21 research outputs found

    Oppiminen kyläkoulun yhdysluokassa:kokemuksia yhdysluokkaopetuksesta oppimisen näkökulmasta kyläkoulun kontekstissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena oli tarkastella oppimisen kokemuksia yhdysluokkaopetuksessa kyläkoulujen ympäristössä. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessani on yhdysluokkaopetus, joka tapahtuu kyläkoulujen kasvu- ja oppimisympäristöissä. Tavoitteenani oli laadullisen, puolistrukturoidun teemahaastattelun keinoin selvittää oppilaiden omia kokemuksia yhdysluokkaopetuksesta. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valikoitui fenomenologis- hermeneuttinen tutkimus, jossa tutkittavana on kokemus. Kokemuksen tulkinta vaatii fenomenologisen lähestymistavan, sillä se ottaa huomioon ihmisen osana kokonaisuutta sekä vuorovaikutuksellisen suhteen todellisuuden kanssa (Laine, 2001). Hermeneutiikka käytän apuna tulkinnassa, sillä tavoitteenani oli tutkia kokemuksen merkitystä. Tutkimukseni kohdejoukon muodostivat kymmenen pohjoissuomalaista, kyläkoulun käynyttä aikuista, joita haastattelin puhelimitse ja kasvokkain. Aineiston keruun jälkeen suoritin haastatteluille laadullisen sisällönanalyysin, jonka tarkoitus oli etsiä haastatteluista toistuvia teemoja, mutta samalla eritellä yksittäisiä kokemuksia, joilla kuvataan haastateltavien henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia. Tutkimukseni tulokset osoittivat, että suurin osa haastatelluista suhtautui myönteisesti entiseen kyläkouluunsa ja siinä tapahtuvaan yhdysluokkaopetukseen. Oppimiskokemus rakentui fyysisestä, psyykkisestä, sosiaalisesta ja pedagogisesta ympäristöstä, jotka vaikuttivat siihen, kuinka myönteiseksi tai kielteiseksi haastatellut kokivat yhdysluokkaopetuksessa tapahtuvan oppimisen. Yhdysluokan positiivisimpina puolina pidettiin heterogeenisen ryhmän luomaa vertaisoppimista, sosiaalisuutta ja yksilöllisyyden huomioimista, kuten myös suvaitsevaisuuden ja kärsivällisyyden opettamista. Negatiivisina puolina mainittiin ajoittainen meteli, luokan suuri koko sekä vähäinen ja rajattu kaverimäärä. Molemmilla puolilla oli yhteys oppimismotivaatioon ja kouluviihtyvyyteen, jotka loivat oppimisen kokemuksen.Learning in the village schools multigrade-classroom : experiences of multigrade-classroom from the learning view in the context of village schools. Abstract. The purpose of my study was to examine learning experiences in multigrade-classrooms in village schools. The theoretical framework for my research is formed by the concepts of learning and teaching in multigrade classrooms which takes place in the growth and learning environments of village schools. My goal was to study students’ own experiences of multigrade-teaching, so I used qualitative, semi-structured thematic interview as my data collection method. As a research method I chose the phenomenological-hermeneutic study where experience is being studied. The interpretation of experience requires a phenomenological approach as it considers the human as a whole and the interacting relationship with reality. I use hermeneutics as an aid for interpretation because my aim was to study the significance of experience. The target group of my research consisted of ten native northern Finns who attended village schools. I interviewed them by telephone and face- to- face. After collecting the data, I conducted a qualitative content analysis which was aimed to find recurring themes from the interviews, but at the same time to identify individuals’ experiences and describe personal experiences of the interviewees. The results of my research showed that most of the interviewees saw their former village school and learning there in positive light. The learning experience was based on a physical, psychological, social and pedagogical environments which all influenced how the interviewees felt their learning in these multigrade-classrooms. The most positive aspects were peer learning which Vygotsky emphasizes but also sociality, individuality and learning tolerance and patience. Negative aspects were the occasional noise, large classroom size and the small and quite limited number of friends. Both aspects had connection between learning motivation and how students enjoyed their school. These were the factors that created an experience of learning

