140 research outputs found

    Evaluación cuantitativa del riesgo de entrada del virus de la gripe aviar altamente patógeno en la comunidad valenciana por importación de aves vivas

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    The Region of Valencia has had many imports of live poultry from different countries that have had several outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Bird flu during their history. The aim of this paper is to do a quantitative assessment of the risk of entry of HPAI in the Region of Valencia and its provinces due to the importation of live poultry, and identify the countries which entail a higher risk. The results indicate that Alicante is the province with more risk and Italy is the country that represents the greatest proportion of risk due to his imports. The probability to introduce the HPAI virus to the Region of Valencia due to life poultry imports is low.En la Comunidad Valenciana (CV) se importa cantidades altas de aves vivas desde países que han sufrido algún brote de influenza aviar altamente patógena (HPAI) a lo largo de su historia. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una evaluación cuantitativa del riesgo que hay de que el virus HPAI entre en la CV y sus provincias por importación de aves vivas, e identificar los países desde los que es más probable introducirlo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran a Alicante como la provincia con más probabilidad de sufrir la entrada del virus y a Italia, el país desde donde hay más probabilidad que entre. La probabilidad de introducir el virus HPAI en la CV mediante importaciones de aves vivas es baja

    Arqueología y TIC. Hacia una enseñanza/aprendizaje transversal en Secundaria. Propuesta de Innovación Educativa del Grupo de Investigación en Arqueología de la Universidad de Murcia (España)

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    This work presents an educational innovation proposal to archaeological education. We think the secondary classrooms are the suitable frame for training and development of a new pedagogical model which unites Archeology and ICT. Our aim is the improvement of the teaching and learning process, to achieving the Digital Competence.Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de innovación educativa en la didáctica de la Arqueología. Creemos que las aulas preuniversitarias son el marco idóneo para la puesta en marcha y desarrollo de un nuevo modelo pedagógico que aúne Arqueología y TIC. Nuestro objetivo es la mejora del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje, favoreciendo la adquisición de la competencia digital

    Small animal disease surveillance: respiratory disease 2017

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    This report focuses on surveillance for respiratory disease in companion animals. It begins with an analysis of data from 392 veterinary practices contributing to the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) between January and December 2017. The following section describes canine respiratory coronavirus infections in dogs, presenting results from laboratory-confirmed cases across the country between January 2010 and December 2017. This is followed by an update on the temporal trends of three important syndromes in companion animals, namely gastroenteritis, pruritus and respiratory disease, from 2014 to 2017. A fourth section presents a brief update on Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus in companion animals. The final section summarises some recent developments pertinent to companion animal health, namely eyeworm (Thelazzia callipaeda) infestations in dogs imported to the UK and canine influenza virus in the USA and Canada

    Convergent validity of two items to differentiate between active and sedentary students

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    Este estudio examina la validez y fiabilidad de dos ítems de actividad física (AF) incluidos en el CHIP-CE para discriminar entre escolares activos y sedentarios. Se realizó un estudio observacional-transversal, con 1.073 escolares de ambos sexos, de 10-13 años. Mediante los ítems 13 y 28 del CHIP-CE se clasificó a los escolares como activos o sedentarios. La validez convergente fue examinada utilizando como criterio variables de adiposidad, lipídicas, metabólicas, de presión arterial y de fitness. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman entre los dos ítems fue de 0,60. Los coeficientes de correlación de Spearman entre la media de los dos items de AF y las variables de salud mostraron valores más altos con el % grasa corporal, la insulina basal, la frecuencia cardiaca de recuperación y el fitness. La escala de dos ítems extraída del CHIP-CE es un instrumento válido para clasificar a los escolares en activos o sedentarios.This study examined the validity and reliability of two physical activity Child Health and Illness Profile - Child Edition (CHIP-CE) items to differentiate between active and sedentary students. An observational cross-sectional study design was used with 1,073 students from 11 to 13 years old, from 20 schools in the province of Cuenca (Spain). Item 13 and item 28 of the CHIP-CE, a generic childhood quality of life instrument, were evaluated. Convergent validity was examined using adiposity, lipidic, metabolic, blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness variables as criteria. The Spearman coefficient of correlation between the two items was 0.60. The Spearman correlation coefficients between the physical activity items and the anthropometric, lipidic, metabolic, blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness variables showed higher values with percentage body fat, fasting insulin, recovery heart rate and cardiorespiratory fitness. Our two-item questionnaire exhibited acceptable validity and high internal consistency for classifying students as either active or sedentary.Este estudio fue financiado por la Consejería de Sanidad de Castilla-La Mancha (beca GC03060-00). Financiación adicional fue obtenida del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Red de Investigación en Actividades Preventivas y de Promoción de Salud (grant RD06/0018/0038)

