249 research outputs found
Fat–Fit Patterns, Drug Consumption, and Polypharmacy in Older Adults: The EXERNET Multi-Center Study
Background: Physical fitness levels and the amount of accumulated adipose tissue (fatness)
relate to current and future individuals’ heath status. Nevertheless, the interrelationships of their
combined patterns with polypharmacy and the types of medications consumed have not been
sufficiently investigated. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in six Spanish regions
between 2008 and 2009 with a sample of older community-dwelling adults (≥65 years old) without
dementia or cancer. Fitness was measured with one-leg balance and senior fitness tests, as well as by
measuring weight and fat mass with a bioelectrical impedance analyzer. Polypharmacy was defined
as the use of five or more medications. An analysis of variance was performed for comparisons
between the physical fitness and fatness patterns and the medication consumed. Results: A total of
1709 elders were included in the study (72.1 ± 5.2 years). The two unfit patterns were those with the
highest drug consumption. The High-Fat–Unfit pattern was the one that had the most significant
consumption and had the highest percentage of polymedicated subjects. The Low-Fat–Fit pattern
had a significantly lower percentage of people that did not consume any medications. The highest
percentages of drug consumption in 7 of the 10 groups that were included were concentrated in the
two unfit patterns. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of fitness in older adults, as it
is at least as important as the avoidance of accumulation of excess fat with respect to the consumption
of a smaller number of medicines.This research was funded by the Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales—IMSERSO
(104/07), University of Zaragoza (UZ 2008-BIO-01), Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e
Igualdad—IMSERSO (147/11), Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Zaragoza (UZCUD2016-BIO 01 and UZCUD2017-BIO-01), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Red EXERNET DEP2005-00046),
Biomedical Research Networking Center on Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES), Biomedical
Research Networking Center on Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), FEDER
funds from the European Union (CB16/10/00477), and the 4IE+ project (0499_4IE_PLUS_4_E) funded
by the Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 program. In addition, D. N. received a
grant from “Gobierno de Aragón” (DGAIIU/1/20)
A new heat release rate (HRR) law for homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion mode
Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines are drawing attracting attention as the next-generation’s internal combustion engine, mainly because of its very low NOx and soot emissions and also for improvement in engine efficiency. Much research has been carried out in order to go deeper in this combustion process using multizone models or CFD codes. These simulation tools, although they can give a detailed view of the combustion process, are very time consuming and the results depend a lot on the initial conditions. A previous step to be considered in the simulation of the HCCI process is a heat release law evaluated from results of the experiment and a zero-dimensional model. This paper focuses on the development of a new heat release rate (HRR) law that models the HCCI process when the combustion chamber is considered as a homogeneous volume. The parameters of this law have been adjusted through an optimization process that has allowed to fit the combustion chamber pressure. All the engine operative conditions from low to full load have been successfully simulated with this HRR law, with the maximum error in the estimation of combustion chamber pressure less than 2%.Ministerio de Ciencia y Eduación CTQ2007-68,026-CO2-02/PP
Religious space in Chiloe: A synthesis of the heritage of time, territory and festivity
The powerful union between the architecture and its environment, between the church and its surroundings, proves to be as essential as the harmony of the churches facades, the quality of their interior space, the detail of their ornamentation or the treatment of exterior paving. The function of the church and its atrium, whether passive or active depending on the celebration of joy or suffering, has the strange power to affect the complex, provoking in the parishioner feelings of joy or sadness.There is no better demonstration that architecture, without man, without its living content, the inevitable cause and subject of its existence, is condemned to extinction. Chiloe’s churches will continue to deserve universal recognition as long as they allow a portion of humanity to enjoy, with unshakable faith, the virtues of this heritage.Therefore, a model of spatial order is proposed with the church at its centre.El poderoso maridaje entre la arquitectura y su entorno -el templo con su espacio libre asociado- resulta tan gravitante como la armonía de las fachadas de la iglesia, la calidad de su espacio interior, el detalle de su ornamentación o el tratamiento de los pavimentos exteriores. La función de la iglesia y su atrio -pasiva o activa, según se manifiesten júbilos o dolores- tiene el extraño poder de afectar el conjunto, suscitando en el feligrés sentimientos de alegría o de tristeza. Ninguna demostración mejor de que la arquitectura, sin el hombre, sin su contenido vivo -destinatario ineludible de su razón de ser-, está condenada a extinguirse. Las iglesias chilotas seguirán mereciendo el reconocimiento universal mientras permitan que, efectivamente, un trozo de humanidad disfrute, con inquebrantable fe, las virtudes de ese patrimonio. Por ello se ha propuesto un modelo de ordenamiento espacial, en el cual la iglesia es su centro
