274 research outputs found

    Mjerenje različitog učinka električne stimulacije na pH i boju mesa goveđih trupova.

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    Electrical stimulation of carcasses is a procedure that is used to promote tenderness of meat. However it has also been shown to affect pH and meat color. To determine if bovine carcasses that receive electrical stimulation to improve their tenderness showed better values of pH, L*, a*, b*, C* and H* when compared with carcasses that were not stimulated, a comparison was done between 59 electrical stimulated and 79 non-stimulated carcasses, all of which were processed in a Federal inspected slaughterhouse, and electrical stimulation was administered according to the standard procedure performed by the slaughter plant and all data were obtained from the longissimus dorsi muscle 24 hours after slaughter, and the model used to estimate the differences was simple linear regression with dummy variables, due to the fact that the variable “electrical stimulation” is discrete. Beef pH levels in stimulated carcasses was 0.2 units lower (P<0.01), while the differences for a*, b*, C* and H* were 1.8, 1.9, 2.4 (P<0.01) and 3.2 (P<0.5) when compared to the results from non-stimulated beef In the case of L*, electrical stimulation had no statistical effect. Although a statistically significant effect of electrical stimulation on color was found, the results indicate that it cannot be considered a useful procedure to improve the colorimetric quality of beef because of its small size. However, in the case of pH the effect was found to be significant.Električna stimulacija na trupovima zaklanih životinja postupak je kojim se poboljšava mekoća mesa. No, pokazalo se da taj postupak utječe i na pH odnosno boju mesa. Radi utvrđivanja dovodi li električna stimulacija upotrijebljena za poboljšanje mekoće mesa i do poboljšanja vrijednosti pH, L*, a*, b*, C* i H*, provedena je usporedba između 59 električno stimuliranih i 79 nestimuliranih trupova obrađenih u klaonici pod federalnom inspekcijom. Primijenjen je standardni postupak električne stimulacije, a svi podaci utvrđeni su za mišić longissimus dorsi, 24 sata nakon klanja. Uvažavajući da je električna stimulacija diskretna varijabla, za procjenu razlika korišten je model jednostavne linearne regresije s kodirajućom varijablom. Razina pH goveđeg mesa u električno stimuliranim trupovima bila je 0,2 jedinice niža (P<0,01), dok su razlike za a*, b*, C* i H* bile 1,8; 1,9; 2,4 (P<0,01) i 3,2 (P<0,5) veće u usporedbi s rezultatima za meso iz nestimuliranih trupova. U slučaju L*, električna stimulacija nije imala statistički dokazan učinak. Iako je ustanovljen statistički značajan učinak električne stimulacije na boju mesa, zbog male veličine tog učinka stimulacija se ne može uzeti u obzir za poboljšanje kolorimetrijske kvalitete goveđeg mesa. Međutim, u slučaju pH taj je učinak bio izraženiji

    A Method for Systematic Adaptation and Synchronization of Healthcare Processes

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    International organizations, as the World Health Organization (WHO) and national governments are constantly defining (or modifying) new healthcare protocols and procedures. Those changes have a significant impact, on one side, on the organizational concerns of a great number of healthcare institutions and centers, and on the other side, on their health information systems that need to be adapted according to the new (or modified) procedures. Administrative workflows are commonly defined by a high level entity and they must then be applied on different institutions ruled by this high level entity. Those workflows must then be adapted to the particular circumstances of each institution, complying with the general regulations of the process established at the top level. This problem, called Hierarchical Adaptation Problem, also implies establishing the methods to evolve together the high level regulation. Such methods must maintain the consistency among the different levels by means of the propagation of the changes to all the different adaptations of the original workflow. To solve this problem, this work introduces the Hierarchical Adaptation Method. A method based on ontologies to define the rules that must be satisfied by a generic workflow to be considered adaptable to different application cases and the rules that must be satisfied by its adapted versions. Moreover, it provides the operations to facilitate both adaptation of administrative workflows and propagation of changes

