21 research outputs found
Estudio nutricional comparativo entre una población infantil caucásica y una inmigrante
INTRODUCCIÓN El incremento de la población infantil inmigrante en Salt (Girona) nos decidió a efectuar un estudio del estado nutricional de esta población comparando con la autóctona y determinar si es una población de riesgo de desarrollar hipovitaminosis D y anemia ferropénica. Salt tiene 29.527 habitantes según censo del año 2007. El 38 % de esta población es inmigrante de 71 nacionalidades, fundamentalmente magrebí y subsahariana. OBJETIVOS 1- Comparar los parámetros antropométricos y bioquímicos de la población infantil de Salt con la inmigrante. 2- Determinar las concentraciones plasmáticas de 25(OH)D, PTH, calcio, fósforo, fosfatasas alcalinas y su relación con la ingesta de calcio y vitamina D y el grado de exposición solar de cada etnia. 3- Analizar las concentraciones plasmáticas de hemoglobina, ferritina y sideremia en cada etnia. POBLACIÓN Y MÉTODOS Estudio prospectivo efectuado durante 2008-2010 en una consulta de pediatría de asistencia primaria y por un único observador. Parámetros antropométricos evaluados: a) peso y longitud del nacimiento, b) el peso, la talla y el IMC en el momento de efectuar el estudio. Población: 307 niños de edad inferior a 3 años de Salt. Distribución por origen y etnia: caucásicos (n=85, 27.4%); magrebí (n=87, 28.0%); subsaharianos (n=101, 32.5%); centroamericanos (n= 20; 6.4%) e indios (n=14, 4.5%). Parámetros bioquímicos: calcemia, fosforemia, fosfatasas alcalinas, 25(OH)D, PTH, hematimetría, sideremia y ferritina. Se utiliza la encuesta nutricional de Garabedian para estimar la ingesta nutricional de calcio, de vitamina D y el grado de exposición solar. RESULTADOS 1- El análisis de los parámetros antropométricos no demuestra diferencias significativas entre la población autóctona e inmigrante. 2- Déficit de sideremia ( 65 pg/ml): Caucásico 1 %, magrebí 5 %, subsahariano 3%, indio 8 %. 7- Exposición solar insuficiente: Caucásico 12%, magrebí 85%, subsahariano 81%, centroamericano 50%, indio 93%. CONCLUSIONES 1- No se ha detectado malnutrición auxológica en las poblaciones evaluadas. 2- La ingesta de calcio es similar en los 5 grupos, mientras que el aporte de vitamina D es escaso en el subsahariano e indio. La escasa exposición solar de las poblaciones infantiles de origen magrebí, subsahariano e indio es un factor determinante del déficit de la vitamina D y de la elevación de las concentraciones plasmáticas de PTH. Se contabilizan 2 niños subsaharianos con analítica de raquitismo. 3- Existe un déficit de ferritina, hierro y hemoglobina en las poblaciones infantiles magrebí, subsahariana y de forma más acusada en la población india debido a un aporte insuficiente de carne, pescado y huevos con alimentación excesiva en arroz y maíz.INTRODUCTION On account of the increase in the child population due to immigration in Salt (Girona) we decided to carry out a nutritional study compared with the indigenous child population in order to determine the possible risk of developing hypovitaminosis D and ferropenica anaemia. Salt has a population of 29,527 according to the census of 2007. 38% of this population is immigrant comprised of 71 different nationalities, principally Maghreb and sub-Saharan. OBJECTIVES 1-Compare the anthropometric and biochemical parameters of the infantile population of Salt with that of the immigrants. 2-Determine the plasmatic concentrations of 25(OH) D, PTH, calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphates and their relation with the ingestion of calcium and vitamin D and the degree of solar exposure of each race. 3-Analyse the plasmatic concentrations of haemoglobin, ferrite and sideremia in each ethnic group. POPULATION AND METHOD Prospective study carried out during 2008-2010 in a primary paediatric consultancy by a single observer. Anthropometric parameters evaluated: a) weight and length at birth. b) weight, height and IMC during the study. Population: 307 children less than 3 years old in Salt. Distribution by origin and race: Caucasians (n=85, 27.4%) North African (n=087, 28.0%); sub-Saharan (n=101, 32.5%); Central American (n=20; 6.4%) and Indian (n=14, 4.5%). Biochemical parameters: calcemia, phosphoremia, alkaline phosphates, 25(OH) D, PTH, haematometria, sideremia and ferritin. A Garabedian nutritional study to estimate the nutrition ingestion of calcium, Vitamin D and the degree of solar exposure. RESULTS 1-The analysis of anthropometric parameters showed no significant difference between the indigenous and immigrant population. 