6,913 research outputs found

    Juan de Arfe y la custodia de la Catedral de Ávila. Nuevos datos

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    En este estudio presentamos y analizamos nueva documentación sobre el platero Juan de Arfe y su trabajo en la custodia de la catedral de Ávila. El legajo, conservado en el Archivo Diocesano de Ávila, contiene un duplicado del contrato, correspondencia enviada por Arfe al cabildo, cartas de pago y de poder, y la tasación completa de la custodia. A través de estos documentos podremos conocer el nombre de algunos de los oficiales vinculados a su taller y detalles del proceso creativo de la pieza, ampliando significativamente el conocimiento de su primera gran obra

    Ca-looping for postcombustion CO2 capture: A comparative analysis on the performances of dolomite and limestone

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    The low cost and wide availability of natural limestone (CaCO3) is at the basis of the industrial competitiveness of the Ca-looping (CaL) technology for postcombustion CO2 capture as already demonstrated by ~1Mwt scale pilot projects. A major focus of studies oriented towards further improving the efficiency of the CaL technology is how to prevent the gradual loss of capture capacity of limestone derived CaO as the number of carbonation/calcination cycles is increased. Natural dolomite (MgCa(CO3)2) has been proposed as an alternative sorbent precursor to limestone. Yet, carbonation of MgO is not thermodynamically favorable at CaL conditions, which may hinder the capture performance of dolomite. In the work described in this paper we carried out a thermogravimetric analysis on the multicyclic capture performance of natural dolomite under realistic regeneration conditions necessarily implying high calcination temperature, high CO2 concentration and fast transitions between the carbonation and calcination stages. Our study demonstrates that the sorbent derived from dolomite has a greater capture capacity as compared to limestone. SEM analysis shows that MgO grains in the decomposed dolomite are resistant to sintering under severe calcination conditions and segregate from CaO acting as a thermally stable support which mitigates the multicyclic loss of CaO conversion. Moreover, full decomposition of dolomite is achieved at significantly lower calcination temperatures as compared to limestone, which would help improving further the industrial competitiveness of the technology.Junta de Andalucía FQM-5735, TEP-7858, TEP-1900Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2011-25161, CTQ2011- 2762

    La importancia de las interrelaciones primarias en el deporte

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    En el presente trabajo centramos la investigación sobre la relevancia que poseen las relaciones primarias en la configuración del deporte y su relación con las diferentes disciplinas deportivas. Se realiza un estudio longitudinal sobre las principales formas de relación primaria en el deporte; individual, familia, amigos, compañeros de estudio o trabajo y su relación con elementos objetivos y subjetivos del deporte. Para la extracción de datos se ha recurrido a los barómetros de opinión y encuestas específicas sobre el deporte realizadas por el CIS entre los años 1997 y 2014. Las técnicas utilizadas son: el análisis de frecuencias para el estudio longitudinal de las relaciones sociales en el deporte; el análisis factorial exploratorio (EFA) para agrupar las distintas disciplinas deportivas y el análisis de regresión logarítmica para identificar las variables sociodemográficas y factores que aportan mayor poder explicativo sobre las principales categorías de estudio. Como resultados principales se muestra que ha aumentado la práctica del ejercicio físico y el deporte de manera individual y en familia mediante formas de organización no asociativas o federativas. El deporte supone un importante recurso relacional en nuestros días donde los individuos dan respuesta a necesidades de socialización, favoreciendo relaciones micro-grupales que se estructuran alrededor de distintos grados de soportes normativos.In this paper we focus on research on the relevance of primary relationships in the configuration of sport and its relationship with different sports disciplines. A longitudinal study of the main forms of primary relations in sport has been carried out, demonstrating the interrelationship of the objective and subjective elements involved in taking part in sporting activity. This study is based on opinion surveys and specific studies relating to sport carried out by the CIS statistical institute from 1995 to 2014. The techniques used include: frequency analysis in the longitudinal study of social relations in sport; the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and the logarithm regression analysis to identify the sociodemographic variables and factors that contribute more explanatory power on the main categories of study. The main results show that it has increased the practice of physical exercise and sport in an individual and family way through non-associative or federative forms of organization. Sport is an important inter-relational resource in contemporary society, where individuals also meet their needs for socialization, fostering micro-group relations structured around different degrees of normative supports. Sport provides people with a balanced outlet for their emotions, fostering an ideal environment for developing primary relations based on affection, empathy and trust

