28 research outputs found

    El profesional de la información en los contextos educativos de la sociedad del aprendizaje : espacios y competencias

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    Reflections are made on the role of the information professional as an active protagonist in the training of informational competences and in the support to the educative change in the learning society. The antecedents of the educative fuction of the information professional in the last centuries and the points of contact with contemporary approaches connected with the support to the learning-teaching process and the development of informational competences are analyzed. The centers of learning resources, the learning communities and the e-learning systems are studied as spaces of action of the information professional in this new educative context. It is stressed that this professional needs knowledge of learning theory and pedagogical methods, as well as skills and teaching experience to design effective user training programs and informational literacy programs

    Espacios y papeles para la biblioteca universitaria en la internacionalización de la educación superior: hacia un enfoque solidario

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    Objective.It was elaborated a reference framework on key aspects of the area of internationalization of the education, as well as to emphasize its relevance as space of reflection and action for the information professionals in the field of the academic libraries. Design/Methodology/Approach.A literature review of higher education and information sciences areas was performed. Results/Discussion.The study established a contextual framework for the critical reflection and action of information professionals, qualified by the effects of globalization and the internationalization of higher education, where laudable perspectives such as the improvement of academic quality and intercultural understanding intersect with others such as the privatization and commodification of education. Academic libraries are called to support the mission of universities in internationalization processes through different activities related to the support of international students and the creation of open library ecosystems. A critical approach is needed that favors library actions aimed at promoting and supporting solidarity internationalization. Conclusions.The processes of internationalization of higher education imply challenges in the field of academic libraries. It requires mastery of the context and proactive, critical and leadership attitudes that allow occupying spaces for reflection and action. Originality/Value.Research on the convergence space between the internationalization of higher education and information science is scarce in Latin America, especially in the field of academic libraries. This work aims at encouraging theoretical and empirical work on the subject, including a critical approach to internationalizatio

    Pareceristas de 2023

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    Nosso agradecimento aos pareceristas que colaboraram com a preparação do volume 7 de 2023 da Revista Informação na Sociedade Contemporânea, contribuindo com a qualidade dos artigos que publicamos

    Identificación de competencias en edición para los profesionales de la información

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    The identification of competences constitutes one of the key dimensions inside the management of competences. Its objective is to determine the competences an individual requires to excellently perform a specific activity. The present tendencies in the editorial activity, characterized by a growing use of information technologies and communication and a great pressure of the market, impose on information professionals the need to mobilize new and various competences. By means of the application of one of the methodologies used for the management of competences, AMOD, the competences required by the information professionals to carry out the editorial activity were identified. This identification can serve as the basis to redesign the pregraduate curriculum of the careers of library science and information sciences or to create postgraduate courses

    Espacios y papeles para la biblioteca universitaria en la internacionalización de la educación superior: hacia un enfoque solidario

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    Objective. It was elaborated a reference framework on key aspects of the area of internationalization of the education, as well as to emphasize its relevanceas space of reflection and action for the information professionals in the field of the academic libraries. Design/Methodology/Approach. A literature reviewof higher education and information sciences areas was performed. Results/Discussion. The study established a contextualframework for the critical reflection and action of information professionals, qualified by the effects of globalization and the internationalization of higher education, where laudable perspectives such as the improvement of academic quality and intercultural understanding intersect with others such as the privatization and commodification of education. Academic libraries are called to support the mission of universities in internationalization processes through different activities related to the support of international students and the creation of open library ecosystems. A critical approach is needed that favors library actions aimed at promoting and supporting solidarity internationalization. Conclusions. The processes of internationalization of higher education imply challenges in the field of academic libraries. It requires mastery of the context and proactive, critical and leadership attitudes that allow occupying spaces for reflection and action.Originality/Value. Research on the convergence space between the internationalization of higher education and information science is scarce in Latin America,especially in the field of academic libraries. This work aims at encouraging theoretical and empirical work on the subject, including a critical approach tointernationalization.Objetivo. Se elaboró un marco de referencia sobre aspectos claves del área de internacionalización de la educación, así como se destacó su relevancia como espacio de reflexión y acción para los profesionales de la información en el ámbito de las bibliotecas universitarias.Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura sobre educación superior y ciencias de la información. Resultados/Discusión. En el estudio se estableció un marco contextual para la reflexión crítica y actuación de los profesionales de la información, matizado por los efectos de la globalización y de la internacionalización de la educación superior, donde se entrecruzan perspectivas loables como la elevación de la calidad académica y el entendimiento intercultural con otras como la privatización y mercantilización de la educación. Las bibliotecas universitarias están llamadas a apoyar la misión de las universidades en los procesos de internacionalización a través de diferentes actividades relacionadas con el apoyo a estudiantes internacionales y la creación de ecosistemas bibliotecarios abiertos. Es necesario un enfoque crítico que favorezca acciones bibliotecarias encaminadas a promover y apoyar una internacionalización solidaria.Conclusiones. Los procesos de internacionalización de la educación superior implican desafíos en el ámbito de bibliotecas universitarias. Se requiere dominio del contexto y actitudes proactivas, críticas y de liderazgo que permitan ocupar espacios de reflexión y acción. Originalidad/Valor. La investigación sobre el espacio de convergencia entre internacionalización de la educación superior y ciencia de la información es escasa en América Latina, sobre todo en el ámbito de bibliotecas universitarias. Este trabajo pretende incentivar trabajos teóricos y empíricos sobre la temática, incluyendo un enfoque crítico hacia la internacionalización


