36 research outputs found

    Química recreativa i eines 2.0 per a la didàctica i divulgació de la química

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    Que la societat sovint té una visió negativa de la química i que la recerca científica que té lloc a les universitats es percep com a llunyana per part de la població són fets coneguts. En aquest article, fruit de la presentació feta per l'autor principal a la VII Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans, organitzada el febrer de 2012 per la Societat Catalana de Química (SCQ), es presenten diversos projectes duts a terme des de la Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comunicació Digital de la Universitat de Girona (C4D, UdG) per tal d'apropar la recerca científica i la química en particular a la societat i, especialment, als estudiants preuniversitaris. La química recreativa, així com les eines TIC i 2.0, són l'eix vertebrador i innovador d'aquests projectes.It is known that society often takes a negative view of chemistry and perceives the scientific research conducted in universities as something distant. This paper presents different projects carried out by the Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comunicació Digital of Universitat de Girona (C4D, UdG) to draw scientific research — and chemistry in particular — closer to society and, particularly, to pre-university students. Recreational chemistry as well as ICT and 2.0 tools form the backbone of these innovative projects. This paper is based on the presentation made by the principal author at the VII Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans, held by Catalan Society of Chemistry (SCQ) in February 2012

    Adecuación de las solicitudes de densitometría ósea utilizando la herramienta FRAX en población femenina española

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    Objectiu: aplicar la taula FRAX i els dintells de la National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (NOGG) a les sol·licituds de densitometria en el nostre medi. Mètode: Estudi observacional, transversal . 1.650 dones (50-90 anys) sense tractament per a la osteoporosi. Es va fer la densitometria òssia central, se va calcular el risc de fractura als 10 anys (FRAX) i es va estratificar (criteris de la NOGG : risc alt, entremig o baix). Resultats:Risc alt:64 casos [3,9 %, IC 95%: 3,0 %- 4,9%] , baix 1329 [80,5 %, IC 95%: 78,6 %- 82,4%]. Requereixen densitometria el 25,2%. Conclusió. Utilitzar la taula FRAX aplicant els dintells de les guies NOGG reduiria les densitometries necessàries.Objetivo: aplicar la herramienta FRAX y los umbrales de la National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (NOGG) en las solicitudes de densitometría en nuestro medio. Método: Estudio observacional, transversal . 1.650 mujeres (50-90 años) sin tratamiento para la osteoporosis. Se realizó densitometría ósea central, se calculó el riesgo de fractura a 10 años (FRAX) y se estratificó (criterios de la NOGG : riesgo alto, intermedio o bajo) Resultados: Riesgo alto:64 casos [3,9 %, IC 95%: 3,0 %- 4,9%] , bajo 1329 [80,5 %, IC 95%: 78,6 %- 82,4%]. Requieren densitometría el 25,2%. Conclusión. Utilizar la herramienta FRAX aplicando los umbrales de las guías NOGG reduciría las densitometrías necesaria

    Prediction of absolute risk of fragility fracture at 10 years in a Spanish population: validation of the WHO FRAX ™ tool in Spain

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    Background: Age-related bone loss is asymptomatic, and the morbidity of osteoporosis is secondary to the fractures that occur. Common sites of fracture include the spine, hip, forearm and proximal humerus. Fractures at the hip incur the greatest morbidity and mortality and give rise to the highest direct costs for health services. Their incidence increases exponentially with age. Independently changes in population demography, the age - and sex- specific incidence of osteoporotic fractures appears to be increasing in developing and developed countries. This could mean more than double the expected burden of osteoporotic fractures in the next 50 years. Methods/Design: To assess the predictive power of the WHO FRAX (TM) tool to identify the subjects with the highest absolute risk of fragility fracture at 10 years in a Spanish population, a predictive validation study of the tool will be carried out. For this purpose, the participants recruited by 1999 will be assessed. These were referred to scan-DXA Department from primary healthcare centres, non hospital and hospital consultations. Study population: Patients attended in the national health services integrated into a FRIDEX cohort with at least one Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurement and one extensive questionnaire related to fracture risk factors. Measurements: At baseline bone mineral density measurement using DXA, clinical fracture risk factors questionnaire, dietary calcium intake assessment, history of previous fractures, and related drugs. Follow up by telephone interview to know fragility fractures in the 10 years with verification in electronic medical records and also to know the number of falls in the last year. The absolute risk of fracture will be estimated using the FRAX (TM) tool from the official web site. Discussion: Since more than 10 years ago numerous publications have recognised the importance of other risk factors for new osteoporotic fractures in addition to low BMD. The extension of a method for calculating the risk (probability) of fractures using the FRAX (TM) tool is foreseeable in Spain and this would justify a study such as this to allow the necessary adjustments in calibration of the parameters included in the logarithmic formula constituted by FRAX (TM

