1,629 research outputs found

    Managing the national road network maintenance in Spain

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    The Spanish Ministry of Public Works manages the National Road Network, which consists in 27,000 km. In 1992, the average age of pavements was 7.2 years, whereas at present it has increased to 9 years. The great heterogeneity of pavements, the constant increase in the network length and its gradual aging demand important budgets but also agile technical, economic and administrative management models. The Subdirectorate of Maintenance and Operation is responsible of management systems for this network, now helped by the engineering consultancy GETINSA. This communication shows the actual state of the pavement management that consists in an Integrated Database System comprising many parameters both about technical values and administrative follow-up of actions. It is connected to various pavement evolution models that allow managers to predict the future state of the roads, then to establish a maintenance policy. Finally, the Management System calculates a maintenance plan, detailing actions to be done in each section in a multi-year scenario, so that the investment and the road quality are optimised. The Management System software combines analytical formula with geographical information, used for representing results as well as part of the forecast and optimisation models, using the modern technology of “dynamic segments”. Attention has been paid to conciliate the operational organisation of maintenance works with the fact that optimal needs are detailed for each road section in too short distances to be executed separately. The communication starts analysing other existing Pavement Management Systems, then describes the Spanish situation and justifies which Pavement Management System is needed. The body of the text covers the description of the functionalities and design assumptions of the new System. Finally, the conclusions present some future evolutions for the Spanish Management Systems and the possibility to generalise its use to other road networks, either for pavement or other assets.

    The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). Mission, importance and main action lines

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    The article provides an overview about the role of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and its relevance in the European Higher Education Area. After briefly describing the nature, composition and structure of the association, the main lines of action of ENQA in the horizon 2016-2020 are explained. The article ends with a description of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and some personal reflections on the main challenges currently faced by ENQA and the quality assurance agencies

    Impacto socioeconómico del conflicto armado en Colombia

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    Este Trabajo pretende analizar en que medida la profundización del conflicto armado ha afectado la economía del país

    Autoimmune pancreatitis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A real-world multicentre collaborative ECCO CONFER study

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMAutoimmune pancreatitis [AIP] is rarely associated with inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]. The long-term outcomes of AIP and IBD in patients with coexisting AIP–IBD and predictors of complicated AIP course have rarely been reported. Methods: An ECCO COllaborative Network For Exceptionally Rare case reports project [ECCO-CONFER] collected cases of AIP diagnosed in patients with IBD. Complicated AIP was defined as a composite of endocrine and/or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and/or pancreatic cancer. We explored factors associated with complicated AIP in IBD. Results: We included 96 patients [53% males, 79% ulcerative colitis, 72% type 2 AIP, age at AIP diagnosis 35 ± 16 years]. The majority of Crohn’s disease [CD] cases [78%] had colonic/ileocolonic involvement. In 59%, IBD preceded AIP diagnosis, whereas 18% were diagnosed simultaneously. Advanced therapy to control IBD was used in 61% and 17% underwent IBD-related surgery. In total, 82% of patients were treated with steroids for AIP, the majority of whom [91%] responded to a single course of treatment. During a mean follow-up of 7 years, AIP complications occurred in 25/96 [26%] individuals. In a multivariate model, older age at AIP diagnosis was associated with a complicated AIP course (odds ratio [OR] = 1.05, p = 0.008), whereas family history of IBD [OR = 0.1, p = 0.03], and CD diagnosis [OR = 0.2, p = 0.04] decreased the risk of AIP complications. No IBD- or AIP-related deaths occurred. Conclusions: In this large international cohort of patients with concomitant AIP–IBD, most patients have type 2 AIP and colonic IBD. AIP course is relatively benign and long-term outcomes are favourable, but one-quarter develop pancreatic complications. Age, familial history of IBD, and CD may predict uncomplicated AIP cours

    Estudio de los proveedores de servicios logísticos para el comercio electrónico con consumidores finales (B2C) en España.