    Noninvasive Neuromonitoring of Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in Aortic Surgery

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    Background and Aims: Circulatory arrest carries a high risk of neurological damage, but modern monitoring methods lack reliability, and is susceptible to the generalized effects of both anesthesia and hypothermia. The objective of this prospective, explorative study was to research promising, reliable, and noninvasive methods of neuromonitoring, capable of predicting neurological outcome after hypothermic circulatory arrest. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients undergoing hypothermic circulatory arrest during surgery of the thoracic aorta were recruited in a single center and over the course of 4 years. Neuromonitoring was performed with a four-channel electroencephalogram montage and a near-infrared spectroscopy monitor. All data were tested off-line against primary neurological outcome, which was poor if the patient suffered a significant neurological complication (stroke, operative death). Results: A poor primary neurological outcome seen in 10 (33%) patients. A majority (63%) of the cases were emergency surgery, and thus, no neurological baseline evaluation was possible. The frontal hemispheric asymmetry of electroencephalogram, as measured by the brain symmetry index, predicted primary neurological outcome with a sensitivity of 79 (interquartile range; 62%-88%) and specificity of 71 (interquartile range; 61%-84%) during the first 6 h after end of circulatory arrest. Conclusion: The hemispheric asymmetry of frontal electroencephalogram is inherently resistant to generalized dampening effects and is predictive of primary neurological outcome. The brain symmetry index provides an easy-to-use, noninvasive neuromonitoring method for surgery of the thoracic aorta and postoperative intensive care.Peer reviewe


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    Elävät organismit tuottavat valoa, heikkotehoista säteilyä, joka kuitenkin pystytään havaitsemaan. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on kehittää ja toteuttaa mittauslaitteisto, jolla tämä säteily pystyttäisiin mittaamaan. Kehitettävä laitteisto pohjautuu olemassa olevaan valomonistinputkeen sekä fotonilaskuriin. Työhön sisältyy mittausohjelmiston suunnittelu ja toteutus LabView-ympäristöön sekä mittausjärjestelmän rakentaminen koemittauksia varten. Työhön liittyy myös laitteiston toiminnan varmentaminen koemittauksilla. Koemittaukset osoittivat, että toteutetulla mittausjärjestelmällä on mahdollista mitata solupohjaisista näytteistä luminesenssisäteilyä ja erottaa se tausta- kohinasta.All living organism produce light, weak light emission that can be detected. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and implement measuring system which can be used to measure that radiation. The system will be based on existing photomultiplier tube and photon counter. This work includes design and implementation of a measuring software, which is implemented in LabView environment and building a measuring setup for testing purposes. This thesis includes also few test measurements in order to show capabilities of system. Measurements show that the system is able to measure luminescence from cells

    Microwave dissolution method for the determination of heavy metals in biomonitors using GFAAS and flame AAS

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    Effects of a holiday resort on the distribution of semi-domesticated reindeer

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    Correlation of EEG spectral entropy with regional cerebral blood flow during sevoflurane and propofol anaesthesia

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    ENTROPY™ index monitoring, based on spectral entropy of the electroencephalogram, is a promising new method to measure the depth of anaesthesia. We examined the association between spectral entropy and regional cerebral blood flow in healthy subjects anaesthetised with 2%, 3% and 4% end-expiratory concentrations of sevoflurane and 7.6, 12.5 and 19.0 µg.ml-1 plasma drug concentrations of propofol. Spectral entropy from the frequency band 0.8–32 Hz was calculated and cerebral blood flow assessed using positron emission tomography and [15O]-labelled water at baseline and at each anaesthesia level. Both drugs induced significant reductions in spectral entropy and cortical and global cerebral blood flow. Midfrontal-central spectral entropy was associated with individual frontal and whole brain blood flow values across all conditions, suggesting that this novel measure of anaesthetic depth can depict global changes in neuronal activity induced by the drugs. The cortical areas of the most significant associations were remarkably similar for both drugs