1,889 research outputs found

    Escala de Desesperança de Beck analisada com a teoria da resposta ao item

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    The two-parameter logistic item response model (2PL) was applied to the Beck hopelessness scale (BHS). Hopelessness is a system of negative expectations about the future that plays a central role in various mental disorders. The research has been conducted with 390 (65.1% women) adults from Buenos Aires metropolitan area general population. Two original items were eliminated due to inadequate functioning. The remaining 18 items showed an adequate adjustment to 2PL. The items tended to be located in the medium-high levels of the trait and showed a medium-high discriminatory capacity. The evidence of concurrent validity was obtained with the dimensions from the SCL-90-R and facets of neuroticism. The test information function revealed that the scale is more accurate for high levels of the trait. The results obtained are encouraging with respect to the psychometric quality of the scale. Calibrated items could be useful to implement computerized adaptive testing.Se aplicó el modelo logístico de 2 parámetros (ML2p) de la teoría de respuesta al ítem a la escala de desesperanza de Beck (BHS). La desesperanza es un sistema de expectativas negativas sobre el futuro que ocupa un rol central para diversos trastornos mentales. Colaboraron 390 adultos de población general del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65.1% mujeres). Se eliminaron dos ítems originales por presentar funcionamiento inadecuado. Los 18 ítems restantes mostraron un ajuste adecuado al ML2p. Los ítems tendieron a localizarse en los niveles medio-altos del rasgo y mostraron una capacidad discriminativa medio-alta. Se obtuvieron evidencias de validez concurrente con SCL-90-R y facetas del neuroticismo. La función de información del test reveló que la escala es más precisa para niveles altos del rasgo. Los resultados obtenidos son alentadores respecto de la calidad psicométrica de la escala. Los ítems calibrados podrían resultar útiles para implementar test adaptativo informatizado.O modelo logístico de 2 parâmetros (ML2p) da teoria de resposta ao item foi aplicado à Escala de Desesperança de Beck (BHS). A desesperança é um sistema de expectativas negativas sobre o futuro que desempenha um papel central em varios transtornos mentais. Colaboraram 390 adultos da população geral da área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65,1% mulheres). Dois itens originais foram eliminados debido ao funcionamento inadequado. Os restantes 18 itens apresentaram um ajuste adequado à ML2p. Os itens tenderam a localizar-se nos níveis médio-alto do traço e a presentaram uma capacidade discriminatória média-alta. Evidências de validade concorrente foram obtidas com SCL-90-R e facetas do neuroticismo. A função de informação do teste revelou que a escala é mais precisa para níveis altos do traço. Os resultados obtidos são encorajadores no que diz respeito à qualidade psicométrica da escala. Os Itens calibrados poderíam ser úteis para implementar testes adaptativos computadorizados

    Beck Hopelessness Scale analyzed with item response theory

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    Se aplicó el modelo logístico de 2 parámetros (ML2p) de la teoría de respuesta al ítem a la escala de desesperanza de Beck (BHS). La desesperanza es un sistema de expectativas negativas sobre el futuro que ocupa un rol central para diversos trastornos mentales. Colaboraron 390 adultos de población general del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65.1% mujeres). Se eliminaron dos ítems originales por presentar funcionamiento inadecuado. Los 18 ítems restantes mostraron un ajuste adecuado al ML2p. Los ítems tendieron a localizarse en los niveles medio-altos del rasgo y mostraron una capacidad discriminativa medio-alta. Se obtuvieron evidencias de validez concurrente con SCL-90-R y facetas del neuroticismo. La función de información del test reveló que la escala es más precisa para niveles altos del rasgo. Los resultados obtenidos son alentadores respecto de la calidad psicométrica de la escala. Los ítems calibrados podrían resultar útiles para implementar test adaptativo informatizado.O modelo logístico de 2 parâmetros (ML2p) da teoria de resposta ao item foi aplicado à Escala de Desesperança de Beck (BHS). A desesperança é um sistema de expectativas negativas sobre o futuro que desempenha um papel central em varios transtornos mentais. Colaboraram 390 adultos da população geral da área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65,1% mulheres). Dois itens originais foram eliminados debido ao funcionamento inadequado. Os restantes 18 itens apresentaram um ajuste adequado à ML2p. Os itens tenderam a localizar-se nos níveis médio-alto do traço e a presentaram uma capacidade discriminatória média-alta. Evidências de validade concorrente foram obtidas com SCL-90-R e facetas do neuroticismo. A função de informação do teste revelou que a escala é mais precisa para níveis altos do traço. Os resultados obtidos são encorajadores no que diz respeito àqualidade psicométrica da escala. Os Itens calibrados poderíam ser úteis para implementar testes adaptativos computadorizados.The two-parameter logistic item response model (2PL) was applied to the Beck hopelessness scale (BHS). Hopelessness is a system of negative expectations about the future that plays a central role in various mental disorders. The research has been conducted with 390 (65.1% women) adults from Buenos Aires metropolitan area general population. Two original items were eliminated due to inadequate functioning. The remaining 18 items showed an adequate adjustment to 2PL. The items tended to be located in the medium-high levels of the trait and showed a medium-high discriminatory capacity. The evidence of concurrent validity was obtained with the dimensions from the SCL-90-R and facets of neuroticism. The test information function revealed that the scale is more accurate for high levels of the trait. The results obtained are encouraging with respect to the psychometric quality of the scale. Calibrated items could be useful to implement computerized adaptive testing.Facultad de Psicologí