    IFML-based Model-Driven Front-End Modernization

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    Since late 90’s the use of web application frameworks has been the default choice to develop software applications inside the web domain. In parallel, Model Driven Web Engineering approaches have been defined and successfully applied to reduce the effort of web application development and reuse, fostering the independence of the implementation technology. A direct result of the success of these approaches is the elaboration of the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) as an Object Management Group (OMG) standard. However, the real fact is that there is a huge amount of legacy web systems that were developed before MDWE approaches were mainstream. The work presented herein tries to leverage IFML to modernize the front-ends of framework-based legacy web applications. In concrete, a systematic model driven reverse engineering process to generate an IFML representation from such applications is presented

    An Autonomous UAV Architecture for Remote Sensing and Intelligent Decision-making

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    Recently, the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration and other international organizations have proposed a set of requirements for small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to operate for nonrecreational purposes. However, existing UAV architectures fulfill only some of the established requirements, and not all in one solution. This article presents an event-driven service-oriented architecture that allows autonomous UAVs to satisfy all these requirements and to detect critical situations, performing real-time decision making

    SCPL: a social cooperative programming language to automate cooperative processes in (A)symmetric social networks

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    En los últimos años, el uso cada vez mayor de las redes sociales y las aplicaciones, especialmente las que se utilizan de forma asimétrica, ha cambiado significativamente los procesos comerciales en muchas organizaciones. Estas aplicaciones proporcionan nuevas formas cooperativas de realizar estos procesos al aprovechar las interacciones entre los usuarios. Sin embargo, el alto número de estas aplicaciones ha llevado a una falta de automatización en sus interacciones y, por lo tanto, a la necesidad de conectarse manualmente a estas redes para realizar tareas recurrentes y repetitivas. Para automatizar estas operaciones, este documento presenta SCPL, un lenguaje específico de dominio (DSL) que permite la conectividad entre diferentes redes sociales y aplicaciones, y proporciona una forma de automatizar su gestión. La principal contribución de este documento es mostrar cómo SCPL se puede usar para especificar tareas de colaboración utilizando redes sociales simétricas y asimétricas de forma transparente.In recent years, the increasing use of social networks and applications—especially those used in an asymmetric way—has significantly changed the business processes in many organizations. These applications provide new cooperative ways of performing these processes by taking advantage of the interactions among users. However, the high number of these applications has led to a lack of automation in their interactions and, thus, the need of manually connecting to these networks to perform recurrent and repetitive tasks. In order to automate these operations, this paper presents SCPL, a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that enables connectivity among different social networks and applications and provides a way to automate their management. The main contribution of this paper is showing how SCPL can be used to specify collaborative tasks using symmetric and asymmetric social networks in a transparent way.• Ministerio de Economía e Innovación y Fondos FEDER. Proyecto TIN2015-6957-R • Junta de ExtremadurapeerReviewe