Molinos de agua en la región de O'Higgins, Chile. Revaloración de un patrimonio hidráulico y campesino a través del turismo rural
La creciente y diferenciada demanda que ha tenido en las últimas décadas el sector turístico ha motivado la creación de nuevas variantes, sostenidas sobre el reconocimiento de los bienes patrimoniales. Entre esas variantes, aparece el turismo alternativo que fija su atención en aquellos bienes aún poco valorados. Los molinos de agua, enclavados en el paisaje campesino, son potenciales motivos de inclusión en este tipo de turismo. Dispersos en localidades distantes entre sí, los molinos hidráulicos de Santa Amelia, Pañul y Rodeillo merecen una atención especial por cuanto representan un recurso de profundo significado cultural. El objetivo de este artículo es poner de relieve el impacto que los molinos de agua ejercen en el ámbito del turismo patrimonial de Chile Central.The growing and differentiated demand that the tourism sector has experienced in recent decades has been the reason for the creation of new variants, based on the recognition of heritage assets. Among these variants, alternative tourismarises focusing its attention on those assets that are still poorly valued. The water mills, appearing in the rural landscape, are potential reasons for inclusion in this type of tourism. Scattered in distant locations, the hydraulic mills of Santa Amelia, Pañul and Rodeillo deserve special attention because they represent a resource of profound cultural significance. The objective of this article is to highlight the impact that water mills have on the heritage tourism of Central Chile.Fil: Bravo Sánchez, José. Universidad de Chile. Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio; Chile.Fil: Gil Meseguer, Encarnación. Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Geografía; España.Fil: Sahady Villanueva, Antonio. Universidad de Chile. Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio; Chile
Molinos de agua en Chile y España: la creación artesanal al servicio del paisaje campesino
Los molinos chilenos, dispersos en localidades distantes entre sí, merecen una atención especial, por cuanto representan un recurso de hondo significado cultural. A modo de ejemplo, se pondrá atención en exponentes de tres sectores rurales de fuerte identidad, como son: Pañul, Frutillar y Chiloé. El modelo de gestión puede encontrarse en España, donde estos artefactos han alcanzado prestigio y admiración. En Chile, mientras tanto, hace falta recorrer un camino largo antes de que estos bienes formen parte de los planes oficiales de salvaguardia patrimonial.
La creciente y diferenciada demanda que ha tenido en las últimas décadas el sector turístico ha motivado la creación de nuevas variantes, sostenidas sobre el reconocimiento de los bienes patrimoniales. Entre esas variantes aparece el turismo alternativo, que fija su atención en aquellos bienes aún poco valorados. Los molinos de agua, enclavados en el paisaje campesino, son potenciales motivos de inclusión en este tipo de turismo.Mills Chilean, scattered in distant locations together, deserve special attention, as they represent a resource of cultural meaning proof. By way of example, be care exponents of three strong identity rural sectors, such as: Pañul, Frutillar and Chiloé. The management model can be found in Spain, where these artifacts have attained prestige and admiration. In Chile, meanwhile, need to go a long way before these assets form part of official plans for safeguarding heritage.
Differential and growing demand that has had in recent decades tourism has prompted the creation of new variants, sustained on the recognition of the assets. Among those variants appears alternative tourism, which fixed his attention on those little valued goods. Water mills, nestled in the rural landscape, are potential reasons for inclusion in this type of tourism
La poderosa incidencia de la cartografía histórica en la reconstrucción del proceso evolutivo de La Chimba de Santiago de Chile
A partir de la documentación histórica, en el presente estudio se analiza la representación de La Chimba entre los siglos XVI y XIX. Se analiza la reconstrucción del territorio de la otra banda u otra orilla -significado en lengua quechua-, a partir de las representaciones planimétricas de la ciudad entre el periodo colonial y los inicios de la República.
