770 research outputs found

    Creatividad y alta habilidad

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    Estudiar la creatividad en el contexto escolar es un tema de gran complejidad que exige de los investigadores el estudio de la validez de dicho constructo definiendo sus dimensiones y cuestionando la posibilidad de su evaluación a través de los instrumentos psicológicos que se utilicen. En respuesta a este requisito, trataremos de valorar las habilidades cognitivas descriptivas del pensamiento divergente (fluidez, flexibilidad, originalidad y elaboración), utilizando diferentes instrumentos de corte psicométrico (Almeida, Prieto, Ferrando, Oliveira y Ferrándiz, 2007). Con el planteamiento metodológico se intentará contrastar el desempeño en tests de pensamiento divergente y en tests de pensamiento convergente (raciocinio, factor g) para aumentar la comprensión del constructo que estamos evaluando con las pruebas usadas internacionalmente para evaluar la creatividad. El objetivo del trabajo es estudiar las dimensiones de la creatividad y su relación con la inteligencia en una muestra de alumnos de Educación Secundaria (N= 679; 316 chicos y 363 chicas de edad media 14 años y 6 meses). Se establecerán tres grupos: alta, media y baja inteligencia y alta, media y baja creatividad. Para evaluar la inteligencia general se utilizará el DAT, cuyo objetivo es evaluar las habilidades de la inteligencia (razonamiento verbal; cálculo; razonamiento abstracto; velocidad y precisión; razonamiento mecánico; relaciones espaciales; y ortografía). La evaluación de la creatividad se realizará con el TTCT (Test de Pensamiento Creativo de Torrance, 1974). El objetivo del test es evaluar la creatividad de niños y adolescentes. Se valora la fluidez (o el número de ideas); la flexibilidad (variedad de las perspectivas representadas en las ideas); la originalidad (la infrecuencia estadística) y la elaboración (ideas más allá de lo requerido por el estímulo). Los resultados que se puedan generar nos ayudarán a diseñar un modelo para evaluar, enseñar y fomentar los mecanismos para lograr un potencial cognitivo que repercutirá positivamente a lograr el éxito académico y social de los estudiantes

    Technology Acceptance Among Teachers: An SLR on TAM and Teachers

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    Nowadays, the introduction of information and communication technologies in formal education contexts is still an interesting study subject for the research community. The fast technological development entails a constant change process where new information systems and devices emerge on a daily basis. This constant change demands an effort on the part of educational agents in order to adapt to the new possibilities. Teachers bear a determinant weight in technology innovation processes. Consequently, there is a rising number of studies focused on analysing the attitude of teachers towards the use of ICTs within their classrooms. Knowing the factors that lead teachers to accept ICTs is especially useful both to guide the development of educational technologies and to design teacher training initiatives. One of the most used tools to develop studies on technology adoption is the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). This theory, which comes from the field of behavioural psychology, is widely used in spheres such as organisational sciences, electronic commerce or health technologies, on account of its parsimony and easy adaptation. In the past few decades, the application of TAM and TAM-based models has been extended to the field of education. Today, we can find studies that use these models to explore the attitudes of teachers and students. Our research is based on the development of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of publications related to the use of TAM or TAM-based models to conduct quantitative empirical studies on the acceptance of ICTs on the part of teachers. To this end, we have used three repositories: SCOPUS, ISI WOS, and Google Scholar, where we have introduced the terms TAM AND "technology Acceptance Model" AND "in-service teachers". We have obtained 248 results from all the repositories, to which we have applied several exclusion and inclusion criteria. Once the article selection was made, we carried out a meta-analysis by extracting data regarding different variables, such as the country of the study, the educational level, the technology under study and the model employed. The results offer an overview of the state-ofthe- art of the research in this field

    A Spitzer/IRS Spectrum of the 2008 Luminous Transient in NGC 300: Connection to Proto-Planetary Nebulae