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    This article assumes the perspective of postcolonial studies with a critique of hegemonic thinking which holds that the knowledge produced by Western Europe (and the US) are the only ones that can be considered universal, valuable and which constitute the mandatory model for the rest of the nations and cultures on its way to the development / modernity. To do this, through a literature research, some manifestations of the geopolitics of knowledge that influence the perpetuation of the coloniality of knowledge in Latin American academic institutions are analyzed: hegemony of English language in scientific publication, bibliometric indices, national and international policies for researchers publication, evaluation and rewards and asymmetrical integration. It is concluded that the uncritical adoption of foreign models and practices for generating and publishing knowledge and constant comparison with indicators and measures permeated by neoliberal ideology, not seem to be the most appropriate way to value Latin American science and ensure visibility, recognition and impact. We conclude that is necessary to continue deepening looks into the Latin American science, from a multicultural and inclusive point of view on a more equal footing and continue developing and enhancing regional efforts to strengthen national magazines, the adoption of standards quality, implementation of language policies that emphasize plurilingualism, development of information systems that ensure wider and equitable access to scientific results, in its many formats, and creating our own measures and indicators

    Espacios y papeles para la biblioteca universitaria en la internacionalización de la educación superior: hacia un enfoque solidario

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    Objective.It was elaborated a reference framework on key aspects of the area of internationalization of the education, as well as to emphasize its relevance as space of reflection and action for the information professionals in the field of the academic libraries. Design/Methodology/Approach.A literature review of higher education and information sciences areas was performed. Results/Discussion.The study established a contextual framework for the critical reflection and action of information professionals, qualified by the effects of globalization and the internationalization of higher education, where laudable perspectives such as the improvement of academic quality and intercultural understanding intersect with others such as the privatization and commodification of education. Academic libraries are called to support the mission of universities in internationalization processes through different activities related to the support of international students and the creation of open library ecosystems. A critical approach is needed that favors library actions aimed at promoting and supporting solidarity internationalization. Conclusions.The processes of internationalization of higher education imply challenges in the field of academic libraries. It requires mastery of the context and proactive, critical and leadership attitudes that allow occupying spaces for reflection and action. Originality/Value.Research on the convergence space between the internationalization of higher education and information science is scarce in Latin America, especially in the field of academic libraries. This work aims at encouraging theoretical and empirical work on the subject, including a critical approach to internationalizatio

    Los profesionales de la información de las bibliotecas y los centros de estudios de la Universidad de La Habana en el Movimiento de Acceso Abierto a la Información

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    This work considers the Open Access to Information Movement in the academic environment, initiatives, strategies and benefi ts that the scientifi c and academic community reports. A descriptive study is presented through the application of a printed questionnaire to 58 information professionals distributed in 13 libraries and 11 study centers of the University of Havana, and from an interview of the head of the Offi ce of Scientifi c and Technical Information of this institution, with the objective of identifying the level of familiarity, attitudes and perceptions regarding the advantages and potential of the Movement. The conclusion is that these professionals show little familiarity with the initiatives and strategies of the Movement, as generators of information they demonstrate passive attitudes towards publication in open access magazines and deposit in repositories, although they show favorable perceptions generally towards and Movement and the role of the professional in this context.Se reflexiona acerca del Movimiento de Acceso Abierto a la Informaciónen el ámbito académico, las iniciativas, estrategias y benefi ciosque reporta a la comunidad científi ca y académica. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo en el que se aplicó un cuestionario impreso a 58 profesionales de la información, distribuidos en 13 bibliotecas y 11 centros de estudios pertenecientes a la Universidad de La Habana, y se realizó una entrevista al máximo responsable de la Dirección de Información Científico-Técnica de esa institución, con el objetivo de identifi car el nivel de familiarización, las actitudes y las percepciones relacionadas con ventajas y potencialidades del Movimiento. Se concluye que esos profesionales de la información presentan poca familiarización con las iniciativas y estrategias del Movimiento, como generadores de información presentan actitudes pasivas hacia la publicación en revistas de acceso abierto y el depósito en repositorios, aunque muestran percepciones favorables hacia el Movimiento y el papel del profesional en este contexto de manera general

    Emergência de saúde pública global por pandemia de COVID-19: desinformação, assimetria de informações e validação discursiva