    Revisión bibliográfica sobre la relación entre la actividad física y la Responsabilidad del Modelo de los Cinco Factores

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    Este trabajo se propone presentar una revisión bibliográfica que aborda el entrecruzamiento del rasgo Responsabilidad y la práctica de actividad física (AF) y deportiva. Se efectuó una búsqueda en cinco bases de datos y se hallaron 425 artículos publicados entre 1995-2023. Los resultados se sistematizaron en cinco categorías conceptuales que analizan: a) la relación entre Responsabilidad y diferentes formas de AF, b) la combinación de Responsabilidad con otros rasgos para describir la práctica de AF, c) la asociación de las facetas de Responsabilidad con AF, d) la Responsabilidad en el perfil de deportistas y e) las intervenciones que se enfocan en la modificación de los niveles de Responsabilidad o AF basándose en la influencia mutua de ambos constructos. Se espera que este trabajo contribuya en el desarrollo de futuras intervenciones sobre la Responsabilidad para alcanzar niveles de AF con parámetros saludables

    Online versus pencil-and-paper administration: differential items of neuroticism functioning

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el Funcionamiento Diferencial de los ítems (DIF - Differential Item Functioning) que componen el Banco de Neuroticismo en función del formato de administración usado para recolectar información: protocolo online versus protocolo con lápiz-y-papel. Se considera que un ítem presenta DIF si dos personas que respondieron distintos formatos muestran diferentes probabilidades de optar por alguna de las categorías de un ítem aun cuando tienen el mismo nivel de Neuroticismo (Camilli y Shepard, 1994).The aim of this work was to analyze Differential Item Functioning (DIF) of the Item Bank of Neuroticism based on the administration format used to collect information: online protocol versus pencil-and-paper protocol. An item is considered to have DIF if two people who responded to different formats show different probabilities of choosing one of the categories of an item even when they have the same level of Neuroticism (Camilli & Shepard, 1994).Facultad de Psicologí

    Recovery of Beach-Foredune Vegetation after Disturbance by Storms

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    Beaches and foredunes are characterized by being exposed to harsh environmental restrictions mainly due to salt spray, burial by sand and occasional storms. In response to this, plant species from these habitats have adaptations that allow them not only to survive in these environments, but also to recover after the impact of disturbances such as severe storms. In this study, we had the opportunity to study vegetation recovery on the coast of Huelva, Spain, after the impact of a strong winter storm in 2017 which severely affected the vegetation growing on the beach and foredune. Species composition and abundance of vegetation was compared before (2013) and after (2018) the storm hit the coast in 2017. The results show that the effects of the storm were still evident a year later. Native species, mainly perennials, were able to recover almost completely to predisturbance levels. In contrast, the invasive species, Oenothera drummondii, which was abundant before the storm, disappeared from the beach and its presence in the foredune was greatly reduced. Given the forecasts of sea level rise and the increased frequency and intensity of storms, it is necessary to sustain and reinforce the natural coastal sectors where native plant communities maintain the resilience of coastal ecosystems when impacted to these disturbances.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) 7799Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2015-65058-

    Continuity between Neuroticism and its maladaptive variant: a correlational study