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    La complejidad y los problemas específicos de la logística requerida en el comercio electrónico B2C, que exige unas competencias que las tiendas virtuales no suelen tener internamente, ha llevado a éstas a subcontratar en gran parte este proceso a provee

    Anti‑TNF agents and new biological agents (Vedolizumab and Ustekinumab) in the prevention and treatment of postoperative recurrence after surgery in crohn’s disease

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    Surgery for Crohn’s disease (CD) is not curative, as postoperative recurrence (POR) after ileocolonic resection is the rule in the absence of prophylactic treatment. In the present article, we critically review available data on the role of anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) agents and new biologics (including vedolizumab and ustekinumab) in the prevention and treatment of POR after surgery in CD. Several studies (summarised in various meta-analyses) have confrmed the efcacy of anti-TNFs in the prevention of POR. We identifed 37 studies, including 1863 CD patients, with mean endoscopic POR at 6–12 months of 29%. Only few randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have directly compared thiopurines and anti-TNFs, with controversial results, although the superiority of the latter is supported by several meta-analyses. Infiximab and adalimumab seem equally efective. The combination of anti-TNFs and immunosuppressives should be considered in patients previously exposed to anti-TNFs. Several studies have shown that anti-TNFs remain an efective option to prevent POR also in patients with anti-TNF failure before surgery. In fact, the use of the same anti-TNF before and after surgery might be efective for the prevention of POR. Prophylactic anti-TNF treatment, once started, should be continued long term. Anti-TNFs are also efective for the treatment of established POR. Retreatment with anti-TNFs for POR is a valid strategy even after their preoperative failure. In six studies (including 156 patients) evaluating vedolizumab, mean endoscopic POR at 6–12 months was 41%. The non-randomised comparison of anti-TNFs and vedolizumab has provided controversial results. One placebo-controlled RCT confrmed that vedolizumab is quite efective in preventing POR in CD patients with increased risk of recurrence. Seven studies (including 162 patients) evaluated ustekinumab, with a mean endoscopic POR at 6–12 months of 41%. The comparative efcacy of ustekinumab and anti-TNFs is still unclear. Ustekinumab and vedolizumab seem to be equally efective, although the experience is very limited. In conclusion, to date, anti-TNFs are the most efective agents in preventing and treating POR in CD. Anti-TNFs remain an efective option to prevent POR also in patients with anti-TNF failure before surgery. Vedolizumab seems to be quite efective in the prevention of POR in patients with increased risk of recurrence. Ustekinumab is probably also efective in the postoperative setting, although the comparative efcacy with anti-TNFs or vedolizumab is still unclea

    Increasing significance of external quality assurance in higher education: current strategies applied by European agencies

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    [EN] Quality assurance of higher education programmes and institutions has been one of the cornerstones of the Bologna process since its creation. However, after more than one decade of implementation of the European quality assurance framework, many national systems are suffering from the so-called “evaluation fatigue”. From a thorough revision of key sectorial sources, this paper identifies a number of strategies currently being tested by European quality assurance agencies aimed at increasing significance and reducing bureaucracy of external quality assurance processes. http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Sánchez Chaparro, T.; Gomez Frías, V. (2018). Increasing significance of external quality assurance in higher education: current strategies applied by European agencies. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1413-1420. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8215OCS1413142

    Social profitability in local public radio. Applicability comparative of the IRSCOM indicator in Andalucia and the region of Murcia

