42 research outputs found

    Psychiatric symptoms and disorders in HIV infected mine workers in South Africa A retrospective descriptive study of acute first admissions

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    Objective: The social and living conditions of mine workers in South Africa contribute to a rapid transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections. HIV-associated dementia is a serious condition during HIV disease. Several other psychiatric symptoms and disorders, such as psychosis, secondary mania and depression, have also been associated with clinical HIV infection. We describe the onset of psychiatric symptoms and signs in a group of untreated, HIVinfected male mine workers first admitted for psychiatric treatment at the Rand Mutual Hospital in Johannesburg. Method: Between 1987 and 1997, 38 consecutive cases were admitted, and their files were retrieved for study in 2006. The subjects were 38 black male mine workers admitted acutely for psychiatric care due to psychiatric symptoms, and subsequently diagnosed with HIV infection. The presenting psychiatric symptoms on admission and diagnoses at discharge were compiled for all patients, not to infer causality but to establish the range of symptoms that the clinician has to deal with. Results: The 38 patients presented with a wide range of psychiatric symptoms. The dominating symptoms were those of cognitive deficits, and different psychotic manifestations. 12 of the patients, almost one third of the individuals, were diagnosed with dementia. The patients with dementia exhibited cognitive deficits, and in addition often abnormal behaviour and psychotic symptoms, and several also had symptoms of secondary mania. 5 of the patients presented with delirium. Psychosis, without concurrent dementia, was diagnosed in 5 patients. Bipolar disorder with mania, without concurrent dementia, and major depression was present in 2 patients, respectively. Screening for substance abuse showed that 9 of the patients had ongoing cannabis abuse and 10 had alcohol abuse.  Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder was present in 5 patients. Conclusion: The findings confirm that patients with a new diagnosis of HIV may present with disorders of thought and/or cognition as well as gross behavioural disturbance, and that psychotic symptoms and secondary mania could be manifestations of the clinical onset of HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) infection

    HIV infection and psychiatric illness

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    Objective: To review the clinical features and current knowledge on the treatment of psychiatric symptoms and disorders in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Method: We searched the PubMed database combining HIV/AIDS with different keywords for psychiatric diagnoses and symptoms (e.g. depression, mania, anxiety, psychosis, dementia, substance abuse) and for psychopharmacological treatment. The years covered by these searches included 1980 to 2008. Results: Patients with HIV infection are at an increased risk of psychiatric illness. Major depressive disorder and subsyndromal depressive symptoms, as well as anxiety disorder and substance abuse are more prevalent among HIV infected individuals than among the general population. HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) are common among HIV patients, and HIV-associated dementia (HAD) is a serious condition during the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) stage of HIV disease. Secondarymania and psychosis might be the first clinical symptom of HIV dementia. The introduction of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has resulted in significant decreases in morbidity and mortality for HIV infected patients. HAART has also decreased the incidence of HAD, but does not give complete protection from this condition. The utility of psychotropic medications in HIV patients has not been studied sufficiently as a basis for guidelines, and more controlled trials are needed. Conclusion: Psychiatric illness is common in HIV infected individuals, and underlines the importance for screening not only for cognitive impairment but also forco morbid mental disease in HIV-positive patients. Further studies of the neuropsychiatric complications during HIV disease and the use of psychotropics under these circumstances are clearly needed. A better understanding of the pathogenesis of HAD is essential to identify additional therapeutic strategies for prevention and treatment of this neurodegenerative disease. Studies are also needed for optimizing effective utilization of antiretrovirals into the CNS. Mania and psychosis secondary to HAD may be used as an indicator to initiate HAART, irrespective of CD4 count. Further research on the utility of HAART in the treatment of such acute neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with HIV infection should be initiated

    Karakteristik Dan Hasil Uji Marshall Aspal Termodifikasi Dengan Karet Alam Terdepolimerisasi Sebagai Aditif

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    Aspal termodifikasi polimer merupakan salah satu jenis formula aspal dengan penambahan polimer untuk mendapatkan sifat perkerasan jalan yang lebih baik, yaitu mengurangi deformasi pada perkerasan, meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap retak dan kelekatan pada agregat. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan karet alam SIR 20 terdepolimerisasi sebagai aditif pada aspal dengan konsentrasi 3%, 5%, dan 7% b/b. Dari hasil pengujian penetrasi, titik lembek, titik nyala, dan % kehilangan berat setelah pemanasan didapatkan konsentrasi terbaik, yaitu 5%. Data hasil uji Marshall yang terdiri dari stabilitas, pelelehan, stabilitas sisa setelah perendaman, dan hasil bagi Marshall berturut-turut adalah 1135,46 kg, 3,47 mm, 91,78%, dan 327,22 kg/mm. Nilai tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan SNI untuk aspal polimer (SNI 06-2489-91) dan memiliki sifat yang lebih baik daripada aspal tanpa penambahan aditif (kontrol). Diterima : 17 November 2014; Direvisi : 29 Januari 2015; Disetujui : 7 Mei 2015 How to Cite : Prastanto, H., Cifriadi, A., & Ramadhan, A. (2015). Karakteristik dan hasil uji marshall aspal termodifikasi dengan karet alam terdepolimerisasi sebagai aditif. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 33(1), 75-82. Retrieved from http://ejournal.puslitkaret.co.id/index.php/jpk/article/view/17