Se revisa su configuración en el exterior de la trama urbana, interpretada en los inicios con una estricta regularidad geométrica de su cuadrícula, el contexto geográfico y la integración de este territorio suburbano a la ciudad de Santiago a finales del siglo XIX.From the historical documentation, in the present study the representation of The Chimba is analysed between the XVIth and XIXth centuries. The reconstruction of the other band or other shore -meaning in Quechua language- is analysed, from the planimetrical representations of the city between the colonial period and the beginnings of the Republic Its configuration is checked in the exterior of the urban pattern, interpreted in the beginnings with a strict geometric regularity of its grid, the geographical context and the integration of this suburban territory to the city of Santiago at the end of the XIXth century
Flandes Indiano Chiloense: un patrimonio invencible en el tiempo. / Indian Flanders: an heritage.
La cultura chilota es admirada por su geografía y por su historia. A través del tiempo, el reconocimiento de sus valores ha crecido de manera exponencial. Su capital arquitectónico no sólo son sus iglesias y viviendas bordemarinas. Existe, también, otro tipo edificatorio que, por desconocido, no ha concitado la atención que merece: se trata del variado repertorio de fortificaciones defensivas españolas –y los lugares históricos asociados ellas-, de las que aún es posible identificar algunos vestigios./Chiloe is well known for its geography and for its architectural heritage, for its churches and costal housing, but other buildings are less known, they have not drawn the attention they deserve: this buildings are the multiple repertoire of defensive Spanish forts – and the historic sites associated with them, of which it is still possible identify traces
Fuertes españoles en Chiloé: las huellas de la historia en medio del paisaje insular
Chiloe’s culture, geography, history, legends and myths have been a subject of growing admiration. Likewise, the architectural heritage, which is related to churches and stilt houses, is also considered a remarkable element of this culture. However, it is worth analyzing a kind of building that has not been properly studied: the Spanish defensive fortress. Located in places that are dif? cult to access, affected by weather, these buildings are incorruptible demonstrations of speci? c events that explain its hazardous developments. A few ruins remain from these Spanish forts; such remains should be recovered and incorporated into tourist routes enhances their heritage value.La cultura chilota ha sido motivo de admiración creciente. Por su marco geográfico, por su historia, sus leyenda y sus mitos. También por su capital arquitectónico, casi siempre circunscrito a las iglesias y a las viviendas palafíticas. Pero es justo poner atención, también, a un tipo edificatorio no suficientemente investigado: las fortificaciones defensivas españolas. Localizadas en lugares de difícil acceso y sometidas a los rigores del clima, estas construcciones sembradas en los confines de América del Sur constituyen un testimonio insobornable de ciertos acontecimientos que explican su azaroso devenir. De aquellas fortificaciones hispanas subsisten unas cuantas ruinas que bien merece la pena rescatar del olvido y el abandono, incorporándolas a un itinerario turístico que las ponga en valor
Epidemic Random Network Simulations in a Distributed Computing Environment
We discuss a computational system following the paradigm of distributed computing, which will allow us to simulate the epidemic propagation in random networks with large number of nodes up to one million. This paradigm consists of a server that delivers tasks to be carried out by client computers. When the task is finished, the client sends the obtained results to the server to be stored until all tasks are finished and then ready to be analysed. Finally, we show that this technique allows us to disclose the emergence of seasonal patterns in the respiratory syncytial virus transmission dynamics which do not appear neither in smaller systems nor in continuous systems.This paper has been supported by the Grant from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia PAID-06-11 ref: 2087 and the Grant FIS PI-10/01433. The authors would like to thank the staff of the Facultad de Administracion de Empresas of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, in particular Mara Angeles Herrera, Teresa Solaz, and Jose Luis Real, and the staff of the CES Felipe II of Aranjuez for their help and for letting them use free computer rooms to carry out the Sisifo computations described in this paper. They would also like to acknowledge the BOINC community for its support and the many anonymous volunteers who joined thier project and helped them obtain the results so fast.Villanueva-Oller, J.; Acedo Rodríguez, L.; Moraño Fernández, JA.; Sánchez Sánchez, A. (2013). Epidemic Random Network Simulations in a Distributed Computing Environment. Abstract and Applied Analysis. 