1,435 research outputs found

    Catalan Sea and Adriatic Sea hydrography during T-ECHO project cruises (years 1993 to 1995)

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    Jaume Rucabado project coordinator T-Echo AIR1 CT92 0314 European Commission, Directorate General XIV Fisheries.-- 25 pages, 39 figuresThis report presents the results of all the CTD observations carried out in the five cruises conducted within the T-ECHO project: three of them in the Iberian shelf (Catalan Sea), in spring of 1993, 1994 and 1995, and the other two in the North-western Adriatic Sea, at the end of summer of 1994 and 1995. In all these cruises a net of CTD casts was performed, covering the respective areas, and repeated twice in the Catalan Sea. This set of data was intended to describe the background of the pelagic environment found in the surveys. In this report a brief analysis of the different hydrographic features observed, through a first analysis of the data is presented. The results are also briefly discussed within the frame of the particular characteristics of each environmentEuropean CommissionPeer Reviewe

    A jugaaaar!. Expressió del gènere a través de la pràctica artística.

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    [ES] La razón de este trabajo final de grado es realizar la memoria de una práctica artística multidisciplinar construida mediante el juego libre y la experimentación con algunos de los juguetes de mi infancia y la reflexión que sobre mi género ha provocado esta exploración. El juego libre es aquel que está emancipado de cualquier norma o regla. En el juego libre, el individuo es activo y espontáneo, no debe ganar ni perder, simplemente, disfruta del juego por el juego. Se crea un universo donde todo es posible, en el que el imaginario personal se mueve entre mundos de fantasía, imaginación y experimentación. El estado de bienestar que proporciona al que juega ha sido el espacio desde el que se han desarrollado las propuestas plásticas que aquí presentamos. Estos trabajos, desde diferentes disciplinas, han contribuido a generar un imaginario personal. Esta práctica ha desembocado en un proceso de introspección que ha atendido a aquellas vivencias, preguntas y reflexiones que giran alrededor de la necesidad de entender mi propio género y poder expresarlo. Aunque cada vez esté más presente en el ámbito social, es difícil situarse en el espacio que queda entre el binarismo hombre - mujer, sobre todo por el señalamiento que conlleva. Pero, aun así, querer hacerlo supone la aceptación de esta dificultad y la búsqueda de una identidad de género personal. Esta búsqueda ha supuesto el descubrimiento de un espacio indefinido que participa de ambos y que se puede expresar en el mundo del arte a través de los objetos de la exposición ¡A jugaaaar!.[EN] The reason for this final degree project is to make the memory of an multidisciplinary artistic practice built through free play and experimentation with some of the toys of my childhood and the reflection that this exploration has provoked on my gender. Free play is play that is emancipated from any norm or rule. In free play, the individual is active and spontaneous, he/she does not have to win or lose, he/she simply enjoys playing for the sake of playing. A universe is created where everything is possible, where the personal imagination moves between worlds of fantasy, imagination and experimentation. The state of wellbeing that it provides for those who play has been the space from which the plastic proposals that we present here have been developed. These works, from different disciplines, have contributed to generate a personal imaginary. This practice has led to a process of introspection that has addressed those experiences, questions and reflections that revolve around the need to understand my own gender and to be able to express it. Although it is increasingly present in the social sphere, it is difficult to place oneself in the space that remains between the man-woman binarism, especially because of the signaling that it entails. But even so, wanting to do so implies the acceptance of this difficulty and the search for a personal gender identity. This search has meant the discovery of an indefinite space that participates in both and that can be expressed in the world of art through the objects of the exhibition ¡A jugaaaar! .Lloret Sánchez, J. (2022). ¡A jugaaaar!. Expresión del género a través de la práctica artística. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/184526TFG

    Efecto de las diversas tipologías de fibras en la retracción del hormigón de altas prestaciones de aplicación en elementos laminares para viviendas prefabricadas

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    [EN] Within this dissertation high performance fiber reinforced cement based composites (HPFRCCs) with natural fibers have been analyzed. The natural fibers come from Brazil, through the international research project EnCoRe ¿ ENvironmentally-friendly solution for COncrete with REcycled and natural components. The autogenous and drying shrinkage of composites with different types of fibres have been studied and compared with the reference mixture without fiber, in order to support the assumption that natural fibers can create a porous network and a preferred way to connect the internal matrix and the environment.[CA] "Dins d' aquest treball sobre els formigons fibroreforzados d'alta resistència, ha sigut analitzat l'efecte que produïxen les fibres d'acer i/o naturals en la retracció d'aquest tipus de formigó. Les fibres naturals provenen de Brasil, a través del projecte d'investigació internacional Encore - solució respectuosa del medi ambient per al formigó amb components naturals ireciclats. La retracció del formigó ha sigut avaluada per a materials compostos amb una fracció de volum de fibra de 1,28%, Ha sigut estudiada la retracció autògena i assecat dels materials compostos amb diferents tipus de fibres comparant amb la mostra de referència que no conté cap fibra a fi de recolzar la hipòtesi que les fibres naturals poden crear una xarxa porosa de manera que connecten la matriu interna i el medi ambient.[ES] Dentro de este trabajo sobre los hormigones fibroreforzados de alta resistencia, ha sido analizado el efecto que producen las fibras de acero y/o naturales en la sobre la retracción sobre este tipo de hormigón. Las fibras naturales provienen de Brasil, a través del proyecto de investigación internacional Encore - solución respetuosa del medio ambiente para el hormigón con compoentes naturales y reciclados. La retracción del hormigón ha sido evaluada para materiales compuestos con una fracción de volumen de fibra de 1,28%, Ha sido estudiada la retracción autógena y secado de los materiales compuestos con diferentes tipos de fibras comparado con la muestra de referencia que no contiene ninguna fibra con el fin de apoyar la hipótesis de que las fibras naturales pueden crear una red porosa de forma que conectan la matriz interna y el medio ambiente.Lloret Sánchez-Escribano, M. (2015). Efecto de las diversas tipologías de fibras en la retracción del hormigón de altas prestaciones de aplicación en elementos laminares para viviendas prefabricadas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57161.Archivo delegad

