37 research outputs found
La fera d'ulls de color mel. El seu retorn a Catalunya
Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223
Lipid extractions from marine deep-sea invertebrates : modifications to the Bligh & Dyer method to increase lipid yields
The deep-sea environment is difficult to sample, and often only small quantities of samples can be obtained when using less destructive methods than dredging. When working with marine animals that are difficult to sample and with limited quantities of tissue to extract lipids, it is essential to ensure that the used method extracts the maximum possible quantity of lipids. This study evaluates the efficiency of introducing modifications to the method originally described by Bligh & Dyer (1959). This lipid extraction method is broadly used with modifications, although these usually lack proper description and evaluation of increment in lipids. In this study we consider the improvement in terms of amount of lipids extracted by changing the method. Lipid content was determined by gravimetric measurements in eight invertebrates from the deep-sea, including deep-sea hydrothermal vents animals, using three different approaches. Results show increases of 14% to 30% in lipid contents obtained from hydrothermal vent invertebrate tissues and whole animals by placing the samples in methanol for 24 hours before applying the Bligh & Dyer mixture. Efficiency of the extractions using frozen and freeze-dried samples was also compared. For large sponges, the use of lyophilized materials resulted in increases of 3 to 7 times more lipids extracted when compared with extractions using frozen samples
Variation in scale cortisol concentrations of a wild freshwater fish: habitat quality or seasonal influences?
A signifcant body of literature suggests that aquatic pollutants can interfere with the physiological function of the fsh hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis, and eventually impair the ability to cope with subsequent stressors. For this reason, development of accurate techniques to assess fsh stress responses have become of growing interest. Fish scales have been recently recognized as a biomaterial that accumulates cortisol, hence it can be potentially used to assess chronic stress in laboratory conditions. We, therefore, aimed to evaluate the applicability of this novel method for cortisol assessment in fsh within their natural environment. Catalan chub (Squalius laietanus) were sampled from two sites; a highly polluted and a less polluted (reference) site, in order to examine if habitat quality could potentially infuence the cortisol deposition in scales. We also evaluated the seasonal variation in scale cortisol levels by sampling fsh at three diferent time points during spring-summer 2014. In each sampling, blood was collected to complement the information provided by the scales. Our results demonstrated that blood and scale cortisol levels from individuals inhabiting the reference site were signifcantly correlated, therefore increasing the applicability of the method as a sensitive-individual measure of fsh HPI axis activity, at least in non-polluted habitats. Since diferent environmental conditions could potentially alter the usefulness of the technique, results highlight that further validation is required to better interpret hormone fuctuations in fsh scales. Scale cortisol concentrations were unafected by habitat quality although fsh from the polluted environment presented lower circulating cortisol levels. We detected a seasonal increase in scale cor- tisol values concurring with an energetically costly period for the species, supporting the idea that the analysis of cortisol in scales reveals changes in the HPI axis activity. Taken together, the present study suggests that cortisol levels in scales are more likely to be infuenced by mid-term, intense energetically demanding periods rather than by long-term stressors. Measurement of cortisol in fsh scales can open the possibility to study novel spatio- temporal contexts of interest, yet further research is required to better understand its biological relevance
Competències transversals a les titulacions de grau de la Universitat de Barcelona. Orientacions per al seu desenvolupament
Podeu consultar la versió castellana a recurs relacionat.El text que presentem és fruit de la tasca realitzada per un equip de professors i professores que, en el marc de diferents grups d’innovació docent, fa temps que treballen per incorporar l’aprenentatge de les competències genèriques o transversals a les assignatures de les titulacions on imparteixen docència. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és oferir una breu descripció de les sis competències transversals que la Universitat de Barcelona va seleccionar com a fonamentals per incorporar en tots els seus títols de grau adaptats al EEES. La identificació de les dimensions que cal considerar en cada competència i dels elements que les caracteritzen ha de ser útil per orientar el professorat a l’hora d’interpretar-les. Per altra banda, la proposta de diferents nivells en el seu desenvolupament, amb indicació dels resultats d’aprenentatge que s’espera obtenir a cada nivell, ha de facilitar als centres la seva incorporació al pla docent de les assignatures i l’elaboració d’un itinerari que permeti als estudiants anar-les adquirint de forma progressiva al llarg els estudis. La descripció de cada competència es completa amb algunes idees per treballar-la a l’aula i per abordar la seva avaluació
MicroRNAs expression, chromosomal alterations and immunoglobulin variable Heavy chain hypermutations in Mantle Cell Lymphomas
The contribution of microRNAs (miR) to the pathogenesis of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is not well known.We investigated
the expression of 86 mature miRs mapped to frequently altered genomic regions in MCL in CD5+/CD5 normal B cells, reactive
lymph nodes, and purified tumor cells of 17 leukemic MCL, 12 nodal MCL, and 8MCL cell lines. Genomic alterations of the
tumors were studied by single nucleotide polymorphism arrays
and comparative genomic hybridization. Leukemic and nodal
tumors showed a high number of differentially expressed miRs
compared with purified normal B cells, but only some of them
were commonly deregulated in both tumor types. An unsupervised
analysis of miR expression profile in purified leukemic
MCL cells revealed two clusters of tumors characterized by
different mutational status of the immunoglobulin genes,
proliferation signature, and number of genomic alterations.
