160 research outputs found

    Characterization of genetic variation within table grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) based on AFLP markers

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    AFLPs were used to characterize a collection of 35 table grape varieties. A single AFLP reaction with a single combination of selective primers yielded an average of 50 polymorphic and scorable amplified bands in this collection and was enough to unequivocally identify each analyzed variety, Genetic similarity between different varieties was estimated, based on the results obtained with two primer combinations, to be between 0.65 and 0.90, while sibling varieties derived from the same cross showed a genetic similarity higher than 0.80, The analysis of several samples belonging to the same varieties, yet from different origins, showed stability of the AFLP patterns as to unequivocally and reproducibly identify them. Furthermore, some specific primer combinations detected a low level of variation that could be due to somatic variation and would be useful in clonal identification

    Chimpanzees organize their social relationships like humans

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    Human relationships are structured in a set of layers, ordered from higher (intimate relationships) to lower (acquaintances) emotional and cognitive intensity. This structure arises from the limits of our cognitive capacity and the different amounts of resources required by different relationships. However, it is unknown whether nonhuman primate species organize their affiliative relationships following the same pattern. We here show that the time chimpanzees devote to grooming other individuals is well described by the same model used for human relationships, supporting the existence of similar social signatures for both humans and chimpanzees. Furthermore, the relationship structure depends on group size as predicted by the model, the proportion of high-intensity connections being larger for smaller groups

    Abrupt fragmentation thresholds of eight zonal forest types in mainland Spain

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    This study quantifies patchiness of eight types of zonal forests in three biogeographic regions of mainland Spain (Atlantic, Alpine and Mediterranean) which together occupy 1,726,578 ha. Their dominant species and European Habitat Type codes (EU Directive 92/43 EEC) are: Fagus sylvatica (9120, 9130 and 9150), Quercus robur and Q. pyrenaica (9230), Q. suber (9330), Pinus uncinata (9430), P. nigra ssp. salzmannii (9530) and P. pinea (subset of 9540). We applied the Korcak’s exponent B, which describes a hyperbolic relationship between the cumulative frequency of the number of patches and their sizes. The objectives were: 1) detect possible patch size intervals in which B varies significantly, explicitly identifying area thresholds, and 2) contribute to development of a robust forest mass fragmentation indicator. Exponent B was found by segmented regression analysis. The vector data were extracted from a filtered version of the Spanish Forest Map 1:50,000 (1997–2006). After validating the procedure by applying it to a previously published dataset, we found that in all cases the patch size range could be split into two significant intervals around relatively small threshold areas of 27–101 ha. In the one on the left, the rate at which relatively large patches become less abundant was always very slow (B = 0.017–0.094). After this threshold had been passed, the rate increased abruptly (B = 1.100–2.590). Both this high fragmentation and its lack of parsimony were unexpected in zonal forest types. General interpretations converge to the coexistence of forest patches of different ages due to human pressure events.This work was supported by Tragsatec (Grupo Tragsa) [contract numbers 39.916 and 38.454]; and the Spanish National R&D&I Plan (including ERDF funds) [grant number CGL2016-78075-P]

    Mirror matter admixtures in K_L \to \gamma\gamma

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    Based on possible albeit tiny, admixtures of mirror matter in ordinary mesons we study the K_L \to \gamma\gamma transition. We find that this process can be described with a small SU(3) symmetry breaking of only 3%. We also determine the eta-eta' mixing angle and the pseudoscalar decay constants. The results for these parameters are consistent with some obtained in the literature. They favor two recent determinations; one based on two analytical constraints, and another one based on next-to-leading order power corrections

    A dataset with complete geographic distributions of eight zonal monospecific forest types in mainland Spain