    El compromís de l’ICM amb la igualtat de gènere en la recerca marina

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    2 pages, 1 figure[EN] Despite the drive towards equality between women and men in research institutions in recent years and the progress that has been made, there is still a long road ahead. Science is still associated with the male image, and women’s work and contributions are often invisible. Like many other spheres of society, research institutions contribute to the structural re(production) of gender inequalities. Women and men each tend to have more presence in certain scientific fields, with the horizontal segregation that this involves. Furthermore, the “glass ceiling” (the invisible barrier that hinders women’s access to the highest levels of decision-making or responsibility, limiting their professional careers) causes vertical segregation. Staying in research is an obstacle course in which there is a constant trickle of skills and talents, which is exacerbated for women. Moreover, research often seems blind to the gender dimension in its approach, content and analysis. […][ES] A pesar del impulso de la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres en las instituciones de investigación en los últimos años y de los avances logrados, aún queda un largo camino por recorrer. La ciencia constituye todavía un ámbito asociado a la imagen masculina, invisibilizando con frecuencia el trabajo y las aportaciones de las mujeres. Como muchas otras esferas de la sociedad, las instituciones de investigación contribuyen a la re(producción) estructural de les desigualdades de género. Mujeres y hombres tienden a concentrarse en determinados campos científicos con la segregación horizontal que ello implica. Por otra parte, el llamado “techo de cristal” –la barrera invisible que dificulta u obstaculiza el acceso de las mujeres a los niveles más altos de poder, de decisión o de responsabilidad, limitando sus carreras profesionales–, materializa la segregación vertical. La permanencia en la investigación es una carrera de obstáculos en la que se produce un goteo constante de capacidades y talentos, que se agrava para las mujeres. Además, la investigación parece a menudo ciega a la importancia de considerar la dimensión de género en su abordaje, contenido y análisis. […][CAT] Malgrat l’impuls envers la igualtat a les institucions de recerca dels darrers anys i els avenços assolits, encara hi ha un llarg camí per recórrer. La ciència constitueix encara un àmbit associat a la imatge masculina, invisibilitzant sovint el treball i les aportacions de les dones. Com moltes altres esferes de la societat, les institucions de recerca contribueixen a la re(producció) estructural de les desigualtats de gènere. Dones i homes tendeixen a concentrar-se en determinats camps científics amb la segregació horitzontal que això implica. Per altra banda, l’anomenat “sostre de vidre” –la barrera invisible que dificulta o obstaculitza l’accés de les dones als nivells més alts de poder, de decisió o de responsabilitat, encotillant les seves carreres professionals–, materialitza la segregació vertical. La permanència en la recerca és una carrera d’obstacles on es produeix un degoteig constant de capacitats i talents, agreujat entre les dones. A més, la recerca sembla sovint cega a la importància de considerar la dimensió de gènere en el seu abordatge, contingut i anàlisi. […]Peer reviewe

    Prediction of absolute risk of fragility fracture at 10 years in a Spanish population: validation of the WHO FRAX ™ tool in Spain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Age-related bone loss is asymptomatic, and the morbidity of osteoporosis is secondary to the fractures that occur. Common sites of fracture include the spine, hip, forearm and proximal humerus. Fractures at the hip incur the greatest morbidity and mortality and give rise to the highest direct costs for health services. Their incidence increases exponentially with age.</p> <p>Independently changes in population demography, the age - and sex- specific incidence of osteoporotic fractures appears to be increasing in developing and developed countries. This could mean more than double the expected burden of osteoporotic fractures in the next 50 years.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>To assess the predictive power of the WHO FRAX™ tool to identify the subjects with the highest absolute risk of fragility fracture at 10 years in a Spanish population, a predictive validation study of the tool will be carried out. For this purpose, the participants recruited by 1999 will be assessed. These were referred to scan-DXA Department from primary healthcare centres, non hospital and hospital consultations. Study population: Patients attended in the national health services integrated into a FRIDEX cohort with at least one Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurement and one extensive questionnaire related to fracture risk factors. Measurements: At baseline bone mineral density measurement using DXA, clinical fracture risk factors questionnaire, dietary calcium intake assessment, history of previous fractures, and related drugs. Follow up by telephone interview to know fragility fractures in the 10 years with verification in electronic medical records and also to know the number of falls in the last year. The absolute risk of fracture will be estimated using the FRAX™ tool from the official web site.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Since more than 10 years ago numerous publications have recognised the importance of other risk factors for new osteoporotic fractures in addition to low BMD. The extension of a method for calculating the risk (probability) of fractures using the FRAX™ tool is foreseeable in Spain and this would justify a study such as this to allow the necessary adjustments in calibration of the parameters included in the logarithmic formula constituted by FRAX™.</p

    Measuring health-related quality of life in men with osteoporosis or osteoporotic fracture