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    We present a Spitzer/IRS low-resolution mid-infrared spectrum (5-14 micron) of the luminous transient discovered in the nearby galaxy NGC 300 in May 2008. The spectrum, obtained three months after discovery, shows that the transient is very luminous in the mid-IR. Furthermore, the spectrum shows strong, broad emission features at 8 and 12 micron that are observed in Galactic carbon-rich proto-planetary nebulae. Combining these data with published optical and near-IR photometry obtained at the same epoch, we find that the mid-IR excess traced by the Spitzer spectrum accounts for ~20% of the total energy output. This component can be well explained by emission from ~3x10^-4 Msun of pre-existing progenitor dust at temperature ~400 K. The spectral energy distribution of the transient also shows a near-IR excess that can be explained by emission from newly-formed dust in the ejecta. Alternatively, both the near-IR and mid-IR excesses can together be explained by a single pre-existing geometrically thick dust shell. In light of the new observations obtained with Spitzer, we revisit the analysis of the optical spectra and kinematics, which were compared to the massive yellow-hypergiant IRC+10420 in previous studies. We show that proto-planetary nebulae share many properties with the NGC 300 transient and SN 2008S. We conclude that even though the explosion of a massive star (> 10 Msun) cannot be ruled out, an explosive event on a massive (6-10 Msun) carbon-rich AGB/super-AGB or post-AGB star is consistent with all observations of the transients and their progenitors presented thus far.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables; references update

    Game species: extinction hidden by census numbers

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    Management of game species may involve a risk of alteration of their genetic properties. Local adaptations may be disrupted if artificially selected individuals from farms or those belonging to distant geographical areas are introduced to increase population density or trophy ‘quality’. In Spain, red deer (Cervus elaphus) from different European subspecies have been introduced to increase the size of trophies (antlers) of local populations. Legislation against these introductions is not effective for various reasons, and once the individuals are in the Iberian peninsula it is virtually impossible to prevent their spreading throughout the whole territory without a genetic tool to distinguish between autochthonous and foreign specimens. We have developed such a genetic test and propose a strategy to dissuade land-owners from importing foreign deer. Since deer are bred mainly for their antlers, our strategy is based on an agreement with the National Trophy Body in Spain which rejects trophies from foreign populations. Rejection decreases the value of the trophy so that it becomes more profitable to produce autochthonous deer. Using such a strategy at some critical step in the production or commercialisation process may be a good model to apply in protecting genetic properties of exploited species

    Especies de caza: procesos de extinción ocultos tras elevados tamaños de censo

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    Management of game species may involve a risk of alteration of their genetic properties. Local adaptations may be disrupted if artificially selected individuals from farms or those belonging to distant geographical areas are introduced to increase population density or trophy “quality”. In Spain, red deer (Cervus elaphus) from different European subspecies have been introduced to increase the size of trophies (antlers) of local populations. Legislation against these introductions is not effective for various reasons, and once the individuals are in the Iberian peninsula it is virtually impossible to prevent their spreading throughout the whole territory without a genetic tool to distinguish between autochthonous and foreign specimens. We have developed such a genetic test and propose a strategy to dissuade land–owners from importing foreign deer. Since deer are bred mainly for their antlers, our strategy is based on an agreement with the National Trophy Body in Spain which rejects trophies from foreign populations. Rejection decreases the value of the trophy so that it becomes more profitable to produce autochthonous deer. Using such a strategy at some critical step in the production or commercialization process may be a good model to apply in protecting genetic properties of exploited species.La gestión de las especies de caza puede conllevar riesgos de alteración de sus propiedades genéticas. Las adaptaciones locales pueden deteriorarse si ejemplares producidos mediante selección artificial en granjas o procedentes de áreas geográficas distantes, son introducidos para aumentar la densidad poblacional o la "calidad" de los trofeos de caza. En España, se han introducido ejemplares de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus) procedentes de distintas subespecies europeas para aumentar así el tamaño de las cuernas (trofeos de caza) de las poblaciones autóctonas. La legislación contra este tipo de introducciones no es eficaz por diversos motivos y, una vez introducidos los ejemplares en la península ibérica, es prácticamente imposible prevenir su dispersión por todo el territorio sin contar con herramientas genéticas que permitan diferenciar los ejemplares autóctonos de los foráneos. Nosotros hemos desarrollado un test genético para este fin, y hemos propuesto una estrategia para disuadir a lospropietarios de llevar a cabo la importación de ejemplares foráneos. Puesto que los ciervos se crían fundamentalmente por su cornamenta como trofeo de caza, nuestra estrategia se ha basado en un acuerdo con la Junta Nacional de Homologación de Trofeos de Caza, para que ésta rechace los trofeos pertenecientes a ejemplares foráneos. Este rechazo reduce el valor de los ejemplares procedentes de otras poblaciones y favorece la producción de ciervo autóctono. Sugerimos que la utilización de estrategias de este tipo en puntos clave de procesos de producción o comercialización, puede ser un buen modelo a aplicar para proteger las propiedades genéticas de las especies sujetas a explotación por el hombre

