7,104 research outputs found

    Evidences of evanescent Bloch waves in Phononic Crystals

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    We show both experimentally and theoretically the evanescent behaviour of modes in the Band Gap (BG) of finite Phononic Crystal (PC). Based on experimental and numerical data we obtain the imaginary part of the wave vector in good agreement with the complex band structures obtained by the Extended Plane Wave Expansion (EPWE). The calculated and measured acoustic field of a localized mode out of the point defect inside the PC presents also evanescent behaviour. The correct understanding of evanescent modes is fundamental for designing narrow filters and wave guides based on Phononic Crystals with defects.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Photoelectrochemical characterization of anatase-rutile mixed TiO2 nanosponges

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    This work studies the influence of using hydrodynamic conditions during anodization on the morphology and electrochemical properties of anatase/rutile mixed TiO2 nanotubes (Reynolds number, Re = 0) and nanosponges (Re > 0). To this purpose different techniques were used, such as: microscopy techniques (Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, FE-SEM, and Confocal Laser-Raman Spectroscopy), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Mott Schottky (MS) analysis and photoelectrochemical water splitting tests. This investigation demonstrates that the morphology of TiO2 nanostructures may be greatly affected due to the hydrodynamic conditions and it can be adjusted in order to increase the efficiency for energy and environmental applications

    High temperatures effect on morpho-physiological indicators in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants during the germination and growth in non-optimum season

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    The knowledge about high temperature effect on plant crop is important for adaptation strategies to Climate Change. For this reason the aim of the paper was to analyze its abiotic effect on common bean cultivation in a Red Ferralitic soil. A sowing of twelve varieties was performed in non-optimum season (high heat environment) during three years: 2013, 2014 and 2015 through an alpha-Latin design using three replicates per accession. The number of germinated plants was measured within the first 11 days after sowing to obtain the survival percentage. In the same way absolute (AGR) and relative (RGR) growth rate between 21 and 30 days and the plant height from 20 to 70 days with measurement ranges of 10 and 15 days were also evaluated and plotted by a logistic model. The values of daily mean temperature (DMT) were registered to calculate the accumulative temperature during the germination and growth phases. For the statistical evaluation, AGR and RGR were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and a Tukey comparison where significance was defined with a probability level of P<0.05. The results showed that plant survival percentage was significantly affected by increasing temperature following a sigmoid model, where differences among varieties were observed, while a prediction of survival behavior was also carried out for extreme values of temperature. The model corroborated that DMT above 28 C decreases the survival percentage until values less than 30%. On the other hand the most sensible varieties in the germination stage showed a higher relative growth rate which contributes for understanding the physiological effect of thermal stress in common bean plants

    Lack of linkages among fruiting depth, weight, and maturity in irrigated truffle fungi marks the complexity of relationships among morphogenetic stages

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    The highly prized black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) has become a model species for ectomycorrhizal fungi biology. However, several questions concerning its reproductive phase remain unanswered. To provide new hypotheses on the fruitbody formation process, we have explored the causal links among development characters of black truffle fruitbodies that are primarily linked to either the mating process, fruitbody growing stage, or maturation. Path analysis was applied to test causal models outlining the relationships among fruitbody development characters such as fruiting depth, weight, shape, and spore maturity. These characters were investigated over a two-season survey and three soil typologies (plus peat-based substrate) under irrigated conditions. We found a clear and generalized relationship between fruitbody weight and shape. Among clusters of fruitbodies we found a positive relationship between the weight of the largest fruitbody and the weight of the remaining fruitbodies. However, no generalized relationships among characters linked to different development stages appeared. Our results were noticeably consistent across soil typologies, both for fruitbodies growing singly and in clusters, indicating that early-developing fruitbody characters did not influence characters linked to subsequent morphogenetic stages. The lack of links among stages opens new perspectives for pre-harvest quality management with stage-specific cultivation practices

    Lightweight ciphers based on chaotic Map -- LFSR architectures

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    In this paper, we propose and analyze two different stream ciphers based on a Skew Tent Map and a Modified Logistic Map respectively. In order to improve the randomness of these systems, a single method for increasing the period length of the generated sequences has been applied. The results prove that the randomness of these systems can be severally increased by using this method, making these systems suitable for secure communications.Comment: Proceedings of 2016 12th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME

    The merging/AGN connection II. Ionization of the circumnuclear regions

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    We report the first results of a study of a sample of 20 galaxy mergers/interacting systems, using the VIMOS and PMAS integral field spectrographs. For each object, we extracted the integrated spectrum of the central regions and analyzed the ionization state using classical diagnostic diagrams (Veilleux & Osterbrock 1987). There is evidence of AGN ionization in 4 of the objects, i.e. 20% of the sample, a considerably higher fraction than found in previous studies ~4%Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publishing in A&A Letter

    A new simple technique for improving the random properties of chaos-based cryptosystems

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    A new technique for improving the security of chaos-based stream ciphers has been proposed and tested experimentally. This technique manages to improve the randomness properties of the generated keystream by preventing the system to fall into short period cycles due to digitation. In order to test this technique, a stream cipher based on a Skew Tent Map algorithm has been implemented on a Virtex 7 FPGA. The randomness of the keystream generated by this system has been compared to the randomness of the keystream generated by the same system with the proposed randomness-enhancement technique. By subjecting both keystreams to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) tests, we have proved that our method can considerably improve the randomness of the generated keystreams. In order to incorporate our randomness-enhancement technique, only 41 extra slices have been needed, proving that, apart from effective, this method is also efficient in terms of area and hardware resources

    Chaotic Encryption Applied to Optical Ethernet in Industrial Control Systems

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    In the past decades, Ethernet has become an alternative technology for the field buses traditionally used in industrial control systems and distributed measurement systems. Among different transmission media in Ethernet standards, optical fiber provides the best bandwidth, excellent immunity to electromagnetic interference, and less signal loses than other wired media. Due to the absence of a standard that provides security at the physical layer of optical Ethernet links, the main motivation of this paper is to propose and implement the necessary modifications to introduce encryption in Ethernet 1000Base-X standard. This has consisted of symmetric streaming encryption of the 8b10b symbols flow at physical coding sublayer level, thanks to a keystream generator based on chaotic algorithm. The overall system has been implemented and tested in an field programmable gate array and Ethernet traffic has been encrypted and transmitted over an optical link. The experimental results show that it is possible to cipher traffic at this level and hide the complete Ethernet traffic pattern from passive eavesdroppers. In addition, no space overhead is introduced in data frames during encryption, achieving the maximum throughput

    Physical Layer Encryption for Industrial Ethernet in Gigabit Optical Links

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    Industrial Ethernet is a technology widely spread in factory floors and critical infrastructures where a high amount of data need to be collected and transported. Fiber optic networks at gigabit rates fit well with that type of environment, where speed, system performance, and reliability are critical. In this paper, a new encryption method for high-speed optical communications suitable for such kinds of networks is proposed. This new encryption method consists of a symmetric streaming encryption of the 8b/10b data flow at physical coding sublayer level. It is carried out thanks to a format preserving encryption block cipher working in CTR (counter) mode. The overall system has been simulated and implemented in a field programmable gate array. Thanks to experimental results, it can be concluded that it is possible to cipher traffic at this physical level in a secure way. In addition, no overhead is introduced during encryption, getting minimum latency and maximum throughput

    Photoionization models of the CALIFA HII regions. I. Hybrid models

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    Photoionization models of HII regions require as input a description of the ionizing SED and of the gas distribution, in terms of ionization parameter U and chemical abundances (e.g. O/H and N/O). A strong degeneracy exists between the hardness of the SED and U, which in turn leads to high uncertainties in the determination of the other parameters, including abundances. One way to resolve the degeneracy is to fix one of the parameters using additional information. For each of the ~ 20000 sources of the CALIFA HII regions catalog, a grid of photoionization models is computed assuming the ionizing SED being described by the underlying stellar population obtained from spectral synthesis modeling. The ionizing SED is then defined as the sum of various stellar bursts of different ages and metallicities. This solves the degeneracy between the shape of the ionizing SED and U. The nebular metallicity (associated to O/H) is defined using the classical strong line method O3N2 (which gives to our models the status of "hybrids"). The remaining free parameters are the abundance ratio N/O and the ionization parameter U, which are determined by looking for the model fitting [NII]/Ha and [OIII]/Hb. The models are also selected to fit [OII]/Hb. This process leads to a set of ~ 3200 models that reproduce simultaneously the three observations. We find that the regions associated to young stellar bursts suffer leaking of the ionizing photons, the proportion of escaping photons having a median of 80\%. The set of photoionization models satisfactorily reproduces the electron temperature derived from the [OIII]4363/5007 line ratio. We determine new relations between the ionization parameter U and the [OII]/[OIII] or [SII]/[SIII] line ratios. New relations between N/O and O/H and between U and O/H are also determined. All the models are publicly available on the 3MdB database.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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