The expression of most miRs was not related to copy number
changes in their respective chromosomal loci. Only the levels
of miRs included in the miR-17-92 cluster were significantly
related to genetic alterations at 13q31. Moreover, overexpression
of miR-17-5p/miR-20a from this cluster was associated
with high MYC mRNA levels in tumors with a more aggressive
behavior. In conclusion, the miR expression pattern of MCL is
deregulated in comparison with normal lymphoid cells and
distinguishes two subgroups of tumors with different biological
features.Postprint (updated version
Trisomy 8, A Cytogenetic Abnormality In Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Is Constitutional Or Not?
Isolated trisomy 8 is not considered presumptive evidence of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in cases without minimal morphological criteria. One reason given is that trisomy 8 (+8) can be found as a constitutional mosaicism (cT8M). We tried to clarify the incidence of cT8M in myeloid neoplasms, specifically in MDS, and the diagnostic value of isolated +8 in MDS. Twenty-two MDS and 10 other myeloid neoplasms carrying +8 were studied. Trisomy 8 was determined in peripheral blood by conventional cytogenetics (CC) and on granulocytes, CD3+ lymphocytes and oral mucosa cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In peripheral blood CC, +8 was seen in 4/32 patients. By FISH, only one patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia showed +8 in all cell samples and was interpreted as a cT8M. In our series +8 was acquired in all MDS. Probably, once discarded cT8M by FISH from CD3+ lymphocytes and non-hematological cells, +8 should be considered with enough evidence to MDS
Las competencias transversales en las titulaciones de grado de la Universidad de Barcelona. Orientaciones para su desarrollo
[spa] El texto que presentamos es fruto de la labor realizada por un equipo
de profesores que, en el marco de diferentes grupos de innovación docente,
que trabajan hace tiempo para incorporar el aprendizaje de las
competencias genéricas o transversales en las asignaturas de las titulaciones
donde imparten docencia. El objetivo principal de este trabajo
es ofrecer una breve descripción de las seis competencias transversales
que la Universidad de Barcelona seleccionó como fundamentales para
incorporar en todos sus títulos de grado adaptados al EEES. La identificación
de las dimensiones que cabe considerar en cada competencia
y de los elementos que las caracterizan debe ser útil para orientar al
profesorado sobre cómo interpretarlas. Por otra parte, la propuesta de
diferentes niveles en su desarrollo, con indicación de los resultados de
aprendizaje que se espera obtener en cada nivel, debe facilitar a los centros
la incorporación de las asignaturas al plan docente y la elaboración
de un itinerario que permita a los estudiantes adquirirlas progresivamente
a lo largo de los estudios. La descripción de cada competencia se
completa con algunas ideas para trabajarla en el aula y para abordar su
evaluación.[eng] The present book is the result of the work carried out by a group of
university teachers who have incorporated the learning of transversal
competences into their undergraduate courses within the framework
of several teaching innovation projects. The aim of this work is to
provide a characterization of the six transversal competences that
the University of Barcelona considered essential to include in all of
their undergraduate degrees adapted to EHEA. On the one hand,
the identification of both the dimensions that need to be taken into account in each competence and their distinctive features will assist
teachers in their successful interpretation of the six transversal
key competences.