2-Deficiency of sideremia (65 pg/ml): Caucasians 1%, North African 5%. Sub-Saharan 3%, Indian 8%. 7-Insufficient exposure solar: Caucasian 12%, North African 85%, sub-Saharan 81%, Central American 50%, Indian 93%. CONCLUSIONS 1-Auxologic malnutrition has not been detected within the populations in this study. 2-The ingestion of calcium is similar throughout the 5 groups, whilst the presence of vitamin D is scarce in the sub-Saharan and Indian groups. The lack of exposure solar of the infant population of the groups from, North Africa, sub-Sahara and India is a determining factor in the deficiency of vitamin D and the high plasmatic concentration of PTH. 2 children were recorded with analytical sub-Saharan rickets. 3-There exists a deficiency of ferritin, iron, and hemoglobin in the infant population of North Africa, sub-Sahara and, in a more acute form of India due to an insufficiency of meat, fish and eggs with a excess of rice and corn
Sobre el uso de observaciones en altura para la modelización espacial de variables climáticas en entornos de montaña
Ponencia presentada en: XXIV Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles que se celebró en Zaragoza los días 28, 29 y 30 de octubre de 2015.Muchos de los procesos que se desarrollan en entornos de montaña están condicionados por el clima, desde el funcionamiento de los sistemas naturales hasta las actividades antrópicas, pasando por la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos superficiales. En España son sin embargo muy pocos los observatorios disponibles por encima de los 1.000 m.s.n.m en las bases de datos de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) y muchos menos los que se localizan por encima de los 1.500. En el último año AEMET ha desarrollado acciones para la recuperación de los datos existentes en distintos refugios de montaña y su digitalización en el Banco Nacional de Datos Climatológicos. Para evaluar la importancia de disponer de observaciones climatológicas en altura y tras desarrollar un exhaustivo control de calidad de los datos instrumentales, se han generado mediante modelos de regresión y corrección por residuales cartografías de la temperatura y la precipitación estacional en el Pirineo Central español utilizando dos subconjuntos de datos: el primero con 117 observatorios localizados por debajo de los 1.500 m.s.n.m y el segundo añadiendo los datos de la series de los 16 refugios localizados entre los 1.500 y los 2.195 m.s.n.m. Los datos obtenidos muestran la existencia de diferencias importantes en el resultado de la modelización espacial de las variables climáticas en altura cuando integramos las observaciones por encima de los 1.500 m, señalando el interés que tiene la recuperación de estas series para la adecuada reconstrucción del clima en entornos de montaña
Latitudinal clines of the human vitamin D receptor and skin color genes
The well-documented latitudinal clines of genes affecting human skin color presumably arise from the need for protection from intense ultraviolet radiation (UVR) vs. the need to use UVR for vitamin D synthesis. Sampling 751 subjects from a broad range of latitudes and skin colors, we investigated possible multilocus correlated adaptation of skin color genes with the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR), using a vector correlation metric and network method called BlocBuster. We discovered two multilocus networks involving VDR promoter and skin color genes that display strong latitudinal clines as multilocus networks, even though many of their single gene components do not. Considered one by one, the VDR components of these networks show diverse patterns: no cline, a weak declining latitudinal cline outside of Africa, and a strong in- vs. out-of-Africa frequency pattern. We confirmed these results with independent data from HapMap. Standard linkage disequilibrium analyses did not detect these networks. We applied BlocBuster across the entire genome, showing that our networks are significant outliers for interchromosomal disequilibrium that overlap with environmental variation relevant to the genes\u27 functions. These results suggest that these multilocus correlations most likely arose from a combination of parallel selective responses to a common environmental variable and coadaptation, given the known Mendelian epistasis among VDR and the skin color genes
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies and Factors Associated with Seropositivity at the University of Salamanca: The DIANCUSAL Study
