2,125 research outputs found

    Artrosis vertebral en la población de La Encantada (Granátula de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, II milenio a. C.)

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Mastocitoma intestinal de grado III en el perro : a propósito de un caso clínico

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    Este caso clínico describe un mastocitoma intestinal de grado III en un Fox Terrier que presentaba vómitos crónicos desde hacía un año. El examen físico reveló una ligera palidez de mucosas. El análisis sanguíneo ponía de manifiesto un proceso inflamatorio. Y en el examen ecográfico de cavidad abdominal el duodeno presentaba una zona engrosada de 0.93 cm., con pérdida de visualización de las capas de su pared y linfadenopatía regional, imagen compatible con una neoplasia o enteritis granulomatosa. Tras laparotomía exploratoria y toma de biopsia se llegó al diagnóstico definitivo de mastocitoma intestinal de grado III. Se trató con prednisolona (2 mg/kg vía oral, diariamente), vinblastina (2mg/m2 vía intravenosa, semanalmente) y famotidina (1mg/kg vía oral, cada 12 horas, diariamente). La evolución del animal fue favorable durante las tres primeras semanas, pero en la novena semana tras comenzar el tratamiento, en el examen ecográfico se evidenciaron signos compatibles con metástasis en hígado y bazo. El animal falleció 66 días después de iniciado el protocolo con quimioterapia

    “Please send me the link for tomorrow, María” human‐rights based participatory research with people with learning disabilities via Zoom

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    Background: This paper describes the experience of conducting a co‐researched project with people with learning disabilities in Madrid, Spain, during the COVID pandemic and lockdown. I discuss the advantages and limitations of working online and challenges encountered while coordinating and facilitating the research. Methods: Our research project was on the impact of COVID on the lives of people with learning disabilities, which the eight co‐researchers chose. As part of my PhD, I offered my services as researcher to work together with persons with learning disabilities. Eight people took up my offer. We worked together from January 2021 to March 2022 virtually and I recorded this experience. I have written the paper, but as part of my co‐researcher agreement, I have shared my reflections and work with my co‐researchers, and we have co‐written a section to share our findings. Findings: In this paper, I discuss the advantages and limitations of working online, challenges I encountered while coordinating and facilitating the research and the work together. Remote work enabled the group to work on a biweekly basis and with members from different parts of Madrid. It saved people time and effort getting around town, yet we had to introduce express times and spaces to socialise and create a working relationship that is less natural than during in‐person interactions and breaks. During our fieldwork, we found that the pandemic had spurred the access to digital devices and programmes, but people may still be reliant on their environment, carers or supporters to facilitate it. I included a section written with my co‐researchers, in which we reflect together on the experience of working online and how we reached out to their peers during our fieldwork. We identified limitations due to our online research methodology such as lack of owning a digital device, the difficulties having access to a private space from which to connect online and the joy of meeting other people to exchange experiences. Conclusion: Human rights based participatory research can be done online. There are different ways of overcoming barriers to participation. However, there are people with no access to the internet or without digital skills that are being excluded and we must ensure that we reach out to them as well.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Un caso clínico de de carcinoma tiroideo en un gato

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    Se describe un caso de carcinoma tiroideo en una gata mestiza de 6 años de edad, siendo este tipo de tumores tiroideos de baja incidenica en la clínica felina. ELanimal presentaba un historialde disfagia de aproximadamente 3 semanas de evolución debido a la presencia de una masa dura en la porción ventral del cuello. El estudio radiológico de la región cervical puso de manifiesto la existencia de una masa de densidad tejido blando, y en el examen ecográfico se pudo apreciar una estructura hipoecogénica con áreas centrales anecógenas y focos de mineralización. El examen citológico de una muestra de la masa obtenida mediante aspiración con aguja fina era compatible con una inflamación o con un tumor tipo epitelial. El tratamiento consistió en la exéresis de la masa. La evolución tra la intervención fue favorable, pero aproximadamente un año después el animal había adelgazado, estaba anoréxico y con una ligera dificultad respiratoria. Se realizaron radiografía torácicas y en ellas se pudo observar la presencia de múltiples nódulos, lo cual era compatible con una metástasis pulmonar.

    Influence of renal dysfunction on the differential behaviour of procalcitonin for the diagnosis of postoperative infection in cardiac surgery

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: procalcitonin is a valuable marker in the diagnosis of bacterial infections; however, the impairment of renal function can influence its diagnostic precision. The objective of this study is to evaluate the differential behaviour of procalcitonin, as well as its usefulness in the diagnosis of postoperative pulmonary infection after cardiac surgery, depending on the presence or absence of impaired renal function. Materials and methods: A total of 805 adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation (CBP) were prospectively recruited, comparing the behaviour of biomarkers between the groups with and without postoperative pneumonia and according to the presence or absence of renal dysfunction. Results: Pulmonary infection was diagnosed in 42 patients (5.21%). In total, 228 patients (28.32%) presented postoperative renal dysfunction. Procalcitonin was significantly higher in infected patients, even in the presence of renal dysfunction. The optimal procalcitonin threshold differed markedly in patients with renal dysfunction compared to patients without renal dysfunction (1 vs. 0.78 ng/mL p < 0.05). The diagnostic accuracy of procalcitonin increased significantly when the procalcitonin threshold was adapted to renal function. Conclusions: Procalcitonin is an accurate marker of postoperative infection in cardiac surgery, even in the presence of renal dysfunction. Renal function is an important determinant of procalcitonin levels and, therefore, its diagnostic thresholds must be adapted in the presence of renal dysfunction.Instituto de Salud Carlos III - (grant COV20/00491, PI18/01238, CIBERINFEC CB21/13/00051)Junta de Castilla y León - (grant VA321P18, GRS 1922/A/19, GRS 2057/A/19)Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación - (grant VA256P20)Fundación Ramón Areces - (grant CIVP19A5953)Instituto de Salud Carlos III y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)/Fondo Social Europeo - (grant CM20/00138