975 research outputs found
Algunos métodos para la prosprección de estaño
[Resumen] Se hace una sÃntesis de datos, fundamentalmente bibliográficos, en relación con la geoquÃmica del Sn en áreas granÃticas mineralizadas y con fines primordialmente prácticos para su uso en prospección. El trabajo se divide en dos partes: por un lado se estudian las aureolas de dispersión primarias del Sn en los propios granitoides, y por otro las aureolas de dispersión secundaria en los productos de su denudación[Abstract] In this work a synthesis of bibliographic information concerning to the granitoides geochemistry relation with tin deposits is made for practical purposes in their use in prospection. On the other hand the tin primary dispersion aureoles in the granitic rocks are studied, on the another hand the tin secundary dispersion aureoles are considered in their denudation products
The news gap in the «triple digital agenda»: The different interests of media, audience and networks
Digital transformations entail continually reviewing the various Communication models and processes. The influence of the media themselves as agenda setters for an ever more active audience and social networks that select and make certain content they receive viral are also affected by such a convergent context. This current research analyses a model called here the ‘triple agenda’ within the media themselves, in which the journalistic criterion of relevance and their audience’s preferences in the web and the networks travel along different paths. The proposal includes the users and the viral effect as influencing agents in the shape and selection of news, generating a news gap of interests between the media and their audiences. In order to test this model, we study an exploratory case in ElPaÃs.es, applying a content analysis to the information (n=420) distributed among the online front page, what is most read by the audience in its webpage, and the most viral in its Twitter account. The main objective is to check whether or not these three spheres of relevance operate independently, showing different informative interests f rom the thematic selection that the medium establishes f rom its agenda, its audience and its social networks. The results confirm that there is a gap in the informative interests of the three spheres analysed, especially between the agenda marked by the medium and the interests that are reflected in their web audience, which is more attracted to soft news and the clickbait technique; while there is a greater coincidence of interests between the newspaper’s front page and the users’ selection in their social networks.Las transformaciones digitales conllevan una revisión permanente de los modelos y procesos de la Comunicación. En este contexto convergente también se ve afectada la propia influencia de los medios como fijadores de la agenda frente a una audiencia cada vez más activa y unas redes sociales que seleccionan y viralizan el contenido que les llega. La presente investigación analiza un modelo denominado aquà de ‘triple agenda’ dentro de los propios medios, en los que discurren de manera diferente el criterio periodÃstico de relevancia y las preferencias de su audiencia en la web y las redes. La propuesta incluye a los usuarios y el efecto de la viralidad como actores influyentes en la conformación y selección noticiosa, generando una brecha, o news gap, de intereses informativos entre el medio y su audiencia. Para poner a prueba este modelo, se recurre a un estudio de caso exploratorio en ElPaÃs.es, aplicando un análisis de contenido de sus informaciones (n=420), distribuidas entre la portada online, lo más leÃdo por la audiencia en su web y lo más viralizado en su Twitter. El objetivo principal es comprobar si estas tres esferas de relevancia temática operan, o no, de forma independiente, mostrando intereses informativos dispares entre la selección temática que establece el medio desde su agenda, de su audiencia y de las redes. Los resultados confirman una brecha en el interés informativo de las tres esferas analizadas, especialmente entre la agenda que marca el medio y los intereses que reflejan su audiencia web, más atraÃda por las soft news y las técnicas del clickbait, mientras que existe una mayor coincidencia de intereses entre la portada periodÃstica y la selección de los usuarios en sus redes sociales
Mineralizations (Sn, W, Au) and structural control in the West of Salamanca and Zamora
[Resumen] Se analizan los controles estructurales en la ubicación de yacimientos de Sn, W y
Au en la zona de trabajo. Se han' realizado estudios con técnicas de sensores remotos (fotografÃas aéreas e imágenes de satélite) y métodos tradicionales de campo y gabinete (cartografÃa geológico-minera, reconocimiento de indicios mineros y análisis estructural), comprobándose la gran utilidad de las primeras para la selección rápida y económica de áreas con mineralizaciones de oro y potencial econ6mico.[Abstract] Structural controls were analized in the area of work for location of Sn, Wand
Au deposits. Studies have been realized with techniques of remote sensing (Aerial Photographs
and Satellite Imagery) and traditional field and office methods (geological-mining mapping, recognition of mining occurences and structural analysis). With these methods, specially with the help of remote sensing, the use of quick and economic selection of areas with gold mineralization and economic potential was proofed
Non-Normality as a Predictor of Participation in Bullying: Valuation in Victims and Aggressors
Bullying is related to several variables, including diversity and variables that place the victim outside of normality. However, it is not easy to find a single meaning of normality. The present study has two main objectives: to find out whether victims are evaluated as non-normal and to find out whether aggressors are evaluated as non-normal. A cross-sectional, correlational, and quantitative study was designed, focusing on a representative sample of secondary school students from the Community of Madrid. The sample consisted of 2076 participants and was constructed using a stratified, proportional, and random sampling technique. To gather this information, a questionnaire was constructed. It includes a first section where sociodemographic and normality information is collected, and a second section made up of the Defensor del pueblo-UNICEF Bullying Questionnaire. The reliability and consistency of the questionnaire are acceptable (Cronbach’s alpha 0.91). For the comparison of means between groups, a Student’s t-test was applied, and the correlation between variables was calculated by applying the bivariate correlation test. Results show that victims are evaluated as non-normal while aggressors are perceived as normal. This implies that the risk of being involved in bullying situations as a victim can be predicted. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Comparative genomics reveals thousands of novel chemosensory genes and massive changes in chemoreceptor repertories across chelicerates