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    La última versión del DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) ha generado un importante debate en el campo de los trastornos de personalidad al proponer un modelo dimensional que se aleja de la perspectiva categorial de las ediciones previas. Este nuevo modelo, planteado conforme el Modelo de los Cinco Factores (Five Factor Model - FFM), asume que para cada dominio de la personalidad normal es posible reconocer un polo desadaptativo (Widiger, Gore, Crego, Rojas, y Oltmanns, 2016; Widiger y Mullins-Sweatt, 2009). Gran parte de los esfuerzos actuales se centran en aportar evidencias empíricas sobre la continuidad entre los rasgos de personalidad normal y desadaptativa estudiando la relación de los diferentes instrumentos normativos desarrollados para la medición de estos constructos (e.g. Griffin y Samuel, 2014; Quilty, Ayearst, Chmielewski, Pollock y Bagby, 2013; Wright y Simms, 2014; Balsis, Ruchensky y Busch, 2017). En particular ha despertado interés el espectro del dominio Neuroticismo por su utilidad en el ámbito clínico-epidemiológico al asociarse con múltiples problemas de salud y trastornos mentales (Widiger y Oltmanns, 2017). Desde la perspectiva normal, el Neuroticismo se caracteriza por la tendencia a sentir emociones negativas tales como preocupaciones, enojo, sentimientos de inseguridad, insatisfacción consigo mismo y/o con el contexto, lo cual genera conflictos en sus vínculos interpersonales (McCrae y Costa, 2010). Su variante desadaptativa, la Afectividad Negativa, se define como la vivencia de experiencias frecuentes e intensas de una amplia gama de emociones negativas. También incluye conductas de autolesión y vínculos interpersonales con marcada dependencia (APA, 2013). En este trabajo se propone como objetivo obtener evidencias empíricas locales de la continuidad existente entre las dimensiones del Neuroticismo del FFM y su variante desadaptativa la Afectividad Negativa. Se han empleado diversas estrategias metodológicas para verificar este supuesto de continuidad, como análisis factoriales (Wright y Simms, 2014) y la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (Balsis, Ruchensky, y Busch, 2017). Dado el carácter preliminar de este estudio aquí se plantea analizar las correlaciones entre las escalas, estrategia que ha sido seguida por numerosos autores (e.g. Griffin y Samuel, 2014; Quilty et al. 2013).The latest version of the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) has produced remarkable debate in the field of personality disorders by offering a dimensional model that diverge from the categorical perspective of previous editions. This new model, based on the Five Factor Model (FFM), assumes that it is posible to recognize a maladaptive pole for each domain of the normal personality (Widiger, Gore, Crego, Rojas, & Oltmanns, 2016; Widiger & Mullins-Sweatt, 2009). Much of the current effort focuses on providing empirical evidence of the continuity between normal and maladaptive personality traits by studying the relationship of the different normative instruments developed to measure these constructs (e.g. Griffin & Samuel, 2014; Quilty, Ayearst, Chmielewski, Pollock & Bagby, 2013; Wright & Simms, 2014; Balsis, Ruchensky & Busch, 2017). Specifically, the spectrum of the Neuroticism domain has aroused interest due to its usefulness in the clinical-epidemiological field when associated with multiple health problems and mental disorders (Widiger & Oltmanns, 2017). From the normal perspective, Neuroticism is characterized by the tendency to feel negative emotions such as worries, anger, feelings of insecurity, dissatisfaction with oneself and/or with the context, which generates conflicts in their interpersonal ties (McCrae & Costa, 2010). Its maladaptive variant, Negative Affectivity, is defined as the experience of frequent and intense experiences of a wide range of negative emotions. It also includes behaviors of self-injury and interpersonal bonds with marked dependence (APA, 2013). In this work it is proposed as objective to obtain local empirical evidences of the existing continuity between the dimensions of the Neuroticism of the FFM and its un-adaptive variant the Negative Affectivity. Several methodological strategies have been used to verify this assumption of continuity, such as factorial analyses (Wright & Simms, 2014) and the Item Response Theory (Balsis, Ruchensky, & Busch, 2017). Given the preliminary nature of this study, and following the strategies implemented by numerous authors, it is proposed here to analyses the correlations between the scales (e.g. Griffin & Samuel, 2014; Quilty et al. 2013).Facultad de Psicologí

    Influence of Mindfulness on Levels of Impulsiveness, Moods and Pre-Competition Anxiety in Athletes of Different Sports

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    Training in emotional regulation skills is one of the most important resources for the adaptation of athletes to contexts of sports pressure, especially during competitions. This study explored the effects of a mindfulness programme (Flow Meditation) on levels of impulsivity, mood and pre-competition anxiety-state in a sample of athletes (N = 41, 22.83 ± 5.62 years). Participants were randomly assigned to an intervention group (N = 21; 14 males and 7 females) which received the intervention over 10 weeks (a weekly session) and a control group (wait-list; N = 20; 13 males and 7 females). The variables under study were assessed through different questionnaires at pre- and post-test (T1–T2) in both groups. The mindfulness intervention was effective in reducing impulsivity (cognitive (t = −4.48, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.40), both motor (t = −4.03, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.20) and unplanned (t = −5.32, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.66)), mood (tension (t = −4.40, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.37), depression (t = −4.56, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.42), anger (t = −7.80, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 2.47), somatic anxiety (t = −5.28, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.65), and cognitive anxiety (t = −6.62, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 2.07) in the intervention group compared to the control group and with large to very large effect sizes. Mindfulness is a factor that enhances athletes’ ability to cope with high sport pressure and the healthy management of competition (e.g., fear of failure), or with their daily life