    Ordinal and nominal classication of wind speed from synoptic pressure patterns

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    Wind speed reconstruction is a challenging problem in areas (mainly wind farms) where there are not direct wind measures available. Di erent approaches have been applied to this reconstruction, such as measure-correlatepredict algorithms, approaches based on physical models such as reanalysis methods, or more recently, indirect measures such as pressure, and its relation to wind speed. This paper adopts the latter method, and deals with wind speed estimation in wind farms from pressure measures, but including different novelties in the problem treatment. Existing synoptic pressure-based indirect approaches for wind speed estimation are based on considering the wind speed as a continuous target variable, estimating then the corresponding wind series of continuous values. However, the exact wind speed is not always needed by wind farms managers, and a general idea of the level of speed is, in the majority of cases, enough to set functional operations for the farm (such as wind turbines stop, for example). Moreover, the accuracy of the models obtained is usually improved for the classi cation task, given that the problem is simpli ed. Thus, this paper tackles the problem of wind speed prediction from synoptic pressure patterns by considering wind speed as a discrete variable and, consequently, wind speed prediction as a classi cation problem, with four wind level categories: low, moderate, high or very high. Moreover, taking into account that these four di erent classes are associated to four values in an ordinal scale, the problem can be considered as an ordinal regression problem. The performance of several ordinal and nominal classi- ers and the improvement achieved by considering the ordering information are evaluated. The results obtained in this paper present the Support Vector Machine as the best tested classi er for this task. In addition, the use of the intrinsic ordering information of the problem is shown to signi cantly improve ranks with respect to nominal classi cation, although di erences in accuracy are smal

    MUSE Reveals a Recent Merger in the Post-starburst Host Galaxy of the TDE ASASSN-14li

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    We present MUSE integral field spectroscopic observations of the host galaxy (PGC 043234) of one of the closest (z=0.0206z=0.0206, D90D\simeq 90 Mpc) and best-studied tidal disruption events (TDE), ASASSN-14li. The MUSE integral field data reveal asymmetric and filamentary structures that extend up to 10\gtrsim 10 kpc from the post-starburst host galaxy of ASASSN-14li. The structures are traced only through the strong nebular [O III] λ\lambda5007, [N II] λ\lambda6584, and Hα\alpha emission lines. The total off nuclear [O III] λ\lambda5007 luminosity is luminosity is 4.7×10394.7\times 10^{39} erg s1^{-1} and the ionized H mass is 104(500/ne)M\rm \sim 10^4(500/n_e)\,M_{\odot}. Based on the BPT diagram, the nebular emission can be driven by either AGN photoionization or shock excitation, with AGN photoionization favored given the narrow intrinsic line widths. The emission line ratios and spatial distribution strongly resemble ionization nebulae around fading AGNs such as IC 2497 (Hanny's Voorwerp) and ionization "cones" around Seyfert 2 nuclei. The morphology of the emission line filaments strongly suggest that PGC 043234 is a recent merger, which likely triggered a strong starburst and AGN activity leading to the post-starburst spectral signatures and the extended nebular emission line features we see today. We briefly discuss the implications of these observations in the context of the strongly enhanced TDE rates observed in post-starburst galaxies and their connection to enhanced theoretical TDE rates produced by supermassive black-hole binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