    Resultados organizacionales y formación

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    Es común aceptar el valor de la formación de los empleados de cara a la mejora de la competitividad de las empresas, especialmente en una economía cada vez más abierta y avanzada tecnológicamente como es la actual. Son muchos los trabajos que han analizado empíricamente la relación entre formación de empleados y resultados organizacionales sin embargo, la evidencia empírica respecto del efecto positivo de la formación en el rendimiento de las empresas no es concluyente. Con el objetivo de dar una explicación a la ambigüedad observada en esta relación, planteamos el estudio de la formación y su efecto en los resultados de la empresa desde la perspectiva institucional. Apoyándonos en este marco teórico explicativo, se constata que hay factores de contexto que actúan como presiones para las empresas de cara a la decisión de realizar acciones formativas, lo que nos permitirá exponer una explicación a la controvertida y débil relación observada entre formación y resultados de la empresa.Currently, training is widely accepted as an important tool to help firms to improve their human resources and so increase its competitiveness. Despite the relationship between training and organizational results having been largely assessed, most empirical studies show paradoxical effects. The main purpose of this paper is to explore possible theories which could explain said results, and with this in mind, a different approach, the institutional theory, has been used to study the relationship between training and organizational results

    Deep Learning Model for Multimedia Quality of Experience Prediction Based on Network Flow Packets

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    [EN] Quality of experience (QoE) is the overall acceptability of an application or service, as perceived subjectively by the end user. In particular, for video quality the QoE is dependent of video transmission parameters. To monitor and control these parameters is critical in modern network management systems, but it would be better to be able to monitor the QoE itself (in terms of both interpretation and accuracy) rather than the parameters on which it depends. In this article we present the first attempt to predict video QoE based on information directly extracted from the network packets using a deep learning model. The QoE detector is based on a binary classifier (good or bad quality) for seven common classes of anomalies when watching videos (blur, ghost, etc.). Our classifier can detect anomalies at the current time instant and predict them at the next immediate instant. This classifier faces two major challenges: first, a highly unbalanced dataset with a low proportion of samples with video anomaly, and second, a small amount of training data, since it must be obtained from individual viewers under a controlled experimental setup. The proposed classifier is based on a combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN), recurrent neural network, and Gaussian process classifier. Image processing, which is the common domain for a CNN, has been expanded to QoE detection. Based on a detailed comparison, the proposed model offers better performance metrics than alternative machine learning algorithms, and can be used as a QoE monitoring function in edge computingThis work has been funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana and the Fondo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) within the project "Inteligencia distribuida para el control y adaptacion de redes dinamicas definidas por software, Ref: TIN2014-57991-C3-2-P," and also by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento with the projects "Distribucion inteligente de servicios multimedia utilizando redes cognitivas adaptativas definidas por software, Ref: TIN2014-57991-C3-1-P" and "Red Cognitiva Definida por Software Para Optimizar y Securizar Trafico de Internet de las Cosas con Informacion Critica, Ref TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P."Lopez-Martin, M.; Carro, B.; Lloret, J.; Egea, S.; Sánchez-Esguevillas, A. (2018). Deep Learning Model for Multimedia Quality of Experience Prediction Based on Network Flow Packets. IEEE Communications Magazine. 56(9):110-117. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2018.170115611011756

    Intelligent IoT Traffic Classification Using Novel Search Strategy for Fast Based-Correlation Feature Selection in Industrial Environments