    Instrumentos y herramientas de evaluación sobre conocimientos de tuberculosis

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    Introduction; Insufficient knowledge about tuberculosis (TB) attempts against programs to control this disease and lead to mistaken behaviors in caring for the patient’s health, the care provided by TB control programs, and caring for the patient’s family and the community. Objective: The work sought to describe the scientific production of instruments and assessment tools on knowledge about TB, available for the health staff, patients, the community, and families. Methodology: An integrative search was carried out in four databases (Embase, Science Direct, Redalyc, and Biblioteca Virtual de la Salud-BVS), with the following inclusion criteria: full-text articles (in English, Spanish, or Portuguese), published between August 2010 and August 2015. Results: The study included 42 articles, systematized in Excel for each of the study populations. Systematization permitted evidencing greater scientific production in Latin America and Africa and research aimed at assessing knowledge by the health staff and the community. Of the 42 articles selected, only five used instruments with some type of validation and were subjected to reliability tests through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Conclusions: The results permitted identifying the need to conduct research that includes the design and validation of instruments, as well as the evaluation of knowledge by patients and the families.Introducción: Los insuficientes conocimientos sobre la tuberculosis atentan contra los programas de control de esta enfermedad y provocan comportamientos erróneos en el cuidado de: la propia salud de los pacientes, la atención brindada por los programas de control de la tuberculosis (TB), la familia al paciente y la comunidad. Objetivo: Describir la producción científica de instrumentos y herramientas de evaluación sobre conocimientos en TB disponible para el personal de salud, el paciente, la comunidad y la familia.Metodología: Búsqueda integrativa en cuatro bases de datos (Embase, Science Direct, Redalyc y Biblioteca Virtual de la Salud-BVS), con los siguientes criterios de inclusión: artículos full text (en inglés, español o portugués), publicados entre agosto de 2010 y agosto de 2015. Resultados: Se incluyeron 42 artículos, que se sistematizaron en una base en Excel por cada una de las poblaciones de estudio. La sistematización permitió evidenciar mayor producción científica en Latinoamérica y África e investigaciones dirigidas a la evaluación de conocimientos al personal de salud y la comunidad. De los 42 artículos seleccionados, solo 5 utilizaron instrumentos con algún tipo de validación y fueron sometidos a pruebas de confiabilidad con alfa de Cronbach. Conclusiones: Los resultados permitieron identificar la necesidad de desarrollar investigaciones que incluyan el diseño y la validación de instrumentos, así como la evaluación de conocimientos de los pacientes y las familias

    La Web, el Acceso a la información y la Discapacidad

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    La disponibilidad y la inmediata difusión de la información que proporciona la Web es la mejor cualidad que ofrece Internet a sus usuarios. Estas características de la red se han revelado especialmente valiosas en el caso de las personas que además presentan ciertas discapacidades, ya que han visto favorecido su acceso a la educación y al mercado laboral. Pero la disponibilidad de la información no implica necesariamente su accesibilidad y en ocasiones es casi imposible poder obtenerla. En este trabajo, se pretende reflexionar sobre el problema de la accesibilidad a la información publicada en la Web y hacer partícipes de ello, a todos los docentes de las distintas titulaciones en Informática. Con este propósito, se lleva a cabo un recorrido por las diferentes barreras de accesibilidad que suelen encontrar las personas con discapacidad a la hora de alcanzar la información existente en la red, para concluir finalmente que a lo largo de la formación de un informático debe estar presente el concepto de accesibilidad, cuando aprende a desarrollar hardware, software o a ofrecer servicios a través de Internet

    CompareML: A Novel Approach to Supporting Preliminary Data Analysis Decision Making

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    There are a large number of machine learning algorithms as well as a wide range of libraries and services that allow one to create predictive models. With machine learning and artificial intelligence playing a major role in dealing with engineering problems, practising engineers often come to the machine learning field so overwhelmed with the multitude of possibilities that they find themselves needing to address difficulties before actually starting on carrying out any work. Datasets have intrinsic properties that make it hard to select the algorithm that is best suited to some specific objective, and the ever-increasing number of providers together make this selection even harder. These were the reasons underlying the design of CompareML, an approach to supporting the evaluation and comparison of machine learning libraries and services without deep machine learning knowledge. CompareML makes it easy to compare the performance of different models by using well-known classification and regression algorithms already made available by some of the most widely used providers. It facilitates the practical application of methods and techniques of artificial intelligence that let a practising engineer decide whether they might be used to resolve hitherto intractable problems. Thus, researchers and engineering practitioners can uncover the potential of their datasets for the inference of new knowledge by selecting the most appropriate machine learning algorithm and determining the provider best suited to their data

    Congenital vascular malformations update

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    Presently, there is controversy and misconception in the diagnosis and management of most congenital vascular malformations. The aim of this manuscript is to identify the current knowledge of these poorly understood and relatively uncommon pathologies. We will also review the updated terminology, classiication, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis approach and managemen