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    Distribution area and surface are both parameters of paramount importance for habitat management, monitoring and conservation. Here we present the distribution of eight zonal forest types of mainland Spain that are consistent with the Habitat Types (HT) listed in Annex I of the European Union Habitats Directive 92/43 EC. Their dominant species and HT codes are Fagus sylvatica (9120, 9130 and 9150), Quercus robur and Q. pyrenaica (9230), Q. suber (9330), Pinus uncinata (9430), P. nigra ssp. salzmannii (9530) and P. pinea (subset of 9540). These distributions are based on tesserae from the 1:50,000 Spanish Forest Map and are the result of sorting assisted by supplementary databases. The distributions are presented as vector coverages, and provide three information levels of increasing detail: geographic distribution, basic forest type and structural forest patch. Two R scripts are also included with the dataset. They implement a segmented regression approach to investigate forest fragmentation on these or other patch-like data.Tragsatec (Grupo Tragsa) funded this research through the following projects: Climatic Regionalization and Ecosystem Fragmentation (Contract No. 39.916) and Methods to Estimate Rates of Change of Occupied Surface of Forest and Shrubland Habitat Types within their Respective Distribution Ranges (Contract No. 38.454)

    Serum tryptase monitoring in indolent systemic mastocytosis: association with disease features and patient outcome

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.[Background]: Serum baseline tryptase (sBT) is a minor diagnostic criterion for systemic mastocytosis (SM) of undetermined prognostic impact. We monitored sBT levels in indolent SM (ISM) patients and investigated its utility for predicting disease behaviour and outcome. [Methods]: In total 74 adult ISM patients who were followed for ≥48 months and received no cytoreductive therapy were retrospectively studied. Patients were classified according to the pattern of evolution of sBT observed. [Results]: Overall 16/74 (22%) cases had decreasing sBT levels, 48 (65%) patients showed increasing sBT levels and 10 (13%) patients showed a fluctuating pattern. Patients with significantly increasing sBT (sBT slope ≥0.15) after 48 months of follow-up showed a slightly greater rate of development of diffuse bone sclerosis (13% vs. 2%) and hepatomegaly plus splenomegaly (16% vs. 5%), as well as a significantly greater frequency of multilineage vs. mast cells (MC)-restricted KIT mutation (p = 0.01) together with a greater frequency of cases with progression of ISM to smouldering and aggressive SM (p = 0.03), and a shorter progression-free survival (p = 0.03). [Conclusions]: Monitoring of sBT in ISM patients is closely associated with poor prognosis disease features as well as with disease progression, pointing out the need for a closer follow-up in ISM patients with progressively increasing sBT values.This work was supported by grants from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (RETICS RD06/0020/0035-FEDER and PS09/00032); Fundación Sociosanitaria de Castilla-La Mancha (FISCAM 2007/36, FISCAM 2010/008 and G-2010/C-002); Instituto de Salud Carlos III of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (PI11/02399); Junta de Castilla y León (SAN/103/2011); Fundación Ramón Areces; Fundación Española de Mastocitosis (FEM 2010); Hospital Virgen de la Salud Biobank (BioB-HVS) supported by grant of RETICS RD09/0076/00074, (Toledo, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Current state of biology and diagnosis of clonal mast cell diseases in adults

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    [EN] Mastocytosis comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by the presence of clonal mast cells (MC) in organs such as skin, bone marrow (BM), and gastrointestinal tract, among other tissues. The clonal nature of the disease can be established in most adult patients by the demonstration of activating KIT mutations in their BM MC. When highly sensitive techniques capable of identifying cells present at very low frequencies in a sample are applied, BM MC from virtually all systemic mastocytosis patients display unique immunophenotypical features, particularly the aberrant expression of CD25. By contrast, large, multifocal BM MC aggregates (the only World Health Organization major criterion for systemic mastocytosis) are absent in a significant proportion of patients fulfilling at least three minor criteria for systemic mastocytosis, particularly in subjects studied at early stages of the disease with very low MC burden. Moreover, recent molecular and immunophenotypical investigations of BM MC from patients with indolent systemic mastocytosis have revealed a close association of some biological features (e.g., multilineage involvement of hematopoiesis by the KIT mutation and an immature mast cell immunophenotype) with an increased risk for disease progression. These observations support the fact that, although the current consensus diagnostic criteria for systemic mastocytosis have been a major advance for the diagnosis and classification of the disease, rationale usage of the most sensitive diagnostic techniques available nowadays is needed to improve the diagnosis, refine the classification, and reach objective prognostic stratification of adult mastocytosis