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoporosis is a serious health problem that worsens the quality of life and the survival rate of individuals with this disease on account the osteoporotic fractures. Studies have long focused on women, and its presence in men has been underestimated. While many studies conducted in different countries mainly assess health-related quality of life and identify fracture risks factors in women, few data are available on a Spanish male population.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Observational study.</p> <p>Study population</p> <p>Men ≥ 40 years of age with/without diagnosed osteoporosis and with/without osteoporotic fracture included by their family doctor.</p> <p>Measurements</p> <p>The relationship between customary clinical risk factors for osteoporotic fracture and health-related quality of life in a Spanish male population. A telephone questionnaire on health-related quality of life is made.</p> <p>Statistical analysis</p> <p>The association between qualitative variables will be assessed by the Chi-square test. The distribution of quantitative variables by Student's t-test. If the conditions for using this test are not met, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney's U test will be used.</p> <p>The validation of the results obtained by the FRAX™ tool will be performed by way of the Hosmer-Lemeshow test and by calculating the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). All tests will be performed with a confidence intervals set at 95%.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The applicability and usefulness of Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) studies are well documented in many countries. These studies allow implementing cost-effective measures in cases of a given disease and reducing the costly consequences derived therefrom. This study attempts to provide objective data on how quality of life is affected by the clinical aspects involved in osteoporosis in a Spanish male population and can be useful as well in cost utility analyses conducted by health authorities.</p> <p>The sample selected is not based on a high fracture risk group. Rather, it is composed of men in the general population, and accordingly comparisons should not lead to erroneous interpretations.</p> <p>A possible bias correction will be ensured by checking reported fractures against healthcare reports and X-rays, or by consulting health care centers as applicable.</p

    Adecuación de las solicitudes de densitometría ósea utilizando la herramienta FRAX en población femenina española.

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    Objectiu :aplicar la taula FRAX i els dintells de la National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (NOGG) a les sol·licituds de densitometria en el nostre medi. Mètode:Estudi observacional, transversal . 1.650 dones (50-90 anys) sense tractament per a la osteoporosi. Es va fer la densitometria òssia central, se va calcular el risc de fractura als 10 anys (FRAX) i es va estratificar (criteris de la NOGG : risc alt, entremig o baix). Resultats:Risc alt:64 casos [3,9 %, IC 95%: 3,0 %– 4,9%] , baix 1329 [80,5 %, IC 95%: 78,6 %– 82,4%]. Requereixen densitometria el 25,2%. Conclusió. Utilitzar la taula FRAX aplicant els dintells de les guies NOGG reduiria les densitometries necessàries.Objetivo :aplicar la herramienta FRAX y los umbrales de la National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (NOGG) en las solicitudes de densitometría en nuestro medio. Método:Estudio observacional, transversal . 1.650 mujeres (50-90 años) sin tratamiento para la osteoporosis. Se realizó densitometría ósea central, se calculó el riesgo de fractura a 10 años (FRAX) y se estratificó (criterios de la NOGG : riesgo alto, intermedio o bajo) Resultados:Riesgo alto:64 casos [3,9 %, IC 95%: 3,0 %– 4,9%] , bajo 1329 [80,5 %, IC 95%: 78,6 %– 82,4%]. Requieren densitometría el 25,2%. Conclusión. Utilizar la herramienta FRAX aplicando los umbrales de las guías NOGG reduciría las densitometrías necesaria

    Recreational chemistry and 2.0 tools as a way to teach and disseminate chemistry

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    Que la societat sovint t&eacute; una visi&oacute; negativa de la qu&iacute;mica i que la recerca cient&iacute;fica que t&eacute; lloc a les universitats es percep com a llunyana per part de la poblaci&oacute; s&oacute;n fets coneguts. En aquest article, fruit de la presentaci&oacute; feta per l&rsquo;autor principal a la VII Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Pa&iuml;sos Catalans, organitzada el febrer de 2012 per la Societat Catalana de Qu&iacute;mica (SCQ), es presenten diversos projectes duts a terme des de la C&agrave;tedra de Cultura Cient&iacute;fica i Comunicaci&oacute; Digital de la Universitat de Girona (C4D, UdG) per tal d&rsquo;apropar la recerca cient&iacute;fica i la qu&iacute;mica en particular a la societat i, especialment, als estudiants preuniversitaris. La qu&iacute;mica recreativa, aix&iacute; com les eines TIC i 2.0, s&oacute;n l&rsquo;eix vertebrador i innovador d&rsquo;aquests projectes.Paraules clau: Did&agrave;ctica, divulgaci&oacute;, comunicaci&oacute;, 2.0, qu&iacute;mica, ci&egrave;ncia, recreativa, secund&agrave;ria, societat.It is known that society often takes a negative view of chemistry and perceives the scientific research conducted in universities as something distant. This paper presents different projects carried out by the C&agrave;tedra de Cultura Cient&iacute;fica i Comunicaci&oacute; Digital of Universitat de Girona (C4D, UdG) to draw scientific research &mdash; and chemistry in particular &mdash; closer to society and, particularly, to pre-university students. Recreational chemistry as well as ICT and 2.0 tools form the backbone of these innovative projects. This paper is based on the presentation made by the principal author at the VII Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Pa&iuml;sos Catalans, held by Catalan Society of Chemistry (SCQ) in February 2012.Keywords: Teaching, popularization, communication, 2.0 tools, recreational, chemistry, science, secondary education, society