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    [EN] Internet of Things (IoT) can be combined with machine learning in order to provide intelligent applications to the network nodes. Furthermore, IoT expands these advantages and technologies to the industry. In this paper, we propose a modification of one of the most popular algorithms for feature selection, fast-based-correlation feature (FCBF). The key idea is to split the feature space in fragments with the same size. By introducing this division, we can improve the correlation and, therefore, the machine learning applications that are operating on each node. This kind of IoT applications for industry allows us to separate and prioritize the sensor data from the multimedia-related traffic. With this separation, the sensors are able to detect efficiently emergency situations and avoid both material and human damage. The results show the performance of the three FCBF-based algorithms for different problems and different classifiers, confirming the improvements achieved by our approach in terms of model accuracy and execution time.This paper was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana and the Fondo de Desarrollo Regional within the project Inteligencia distribuida para el control y adaptacion de redes dinamicas definidas por software under Grant TIN2014-57991-C3-1-P, in part by the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, through the Ayudas para contratos predoctorales de Formacion del Profesorado Universitario FPU (Convocatoria 2015) under Grant FPU15/06837, and in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento within the Project TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. (Corresponding author: Jaime Lloret.)Egea, S.; Rego Mañez, A.; Carro, B.; Sánchez-Esguevillas, A.; Lloret, J. (2018). Intelligent IoT Traffic Classification Using Novel Search Strategy for Fast Based-Correlation Feature Selection in Industrial Environments. IEEE Internet of Things. 5(3):1616-1624. https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2017.2787959S161616245

    Hallazgo de los primeros utensilios de madera en el poblado neolítico de La Draga (Banyoles, Girona)

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    La Draga es un poblado neolítico de finales del VI milenio que se encuentra en la orilla oriental del lago de Banyoles. El resultado más destacable de la excavación en el sector subacuático ha sido la aparición de cuatro utensilios de madera, objetos hasta ahora poco conocidos en la prehistoria de la zona mediterráneaLa Draga is a neolithic site of the later 6th millennium located in the eastern border of the Banyoles lake. The most important result of the excavation in the sub aquatic zone has been the finding of four wooden tools, a kind of object rarely known in the Mediterranean Prehistory till no

    Retinal pigment epithelium degeneration caused by aggregation of PRPF31 and the role of HSP70 family of proteins

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    Background Mutations in pre-mRNA splicing factor PRPF31 can lead to retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Although the exact disease mechanism remains unknown, it has been hypothesized that haploinsufficiency might be involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. Methods In this study, we have analyzed a mouse model containing the p.A216P mutation in Prpf31 gene. Results We found that mutant Prpf31 protein produces cytoplasmic aggregates in the retinal pigment epithelium and decreasing the protein levels of this splicing factor in the nucleus. Additionally, normal protein was recruited in insoluble aggregates when the mutant protein was overexpressed in vitro. In response to protein aggregation, Hspa4l is overexpressed. This member of the HSP70 family of chaperones might contribute to the correct folding and solubilization of the mutant protein, allowing its translocation to the nucleus. Conclusions Our data suggests that a mechanism haploinsufficiency and dominant-negative is involved in retinal degeneration due to mutations in PRPF31. HSP70 over-expression might be a new therapeutic target for the treatment of retinal degeneration due to PRPF31 mutations.This project has been financed through a) The ISCIII (Miguel Servet-I, 2015), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), No CP15/00071. b) The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, under grant agreement No 634479. c) Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Junta de Andalucía, No P09-CTS-04967.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monitoring the role of soil hydrologic conditions and rainfall for the triggering of torrential flows in the Rebaixader catchment (Central Pyrenees, Spain)

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    Torrential flows (debris flows and debris floods) are mainly triggered by precipitation and soil hydrological processes. Most early warning systems in torrential catchments are rainfall-based. However, this approach can result in frequent false positives, due to its pure black-box nature, in which soil water conditions are neglected. We aim to contribute to the understanding of the conditions required for triggering torrential flows by considering also in situ measurements of soil water content. Herein, monitoring data of 12 years of rainfall and torrential flow occurrence (2009–2020) and 8 years of soil hydrologic conditions (2013–2020) in the Rebaixader catchment (Central Pyrenees, Spain) are analyzed. The dataset includes more than 1000 rainfall events and 37 torrential flows. First, rainfall thresholds using maximum rainfall intensity (Imax) and mean intensity (Imean) are defined. For the 2013–2020 dataset, which includes 15 torrential events, the Imean threshold predicted 2 false negatives and 73 false positives (positive predictive value, PPV, of 15.1%) and the best Imax threshold predicted also 2 false negatives but only 11 false positives (PPV of 54.2%). However, our observations confirmed quantitatively that the lower is the soil moisture the higher is the rainfall intensity to trigger torrential flows. Then, we combined Imax and volumetric water content at 15 and 30 cm depth to define a hydro-meteorological threshold. This latter threshold reduced false negatives to 1 and false positives to 8 and increased the PPV to 63.6%. These results confirm that soil hydrological conditions are key factors for torrential flow triggering and may improve early-warning predictions.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was funded by the national research projects called “Slope mass-wasting under climate change (SMuCPhy, reference number BIA 2015–67500-R and co-funded by AEI/FEDER)” and “Multiscale analysis of soil erosion in steep slopes (EROSLOP, project reference number PID2019-104266RB-I00/AEI/10. 13039 / 501100011033)” granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain. In addition, RO was supported by a PhD grant from the same Ministry (grant reference number BES-2016–077696).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version