2,161 research outputs found

    Why are undergraduate emerging adults anxious and avoidant in their romantic relationships? The role of family relationships

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    The exploration of and search for romantic relationships is one of the developmental tasks that characterise emerging adulthood, a new developmental phase halfway between adolescence and full adulthood. This study aims to explore, in a Mediterranean country, the existing relationships between the subjective perception of some parental behaviour and the anxiety and avoidance dimensions of attachment during emerging adulthood. To do so, 1,502 university students (903 women and 599 men) aged between 18 and 29 (M = 20.32 and SD = 2.13) completed a self-report questionnaire. The results revealed that perceived family support and perceived parental warmth were negatively associated with the avoidance and anxiety dimensions. In contrast, perceived parental control (both behavioural and psychological) was found to be positively associated with both attachment dimensions. Perceived behavioural control was also found to play a moderator role between perceived parental warmth and romantic attachment anxiety. Only in cases in which emerging adults of our sample perceived low levels of behavioural control was warmth found to be negatively associated with anxiety. The main conclusion of this work is the negative impact that parental control seems to have on romantic attachment during emerging adulthood. The results are discussed with a focus on the continuing importance of the family context in relation to the completion of developmental tasks, even during emerging adulthood.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU2013-45687-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-097405-B-I0

    Assessment of Postural Load during Melon Cultivation in Mediterranean Greenhouses

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    Health and safety at work directly influence the development of sustainable agriculture. In the agricultural sector, many farm workers suffer musculoskeletal disorders caused by forced posture. The objective of this research is to assess working postures during melon cultivation in Almería-type greenhouses. The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) has been used with pictures of the tasks. The variables studied by multiple correspondence analysis were as follows: Subtask, Posture code, Back, Arms, Legs, Load, Risk, and Risk combination. The OWAS analysis showed that 47.57% of the postures were assessed as risk category 2, 14.32% as risk category 3, 0.47% as risk category 4, and the rest as risk category 1. Corrective measures should be implemented immediately, as soon as possible, or in the near future, depending on the risks detected

    Estudio de un sistema redirector de tráfico de itinerancia internacional en redes 4G

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    La telefonía móvil se ha convertido en una pieza fundamental en nuestras vidas, tanto a nivel profesional (dónde acceder a herramientas como el correo electrónico, datos corporativos o aplicaciones de negocio es esencial) como a nivel personal y de ocio (para comprar entradas de espectáculos o reservar mesa en un restaurante). Es la tecnología que más profundamente ha penetrado en nuestras vidas, haciéndonos cambiar incluso la forma en la que nos comunicamos o relacionamos. No dudamos de llevar consigo el teléfono móvil cuando viajamos al extranjero y esperamos poder disfrutar de los mismos servicios que cuando nos encontramos en nuestro país de origen, pero ¿a qué precio? Muchos de nosotros hemos decidido apagar el teléfono móvil cuando nos encontrábamos en el extranjero por el miedo a la factura debido a los precios desorbitantes de las tarifas. Los precios en itinerancia internacional o roaming han sido siempre excesivos debido a la escasa competencia entre las operadoras móviles a la hora de prestar servicios a los usuarios que se encontraban haciendo roaming en su red. La Unión Europea instó a las operadoras móviles a rebajar las tarifas y al no surtir efecto dicha recomendación, decidió regular el servicio de itinerancia internacional dentro de la Unión Europea, fijando unos precios máximos hasta la total abolición prevista para el año 2017. Un gran porcentaje de los ingresos obtenidos en las operadoras móviles son generados por la itinerancia internacional. Las operadoras móviles deberán vigilar su negocio de roaming para continuar ofreciendo la mejor calidad de servicio a sus clientes en el extranjero reduciendo al máximo los costes generados por este servicio. El objetivo principal de este proyecto fin de carrera es el estudio de los sistemas redirectores de tráfico de itinerancia internacional, que se convertirán en una herramienta clave para las operadoras, ya que serán capaces de redirigir a sus usuarios hacia aquellas redes en el país visitado que mayores ventajas les aporte, es decir, menor coste asociado y la mejor calidad de servicio posible. A través de casos de estudio y la descripción de todo el proceso de despliegue de la plataforma, comprenderemos cómo funcionan y si las expectativas desde el punto de vista técnico y de calidad de servicio se cumplen.Mobile telephony has become an essential part of our lives, both professionally (where the access to tools such as email, corporate data and business applications is a basic) as at personal and leisure level (buying tickets for shows or booking a table at a restaurant). The mobile technology that has deeply penetrated in our lives, making us even to change the way we communicate and interact each other. No doubt to carry on the mobile phone when traveling abroad and hoping to enjoy the same services as when we are in our country, but at what price? Many of us have decided to turn the mobile phone off when we were abroad for fear of the invoice due to the exorbitant prices of the services tariff. Prices for international roaming traffic were excessive due to the lack of competition between mobile operators when providing services to users who were roaming in their network. The European Union urged mobile operators to reduce the tariffs, but the recommendation did not take any effect, so it was decided to regulate international roaming service within the European Union, setting maximum prices until the total abolition scheduled for 2017. A large percentage of the mobile operator’s revenue is generated by the international roaming traffic. Mobile operators should monitor their roaming business to continue offering the best quality of service to their customers in foreign countries and minimising the costs generated by this service. The main aim of this final project is the study of redirectors systems of international roaming traffic, which will become a key tool for operators, as they will be able to redirect their users to those networks in the visited countries that bring them the greatest benefits, I mean, lower associated costs and best quality of service possible. Through case studies and the platform deployment description process, we will understand how they work and if expectations from a technical and quality of service point of view are met.Ingeniería Técnica en Sistemas de Telecomunicació