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    The aim is to investigate and discuss the informational processes and dynamics surrounding the global public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with an emphasis on the manifestations of disinformation surrounding the origin of the virus, the measure of social isolation and treatments. As theoretical foundations, it discusses the concepts of informational disorder, misinformation, information asymmetry and discursive validation. The COVID-19 pandemic updates the discussion of power strategies, in a context characterized by the diffusion and intense use of information in real time, the simple use of technologies for the editing of images and texts and the emergence of scientific negationism and post-truth. This is one of the main novelties of this pandemic, which raise critical questions of sincerity, truthfulness and honesty. Sincerity concerns the subjective dimension, truthfulness about the objective dimension and honesty about the social dimension. At the same time, news on the Internet resumes the discussion about fraud which is, in a way, an update on the issue of "manipulation" in the media. The health warning statement by the World Health Organization gives a global dimension to controversies about objectivity in the pandemic. Changing the way of communicating from one to many, to communicating from many to many, makes information issues more complex. In the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many tensions, controversies and conflicts among health authorities, researchers, health professionals, critical thinkers and human and social rights defenders. Highlights the importance of discursive validation of information as the dissemination of information in society faces the filter of public use of reason, particularly sharpened by the horizon of human finitude.Quer-se investigar e discutir os processos e dinâmicas informacionais em torno da emergência global de saúde pública pela pandemia de COVID-19, com ênfase nas manifestações de desinformação ao redor da origem do vírus, da medida de isolamento social e dos tratamentos. Como alicerces teóricos discute os conceitos de desordem informacional, desinformação, assimetria de informações e validação discursiva. A pandemia de COVID-19 atualiza a discussão das estratégias de poder, em um contexto caracterizado pela difusão e uso intenso da informação em tempo real, o uso simples de tecnologias para a edição e publicação de imagens e textos e a emergência do negacionismo científico e a pós-verdade. Esta é uma das grandes novidades desta pandemia, que traz consigo questões críticas de sinceridade, veracidade e honestidade. A sinceridade diz respeito à dimensão subjetiva, a veracidade sobre a dimensão objetiva e a honestidade sobre a dimensão social. Ao mesmo tempo, as notícias na Internet retomam a discussão sobre fraudes que são, de certo modo, uma atualização da questão da "manipulação" nos meios de comunicação. A declaração de alerta sanitário pela Organização Mundial de Saúde dá uma dimensão global para controvérsias sobre objetividade na pandemia. A mudança do modo de comunicação de um para muitos, para uma comunicação de muitos com muitos, torna as questões da informação mais complexas. Na pandemia do COVID-19 são muitas as tensões, controvérsias e conflitos entre autoridades sanitárias, pesquisadores, profissionais de saúde, pensadores críticos e defensores de direitos humanos e sociais. Destaca a importância da validação discursiva da informação pois a disseminação da informação na sociedade enfrenta o filtro do uso público da razão, particularmente aguçado pelo horizonte da finitude humana

    Scientific journals in Latin America on their way towards open access: A diagnosis on policies and editorial strategies

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados más relevantes de un diagnóstico sobre el estado de las políticas y estrategias de los comités editoriales de las revistas científicas latinoamericanas para favorecer el uso y reúso en acceso abierto de la producción científica que publican, así como sobre las percepciones y actitudes de editores y autores con relación a estas políticas y estrategias. Se realizó análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo a los datos obtenidos de 516 revistas y de 400 cuestionarios de editores y 101 de autores. La mayoría de las revistas son gratuitas y consideradas de acceso abierto por sus editores, pero en muchos casos disponen de políticas de derecho de autor restrictivas o carecen de información explícita sobre las condiciones de uso de los artículos. Las estrategias institucionales y editoriales para promover el modelo son escasas y tienen poca visibilidad entre los autores. El financiamiento sostenible y la falta de familiarización con el modelo de acceso abierto están entre las barreras más importantes para que América Latina lleve adelante estas iniciativas. La región de América Latina necesita mayor y mejor alineación y coherencia de las políticas institucionales y editoriales con los principios y estrategias que favorecen el acceso abierto, así como mayor preparación de editores y autores.This paper presents the main results of a study carried out in order to assess the current state of policies and strategies used by editorial boards of Latin American scientific journals, to promote use and reuse of open access scientific production, as well as to identify publishers and authors' perceptions and attitudes regarding these policies and strategies. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was carried out on data obtained from 516 journals and questionnaires applied to 400 publishers and 101 authors. Although most of the journals are free and considered as open access by their publishers, actually, in many cases they have established restrictive copyright policies or lack explicit information on terms and conditions of use and publishing of their articles. Institutional and editorial strategies to promote open access are scarce and have little visibility among authors. Sustainable funding and lack of familiarity with open access model are among the most important barriers for Latin America push these initiatives forward. Latin America needs a better and larger alignment and coherence of institutional and editorial policies with principles and strategies that promote open access, as well as further training for editors and authors.Esta investigación fue apoyada por el proyecto Quality in the Open Scholarly Communication of Latin America: IDRC Grant reference number: 106660-001 y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Brasil