408 research outputs found
Housing, Nationalism And Social Control: The First Years Of The Portuguese Estado Novo's Affordable Houses Programme
In 1933, the dictatorial regime imposed in Portugal after the coup of May 1926 lost its military status. The government, since 1932 headed by Oliveira Salazar, wrote a new constitution, which was published in April 1933, and in the following months prepared a set of legislative orders that became the fundamental decrees of the new corporative state, the Estado Novo (New State). The drafts of those decrees were published in the newspaper Diário de Notícias, to allow the several social forces to react and propose changes to the legislation before it became official. One of those decrees established the principles of the construction of affordable houses by corporative or public institutions, with the support of the State. The Affordable Houses Programme was, from the start of the Estado Novo (New State), seen by the government as a central initiative in the framing of a new social order, and built over sixteen thousand houses across the country until the end of the regime in 1974. [...
Satisfação e engagement dos enfermeiros
Enquadramento: A satisfação profissional (SP) e mais recentemente o engagement assumem
relevância na qualidade e segurança dos cuidados prestados e na gestão das organizações de
Objetivos: Estudar a SP e o engagement dos enfermeiros; identificar as suas determinantes
sociodemográficas e profissionais; e estudar a correlação entre constructos.
Metodologia: Constituíram o universo 595 enfermeiros do Centro Hospitalar do Alto Minho
(CHAM), e 234 a amostra probabilística estratificada por sexo, hospital e serviço. Estudo
observacional, quantitativo, descritivo-correlacional e transversal. Recorreu-se às Escala de
Satisfação dos Enfermeiros no Trabalho (ESET) e ao Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-
Resultados: Maioritariamente foram do sexo feminino, com média de idades 42,89 ± 8,30 anos,
sendo no Hospital Conde Bertiandos (HCB) de 39,83 ± 8,859 anos e os 43,34 ± 8,143 anos no
Hospital Santa Luzia (HSL) e encontravam-se insatisfeitos CHAM, HSL e HCB respetivamente de
2,83 ± 0,577, 2,84 ± 0,575 e 2,81 ± 0,605.
Os enfermeiros com horário fixo (t=3,038; p=0,003), a exercer especialidade (t=2,014; p=0,048) e
que optavam pela mesma profissão (t=5,334; p˂0,001) registaram maiores médias de satisfação.
Os enfermeiros do Departamento da Medicina foram os menos satisfeitos (F=6,056; p <0,001). No
HCB a dimensão ‘Dotação’ foi mais baixa (t= 2,182; p=0,030).
Apresentavam níveis de engagement moderados no CHAM, HSL e HCB respetivamente de 4,01 ±
1,027, 4,06 ± 0,957 e 3,74 ± 1,404. Verificou-se que os enfermeiros mais velhos (t=2,414;
p=0,017), com horário fixo (t=2,097; p=0,037) e que optavam pela mesma profissão (t=5,392;
p˂0,001) estavam mais engajados.
No HCB os que usufruíam um vencimento ≥1210€ apresentavam-se mais engajados no ‘Vigor’
(U= 48,000; p=0,035). No HSL, as enfermeiras apresentaram-se mais engajadas na ‘Dedicação’
(t=-2,023; p=0,044) e ‘Absorção’ (t=-2,408; p=0,017). Verificou-se uma correlação positiva e
moderada (rs= 0,587; p <0,001) entre SP e engagement.
Conclusão: A baixa SP, o engagement moderado e as determinantes comuns das mesmas, quer
no CHAM quer especificamente em cada um dos hospitais que o integram, conformam desafios e
práticas inovadoras da gestão das organizações de saúde, designadamente partilha de decisão e
otimização do capital humano.Framework: Job satisfaction (JS) and more recently, work engagement takes on great relevance
in terms of the quality and security of the care given as well as in the management of health
Objectives: Study the job satisfaction and work engagement of nurses; identify their professional
socio-demographic determinants; and study the correlation between constructs.
Methodology: The universe was comprised of 595 nurses from the Centro Hospitalar do Alto
Minho (CHAM), 234 of which were the probabilistic stratified by gender, hospital and ward. The
study was observational, quantitative, descriptive-correlative and transversal. The Escala de
Satisfação dos Enfermeiros no Trabalho (ESET) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES
17) were used.
Results: The majority were female, with an average age of 42,89 ± 8,30 years. The Conde
Bertiandos Hospital (HCB) presented an average age of 39,83 ± 8,859 years and the Santa Luzia
Hospital (HSL), an average age of 43,34 ± 8,143 years. At the CHAM, HSL e HCB the rate of
dissatisfaction was 2,83 ± 0,577, 2,84 ± 0,575 and 2,81 ± 0,605, respectively.