© 2021 by the authors[Background]: Systematic screening for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 is a crucial tool for surveillance of the COVID-19 pandemic. The University of Salamanca (USAL) in Spain designed a project called “DIANCUSAL” (Diagnosis of New Coronavirus, COVID-19, in University of Salamanca) to measure antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 among its ~34,000 students and academic staff, as the influence of the university community in the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the city of Salamanca and neighboring towns hosting USAL campuses could be substantial.[Objective]: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among USAL students, professors and staff and to evaluate the demographic, academic, clinical and lifestyle and behavioral factors related to seropositivity.[Methodology]: The DIANCUSAL study is an ongoing university population-based cross-sectional study, with the work described herein conducted from July–October 2020. All USAL students, professors and staff were invited to complete an anonymized questionnaire. Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was detected and quantified by using chemiluminescent assays for IgG and IgM. Principal findings: A total of 8197 (24.71%) participants were included. The mean age was 31.4 (14.5 SD) years, and 66.0% of the participants were female. The seroprevalence was 8.25% overall and was highest for students from the education campus (12.5%) and professors from the biomedical campus (12.6%), with significant differences among faculties (p = 0.006). Based on the questionnaire, loss of smell and fever were the symptoms most strongly associated with seropositivity, and 22.6% of seropositive participants were asymptomatic. Social distancing was the most effective hygiene measure (p = 0.0007). There were significant differences in seroprevalence between participants with and without household exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (p = 0.0000), but not between students who lived in private homes and those who lived in dormitories. IgG antibodies decreased over time in the participants with confirmed self-reported COVID-19 diagnoses.[Conclusions]: The analysis revealed an overall 8.25% seroprevalence at the end of October 2020, with a higher seroprevalence in students than in staff. Thus, there is no need for tailored measures for the USAL community as the official average seroprevalence in the area was similar (7.8% at 22 June and 12.4 at 15 November of 2020). Instead, USAL members should comply with public health measures.The DIANCUSAL (Diagnosis of New Coronavirus, COVID-19, in University of Salamanca) study was funded by a grant from the University of Salamanca (USAL)
EducaFarma 9.0
Memoria ID-020 Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2020-2021
Latitudinal Clines of the Human Vitamin D Receptor and Skin Color Genes
The well-documented latitudinal clines of genes affecting human skin color presumably arise from the need for protection from intense ultraviolet radiation (UVR) vs. the need to use UVR for vitamin D synthesis. Sampling 751 subjects from a broad range of latitudes and skin colors, we investigated possible multilocus correlated adaptation of skin color genes with the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR), using a vector correlation metric and network method called BlocBuster. We discovered two multilocus networks involving VDR promoter and skin color genes that display strong latitudinal clines as multilocus networks, even though many of their single gene components do not. Considered one by one, the VDR components of these networks show diverse patterns: no cline, a weak declining latitudinal cline outside of Africa, and a strong in- vs. out-of-Africa frequency pattern. We confirmed these results with independent data from HapMap. Standard linkage disequilibrium analyses did not detect these networks. We applied BlocBuster across the entire genome, showing that our networks are significant outliers for interchromosomal disequilibrium that overlap with environmental variation relevant to the genes’ functions. These results suggest that these multilocus correlations most likely arose from a combination of parallel selective responses to a common environmental variable and coadaptation, given the known Mendelian epistasis among VDR and the skin color genes
Phase II multicentre study of docetaxel plus cisplatin in patients with advanced urothelial cancer