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    Las concesiones de las emisoras de radio públicas como conquista democrática de los gobiernos locales, reguladas por Ley desde 1991, obedecen a una decidida apuesta por vertebrar territorios, aportar cohesión social, participación, valores y potenciar la identidad cultural. Este artículo trata de establecer las claves de la rentabilidad social de las radios municipales para mejorar la prestación de un servicio esencial. La investigación también trata de conocer cómo se distribuyen y articulan a lo largo del ámbito autonómico de Murcia estas emisoras y replicar la herramienta IRSCOM (índice de Rentabilidad Social en Comunicación) desarrollada por el Laboratorio de Comunicación y Cultura COMandalucía de la Universidad de Málaga, dentro de los proyectos I+D+i “Plan Nacional I+D+i. CSO2011-29195 y Proyecto de Investigación de Excelencia. P10 TIC 6593 (Junta de Andalucía): “La radio y la televisión local en Andalucía: situación actual e incidencia social”, para determinar si se cubren las necesidades comunicativas para las que están concebidas. La experiencia investigativa parte de la aplicación del indicador IRSCOM a más cien emisoras en Andalucía. Esta experiencia de réplica nos ha permitido conocer la situación de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (CARM) y hacer un balance comparativo con las emisoras analizadas. Los resultados buscan poner de manifiesto las fortalezas y debilidades de estos medios para proponer medidas de intervención. En este sentido se persigue comprobar si el indicador, IRSCOM, es una herramienta de análisis útil para ser aplicada a otros contextos de análisis a los medios de proximidad públicos.The public radio station concessions as a democratic conquer of the local governments, ruled by the Law since 1991, give answer to a firm decision so as to vertebrate territories, give social cohesion, participation, values and to promote the cultural identity. This article aims to establish the local radio social rentability keys for improving the provision of an essential service. This investigation also aims to know how radio stations are distributed and articulated along the autonomous Region of Murcia and to replicate the IRSCOM tool (Social Rentability in Communication Index) developed for the Communication and Culture Laboratory COMandalucia from the University of Malaga, within both the I+D+I “I+D+I. CSO2011-29195 National Plan and the Excellence Project of Investigation. P10 TIC 6593 (Junta of Andalusia): “The radio and local television in Andalusia: current situation and social impact”, so as to determine whether the communicative needs are covered for what they are conceived. This investigative experience starts from the application of the IRSCOM indicator in more than a hundred of radio stations in Andalusia. This experience of replica has gave us the opportunity to understand the situation of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (CARM) and to establish a comparison among the stations that have been analysed

    Water, vapour and heat transport in concrete cells for storing radioactive waste

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    Water is collected from a drain situated at the centre of a concrete cell that stores radioactive waste at ‘El Cabril’, which is the low and intermediate level radioactive waste disposal facility of Spain. This indicates flow of water within the cell. 2D numerical models have been made in order to reproduce and understand the processes that take place inside the cell. Temperature and relative humidity measured by sensors in the cells and thermo-hydraulic parameters from laboratory test have been used. Results show that this phenomenon is caused by capillary rise from the phreatic level, evaporation and condensation within the cell produced by temperature gradients caused by seasonal temperature fluctuations outside. At the centre of the cell, flow of gas and convection also play a role. Three remedial actions have been studied that may avoid the leakage of water from the drain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effectiveness and safety of Ustekinumab in ulcerative colitis: real-world evidence from the ENEIDA registry

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMThe development programm UNIFI has shown promising results of ustekinumab in ulcerative colitis [UC] treatment which should be confirmed in clinical practice. We aimed to evaluate the durability, effectiveness, and safety of ustekinumab in UC in real life. Methods: Patients included in the prospectively maintained ENEIDA registry, who received at least one intravenous dose of ustekinumab due to active UC [Partial Mayo Score [PMS]>2], were included. Clinical activity and effectiveness were defined based on PMS. Short-term response was assessed at Week 16. Results: A total of 95 patients were included. At Week 16, 53% of patients had response [including 35% of patients in remission]. In the multivariate analysis, elevated serum C-reactive protein was the only variable significantly associated with lower likelihood of achieving remission. Remission was achieved in 39% and 33% of patients at Weeks 24 and 52, respectively; 36% of patients discontinued the treatment with ustekinumab during a median follow-up of 31 weeks. The probability of maintaining ustekinumab treatment was 87% at Week 16, 63% at Week 56, and 59% at Week 72; primary failure was the main reason for ustekinumab discontinuation. No variable was associated with risk of discontinuation. Three patients reported adverse events; one of them had a fatal severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. Conclusions: Ustekinumab is effective in both the short and the long term in real life, even in a highly refractory cohort. Higher inflammatory burden at baseline correlated with lower probability of achieving remission. Safety was consistent with the known profile of ustekinuma