Chemoreception is a widespread biological function that is essential for the survival, reproduction, and social communication of animals. Though the molecular mechanisms underlying chemoreception are relatively well known in insects, they are poorly studied in the other major arthropod lineages. Current availability of a number of chelicerate genomes constitutes a great opportunity to better characterize gene families involved in this important function in a lineage that emerged and colonized land independently of insects. At the same time, that offers new opportunities and challenges for the study of this interesting animal branch in many translational research areas. Here, we have performed a comprehensive comparative genomics study that explicitly considers the high fragmentation of available draft genomes and that for the first time included complete genome data that cover most of the chelicerate diversity. Our exhaustive searches exposed thousands of previously uncharacterized chemosensory sequences, most of them encoding members of the gustatory and ionotropic receptor families. The phylogenetic and gene turnover analyses of these sequences indicated that the whole-genome duplication events proposed for this subphylum would not explain the differences in the number of chemoreceptors observed across species. A constant and prolonged gene birth and death process, altered by episodic bursts of gene duplication yielding lineage-specific expansions, has contributed significantly to the extant chemosensory diversity in this group of animals. This study also provides valuable insights into the origin and functional diversification of other relevant chemosensory gene families different from receptors, such as odorant-binding proteins and other related molecules
Distribución de elementos menores y trazas en casiteritas de distintos tipos de yacimientos españoles
[Resumen] En este trabajo se presenta, por primera vez, la composición quÃmica de muestras de casi teri tas pertenecientes a distintos tipos de yacimientos españoles, local izados a lo largo del Macizo Hespérico. Se establecen correlaciones entre los caracteres geoquÃmicos y genéticos, asà como, entre el hábito y el color con la tipologÃa del yacimiento: Bipirámides de tonalidades oscuras, junto con una escasa ó nula maclación, son tÃpicas de los depósitos de diseminación y pegmatÃticos. Prismas apuntados en pirámides, con una extensa gama de color y abundante maclación I son caracterÃsticos de yacimientos filonianos.[Abstract] This study presents the chemical composi tion of cassi teri tes samples from different kinds of Spanish deposi ts, for first time. The correlations between geochemical and genetic characteristics are presented, and also, between habi t and colour wi th the type of deposit: Bipyramids of dark tonali ties wi th a li ttle or null twining are characteristic of dissemination and pegmati tic deposits. Pointed prims in pyramid wi th a wide range of colours and abundant twining are characteristic of lode deposit
Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups
Cooperativeness is a defining feature of human nature. Theoreticians have suggested several mechanisms to explain this ubiquitous phenomenon, including reciprocity, reputation, and punishment, but the problem is still unsolved. Here we show, through experiments conducted with groups of people playing an iterated Prisoner's Dilemma on a dynamic network, that it is reputation what really fosters cooperation. While this mechanism has already been observed in unstructured populations, we find that it acts equally when interactions are given by a network that players can reconfigure dynamically. Furthermore, our observations reveal that memory also drives the network formation process, and cooperators assort more, with longer link lifetimes, the longer the past actions record. Our analysis demonstrates, for the first time, that reputation can be very well quantified as a weighted mean of the fractions of past cooperative acts and the last action performed. This finding has potential applications in collaborative systems and e-commerce.This work was supported in part by MINECO (Spain) through grants PRODIEVO, FIS2011-25167, and FIS2009-09689, by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain)
through grant MODELICO-CM, by Comunidad de Aragón (Spain) through a grant to the group FENOL, and by the EU FET Proactive project MULTIPLEX (contract no. 317532)
Caracteres geoquÃmicos y mineralógicos del yacimiento de Sn y Au de Montejo (Salamanca)
[Resumen] El yacimiento situado al S. E. de la Provincia de Salamanca está constituido por una serie de filones de cuarzo brechificado de dirección E-W, subverticales y encajados en materiales pertenecientes al Complejo Esquistograuváquico (Formación Monterrubio, dominando en esta zona esquistos, grauvacas y microconglomerados). Fue explotado durante los años 40 y 50 para Sn y esporádicamente para Au. Se han estudiado al microscopio 80 preparaciones pulidas y transparentes seleccionadas en cuatro sondeos de 250 metros, calicatas y antiguas escombreras, con el fin de caracterizar paragénesis, sucesión de la mineralización y alteraciones hidrotermales relacionadas. También se ha realizado un muestréo en las zonas mineralizadas y con alteración hidrotermal para su estudio geoquÃmico. Se han analizado: Au, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Rb, Sr y Ba en 40 muestras. Las relaciones intereleme~ntales más evidentes son: Au-Sn-Bi y Cu-Sb. Por otro lado, se correlacionan los resultados geoquÃmicos con los diversos tipos de alteraciones hidrotermales.[Abstract] This tin-gold deposit is located in the SE Salamanca province. Mineralization is associated with several quartz-veins and breccias in metamorphic terrains of Precambrian-Cambrian ages (<<Complejo Esquistograuváquico»). Were studied microscopically 80 samples of four drillings (250 m deep) and other surface sampIes. It is presented mineral paragenesis and wall-rocks alterations relationed with mineralization. The geochemical stady include determinations of Au, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Rb, Sr and Ba. A factor analysis on the geochemical data stablished the fo11owing associations: Au-Sn-Bi and Cu-Sb
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