    Programación didáctica de la asignatura de Economía de primero de Bachillerato

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2016-2017.[ES]A lo largo del presente trabajo, se detallarán elementos tales como la justificación legal en la que se apoya la programación, los objetivos que se persiguen, tanto generales como específicos de la asignatura, las competencias que se pretenden trabajar con el alumnado, los contenidos, la secuenciación y la distribución temporal, la metodología empleada, todo lo relativo a la evaluación de la asignatura, las medidas de atención a la diversidad, las medidas que logren estimular el interés y el hábito por la lectura, así como la capacidad de expresión, el apoyo a la iniciativa emprendedora-laboral, la educación en valores y, ya en el último apartado antes de la síntesis, el procedimiento que permita valorar el ajuste entre la programación didáctica y los resultados obtenidos.[EN]Throughout this paper, we will detail elements such as the legal justification in which the programming is based, the objectives that are pursued, both general and of the subject, the competences that are intended to work with the students, the contents, the sequencing and the temporal distribution, the methodology used, everything related to the evaluation of the subject, the measures of attention to the diversity, the measures that to stimulate interest and habit for reading, as well as the capacity for expression, support for entrepreneurial-labor initiative, education in values and, in the last section before the synthesis, the procedure that allows valuation of the adjustment between didactic programming and the results obtained

    SAQ: semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction method

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    We present the phylogenetic quartet reconstruction method SAQ (Semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction). SAQ is consistent with the most general Markov model of nucleotide substitution and, in particular, it allows for rate heterogeneity across lineages. Based on the algebraic and semi-algebraic description of distributions that arise from the general Markov model on a quartet, the method outputs normalized weights for the three trivalent quartets (which can be used as input of quartet-base methods). We show that SAQ is a highly competitive method that outperforms most of the well known reconstruction methods on data simulated under the general Markov model on 4-taxon trees. Moreover, it also achieves a high performance on data that violates the underlying assumptions

    The inertia of the symmetric approximation for low-rank matrices

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    © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group In many areas of applied linear algebra, it is necessary to work with matrix approximations. A usual situation occurs when a matrix obtained from experimental or simulated data is needed to be approximated by a matrix that lies in a corresponding statistical model and satisfies some specific properties. In this short note, we focus on symmetric and positive-semidefinite approximations and we show that the positive and negative indices of inertia of the symmetric approximation and the rank of the positive-semidefinite approximation are always bounded from above by the rank of the original matrix.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Xenotrasplante : el desafío de trasplantar con órganos de otras especies /