    Use of vaccines and factors associated with their uptake variability in dogs, cats and rabbits attending a large sentinel network of veterinary practices across Great Britain

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    Vaccination remains a mainstay of companion animal population health. However, how vaccine use at a population level complies with existing guidelines is unknown. Here we use electronic health records to describe vaccination in dogs, cats and rabbits attending a large sentinel network of UK veterinary practices. In total, 77.9% (95% CI: 77.6-78.1) of animals had recorded vaccinations. The percentage of animals with recorded vaccinations was higher in dogs, neutered animals, in insured dogs and cats and in purebred dogs. Vaccination rates varied in different regions of Great Britain in all species. Dogs and cats belonging to owners living in less deprived areas of England and Scotland were more likely to be recorded as vaccinated. In the vaccinated population, cats received more core vaccines per year of life (0.86) than dogs (0.75), with feline leukaemia vaccines almost as frequent as core vaccines. In dogs, leptospira vaccines were more frequent than core vaccines. This descriptive study suggests a substantial proportion of animals are not benefiting from vaccine protection. For the first time, we identify potential factors associated with variations in recorded vaccination frequency, providing a critical baseline against which to monitor future changes in companion animal vaccination and evidence to inform future targeted health interventions

    Impacto del uso de un cemento de bajo carbono en la mejora de la sostenibilidad de la producción de cemento

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    A preliminary assessment of conditions for the industrial manufacture of a new cementitious system based on clinker-calcined clay and limestone, developed by the authors, referred as “low carbon cement” is presented. The new cement enables the substitution of more than 50% of the mass of clinker without compromising performance. The paper presents the follow-up of an industrial trial carried out in Cuba to produce 130 tonnes of the new cement at a cement plant. The new material proved to fulfill national standards in applications such as the manufacture of hollow concrete blocks and precast concrete. No major differences either in the rheological or mechanical properties were found when compared with Portland cement. Environmental assessment of the ternary cement was made, which included comparison with other blended cements produced industrially in Cuba. The new cement has proven to contribute to the reduction of above 30% of carbon emissions on cement manufacture.Se presenta la evaluación preliminar de las condiciones de fabricación industrial de un nuevo sistema cementicio a partir del empleo de clínquer; arcillas calcinadas y piedra caliza; desarrollado por los autores; denominado “cemento de bajo carbono”. El nuevo cemento posibilita la reducción de más de un 50% de la masa de clínquer; sin comprometer el comportamiento del material. El presente trabajo presenta el monitoreo de la producción industrial en una planta en Cuba; de 130 t del nuevo cemento. El cemento obtenido cumple con las regulaciones nacionales de calidad y su empleo tiene similar rendimiento que el cemento Pórtland para la producción de bloques y hormigón de 25 MPa. Se realiza el análisis de impacto ambiental del cemento ternario mediante la comparación con otros cementos producidos industrialmente. El nuevo cemento puede contribuir a la reducción de más del 30% de las emisiones de CO2 asociadas a la manufactura de cemento

    Subsidized pharmacological treatment for smoking cessation by the Spanish public health system

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    INTRODUCTION Research has shown that financing drug therapy increases smoking abstinence rates, although most of these studies have been carried out in the private healthcare setting. The aim of this work is to assess the effect of subsidized pharmacological treatment on smoking cessation rates by the Spanish public healthcare system. METHODS A pragmatic, randomized, clinical trial was performed by clusters. Randomization unit was the primary healthcare center and the analysis unit was the patient. Smokers consuming ≥10 cigarettes/day were randomly assigned to an intervention group that received financed pharmacological treatment or to a control group that followed usual care. The main outcome was self-reported or CO-confirmed continuous abstinence at 12 months. The main outcome, continuous abstinence rates (%), were compared between groups at 12 months post-intervention. A model was adjusted using mixedeffect logistic regression. RESULTS A total of 1154 patients were included from 23 healthcare centers. In the intention-to-treat analysis, selfreported abstinence after 12 months in the control and intervention groups, respectively, was 9.6% (37/387) and 15.4% (118/767) (gender-adjusted OR=1.75; 95% CI: 1.1– 2.8); for CO-confirmed abstinence the corresponding values were 3.1% (12/387) and 6.4% (49/767) (gender-adjusted OR=1.72; 95% CI: 0.7–4.0). Pharmacological treatment use was 35.1% (136/387) in the control group, and 58.3% (447/767) in the intervention group (adjusted OR=4.25; 95% CI: 1.8–9.9) CONCLUSIONS Subsidizing pharmacological treatment for smoking cessation increases self-reported or CO-confirmed abstinence rates under realistic conditions in the primary care setting of the Spanish public health systemThis trial was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under registration number 07528, as well as the 2016 and 2017 calls for grants for translations and publishing by the Fundación para la Investigación e Innovación Biosanitaria en Atención Primaria (FIIBA

