey has played an important role in the evolution of modern day grapes due to its unique geographical location with close proximity to the regions of grape diversity. Despite this, the rich grape germplasm found in Turkey has not been sufficiently analyzed genetically. In this study, 31 grapevine accessions from 'Dimrit' (or 'Dilmit') and 'Gemre' grape groups were genetically analyzed at eight SSR (microsatellite) loci (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD24, VVMD27, VVMD28, VrZAG62 and VrZAG79) and for a number of ampeolographic characteristics. These analyses identified sufficient genetic diversity between these two grape groups that, in general, clustered separately in the dendrogram constructed based on the SSR data. However, the ecogeographical distribution and genetic relationship of the genotypes did not show any significant correlation. Two 'Gemre' accessions were determined as genetically identical. In addition, one case of synonym and several cases of homonym genotypes were identified. The results reported here are important first steps towards better characterization of these grape genotypes and would aid future germplasm management and breeding efforts.

    Genetic characterization of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) germplasm from Southeast Anatolia by SSR markers

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    Southeast Anatolia is located in close proximity to the center of origin of grapes and is an important grape producing area of Turkey. The important location of this region for grape genetic diversity together with its diverse ecological conditions may have led to the development of grape germplasm that is unique to this region. However, so far little has been done to genetically analyze this grape germplasm. In this study, we genetically analyzed 55 grape cultivars originating from six different provinces of this region using 14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and a number of ampeolographic characteristics. Based on these analyses, one case of synonymous and four cases of homonymous grape cultivars were identified. The contribution of our results to better characterization of the grape germplasm of the region as well as future germplasm management and breeding efforts is discussed.

    Distinct DNA Methylation Patterns of Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytomas in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a monogenic disorder caused by mutations in either the TSC1 or TSC2 gene, two key regulators of the mechanistic target of the rapamycin complex pathway. Phenotypically, this leads to growth and formation of hamartomas in several organs, including the brain. Subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (SEGAs) are low-grade brain tumors commonly associated with TSC. Recently, gene expression studies provided evidence that the immune system, the MAPK pathway and extracellular matrix organization play an important role in SEGA development. However, the precise mechanisms behind the gene expression changes in SEGA are still largely unknown, providing a potential role for DNA methylation. We investigated the methylation profile of SEGAs using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (SEGAs n = 42, periventricular control n = 8). The SEGA methylation profile was enriched for the adaptive immune system, T cell activation, leukocyte mediated immunity, extracellular structure organization and the ERK1 & ERK2 cascade. More interestingly, we identified two subgroups in the SEGA methylation data and show that the differentially expressed genes between the two subgroups are related to the MAPK cascade and adaptive immune response. Overall, this study shows that the immune system, the MAPK pathway and extracellular matrix organization are also affected on DNA methylation level, suggesting that therapeutic intervention on DNA level could be useful for these specific pathways in SEGA. Moreover, we identified two subgroups in SEGA that seem to be driven by changes in the adaptive immune response and MAPK pathway and could potentially hold predictive information on target treatment response

    Sustainability of Handwoven Carpets in Turkey: The Importance of Technical Distinctions Between Regional Carpet Styles

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    Introduction In Turkey, hand-made carpet-weaving is a widespread handicraft which many people are effectively busy with. It is also an important area in which unemployed labour can be put to use. Carpet-making is a traditional craft that has been practised in Turkey since ancient times, and is still found in almost all regions today. Actually, in rural areas, many families still derive significant income from carpet-making. The reasons why hand-woven carpet-making is crucial for Turkey can be listed as follows: Because of the socio economic conditions that currently exist in Turkey the rate of unemployment needs to be reduced, particularly by making good use of the time left from agricultural work in the rural population. Members of farm families are frequently involved in handicrafts and carpet-making in their free time from agricultural work, in the winter time and in bad and rainy weather, and thus, earn some additional income. This is of great consequence for rural development. Hand-woven carpet-making does not require much capital to start with. A loom with all the equipment can be obtained at a very low price. There are hardly any side expenses required. The equipment consists of a loom, a pair of scissors, a loom reed and a knife. No large workshops or areas are needed to set up the loom. One corner of the home will be suitable for the work. Hand-woven carpet-making is traditionally practiced at home; workshop (atelier) production is less. The raw material used in hand-woven carpet-making can be a problem as rough mixed fleeces obtained from the local varieties of sheep possess appropriate properties for handwoven carpet-making. As hand-woven carpet-making is practiced traditionally, it is learned very quickly and conveyed to the younger generation. Hand-woven carpet-making is an important source of foreign currency. It also has a great potential in terms of tourism in the country