Nurses with a fixed timetable (t=3,038; p=0,003), practicing a specialization (t=2,014; p=0,048) and
that would choose the same career again (t=5,334; p˂0,001) registered higher averages of
satisfaction. Nurses from the Department of Medicine were the least satisfied (F=6,056; p <0,001).
At the HCB, the dimension “Endowment” was the lowest (t= 2,182; p=0,030).
There were moderate levels of work engagement of 4,01 ± 1,027, 4,06 ± 0,957 and 3,74 ± 1,404
presented at CHAM, HSL and HCB, respectively. It was also apparent that older nurses (t=2,414;
p=0,017), with a fixed timetable and that would choose the same career again (t=5,392; p˂0,001)
were more engaged.
Nurses at the HCB who earn a salary of ≥1210€ appear to be more engaged in terms of ‘Vigour’
(U= 48,000; p=0,035). At the HSL, female nurses present themselves as more engaged in
“Dedication” (t=-2,023; p=0,044) and ‘Engrossing’ (t=-2,408; p=0,017). A positive and moderate
correlation (rs= 0,587; p <0,001) between JS and work engagement was verified.
Conclusion: The low JS, the moderate work engagement and the common determinants in them,
in CHAM and in the other hospitals that comprise it, shape challenges and innovative practices in
terms of health organization management, namely decision sharing as well the optimization of
human capital
Prediction techniques on FPGA for latency reduction on tactile internet
Tactile Internet (TI) is a new internet paradigm that enables sending touch interaction information and other stimuli, which will lead to new human-to-machine applications. However, TI applications require very low latency between devices, as the system’s latency can result from the communication channel, processing power of local devices, and the complexity of the data processing techniques, among others. Therefore, this work proposes using dedicated hardware-based reconfigurable computing to reduce the latency of prediction techniques applied to TI. Finally, we demonstrate that prediction techniques developed on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) can minimize the impacts caused by delays and loss of information. To validate our proposal, we present a comparison between software and hardware implementations and analyze synthesis results regarding hardware area occupation, throughput, and power consumption. Furthermore, comparisons with state-of-the-art works are presented, showing a significant reduction in power consumption of ≈1300× and reaching speedup rates of up to ≈52×
Constraints on and facilitators of young people’s participation: The case of border regions of mainland Portugal
Young people are involved in diverse types of participation, being engaged, disengaged or unpolitical.
Young people perceive opportunities to organise initiatives but not to participate in local decisions.
Constraints on participation and responses to promote it were identified.
Context-specific barriers were mentioned by young people and policymakers.
Municipalities and schools are priority contexts for fostering youth participation.
Purpose: This article aims to assess constraints on and facilitators of youth participation in rural border regions. Knowledge about regional participation of young people is useful for developing territorialised policies.
Methodology: Using a mixed method approach designed in line with theories of civic and political participation and youth studies, we analysed responses from young people to a questionnaire (n = 3968) and interviews with policymakers (n = 36) and young people (n = 20).
Findings: Young people are involved in diverse types of civic and political participation and perceive more opportunities to organise initiatives than to participate in local decision-making. Constraints on participation relate to the distance between politics, governance institutions and young people, weak strategies of municipalities, lack of youth organisations and mobility. Facilitators of participation include supporting youth-led activities or involving young people in local decisions.
Research implications: the study contributes to understanding youth participation in rural regions
SCS366 Poranga: cultivar de cebola de ciclo superprecoce
This work aimed to characterize the onion cultivar SCS366 Poranga, of very early cycle, adapted to the growing conditions of Santa Catarina State. The work was developed at Epagri´s Ituporanga Experiment Station beginning in 1997 with the mass selection method from a population of EPAGRI 363 Superprecoce cultivar. In the selection process characteristics of brown peel color, rounded shape, high yield and early harvest bulb were reccommended. In 2012 the cultivar SCS366 Poranga was released, adding the referred agronomic characteristics that present advantages compared to traditional cultivars, anticipating the harvest period of onion in SC.Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o cultivar de cebola de ciclo superprecoce adaptado às condições de cultivo do estado de Santa Catarina, denominado SCS366 Poranga. O trabalho, iniciado em 1997, foi desenvolvido na Epagri/ Estação Experimental de Ituporanga, com o método de seleção massal, a partir de uma população do cultivar EPAGRI 363- Superprecoce. No processo de seleção preconizaram-se as característcas de cor de casca marrom, formato arredondado, alta produtividade de bulbo e colheita precoce. Em 2012 foi lançado o cultivar SCS366 Poranga, que agrega tais vantagens agronômicas em relação aos cultvares tradicionais, antecipando o período de colheita de cebola em SC