    Prediction Accuracy of Serial Lung Ultrasound in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients (Pred-Echovid Study)

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    The value of serial lung ultrasound (LUS) in patients with COVID-19 is not well defined. In this multicenter prospective observational study, we aimed to assess the prognostic accuracy of serial LUS in patients admitted to hospital due to COVID-19. The serial LUS protocol included two examinations (0–48 h and 72–96 h after admission) using a 10-zones sequence, and a 0 to 5 severity score. Primary combined endpoint was death or the need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Calibration (Hosmer–Lemeshow test and calibration curves), and discrimination power (area under the ROC curve) of both ultrasound exams (SCORE1 and 2), and their difference (DIFFERENTIAL-SCORE) were performed. A total of 469 patients (54.2% women, median age 60 years) were included. The primary endpoint occurred in 51 patients (10.9%). Probability risk tertiles of SCORE1 and SCORE2 (0–11 points, 12–24 points, and ≥25 points) obtained a high calibration. SCORE-2 showed a higher discrimination power than SCORE-1 (AUC 0.72 (0.58–0.85) vs. 0.61 (0.52–0.7)). The DIFFERENTIAL-SCORE showed a higher discrimination power than SCORE-1 and SCORE-2 (AUC 0.78 (0.66–0.9)). An algorithm for clinical decision-making is proposed. Serial lung ultrasound performing two examinations during the first days of hospitalization is an accurate strategy for predicting clinical deterioration of patients with COVID-19

    OpenFOAM Numerical Simulations with Different Lid Driven Cavity Shapes

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    The finite volume method have been developed to solve the Navier-Stokes equations with primitive variables and non dimensional form. This work examine the classical benchmark problem of the lid-driven cavity at a different Reynolds range (Re = 10,100,400, 1000, 2000, 3200) and several cavity geometries. The cavity configurations include square cavity, skewed cavity, trapezoidal cavity and arcshaped cavity. The flow is assumed laminar and solved in a uniform mesh. A CFD tool with its solvers (icoFoam) will be used for this study

    A clustering approach to analyse the environmental and energetic impacts of Atlantic recipes - A Galician gastronomy case study

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    The definition of the term gastronomy encompasses both the knowledge of food and its handling, preparation and consumption. Beyond a sense of cultural identity and tradition, gastronomy also represents a pole of tourist attraction. This is the case of Galicia, a region in north-western Spain. Within this framework, local dishes, which include distinctive elements of the Atlantic diet, have gained popularity. This research delves into the sustainability of 60 Galician recipes by performing a hierarchical cluster analysis to study their carbon footprint, the energy return on investment ratio and cost. The life cycle assessment methodology was followed to account for the carbon footprint and the energy return on investment ratio of the recipes. The scope was bounded to the cradle-to-fork phases through the life cycle: production of the ingredients, transport, and meal preparation. The functional unit selected was one serving of a Galician meal. The results suggest that the recipes could be classified into three main groups according to the presence of a greater or lesser amount of animal-based products. Cluster 1 comprises 10 meat recipes. Cluster 2 encompasses 31 recipes rich in fish with some vegetables and moderate consumption of red meat and dairy products. Cluster 3 includes 22 vegetable-based recipes. The higher the portion of animal products in the recipes (mainly red meat), the higher the costs and carbon footprint and the lower the energy return on investment ratio. Conversely, plant-based recipes tend to reduce greenhouse gases emissions and increase cost competitiveness and energy efficiency indicators. Based on this study, the food service could promote eco-labelling that support and certify restaurant menus. This research could also provide transformative climate education for sustainable food for consumers, giving advice to improve food-based dietary guidelines in SpainThe Galiat project received funding from the ERDF-Interconecta for Galicia Program (ITC-20133014 & ITC-20151009), managed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. The authors thank the participating companies that assisted in this study; these include the Belarmino Fernández Iglesias Hostelry School, Bodegas Terras Gauda, Bodegas Pazo de Rivas, Conservas A Rosaleira, Conservas Friscos, Aceites Olei, and Quescrem. C.C.-F. would like to thank the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for financial support (Grant reference FPU 19/06648). C.C-F, S.G.-G., G.F. and M.T.M. belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC ED431C 2017/29) and to the Cross-disciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS Research Center, ED431E 2018/01). All these programs are co-funded by FEDER (EU)S