    A haplotype in the inducible T-cell tyrosine kinase is a risk factor for seasonal allergic rhinitis

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    Background: Identification of disease-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) may be facilitated by focusing on genes in a disease-associated pathway. Objective: To search for SNPs in genes that belong to the T-cell receptor (TCR) pathway and that change in expression in allergen-challenged CD4+ cells from patients with SAR. Methods: CD4+ cells from patients with SAR were analysed with gene expression microarrays. Allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies were compared in 251 patients and 386 healthy controls. Results: Gene expression microarray analysis of allergen-challenged CD4+ cells from patients with SAR showed that 25 of 38 TCR pathway genes were differentially expressed. A total of 62 SNPs were analysed in eight of the 25 genes; ICOS, IL4, IL5, IL13, CSF2, CTLA4, the inducible T-cell tyrosine kinase (ITK) and CD3D. Significant chi-squared values were identified for several markers in the ITK kinase gene region. A total of five SNPs were nominally significant at the 5% level. Haplotype analysis of the five significant SNPs showed increased frequency of a haplotype that covered most of the coding part of ITK. The functional relevance of ITK was supported by analysis of an independent material, which showed increased expression of ITK in allergen-challenged CD4+ cells from patients, but not from controls. Conclusion: Analysis of SNPs in TCR pathway genes revealed that a haplotype that covers a major part of the coding sequence of ITK is a risk factor for SAR

    Replication of genomewide associations with allergic sensitization And allergic rhinitis

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    Background: Three genomewide metastudies have recently reported associations with self-reported allergic rhinitis and allergic sensitization. The three studies together identified a set of 37 loci but showed low concordance. This study investigates the reproducibility of the detected single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations in an extensively characterized longitudinal cohort, BAMSE. Methods: Phenotypic evaluation of allergic rhinitis (AR) and allergic sensitization was performed on 2153 children from BAMSE at 8 and 16 years of age. Allele frequencies of 39 SNPs were investigated for association with the exact allergic phenotypes of the metastudies. Odds ratios and false discovery rates were calculated, and the impact of asthma was evaluated. The cases were also evaluated for age at onset effects ( 8 years of age). Results: Association tests of the 39 SNPs identified 12 SNPs with P-values <0.05 and Q-values <0.10. Two of the four loci (TLR6-TLR1 and HLA-DQA1-HLA-DQB1) identified in all three original studies were also identified in this study. Three SNPs located in the TLR6-TLR1 locus had the lowest P-values and Q-values <0.1 when using a well-defined AR phenotype. Two loci showed significant age at onset effects, but the effect of asthma on the associations was very limited. Conclusion: The TLR6-TLR1 locus is likely to have a central role in the development of allergic disease. The association between genetic variation in the SSTR1-MIPOL1 and TSLP-SLC25A46 loci and age at onset is the first report of age at onset effects in allergic rhinitis

    Characterization of genetic variation in TLR8 in relation to allergic rhinitis.

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    A previous investigation of all 10 TLR-genes for associations with allergic rhinitis (AR) detected a number of significant SNPs in the TLR8 locus. The associations indicated that an accumulation of rare variants could explain the signal. The present study therefore searches for rare variants in the TLR8 region and also investigates the reproducibility of previous SNP associations

    Experiences in implementing immunopsychiatry in real life

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    Immunological mechanisms, both alone and in combination, are associated with a broad range of psychiatric disorders encompassing autoimmune, autoinflammatory disorders but also genetic, metabolic, or other immunological disorders. Early treatment improves the outcome for autoimmune disorders, but early diagnosis is more difficult when isolated psychiatric symptoms are manifestations of autoimmunity. Treatment of these cases must encompass integrated models of disease, as both systemic autoimmunity and psychological processes influence mental health. Several challenges need to be overcome to efficiently merge psychiatric and somatic disease paradigms and medical care ranging from language and conceptual barriers to organizational barriers. Since 2015, the Immunopsychiatry team at Uppsala University has developed a collaborative multidisciplinary approach to improve and integrate care for patients with moderate to severe psychiatric disorders. Based on this experience, we have outlined the obstacles to be overcome in taking steps forward to achieve the long-term goal of understanding and early detection and identification of treatable immunological conditions within the psychiatric patient population; the described framework of evaluations and work-flow may serve as a model for other centers