54 research outputs found

    Lost in translation? Comparative education research and the production of academic knowledge

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    The worth of academic knowledge tends to be tested against global metrics of citations and articles published in high-ranking English language academic journals. This paper examines academic knowledge production in three local fields of research with different national languages (English, Finnish and French). It focuses on knowledge production on the topic of apprenticeship where there are distinctive differences in the three local research fields and the associated patterns of academic publication over a fifteen-year period. The findings suggest that publication patterns are still largely tied to the respective national languages. Concerns are raised about the limited visibility of non-Anglophone local contexts and conceptual frameworks as filtered through global academic knowledge production processes. The language practices in the production of academic knowledge need to be challenged to ensure that knowledge from these sources is not lost in translation or in the re-contextualisation for global audiences

    Expert-novice interaction as the basis for L2 developmental activity: A SCT perspective

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    This study investigated interaction between an adult EFL university student in Japan and her EFL tutor/researcher while they observed the student’s L2 writing event during a stimulated retrospective recall session. Interaction is considered both a methodological instrument to investigate the complex cognitive activity underpinning L2 writing and a pedagogic tool to encourage linguistic -as well as strategic- awareness and change. Informed by Sociocultural theory, this paper argues that interaction which is sensitive to learners’ potential development can be a powerful tool to promote the co-construction of L2 knowledge. Data were collected through eye-tracking and real-time screen capture of the writing event and analysed using descriptive statistics and microgenetic multimodal interaction analysis. The paper aims to illustrate the potential value of a mixed-methods, multimodal, design to better understand the dual role of interaction (i) to support development, and (ii) as a methodological instrument to investigate the unfolding history of that development

    The impact of the digital divide in the potential use of an electronic market for health and social care services

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    Cada vez mais os indivíduos necessitam de competências digitais avançadas para participar plenamente na sociedade. Numa Europa em crescente envelhecimento é atualmente reconhecida a importância e o potencial da indústria de serviços para envelhecer bem baseados nas tecnologias de informação e de comunicação (TIC), de que é exemplo o mercado eletrónico de serviços sociais e de cuidados de saúde, o GuiMarket, proposto pelos autores para um município do Norte de Portugal. Com base nos resultados de um inquérito realizado junto de uma amostra de 315 indivíduos, o artigo discute a importância reconhecida a tal serviço e a frequência de utilização prevista, concluindo existir uma íntima relação entre o acesso às TIC e a utilização que os inquiridos preveem fazer do GuiMarket.More and more, individuals need advanced digital skills to fully participate in society. In a Europe increasingly aging is now recognized the importance and potential of the service industry for aging well based on information and communication technologies (ICT), as exemplified by the electronic market of social services and healthcare, the GuiMarket, that the authors proposed to a municipality in the North of Portugal. Based on the results of a survey undertaken on a sample of 315 individuals, this article discusses the importance recognized to such service and the frequency of intended use, concluding that there is an intimate relationship between the access to ICT and the use that respondents anticipate making of the GuiMarket

    Review of Language-Learner Computer Interactions: Theory, Methodology, and CALL Applications

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    The Reverse Side of Networks: Internationalization of Norwegian Born Global Firm.

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    Masteroppgave i International business and marketing (MSc

    The impact of the digital divide on the perceived interest of an e-Marketplace to support healthcare and social care services

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    HCIST 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, Procedia TechnologyIn a Europe increasingly aging, it is now recognized the importance and potential of the service industry for ageing well based on information and communication technologies (ICT), as exemplified by the electronic market of social services and health care, the GuiMarket, proposed by the authors. However, this new range of services requires that individuals have advanced digital skills to fully participate in society. Based on the results of a survey made on a sample of 315 individuals, this paper discusses the importance granted GuiMarket and the intended frequency of use, concluding there is a close relationship between ICT access and use that respondents anticipate making of GuiMarket and alike services

    Peer Editing in French Using Digital Tools: A Micro-Analysis of Learner-Computer Interactions

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    AbstractThis paper describes a case study focused on the ways in which university-level learners of French as a second language collaborate during peer-editing sessions assisted by digital tools. The purpose of the study is to better understand users’ interactions with each other and with technologies at a micro level. Audio recordings and video screen captures of peer-editing sessions serve as a basis for our analysis of strategies deployed by 12 learners of French as a second language enrolled in an intensive intermediate grammar and writing course. Using a mixed-methods approach based on qualitative and quantitative data collected with five peer-editing groups, the study centres on processes in which participants engage to perform their tasks. The paper makes recommendations regarding task design and learners’ training for development of digital literacies.RésuméCet article présente une étude de cas portant sur les stratégies utilisées par des apprenants de français langue seconde en milieu universitaire, lors de séances de correction des pairs assistées par des outils numériques. L’objectif de l’étude était de mieux comprendre, à un niveau micro, les façons dont les participants interagissaient entre eux, ainsi que d’identifier les interactions avec les outils numériques utilisés. Pour ce faire, nous avons eu recours à des enregistrements audio et à des captures d’écran de séances de correction des pairs pour analyser les stratégies mises en œuvre par ces étudiants inscrits dans un cours de grammaire et d’écriture de niveau intermédiaire. À partir des données d’ordre quantitative et qualitative recueillies auprès de cinq groupes d’apprenants, cette étude s’est concentrée sur les procédés auxquels avaient eu recours les participants pour accomplir la tâche. L’article offre des recommandations sur les conceptions de tâches et sur la formation à la littératie numérique

    Decoding Gating Properties of the Pannexin1 Channel: ATP Release and pH Sensitivity and the Potential Role in Health and Disease

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    Panx1 is implicated in disorders including epilepsy and ischemia, with roles in important physiological processes including learning, memory and sensory function. In sensory systems, ATP release and purinergic signaling is considered the most important function of Panx1. Here, the function in the olfactory epithelium was investigated using Panx1 knock out mice. Functional analysis in vivo confirmed a role in olfaction suggesting that Panx1 is one of several alternative ATP release pathways. Since epileptic and ischemic events cause extracellular pH changes, the role of Panx1 in pH sensing was explored next. In a cell model Panx1 showed pH dependent channel gating properties. Site directed mutagenesis and high throughput dye uptake tests revealed a conserved domain of the protein as a pH sensor. Further, the critical role of a single histidine residue in this domain was determined. In summary, these studies demonstrate the role of Panx1 in ATP release and pH sensing