On the other hand, the proposal made about the
different stages of competence development –together with the
expected learning outcomes– will help the Faculties to integrate
these competences into course syllabi. In addition, this proposal will
contribute to planning a schedule that will allow students to acquire
them during their undergraduate studies. Last, the characterization
of each of the six transversal key competences includes some ideas to
work on them in class and some suggestions for their assessment
Guia de recomanacions per la millora dels models i actuacions de gestió de la diversitat en els àmbits d'educació, mercat laboral i salut
Projecte d'investigació: RECERCAIXA. Fills i filles de famílies immigrants a Catalunya: gestió de la interculturalitat per a la cohesió social (2012-2014)Aquesta recerca ha utilitzat diverses tècniques de recollida i anàlisi de la informació, tals com l'explotació de fonts secundàries, entrevistes focalitzades a experts i entrevistes en profunditat a joves amb experiències familiars d'immigració d'origen marroquí, romanès i equatorià en dos municipis: Badalona i El Vendrell. En el transcurs d'aquests dos anys d'intensa recerca i de treball en equip interdisciplinar s'ha aconseguit identificar actuacions concretes per afavorir la gestió de la interculturalitat com a eix transversal en les polítiques socials. La nostra recerca contribueix així a la cohesió social aportant una mirada analítica a la vida d'aquests fills i filles de famílies immigrades, identificant aspectes clau per assolir trajectòries educatives d'èxit, la seva incorporació al mercat laboral, així com un accés i ús satisfactori de la informació i serveis en l'àmbit de la salut, especialment de la salut sexual i reproductiva (SSR).A team of researchers, part of the CER-Migracions and specialists in migration studies from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, has elaborated this guide of recommendations. The CER-Migrations is a research center of the UAB, founded in 2009 and focused on interdisciplinary research in international migrations. The guide is oriented to public and private organizations, such as civil society organizations and, public administrations, more specifically to all those organizations and groups that represent the citizens of Catalonia. Its aim is to provide tools in order to promote the social cohesion among the Catalan youth
Targeted deep sequencing improves outcome stratification in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia with low risk cytogenetic features
Clonal cytogenetic abnormalities are found in 20-30% of patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML), while gene mutations are present in >90% of cases. Patients with low risk cytogenetic features account for 80% of CMML cases and often fall into the low risk categories of CMML prognostic scoring systems, but the outcome differs considerably among them. We performed targeted deep sequencing of 83 myeloid-related genes in 56 CMML patients with low risk cytogenetic features or uninformative conventional cytogenetics (CC) at diagnosis, with the aim to identify the genetic characteristics of patients with a more aggressive disease. Targeted sequencing was also performed in a subset of these patients at time of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) transformation. Overall, 98% of patients harbored at least one mutation. Mutations in cell signaling genes were acquired at time of AML progression. Mutations in ASXL1, EZH2 and NRAS correlated with higher risk features and shorter overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS). Patients with SRSF2 mutations associated with poorer OS, while absence of TET2 mutations (TET2 wt) was predictive of shorter PFS. A decrease in OS and PFS was observed as the number of adverse risk gene mutations (ASXL1, EZH2, NRAS and SRSF2) increased. On multivariate analyses, CMML-specific scoring system (CPSS) and presence of adverse risk gene mutations remained significant for OS, while CPSS and TET2wt were predictive of PFS. These results confirm that mutation analysis can add prognostic value to patients with CMML and low risk cytogenetic features or uninformative CC
PATJ Low Frequency Variants Are Associated with Worse Ischemic Stroke Functional Outcome: A Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis
RATIONALE: Ischemic stroke is among the leading causes of adult disability. Part of the variability in functional outcome after stroke has been attributed to genetic factors but no locus has been consistently associated with stroke outcome. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to identify genetic loci influencing the recovery process using accurate phenotyping to produce the largest GWAS (genome-wide association study) in ischemic stroke recovery to date. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 12-cohort, 2-phase (discovery-replication and joint) meta-analysis of GWAS included anterior-territory and previously independent ischemic stroke cases. Functional outcome was recorded using 3-month modified Rankin Scale. Analyses were adjusted for confounders such as discharge National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. A gene-based burden test was performed. The discovery phase (n=1225) was followed by open (n=2482) and stringent joint-analyses (n=1791). Those cohorts with modified Rankin Scale recorded at time points other than 3-month or incomplete data on previous functional status were excluded in the stringent analyses. Novel variants in PATJ (Pals1-associated tight junction) gene were associated with worse functional outcome at 3-month after stroke. The top variant was rs76221407 (G allele, β=0.40, P=1.70×10-9). CONCLUSIONS: Our results identify a set of common variants in PATJ gene associated with 3-month functional outcome at genome-wide significance level. Future studies should examine the role of PATJ in stroke recovery and consider stringent phenotyping to enrich the information captured to unveil additional stroke outcome loci