    Seasons and Other Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Asthmatic Children

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    [email protected]: To study the effect of seasons on the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of asthmatic children. Methods: Four groups of asthmatic children 7 to 14 years old were recruited by pediatricians during each season of the year. Their HRQL was assessed by means of the Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ). Other factors surveyed were asthma severity, atopy, medical treatment, immunotherapy, obesity, parental smoking, and anti-allergic measures. Results: The mean (SD) overall PAQLQ score was highest in summer at 6.2 (1.0) and lowest in autumn at 5.5 (1.2). The same trend was found for domains in summer and autumn, respectively: symptoms, 6.2 (1.0) vs 5.4 (1.4); emotions, 6.5 (0.8) vs 6.0 (1.0); and activities, 5.9 (1.4) vs 5.0 (1.5). Factors such as male gender (odds ratio [OR], 0.60; 95% confi dence interval [CI], 0.41–0.87), being on immunotherapy (OR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.38–0.92), living in an urban environment (OR, 0.56; 0.33–0.93), and residing on the northern coast of Spain along the Bay of Biscay (OR, 0.56; 0.36-0.89) were independent protective factors against having a total PAQLQ score in the lower tertile. Conversely, being recruited in a primary care setting (OR, 1.55; 1.01–2.38) and having more severe asthma were risks for being in the lower tertile. Conclusions: Irrespective of the severity of the disease, season has a significant influence on the HRQL of asthmatic [email protected]

    IFNL4 ss469415590 polymorphism is associated with unfavourable clinical and immunological status in HIV-infected individuals

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    AbstractThe IFNL4 ss469415590 polymorphism, in high linkage disequilibrium with the IL28B rs12979860 variant, has been associated with hepatitis C virus clearance. We evaluated whether ss469415590 is associated with clinical and immunovirological parameters in human immunodeficiency virus-infected subjects. We found an independent association of the IFNL4 ss469415590 polymorphism with higher prevalence of AIDS-defining illnesses and lower CD4 T cell numbers. These results suggest the existence of common host defence mechanisms against different viral infections

    Evaluation of the WHO criteria for the classification of patients with mastocytosis

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    Diagnosis and classification of mastocytosis is currently based on the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Here, we evaluate the utility of the WHO criteria for the diagnosis and classification of a large series of mastocytosis patients (n=133), and propose a new algorithm that could be routinely applied for refined diagnosis and classification of the disease. Our results confirm the utility of the WHO criteria and provide evidence for the need of additional information for (1) a more precise diagnosis of mastocytosis, (2) specific identification of new forms of the disease, (3) the differential diagnosis between cutaneous mastocytosis vs systemic mastocytosis, and (4) improved distinction between indolent systemic mastocytosis and aggressive systemic mastocytosis. Based on our results, a new algorithm is proposed for a better diagnostic definition and prognostic classification of mastocytosis, as confirmed prospectively in an independent validation series of 117 mastocytosis patients.This work was supported by grants from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (PS09/00032 and RETICS RD06/0020/0035-FEDER); Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha (FISCAM 2007/36, FISCAM 2008/46). Junta de Castilla y León (Grant SAN1778/2009 and GR37); ACG-M is supported by a grant from FIS/FEDER (CP03/00035); CT was supported by a grant from the Fundaçcâo para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) of Portugal (SFRH/BD/ 17545/2004) and by a grant from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (PI08/90881).Peer Reviewe