A multicentre phase II trial was undertaken to evaluate the activity and toxicity of docetaxel plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in patients with urothelial cancer. Thirty-eight patients with locally advanced or metastatic transitional-cell carcinoma of the bladder, renal pelvis or ureter received the combination of docetaxel 75 mg m−2 and cisplatin 75 mg m−2 on day 1 and repeated every 21 days, to a maximum of six cycles. The median delivered dose-intensity was 98% (range 79-102%) of the planned dose for both drugs. There were seven complete responses and 15 partial responses, for and overall response rate of 58% (95% CI, 41-74%). Responses were even seen in three patients with hepatic metastases. The median time to progression was 6.9 months, and the median overall survival was 10.4 months. Two patients who achieved CR status remain free of disease at 4 and 3 years respectively. Grade 3-4 granulocytopenia occurred in 27 patients, resulting in five episodes of febrile neutropenia. There was one toxic death in a patient with grade 4 granulocytopenia who developed acute abdomen. Grade 3-4 thrombocytopenia was rare (one patient). Other grade 3-4 toxicities observed were anaemia (three patients), vomiting (five patients), diarrhoea (four patients), peripheral neuropathy (two patients) and non-neutropenic infections (seven patients). Docetaxel plus cisplatin is an effective and well-tolerated regimen for the treatment of advanced urothelial cancer, and warrants further investigation
Latitudinal Clines of the Human Vitamin D Receptor and Skin Color Genes
The well-documented latitudinal clines of genes affecting human skin color presumably arise from the need for protection from intense ultraviolet radiation (UVR) vs. the need to use UVR for vitamin D synthesis. Sampling 751 subjects from a broad range of latitudes and skin colors, we investigated possible multilocus correlated adaptation of skin color genes with the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR), using a vector correlation metric and network method called BlocBuster. We discovered two multilocus networks involving VDR promoter and skin color genes that display strong latitudinal clines as multilocus networks, even though many of their single gene components do not. Considered one by one, the VDR components of these networks show diverse patterns: no cline, a weak declining latitudinal cline outside of Africa, and a strong in- vs. out-of-Africa frequency pattern. We confirmed these results with independent data from HapMap. Standard linkage disequilibrium analyses did not detect these networks. We applied BlocBuster across the entire genome, showing that our networks are significant outliers for interchromosomal disequilibrium that overlap with environmental variation relevant to the genes' functions. These results suggest that these multilocus correlations most likely arose from a combination of parallel selective responses to a common environmental variable and coadaptation, given the known Mendelian epistasis among VDR and the skin color genes
CD28 biomarker quantification and expression level profiles in CD4+ T-lymphocytes in solid organ transplantation
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Transplant Immunology. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trim.2017.04.001The introduction of anti-calcineurin-based therapies has led to an increase in the one-year survival as well as graft function rates in patients undergoing solid organ transplantation (SOT). Nonetheless, early cellular acute rejection (EAR) incidence still remains a major challenge that irrevocably heads to poor outcomes. The mechanisms underlying CD4 T cell activation in SOT are still under research. In this sense, CD28 co-stimulatory molecule plays a pivotal role triggering CD4 T cell activation as well as survival maintenance. Previous own studies stated the role that CD4+ CD28+ circulating T lymphocytes plays before and during EAR episodes. We assessed the percentage as well as the absolute number of CD28 molecules on CD4+ T cells as predictive surrogate biomarker of EAR in a prospective cohort of liver and kidney transplant recipients. Quantitative analysis of CD28 was carried out on whole peripheral blood samples by flow cytometry. Decreased pre-transplant expression of CD28 was associated with EAR in both study groups. Furthermore, the expression of CD28 within the rejected group, experimented an up-regulation upon transplantation. These preliminary results suggest that patients undergoing liver or kidney transplant can be stratified at high risk of EAR according to their CD28 molecule expression on peripheral CD4+ T lymphocytes