    Small animal disease surveillance:Pruritus and Pseudomonas skin infections

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    Report Summary: • Presentation for investigation and/or treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) disease comprised 3.0 per cent, 2.0 per cent and 1.9 per cent of total dog, cat and rabbit consultations respectively between 1 April 2017 and 31 October 2018 • Diarrhoea and vomiting without blood were the most frequently reported GI disease clinical signs (43.0 and 36.6 per cent in dogs, and 35.9 and 37.7 per cent in cats respectively) • The proportion of GI disease consultations which prescribed antibiotics authorised for systemic administration (including oral and injectable formulations) decreased between April 2014 and October 2018 • The proportion of GI disease consultations which dispensed nutraceutical products advertised as being effective at managing primary GI disease (including prebiotics, probiotics etc.) increased between April 2014 and October 2018 • Between January 2011 and August 2018, 13.5 per cent of 20,194 feline faecal samples submitted to UK-based diagnostic laboratories tested positive for presence of Tritrichomonas foetus • The proportion of feline sample submissions testing positive for T.foetus decreased between 2011 and 201

    New approaches to pharmacosurveillance for monitoring prescription frequency, diversity, and co-prescription in a large sentinel network of companion animal veterinary practices in the United Kingdom, 2014–2016

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    Pharmaceutical agents (PAs) are commonly prescribed in companion animal practice in the United Kingdom. However, little is known about PA prescription on a population-level, particularly with respect to PAs authorised for human use alone prescribed via the veterinary cascade; this raises important questions regarding the efficacy and safety of PAs prescribed to companion animals. This study explored new approaches for describing PA prescription, diversity and co-prescription in dogs, cats and rabbits utilising electronic health records (EHRs) from a sentinel network of 457 companion animal-treating veterinary sites throughout the UK over a 2-year period (2014-2016). A novel text mining-based identification and classification methodology was utilised to semi-automatically map practitioner-defined product descriptions recorded in 918,333 EHRs from 413,870 dogs encompassing 1,242,270 prescriptions; 352,730 EHRs from 200,541 cats encompassing 491,554 prescriptions, and 22,526 EHRS from 13,398 rabbits encompassing 18,490 prescriptions respectively. PA prescription as a percentage of booked consultations was 65.4% (95% confidence interval, CI, 64.6-66.3) in dogs; in cats it was 69.1% (95% CI, 67.9-70.2) and in rabbits, 56.3% (95% CI, 54.7-57.8). Vaccines were the most commonly prescribed PAs in all three species, with antibiotics, antimycotics, and parasiticides also commonly prescribed. PA prescription utilising products authorised for human use only (hence, 'human-authorised') comprised 5.1% (95% CI, 4.7-5.5) of total canine prescription events; in cats it was 2.8% (95% CI, 2.6-3.0), and in rabbits, 7.8% (95% CI, 6.5-9.0). The most commonly prescribed human-authorised PA in dogs was metronidazole (antibiotic); in cats and rabbits it was ranitidine (H2 histamine receptor antagonist). Using a new approach utilising the Simpson's Diversity Index (an ecological measure of relative animal, plant etc. species abundance), we identified differences in prescription based on presenting complaint and species, with rabbits generally exposed to a less diverse range of PAs than dogs or cats, potentially reflecting the paucity of authorised PAs for use in rabbits. Finally, through a novel application of network analysis, we demonstrated the existence of three major co-prescription groups (preventive health; treatment of disease, and euthanasia); a trend commonly observed in practice. This study represents the first time PA prescription has been described across all pharmaceutical families in a large population of companion animals, encompassing PAs authorised for both veterinary and human-only use. These data form a baseline against which future studies could be compared, and provides some useful tools for understanding PA comparative efficacy and risks when prescribed in the varied setting of clinical practice