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    Treball presentat a la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    SAQ: semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We present the phylogenetic quartet reconstruction method SAQ (Semi-Algebraic Quartet reconstruction). SAQ is consistent with the most general Markov model of nucleotide substitution and, in particular, it allows for rate heterogeneity across lineages. Based on the algebraic and semi-algebraic description of distributions that arise from the general Markov model on a quartet, the method outputs normalized weights for the three trivalent quartets (which can be used as input of quartet-based methods). We show that SAQ is a highly competitive method that outperforms most of the well known reconstruction methods on data simulated under the general Markov model on 4-taxon trees. Moreover, it also achieves a high performance on data that violates the underlying assumptions.The authors were partially supported by Spanish government Secretar´ıa de Estado de Investigaci´on, Desarrollo e Innovaci´on [MTM2015-69135-P (MINECO/FEDER)] and [PID2019- 103849GB-I00 (MINECO)]; Generalitat de Catalunya [2014 SGR-634]. M. Garrote-L´opez was also funded by Spanish government, Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad research project Maria de Maeztu [MDM-2014-0445].Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Tras las huellas de la orden jerónima en la ciudad de Zamora. Estudio y restitución gráfica del Monasterio de San Jerónimo de Montamarta

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    [ES] Una de las mayores pérdidas del patrimonio artístico de la ciudad de Zamora ha sido la desaparición del monasterio de San Jerónimo que, fundado en el siglo XVI, representó el edificio más grande de la ciudad durante varios siglos. Gracias al análisis de las principales fuentes gráficas y escritas, se ha llevado a cabo la restitución de este espléndido inmueble renacentista, ejemplo de los mejores técnicos locales y de los más poderosos mecenas del momento. De los resultados gráficos se extraen aclaraciones del modo de articular los accesos, así como el análisis de sus proporciones y de la articulación de los espacios de este edificio desaparecido. Asimismo, se pretende abordar el estudio de su implantación urbana, su proceso constructivo y su tipología dentro de la casuística de los monasterios jerónimos de la Corona de Castilla.[EN] One of the greatest losses of the artistic heritage of the city of Zamora has been the disappearance of the monastery of San Jeronimo that, founded in the sixteenth century, represented the largest building in the city for several centuries. Thanks to the analysis of the main graphic and written sources, the restitution of this splendid Renaissance building has been carried out, an example of the best local technicians and the most powerful patrons of the moment. From the graphic results clarifications of the way to articulate the accesses are extracted, as well as the analysis of their proportions and the articulation of the spaces of this disappeared building. Likewise, it is intended to address the study of its urban implementation, its construction process and its typology within the casuistry of the Hieronymite monasteries of the Crown of Castile.López Bragado, D.; Lafuente Sánchez, VA.; Úbeda Blanco, M. (2019). Behind the vestiges of the hieronymite order in the city of Zamora. Study and graphical restitution of the Monastery of San Jeronimo de Montamarta. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 24(37):132-143. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.10664OJS1321432437CASTRO SANTAMARÍA, A., 1993. "El monasterio de San Jerónimo de Zamora en el siglo XVI". Anuario 1993 del Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos Florián de Ocampo, pp. 247-270.CHÍAS NAVARRO, P., SENDER, M., 2015. "Nuevos enfoques en el estudio de los Monasterios Jerónimos. Santa María de la Murta y San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Organización funcional y tipologías". Revista EGA, nº 26, pp. 84-91.ISIDRO GARCÍA, C.A., 2015. El arte de los monasterios jerónimos de la provincia de Zamora. (Tesis doctoral inédita, Universidad de Salamanca).RODRÍGUEZ MÉNDEZ, F.J., GARCÍA GAGO, J.M. 2014. "Wyngaerde en Zamora". Revista EGE, nº 8, pp. 67-75.RUIZ HERNANDO, J.A., 1997. Los monasterios jerónimos españoles. Caja Segovia.VASALLO TORANZO, L., 2004. "Juan de Álava y Pedro de Ibarra al servicio de los condes de Alba de Aliste". Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología, nº 69/70, pp. 279-302