    Effects of Learning from Distributors on Manufacturers’ Exploitation and Exploration Innovation Strategies in Food and Beverages Industry

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    The relevance of innovation as source of competitive advantage is clearly justified in the literature (Adner and Kapoor, 2010; Song and Thieme, 2009). In particular, knowledge, as well as all items related to organizational learning, represents a main factor contributing to the innovation success (i.e., Song and Parry, 1997). In this sense, different authors have emphasized the importance that external sources of knowledge possess for the development and success of the innovation capability (Li and Tang, 2010; Spithoven et al., 2010).The globalization of manufacturing companies is closely linked to the globalization of distribution activities (Mattsson, 2003). It can be said that globalization of retailers drives globalization of manufacturing companies. So the latter will be influenced by the supply conditions of the target markets, the possibilities to supply new markets, or the possible threat to be replaced by alternative suppliers (Ruiz, 2000, Etemad, 2004).At the same time, supply chains have progressively become more international and complex (Monczka and Trent, 2005), representing principal sources of competitive advantage in terms of availability of technological and organizational competencies and access to minor operative costs (Pagano, 2009). The international supply tends increasingly to be considered as a strategic tool chasing to take advantage of the previous advantages. Consequently, organizations should promote this critical organizational relational capability (Kotabe and Murray, 2004)

    GWAS-Identified Variants for Obesity Do Not Influence the Risk of Developing Multiple Myeloma: A Population-Based Study and Meta-Analysis

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable disease characterized by the presence of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow that secrete specific monoclonal immunoglobulins into the blood. Obesity has been associated with the risk of developing solid and hematological cancers, but its role as a risk factor for MM needs to be further explored. Here, we evaluated whether 32 genome-wide association study (GWAS)-identified variants for obesity were associated with the risk of MM in 4189 German subjects from the German Multiple Myeloma Group (GMMG) cohort (2121 MM cases and 2068 controls) and 1293 Spanish subjects (206 MM cases and 1087 controls). Results were then validated through meta-analysis with data from the UKBiobank (554 MM cases and 402,714 controls) and FinnGen cohorts (914 MM cases and 248,695 controls). Finally, we evaluated the correlation of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with cQTL data, serum inflammatory proteins, steroid hormones, and absolute numbers of blood-derived cell populations (n = 520). The meta-analysis of the four European cohorts showed no effect of obesity-related variants on the risk of developing MM. We only found a very modest association of the POC5rs2112347G and ADCY3rs11676272G alleles with MM risk that did not remain significant after correction for multiple testing (per-allele OR = 1.08, p = 0.0083 and per-allele OR = 1.06, p = 0.046). No correlation between these SNPs and functional data was found, which confirms that obesity-related variants do not influence MM risk.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, Spain; PI17/02256 and PI20/01845)Consejería de Salud y Familia de la Junta de Andalucía (PY20/01282)Dietmar Hopp Foundation and the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF: CLIOMMICS (01ZX1309

    Adaptive Vectorial Filter for Grid Synchronization of Power Converters Under Unbalanced and/or Distorted Grid Conditions

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    This paper presents a new synchronization scheme for detecting multiple positive-/negative-sequence frequency harmonics in three-phase systems for grid-connected power converters. The proposed technique is called MAVF-FLL because it is based on the use of multiple adaptive vectorial filters (AVFs) working together inside a harmonic decoupling network, resting on a frequency-locked loop (FLL) which makes the system frequency adaptive. The method uses the vectorial properties of the three-phase input signal in the αβ reference frame in order to obtain the different harmonic components. The MAVF-FLL is fully designed and analyzed, addressing the tuning procedure in order to obtain the desired and predefined performance. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by both simulation and experimental results, demonstrating its ability to perform as required for detecting different harmonic components under a highly unbalanced and distorted input grid voltage