2013:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/462801S1102013PROULX, S., PROMISLOW, D., & PHILLIPS, P. (2005). Network thinking in ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20(6), 345-353. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2005.04.004Traud, A. L., Mucha, P. J., & Porter, M. A. (2012). Social structure of Facebook networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(16), 4165-4180. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.12.021Christakis, N. A., & Fowler, J. H. (2008). The Collective Dynamics of Smoking in a Large Social Network. New England Journal of Medicine, 358(21), 2249-2258. doi:10.1056/nejmsa0706154Christakis, N. A., & Fowler, J. H. (2007). The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years. New England Journal of Medicine, 357(4), 370-379. doi:10.1056/nejmsa066082Halloran, M. E. (2002). Containing Bioterrorist Smallpox. Science, 298(5597), 1428-1432. doi:10.1126/science.1074674Ahmed, E., & Agiza, H. N. (1998). On modeling epidemics Including latency, incubation and variable susceptibility. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 253(1-4), 347-352. doi:10.1016/s0378-4371(97)00665-1Martins, M. L., Ceotto, G., Alves, S. G., Bufon, C. C. B., Silva, J. M., & Laranjeira, F. F. (2000). Cellular automata model for citrus variegated chlorosis. Physical Review E, 62(5), 7024-7030. doi:10.1103/physreve.62.7024Hershberg, U., Louzoun, Y., Atlan, H., & Solomon, S. (2001). HIV time hierarchy: winning the war while, loosing all the battles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 289(1-2), 178-190. doi:10.1016/s0378-4371(00)00466-0Witten, G., & Poulter, G. (2007). Simulations of infectious diseases on networks. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 37(2), 195-205. doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2005.12.002Acedo, L., Moraño, J.-A., & Díez-Domingo, J. (2010). Cost analysis of a vaccination strategy for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in a network model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52(7-8), 1016-1022. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.02.041Hethcote, H. W. (2000). The Mathematics of Infectious Diseases. SIAM Review, 42(4), 599-653. doi:10.1137/s0036144500371907Barabási, A.-L., & Albert, R. (1999). Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks. 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Random Network Models to Predict the Long-Term Impact of HPV Vaccination on Genital Warts
[EN] The Human papillomaviruses (HPV) vaccine induces a herd immunity effect in genital warts when a large number of the population is vaccinated. This aspect should be taken into account when devising new vaccine strategies, like vaccination at older ages or male vaccination. Therefore, it is important to develop mathematical models with good predictive capacities. We devised a sexual contact network that was calibrated to simulate the Spanish epidemiology of different HPV genotypes. Through this model, we simulated the scenario that occurred in Australia in 2007, where 12¿13 year-old girls were vaccinated with a three-dose schedule of a vaccine containing genotypes 6 and 11, which protect against genital warts, and also a catch-up program in women up to 26 years of age. Vaccine coverage were 73% in girls with three doses and with coverage rates decreasing with age until 52% for 20¿26 year-olds. A fast 59% reduction in the genital warts diagnoses occurred in the model in the first years after the start of the program, similar to what was described in the literature.We are grateful for the support from Sanofi Pasteur. The authors would also like to thank M. Diaz-Sanchis from the Institut Catala d'Oncologia (ICO) for her useful comments and the data provided on HPV prevalence. We would also like to thank the ICO for the HPV information centre at http://hpvcentre.net.Diez-Domingo, J.; Sánchez-Alonso, V.; Villanueva Micó, RJ.; Acedo Rodríguez, L.; Moraño Fernández, JA.; Villanueva-Oller, J. (2017). Random Network Models to Predict the Long-Term Impact of HPV Vaccination on Genital Warts. Viruses. 9(10). doi:10.3390/v9100300S91
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