The affective dimension in pedagogical mediation has been an object of study in the educational field since the late 1990s. Based on the assumptions of Vygotsky and Wallon, this article aims to investigate the course ED707 “Development and Learning” - which has been offered in the Postgraduate Program at FE/Unicamp since 1988 - and its impacts of the to students who attended it. The methodology consists of document analysis, questionnaires and interviews. The data suggest that the lived experiences produced notable impacts on the students’ life stories, which may explain the continuous offer of that subject.La dimensión afectiva en la mediación pedagógica ha sido objeto de estudio en el área educativa desde fines de la década de 1990. Con base en los presupuestos de Vygotsky y Wallon, este artículo tiene como objetivo investigar los impactos de la disciplina ED707 “Desarrollo y Aprendizaje”, ofrecida en el Programa de Posgrado en la FE/Unicamp desde 1988, en alumnos que lo cursaron. La metodología consiste en análisis documental, cuestionarios y entrevistas. Los datos sugieren que las experiencias vividas produjeron impactos notables en la historia de vida de los estudiantes, lo que puede explicar la oferta continua de esa disciplina.A dimensão afetiva na mediação pedagógica tem sido objeto de estudo na área educacional desde o final dos anos 90 do século passado. Tendo como base os pressupostos de Vygotsky e Wallon, o presente artigo tem como objetivo investigar os impactos da disciplina ED707 “Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem”, ofertada no Programa de Pós Graduação da FE/Unicamp desde 1988, em discentes que a cursaram. A metodologia constitui-se por análise documental, questionários e entrevistas. Os dados sugerem que as experiências vivenciadas produziram notáveis impactos na história de vida dos alunos, o que pode explicar a oferta contínua da referida disciplina
Geologia dos depósitos de quartzo ametista de Montezuma e adjacências em Minas Gerais e Bahia
Depósitos de quartzo ametista ocorrem em diversas regiões do estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais, relacionados a diferentes ambientações geológicas. Os mais importantes associam-se com veios de quartzo hidrotermal que cortam a Serra do Espinhaço, principalmente em serras pequenas, erodidas, próximas à sua margem leste, relacionadas ao Grupo Macaúbas. Na região limítrofe entre os estados de Minas Gerais (MG) e Bahia (BA), alguns desses depósitos produzem cristais de ametista que se tornam verdes após processo de aquecimento, comercializados no mercado gemológico como “prasiolita”. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar um detalhamento do nítido controle estrutural para os veios mineralizados. Os veios de quartzo estão hospedados em quartzitos que desde longa data possuem posicionamento estratigráfico controverso. Nesse artigo, eles são associados às sequências Santo Onofre (MG) e Serra de Inhaúma (BA), de idades desconhecidas. Tais quartzitos mostram uma foliação subvertical dobrada, revelando uma fase deformacional posterior não observada em rochas do Grupo Macaúbas em outras regiões de MG. Na mina Montezuma (MG) os veios principais têm por volta de 0,70-1,10 m de espessura, com mergulhos acentuados para NE, perpendiculares à foliação NE-SO; acamamento pouco evidente está em torno de N-S mergulhando para L. Na mina Coruja (BA), os quartzitos hospedeiros também apresentam foliação subvertical variando entre N35-45°E, com veios mineralizados em torno de 1 m de espessura concordantes com a foliação. Na mina Tibério (BA), a mineralização é relacionada a fraturas estreitas, menores que 30cm, perpendiculares à foliação dos quartzitos encaixantes, com atitudes em volta de N20°O/80°SO. Nesses depósitos, os veios de ametista ocorrem estruturalmente relacionados aos planos axiais das grandes dobras da foliação. Amethyst quartz deposits occur in some regions of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, related to different geological environments. The most important are associated with hydrothermal veins crossing the Espinhaço mountain range, mainly in small and eroded mountains near its east margin, related to the Macaúbas Group. In the border region between the states of Minas Gerais (MG) and Bahia (BA), some of these deposits produce amethyst crystals that become green under heat treatments and are known in the gemmological market as “prasiolite.” The aim of the present study was to provide details of the clear structural control over the mineralized veins. The quartz veins are hosted in quartzites, which have long been the subject of controversy regardingtheir stratigraphic position. In this study, they are inserted into the Santo Onofre (MG) and Serra de Inhaúma (BA) sequences of unknown ages. These quartzites show a folded subvertical foliation, indicating a posterior deformational phase that had not been observed in rocks from the Macaúbas Group in other regions of MG state. At the Montezuma mine (MG), the main veins are around 0.70-1.10 m thick with steep dips to the NE, perpendicular to the NE-SW foliation; bedding orientation is approximately N-S, dipping to the E. In the Coruja mine area (BA), host quartzites have foliation attitudes varying between N35-45°E/ subvertical, and mineralized veins are around 1 m thick, nearly concordant with the foliation. At Tibério’s mine (BA), the mineralization is related to narrow fractures, less than 30 cm wide, and perpendicular to the host quartzite foliation, with directions/dips around N20°W/80°SW. In described deposits, amethyst veins occur structurally related to axial surfaces in foliation folds
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